Dragonball : Super Raditz

Good Buu Bad Buu

Time passed, a day had gone by since Buu entered the chocolate factory.

He kept eating and eating with no end in sight, unless someone can sense energy they would feel it's a video on loop.

"That guy, why is his energy sensable again?"

Nappa silently peeked from an opening in the factory's ceiling, he had hid his energy and was scouting out his enemy.

Piccolo who was also squatting in embarrassment besides him, strained his ears.

The munching sounds and the slowly building up vile energy withing the building was kinda nerve wracking.

"Whatever it is, it's not a good thing."

Piccolo whispered, Tien who refused to peek down crouching like that turned his third eye discreetly, trying to see through the gaps.

"What a vile energy he is leaking, but why is it building up? Is he planning an attack?"

Tien murmured with a frown, Buu's existence was a mystery and so were his wide range of abilities.

They didn't know what he could be doing, for all they know the energy buildup was completely natural.

All they could do was sit around until something of actual importance happened.


At this time Chiaotzu flew out from the edge of the building, he was gesturing them to come over urgently.

The rest didn't dilly dally and quickly jumped to him.

Chiaotzu was small and had psychic energy so he was given the task to monitor Buu up close.

He could see things they couldn't, he must have seen something for him to be this impatient.

"What is it Chiaotzu?"

Tien questioned his best friend, the rest stood besides him in wait.

Chiaotzu didn't beat around the bush either, with confused eyes he recounted what he saw.

"Tien! Buu, he is releasing smoke from his head."

"And the smoke isn't stopping at all, he is continuously releasing it."

Remembering the cloud of white smoke and it's feeling, Chiaotzu shuddered.

"That weird energy, it's coming from that cloud."

"And Buu, he looks on guard against that cloud, it feels like he is facing an enemy."

Chiaotzu's recounting made everyone convinced something bad was definitely happening.

"We can't keep looking, we should go down and check."

"If we can figure what is going on with Buu, we might be able to stop it and damage him in the process."

Piccolo said, he was convinced via his godly intuition that they should go down there.

"But it's risky to expose ourselves, we aren't strong enough to beat him."

"And that energy gathering over there, it's catching up with King when he isn't using Super Saiyan."

Nappa frowned and wondered what the best course of action would be.

He can't make a rush decision and get his squad killed, that would be entirely his fault as the captain.

What should he do..?

"Listen.. some of us might die if things go haywire, are you up for this?"

Nappa asked everyone, but to his shock none of them thought about it for more than a second before jumping down.

This made something click within Nappa's head.

'Yes, they aren't a new squad I am responsible for leading, there aren't different kinds of men grouped together, this is a gathering of elite.'

'A squad composed of the best fighters around, I asked a stupid question before, there is no hesitation for such men.'

Nappa jumped down behind the group with a gratified smile.

There was nothing to fear with such a team, even death was a happy thing.


A heavy thump sounded from Nappa's landing, his large muscle mountain of a body making it hard for him to do this soundlessly.

But from what he could see inside, soundless entry wasn't needed anymore.

"Who is that grey looking thing, is that Buu?"

"It looks like he hasn't eaten since the day he was born."

Nappa could see a peculiar sight inside the factory right now.

Buu was keeping Satan and Cabba behind him, while he stared down another thin grey Buu.

The grey Buu was as tall as he was skinny, his head was tilted at an angle as he observed Buu standing before him.

"This guy condensed from the smoke Buu just expelled, they started staring each other down as soon as he appeared."

Piccolo told Nappa what they saw, as far as Piccolo was concerned this was a mess, now there were two Buu instead of one.

And they both hated each other apparently.

"What should we do..? Should we help?"

Asked Chiaotzu, but this had no answer.

They didn't know who to help in case they wanted to.

The fat Buu had killed a lot of people before, and the thin Buu was releasing such an evil energy that he cannot be a good person by any stretch of imagination.

"We wait, let's watch a bit more before we do anything."

Tien made a decision which was approved by everyone else, who knows who is right and wrong in this clash.

Time passed as the air grew heavier, Buu and grey Buu's staredown had entered a red hot state.


Fat Buu finally broke the silence, he was glaring at the grey Buu in trepidation.

This was his evil side, all of his evil was released involuntarily because he was so happy.

Friends, pet, food, he had everything he could ever want, that made Buu's body fill with happiness, but this also caused the evil energy within him to start seeping out.

When grey finally Buu took shape, what was standing in place of Majin Buu of was no longer fat Buu, but good Buu, the Buu who was the result of his fusion with grand Supreme Kai.

"Satan.. leave."

Buu commanded Satan, he wasn't sure he could protect him against this Buu who took a ton of his energy.

"But Buu you-"

"Leave Satan, now."

Buu hissed, he could see his evil half was ready to move.

"Buu.. please be safe!!"

Thankfully Satan started running with Cabba following behind him, making good Buu crack a smile.

Which soon turned into a frown.

"You, Buu dosen't like you-"


A suprise punch to the face and Buu's head deformed almost immediately.

The grey Buu had a grumpy almost non emotional look on his face during this.

He didn't give Buu a chance to breath and grabbed him by his head tentacle then started swinging him around.




Good Buu was getting rammed through the machines, the chocolate factory was being crushed by grey Buu's assault.

"Let go of Buu!"

Buu finally snapped and yelled out loud, as an eruption of pink energy happened from his body.

"Crap, get away!"

Nappa cursed, he quickly got away with his team, while Satan was protected by Cabba.


The chocolate factory broke apart almost immediately from the blast, it's walls crumbled and it's chocolate reserves melted into goo.

This made Buu's heart ache more than his previous beating, this bastard, how dare he touch his chocolates.

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