Dragonball : Super Raditz


" Alright, I'll be off then Raditz! "

Watching Puar leave, Yamcha looked back towards Raditz and spoke while walking towards him.

" Did you learn the technique? I tried to before, just couldn't do it man! "

Raditz silently opened his eyes after hearing Yamcha's call, he was just about done reading Puar's memory.

After their feast was finished, Puar had come to him, and Raditz capitalised on the free time to learn the technique straight from memory.

" Yeah, I think I get what this technique is all about, an ingenious use of ki, the whole body is physically morphed. "

Turning towards Bulma who was sitting besides him and looked quite confused at the Ki talk, Raditz spoke in words she would understand better.

" Think of my real body being made of clay, everyone's ki remembers their original shapes by default, so I can safely mould the clay into any shape I want. "

Putting his hands together and imitating a famous ninja god, Raditz shouted.

" Transformation! "

* Poof *

The Z fighters looked over and saw a large amount of smoke being released after the shout, and stopped their business for a second.

As the smoke cleared, they saw an alien creature in Raditz's place, a short creature with pink arms and legs.

It had a natural upper armour made of white material, a large purple gem adorned the centre of it's chest and the entire upper portion of it's head.

" Hohoho, this is quite the technique. "

With a unique low pitched voice that was simply pure evil, the transformed Raditz swung his thick, purple tipped pink tail.

* Thump *

The tail smack caused everyone else to get over the fact of watching a real life alien and start talking again.

Bulma was the first to talk with an expression that showed she ate something really nasty.

" Eeww, what is this Raditz, where's your gruff manly voice. "

Yamcha meanwhile rubbed his chin and defended Raditz on this as he touched the tips of the creature's black horns.

" Now wait a second, I think he looks pretty cool, considering he's probably an alien, this is a lot less gross than I initially thought. "

To which Raditz gave a low chuckle which would have sent a lot of people running in universe seven.

Because the creature Raditz had changed into was

" Freeza, that is my name, it's a pleasure to meet you. "

Bowing with a smile that no one would trust, Raditz finished his introduction in classic Freeza voice and etiquette.

* Poof *

With that done, he transformed back into himself and Bulma backed away with a sigh of relief.

" Huff, I thought I will never see you again. "

Said Bulma with an overdramatic look, the z fighters seeing that Raditz had really learnt the technique got back into their business yet again.

This was their priority right now, because they had some truly ferocious beings to fight against.

" Well, I'll be off then, let's go Bulma, I gotta use this technique on my manager too, he needs time to prepare as well, sooner I do it the better. "

" Sure thing! "

Exclaimed Bulma and threw her airplane capsule over, with a puff the machine was unleashed and Bulma walked into it.

Raditz meanwhile turned towards the Z fighters and nodded to them with his hands folded.

" Be sure to train hard, those guys don't mess around, I can try to convince Nappa, he's an old friend, Vegeta, I am not so sure, remember, do not hesitate to go for the kill if push comes to shove. "

With the z fighter's serious nod as an answer, Raditz turned back and got into the pilot seat, Bulma left it for him this time around.

She wanted him to take her back home, and Raditz had no desire to not drive an awesome flying machine.

* Whooosh *

With the plane flying away kami decided to speak out, to get the z fighters prepared.

" While Raditz is strong, I am afraid he alone cannot do much, but becoming so strong quickly isn't doable, so everyone, you might have to visit that place. "

" Come with me. "

With Kami turning around and going towards the deepest part of the lookout, the z fighters followed along with curious expressions.

Everyone was prepared, nobody was not a fighter with their own pride, be it any challenge, they were ready to face it.

* Step *

* Step *

* Step *

Stopping before a large sturdy door, kami spoke without looking back.

" We are here, the hyperbolic time chamber. "

The air stood still as the z fighters took in the entrance which was supposed to be the key to their rapid improvement.

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