Dragonball : Super Raditz

Satan manor

" Ha! "

Putting his palm infront of him, he made a grasping motion, as if he was holding an invisible ball.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then Scale felt it, the surroundings were.. moving?

* Woooosh *

A gust of wind blew, and Scale had a weird feeling, as if this gust was blowing for his big brother?

That's Insane how is that possible-

* Spark *

Scales eyes widened, what was this?!

" What is this..? Is that..? "

Scale asked dumbfounded, but Raditz wasn't listening, he was attempting his first ever spirit ball.

Certainly this might not even be the technique, he didn't know how to do it, but he knew how to make a ki blast, and he had learnt how to call upon nature energy.

Using that energy to create a ki blast, that was his version of spirit ball.

" Listen here Scale, what you can see before you is the energy of this entire artificial forest. "

Having called forth any extra ki the nature could give without harming itself, Raditz stopped.

He had a ball of ten centimetres diameter in his hand, white glowing orb of energy.

Showing it to Scale, Raditz took his hand and pointed it towards Scale's chest.

" This is a type of formless energy, energy of multiple beings are added together seamless in this little ball. "

So Scale being a part of nature too, should be able to accept this ki.

Goku himself took formless energy from every creature in existence, mountains and rivers, but nothing rejected each other or cancelled each other out.

So this should work, it wasn't that useful for Raditz himself, as he was already stronger than what he could call forth, but for people below him, this might just work.

" This.. can I do this!? "

Raditz didn't say anything more, he only pushed it into the guy's chest.

And it went in easily, Scale widened his eyes, what was this feeling, he felt so powerful!

" It worked, the rate at which it's evaporating is also very slow. "

This formless energy is something that exists in rocks and rivers too, if their inherent ki evaporated so easily, everything would have turned to dust long ago.

" Scale, try to tug a little on the heat you feel, and aim at the ground, think of a laser as you do it. "

Scale once again gulped, but did as he was told, he aimed down and tugged on the energy equivalent to his pointer finger.

* Siu *

* Whoooosh *

Raditz smiled seeing the burnt hole on the ground, the energy went straight through.

This kind of ki is very easy to control, as it's the energy doing your job for you, it was called forth by Raditz to help after all.

" Big brother? What have I become? Am I now a super hero now? A super villain? "

Raditz smiled as he looked towards the Satan manor.

" Supervillain? Superhero? Maybe, maybe not. "

Patting Scale's shoulder, Raditz began moving towards the Satan manor.

As he went, his words floated to Scale.

" Remember, this isn't for squandering, the energy you can carry is limited, this is only an assurance so you don't die, never act foolishly. "

Scale nodded, he knew this basic fact, a man like him can make him a superhuman, then he can make others one too.

He would rather do what he was told to do, that would make sure he gets to keep his newfound superpowers.

" Oh yes big brother, I forgot to tell you, going to meet Satan now might be a bit hard, his wife is dying, he never goes out of his house anymore. "

Raditz stopped for a second then left without saying anything.

There was no place on earth that can stop a Saiyan form coming in.

Well, maybe the hyperbolic time chamber might stop him from coming out, but that was it.

' Alright Satan, time to meet your destiny in advance, I have just the plan to get big even without the cell games. '

Thanks to his buddies Vegeta and Nappa.

Raditz narrowed his eyes as he made his way towards Satan's villa, his long mane was floating and starting to defy gravity as he approached.

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