Dragonball : Super Raditz


The current z fighters were training hard on the lookout, a thin atmosphere was forcing them to adapt, helping them retain their energy better.

Meanwhile Krillin was also training hard in a different direction, his new technique destructo disk was almost done the only thing left was a target to test this on.

" Hey, anyone up for a spar? "

Said Yamcha as he was feeling bored doing one finger push ups, this was his thousandth one and he was just about done.

Contrary to what Yamcha thought would happen, it wasn't Krillin who took the chance, it was Tien.

" Let's go. "

Said Tien as he opened his eyes, all three, and stopped his meditation.

Chiaotzu, who was also training at another spot came flying towards Tien and both walked upto Yamcha.

" Now that's what I am talking about! Alright let's go! "

Punching his open palm Yamcha grinned, Krillin also walked upto the gang by now.

Scratching his head he exclaimed with a disappointed tone.

" Hey I wanted to call dibs! I had a new technique planned and everything. "

Yamcha smiled and was about to say they can fight after he takes down Tien and Chiaotzu, but another far away voice cut him off.

" Why don't you try this new technique on me, bald man. "

The z fighters were startled, this was a completely new voice and what was it doing on the lookout?!

They quickly turned towards the spot where the voice came from, but they could neither sense nor see anyone.

But nobody let their guard down, as they were beginning to make out something, it was emerging from beyond the edge of the floating lookout.

" Isn't.. that voice.. oh shiiit... "

Krillin gulped as he recognised the voice almost immediately, and the head full of spiky hair that was now emerging from beneath was confirming his fears.

" You know this guy Krillin? "

Asked Yamcha as now by now Raditz's full head had come into view, the man was floating upwards, making his way to the lookout! Wasn't flying directly to the lookout impossible??

Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu didn't have to think long though as Raditz had by now risen enough that they could see a crucial thing.

" A tail?! The Saiyans are here?! "

Tien spoke heavily as he narrowed his eyes and got into stance quickly, even if he couldn't sense the man infront of him, he was a Saiyan nonetheless.

" Get ready Chiaotzu. "

" Yes Tien! "

Chiaotzu's single hair was beginning to float upwards as his psychic energy was activated.

Yamcha took his stance, the fabled wolf fang fist and Krillin was doing the same while trembling internally, he was trying not to think about the tail smack he had received earlier.

But all their tensed emotions were dashed by a yell all too familiar to them.

" Hey guys! "

" Bu-Bulma! "

Exclaimed Yamcha as he by now noticed what was below Raditz's feet, a flying machine.

Raditz's didn't fly up here, no, he was standing on a machine and floating upwards, very much like an elevator.

" No way! What's Bulma doing here! "

Said Krillin, wondering if he should slip away and ask kami for help, if Goku's brother had Bulma around, they wouldn't be able to attack.

" That's rude Baldy, no, not you three eyes, the short one, no not you either, you have one hair- "

" You noticed! Thanks! "

Chiaotzu's random exclamation had everyone sweatdrop, while Raditz twitched his eyes.

"...Like I was saying, Baldy, the previous beatdown wasn't enough for you huh? "

" Hey! It was totally enough! "

Krillin's protest had Raditz's lips warp into a smirk, he folded his arms and jumped, landing directly at the lookout, touching down gracefully.

* Foosh *

Now relieved of the additional weight, Bulma swiftly maneuvered the plane and parked besides Raditz.

Opening the door she came out with a smile and stood with Raditz while waving.

Tien narrowed all of his eyes at the display and asked what everyone wanted to know.

" What's going on here? Is he not a Saiyan? "

Raditz slowly raised his eyebrows at the rude question, and at the same time everyone shuddered, because Raditz was powering up.

" No- No way!! "

Yamcha stumbled backwards, as the sheer intensity of the energy scared him.

" Oh man.. "

Krillin was slightly better but also really not looking forward to a fight he knew he would lose terribly.

Thankfully Raditz's words let the atmosphere cool down a little.

" Triclops, I am indeed a Saiyan, your ' Goku's ' brother, name is Raditz. "

Smirking haughtily Raditz spoke, and Bulma backed him up right after.

" What are you all worried about, Raditz is with me! Relax Krillin. "

Grabbing Raditz's arm to emphasize her point, Bulma helped calm down the atmosphere a little more.

Krillin shakingly smiled as he wondered how Bulma gets herself into these situations but Tien wondered about a completely different thing.

" Wait, what do you mean by triclops? "

Raditz looked at him with scrutiny and nodded to himself after a few seconds.

" It's what your species is called, the triclops, but they are now extinct, only few remain, I didn't think I would find one here. "

Krillin rubbed his head as he looked at Tien and Raditz.

" Man what is happening, first Goku was an alien and now Tien, what's next? I am one too?? "

Raditz looked at each one of the people present and answered seriously.

" No, except that namekian before, I have come across only brother and the triclops here, rest of you are all earthlings. "

Chiaotzu was a bit confused though, so he floated towards Raditz and stopped before him.

" But Tien was born here! I was with him since childhood. "

Raditz shrugged.

" Don't know what to tell you, he could be a hybrid then, all I am saying is he is a Triclops, I would know, it was us who wiped out his species after all. "

Tien's eyes went wide as he clenched his fist at the information, while Bulma put her hand on her mouth.

" No way! "

Krillin trembled as he said shakingly.

" Seriously?! "

Raditz meanwhile only humped sensing Tien's unstable mood, he spoke dryly to calm down the man.

" Your intentions are too obvious, calm yourself, you can't defeat me. "

Tien gritted his teeth at the balant disrespect he was receiving, and was almost about to initiate an attack.

But Raditz once again dropped a bombshell.

" If you want to get technical, it was the Freeza force that ordered your planet's extinction, we Saiyan's simply carried out our orders. "

Taking a deep breath, Tien stopped his thoughts, there was obviously more to it than meets the eye.

" ... Tell me about.. the triclops. "

While Tien wasn't one to dwell over something like distant past, and majority of his anger was at being underestimated as a warrior, he was still somewhat interested to know his origins.

Halfbreed or not.

" Alright, I suppose it's the least I could do, come on, it's obvious you lot have a lot on your minds, I might as well answer all your space related questions, and while I am at it can you guys call someone named Puar. "

Looking at Yamcha who was taken aback, Raditz clarified.

" I was informed by master Roshi that I would I find Puar here. "

" Master Roshi?? Well, I guess I'll call Puar for ya. "

Yamcha rubbed his hair as he went away from the gang, if master Roshi said so it should be important enough, and Yamcha had some questions of his own too.

So he would return as quickly as he could, or the gang would start without him.

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