Dragonball : Super Raditz

Kame house

Raditz flew towards a power level of 139 in particular, Roshi's power level, he wondered if he should show his face before the z fighters immediately

He would certainly do that someday, but he wanted to have a clear goal for doing so, one good thing is he learnt to hide his ki.

So he could hide himself if he needed, either way Raditz decided to let situation decide this.

" They are a bunch of softies, Vegeta was taken in by Bulma, and they somehow managed to have a kid before Vegeta even got his redemption. "

Raditz shook his head at Bulma's and the Z fighter's actions, as long the opponent was strong and wasn't currently in the process of kicking their shit.

They seemed to kind of let everyone go, piccolo, android 18, 17, 16, Vegeta, Majin buu, each one of them was extremely dubious when the Z fighters had let them go.

" So what's stopping them from letting go of another Raditz, I bet they wouldn't care even if I kick their teeth in but leave afterwards. "

Raditz certainly wouldn't do that, he didn't want to be trapped by the hyperbolic time chamber somehow, and who knows what else they have in there.

So his first destination was kame house, he was currently above the ocean, flying at a regular rate.

* Beep *

* Beep *

* Beep *

" 139 that must be Roshi, and what is this, 3? Who's this with Roshi.. it can't be launch, she at least in her blonde form should be above a 5. "

Narrowing his eyes, Raditz kept flying, he was wondering if he will meet Oolong in here,  or if that absurdly weak power level was Oolong.

In the Kame house Roshi was lying down and watching his TV.

But it wasn't his usual excercise tapes anymore, because she had come had changed his lovely channel!

" Bulma, what brought you here. "

Said Roshi, as he scratched his head and looked at Bulma, who was scratching her hair with both hands.

" Ugh, where are those guys! I have something to tell them! "

Roshi had a questioning look to his eyes, but nobody could see it due to the sunglasses.

" What is it Bulma? "

Bulma took out a scouter, Raditz's original scouter from her pocket and put it on.

" I was working with this, so I had switched on its auto detect function, and one day out of nowhere it showed 15000! "

Roshi's voice cracked as he yelled.

" Yeeeeh?! "

Bulma again scratched her hair.

" I know! I am at 3! You are only 139, Goku's brother was 1500 and he was so strong, so who is this 15000?! "

Roshi finally became serious and sat upright with a thoughtful expression.

But neither Roshi nor Bulma had a clue so they remained silent, wondering if it was the one of the Saiyan's set to arrive.

" Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I am your host and I am back! "

* Cheers *

Looking at the TV giving a advertisement on full volume Roshi and Bulma just decided to watch that.

Anyway they couldn't find what was causing the scouter to pick up the signal.

" Yes! That is right, the world martial arts tournament is going to be held again! After the previous tournament's disastrous end it was all but cancelled, but one man made it all possible! "

Roshi nodded at the host's words, Bulma also remembered.

" Disaster? Wasn't the previous one where Goku blew up the entire arena to win against piccolo? "

Yes that was it.

But Roshi didn't say anything because Bulma's question wasn't much of a question, it was more recounting.

" And folks! The gentleman who made this all possible, is here with us today! "

The show wasn't live, it was a repeat telecast but Bulma and Roshi didn't care, they wanted to get information about the world martial arts tournament too.

It was their gang's thing for a long time now.

" Please welcome, Mr. Raditz! "

* Whooooo! *

" Eeeeeh!? Ra-Raditz?!? "

Roshi stumbled while sitting down and Bulma silently screamed in her head.

" Puny earthlings, I am Raditz, a proud warrior of the Saiyan- "

" The Saiya-man! He is Raditz, the a member of the Saiyaman team! The leader of the latest and greatest Superhero team! "

Satan cut off Raditz's words immediately and took up the microphone himself, and began hyping up Raditz.

He was Raditz's manager and he knew how to hype up a crowd, any mistakes Raditz did he was twisting them to suit his needs.

" Saiyaman? No he definitely said Saiyan right?? "

Bulma said as she gulped and Roshi was calmly watching the show, gathering information.

Understanding this was indeed Raditz, Roshi spoke slowly.

" It would seem so Bulma, that man changed Raditz's words, Saiyan to Saiyaman."

" He's trying to cover up the mistake. "

Before Bulma could nod there came a disgruntled voice.

The voice was right behind them, not only that, it was eerily close to both of them.

" Hey, that wasn't a mistake, I was told to give an introduction, I did just that. "

Both Roshi and Bulma become stiff as they began trembling.

Slowly turning their heads they looked behind them, sitting right there between the two of them.

Was Raditz.

" Eeeeee! "

" Eeeeeeh! Raditz! "

Bulma and Roshi immediately screamed, Roshi was a little better than Bulma, as Raditz saw the old man's muscles tightening.

Bulma straight up wanted to crawl away, but didn't have the guts to even move.

" Yes, Raditz, your ' Goku's ' brother, the one who you left for dead. "

Raditz narrowed his eyes and his power level of 2000 was unleashed, Roshi could sense it and was very much not looking forward to a fight.

Bulma couldn't sense anything but she could feel a pressure and she only looked at Raditz sitting there with an evil smirk.

" We didn't kill you! That wasn't us. "

Said Bulma, as always getting her courage back immediately.

" It was all of you, and you Kakarot's woman! You even looted my body! Took my scouter as I was dying. "

Bulma even if very afraid of the fact that Raditz was alive when she got the scouter, concentrated on a completely different thing.

" Hey I am not Goku's wife! I am still single! "

' He is asking me if I am single?? Does he.. does he like me? Come to think of it he is pretty handsome.. oo do I say yes?! '

Roshi looked at Bulma speechlessly hearing her words and Raditz looked at her dryly hearing her internal thoughts.

That was Bulma for you, danger was but a fatal temptation to her, at least before she had settled down.

' Ooo he is looking at me, he is no longer angry, is he checking me out? Bulma he could be the one! '

Now Raditz was truly speechless, what was going on in this girl's mind, and it wasn't like she was hiding her thoughts either, her eyes were showing her shyness very obviously.

" Huh, brother's partners are certainly unique..? "

" Yes she is a bit out there. "

Roshi and Raditz both nodded to each other, while Bulma remained in a world of her own.

" Want to watch your advert? "

Roshi asked Raditz.

" .. Fine, it was hard to film. "

Raditz agreed after two seconds.

" Hey! I am still here! "

Bulma finally got pissed at being ignored and Roshi snatching away the attention of her potential date, so joined in as well.

Sitting besides Raditz silently as if nobody could guess her obvious intentions.

' Whatever I had in mind while coming here, was definitely not this.. '

Thought Raditz, he kind of understood why enemies end of becoming friends with the Z fighters, this atmosphere, it was good to be a part of.

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