Dragonball : Super Raditz

The birth of a Majin

Super Buu.

An existence created from the fusion of Good Buu and Evil Buu, a state where Evil Buu is dominant instead of Good Buu.

The strongest version of Buu who only got stronger as he absorbed more and more people in the orginal.

Yet this time around, he barely needed any strength boost, as what he running on was god ki.

Courtesy of one man.

"This is.."

"Grand Supreme Kai..! You were inside this whole time.."

Super Buu felt his godly state and spat in irritation, after finally defeating that Good Buu, he had thought all was over, that his influence was gone for good.

But no, that man's power lived on, it was still within him, attempting to balance out his pure chaos.

Stopping him from turning back into Kid Buu.

Yet, Buu stopped caring about it after some thought.

No matter what, now that he was in control he could grind away Grand Supreme Kai's influence bit by bit.

"But before that."

Super Buu smirked, looking at the z fighters before him.

All of them were on their knees due to his new godly presence.

'I could go for some dessert, they would make delicious snacks.'

Buu felt a burning desire to eat, a good thing to do in a new body.

These guys might be incapacitated easily right now, but he was sure they would taste good.



Buu's eyes narrowed at the sudden arrival.


He looked on with his head tilted, a man standing on a carpet had teleported besides the z fighters.

"You aren't affected by my presence?"

Buu asked curiously.

The man who was nonchalant about this whole thing was picking up the z fighters and putting them down on the carpet one by one.

After Buu's question, he turned towards him.

Yet his hands did not stop, nor did his face change expressions.

"No, I am appointed by heaven to serve Kami, I do not fear your godly presence."

Mr Popo gave a curt reply to Super Buu, then before he could figure out what to do, Mr Popo deposited the last Z fighter on his carpet.



And vanished into thin air, causing Buu to stop mid smile, speechless at how his food ran away before his very eyes.

After a few more seconds of leaving his mouth open, Super Buu's face morphed into an angry one.

"You..! You tricked me!"

He was tricked, Buu understood.

That bastard, he took his lunch!


"You cannot escape!"


Triggering a Kai Kai of his own, which was unknown to Mr Popo, Buu ran after him.

If only Mr Popo knew Buu had unlocked the technique of god's on top of their ki, he wouldn't have chosen to take them to the lookout right away.

But sadly, he didn't know this detail, resulting in the grave blunder of Buu reaching the one place he shouldn't.

The lookout.

A place far away from Earth, on a large planet full of life, a regal man with a regal tail stopped mid sword swing, with absolute shock on his face.

"Old Kai, the hell is that presence!"

Raditz dropped the magic sealed z sword on the ground and snapped his head towards old kai.

"That.. no doubt about it, that's the Grand Supreme Kai's energy.."

"No, it's not his energy, it's mixed, that's Buu's energy."

Old Kai looked serious, he didn't speak much as he was lost in his thoughts.

Raditz didn't expect him to speak either, and didn't care enough to make him do so, as the crystal ball sitting besides them was flashing.

Before pink overtook the entire picture once more.

Just like it did once for Kibito.

"That idiot! He got himself killed!"

Old Kai almost jumped, that was Shin's transmission, his last moments so to speak.

Raditz didn't react weakly either, he frowned and quickly began sensing the lookout.

"They died."

Announced Raditz with his fists clenched.

Piccolo, Tien, Nappa, Chiaotzu, Dende, every single ki vanished one by one in a few seconds.

"Old Kai, I am leaving."

Old Kai looked at Raditz as if he had lost his mind.

"Absolutely not! Are you kidding me!"

"Didn't you see how easily Buu took care of everyone there! You will get slaughtered!"

Old Kai expected Raditz to see reason but Raditz shocked him with his behaviour.

"And then what? Sit here like a coward?"

"I have already learnt what I need to, I am no longer watching from afar."

"I am the Saiyan King, Old Kai."

Regardless of how old his body was, Old Kai hastily ran towards Raditz and stood before him.

"No! You still haven't fully mastered Kai Kai Matoru yet, we can't risk losing you too."

"It would spell the doom of everything, not even that guy can stop Buu if he absorbs you!"

Old Kai was telling the truth, he wasn't sure if even Beerus can stop Buu's rampage in case he absorbed the legendary Raditz.

