Dragonball : Super Raditz


Raditz was once again flying through the night sky, but this time with Launch in tow.

He was using a ki barrier to make sure she doesn't transform on him, resulting in him dropping her or something.

That was a thing he would rather avoid, looking at launch smilingly widely and gazing at the scenery down below, Raditz sped up.

" We are almost there. Hang on tight. "

* Wooosh *

Grabbing onto Raditz tighter, Launch's eyes darted towards his face, giving another happy smile, Launch closed her eyes and hung onto him.

She was finally returning home, she was tired of roaming the world again.

' It's great that I found you. '

Thought Launch, she might seem ditzy to everyone, but even she knew something tended to happen when she sneezed, something that kept people away from her.

So Launch was really happy that Raditz didn't avoid her, just like her friends back at kame house always kept her around no matter how many times she sneezed.

This was why she always called that place her home, and why she wanted to return.

* Woooh *

A slight jerking motion made Launch open her eyes, and the sight before her had her bubble with happiness.

" Kame house! I finally found it! "

Raditz smiled as well, landing on the ground, his plan was to spend the night at Satan's but he had to bring Launch back.

' At least I have added the transformation to Satan, as long as Satan wills it he will change into me, I don't need to hurry. '

Turning towards Launch who was looking at kame house in a daze, Raditz nudged her along.

" Let's go, it's night time I think even you need to sleep, don't you? "

Looking at Raditz, Launch chuckled and closed her hands together.

" That would be lovely! I'll show you the room! "

Question marks were forming on Raditz's forehead, she was the one who returned why is she acting like she is the hostess

And on top of that, Raditz told her to sleep, not that he wanted to do so.

" Well, I suppose I gotta spend the night somewhere, be it kame house. "

Shrugging Raditz came along without a care, he could sense Roshi was asleep right now, so he didn't go to greet the master.

Roshi would know they were here as soon as he wakes up, but Launch seemed to not know know that.

" Oh no, Master Roshi is asleep.. what do I do..? "

Launch thought aloud, turning towards the guest room of the hut which was Krillin's old room, Launch patted her hands together and pulled Raditz along.

Looking at Launch trying to pull his hands Raditz started walking too, or she would keep trying to pull him like an immovable object.

Walking into the room Launch turned on the lights.

" Oh my, it's so dirty! "

Launch exclaimed looking at the perfectly okay room, at least to Raditz's eyes.

' My previous life's room was worse than this, and Raditz himself slept on dirt. '

But who was he to tell a housework expert what was dirty and what was not.

Somehow pulling out a duster from a corner, Launch tied her hair back with a ribbon.

" I'll clean up here! It's too dirty, you don't have to wait for me, I'll be done in a jiffy. "

Nodding his head, Raditz relaxed and went to bed, climbing on top of it, he pulled on the covers and looked at Launch.

" Can you turn off the lights after you are done? "

Seriously nodding while dusting a table, Launch gave a smile.

" Yes! Now sleep, shoo shoo. "

Smiling because of seeing the ditzy Launch get serious for once, Raditz closed his eyes and slept off.

Launch seeing that slowed down her movements, to not wake Raditz up, and it worked, Raditz slept soundly.


Right until now.

" Huh, what..? "

Feeling a nudge, Raditz woke up in a daze and looked around the dark room, his eyes adjusting to the lack of light quickly.

Turning towards the thing that disturbed him, he saw his covers bulging and a head full of dark blue hair sticking out.

" Seriously...? "

After being stunned for a second Raditz patted his forehead, while situations like these were common back at planet Vegeta, this wasn't Vegeta.

But Raditz's main issue was not that, it was something his brother had already experienced before, Launch while sleeping can also transform.

Being the crazy killer she was, she ended up attacking Goku that one time, which resulted in her getting one shot by him instantly.

' But walking up with a gun to my head is not a good morning alarm, so this won't do at all. '

" Launch "

Calling her name, Raditz woke Launch up, who was not so much asleep as she trying to sleep.

" Huh..? What is it..? "

Looking at her silly look, Raditz shook his head, looking at her funny he asked.

" Why did you climb into my bed? "

Tilting her head, Launch said as if obvious.

" We only have two rooms, Master Roshi is in the other one.. Did I disturb you..? Sorry.. "

Looking at her Raditz gave up looking for an answer, he wasn't about to get a better one.

" ... It's fine, just remember to tie your hair, we don't want you sneezing. "

" Okay! "

Launch tied her hair with her ribbon and Raditz went back to sleep.

But Launch was now wide awake, so after just a little while she turned towards Raditz, twiddling her fingers she whispered.

".. Are you awake..? "

".... Yes. "

And so Launch scooting closer kickstarted Raditz's sleepless night, he learnt something that night, Launch had way too much energy, she could go on and on and on.

From where she got all that energy to keep talking was beyond Raditz.

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