It's much better if they let Buu destroy what he wants until Raditz learns Kai Kai Matoru.

They had to look at the bigger picture.

All would be good if Raditz just listened to him, but Old Kai turned silent when he saw Raditz look at him without any expression.

"I am leaving, Old Kai, this isn't the time to count my chances so thoroughly."

"Buu has become too much of a threat, and all this happened because I wanted to use the path of least cost."

Clenching his fist, Raditz shook his head.

"No more, our plan would have worked if Buu simply stayed away from Earth like I had intended."

"But we both know how that played out, forcibly continuing our training has turned out to be a terrible idea."

"Earth is essentially a buffet for Buu, every single second I waste here the situation is getting progressively worse."

Turning away from Old Kai Raditz sheathed the z sword.

"I am done wasting time, Old Kai."

With that Raditz walked away, leaving the silent Old Kai.

Loosening his clothes Raditz started to remove his yellow potara earrings.

After this spat with Old Kai, he was no longer going to wear Kai clothes.

If being a Kai meant acting like this, he didn't want to be a Kai, god techniques be damned.


Old Kai's shout stopped Raditz from continuing his shawl's removal.

Looking at the Old Kai, Raditz asked.

"What is it? I won't stop if that's what you want."

Old Kai twitched his lips and shook his head.

"I don't expect you to.. sigh."

"Turn towards me."

Raditz didn't understand what this was all about, but out of respect for the old kai, he turned.


The Old Kai raised his hand and suddenly yelled, coating Raditz in green energy.

Which swiftly broke away like eggshells to show Raditz, with a whole new set of Kai clothes.

Old Kai gazed at Raditz with a soft look in his eyes, before it turned hard again.

"There! Now go."

Raditz looked confused, before he grabbed his earrings and took a side look at it, causing his eyes to shrink.

"This is..!"

Old Kai twitched his lips while shaking his head at Raditz's reduction.

"You think I'll let a guy like you leave our Kai's group, never!"

"I have promoted you, you are no longer an assistant Kai."

Raditz's eyes almost popped, wait, that's a terrible thing.

He didn't want to his life to be connected to Beerus!

Old Kai scoffed at Raditz's expressions, as is reading his mind.

"That idiot Shin told you about our connection didn't you, you don't have to bother about that."

"It's a connection only meant for Supreme Kais, assistant Kais and Grand Supreme Kai are exempt from the connection."

After a few more seconds of silence, Raditz's eyes widened yet again.

But this one was from surprise rather than shock.

"But you promoted me.. if I was the assistant Kai before.."

Old Kai completed Raditz's sentence for him.

"Yes, you are the Grand Supreme Kai now."

"This position requires all remaining Kais to choose one of them for the job, now only you and I remain, and I have chosen you for the task."

"You can't back out now, it's over."

Although Old Kai put it like that, Raditz knew this was a big deal.

This position was that of a true God without any dependencies, he could feel his ability to sense god ki had become acute to the point he can see Buu's shape back at Earth.

Because of his assistant Kai position, he could already sense god ki even without having it himself, as he was essentially a god, now that power was multiplied many times over.

Not only that, he retained his ability to heal too, this one was also inherited by fat Buu courtesy of the previous Grand Supreme Kai.

"So it's Grand Supreme Kai vs Grand Supreme Kai? Is that what you really wanted to see old man?"

Old Kai snorted softly without answering.


Raditz flashed a smile at the Old man and teleported away.

"Kai Kai."

His words echoed as he left the planet.

Old Kai looked at the empty space for a second before shaking his head.

Raditz was a man of action and a good hearted warrior, Old Kai would be damned if he holds him back because of the Kai duties.

So Old Kai did the unthinkable and reselected a grand Supreme Kai for their universe.

No Kai of any universe ever does this easily, as the Grand Supreme Kai has authority only below that of the grand priest, equal to that of the guardian angel of the universe.

Not even god of destruction himself is higher than this position, as he is connected to the level of Supreme Kai, not the Grand Supreme Kai.

What he essentially did was select a boss for himself, Beerus and the universe to boot, in case his selection was wrong, everyone would suffer.

But he had faith he wasn't wrong, he had faith his choice would bring forth progress, not destruction.

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