Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 17: companions

[Next day]

“You know, you could help me”

Eon asked His companion, who walked alongside him on the path that led towards their destination.

Jericho had said it would take two weeks to reach Rix city by carriage as such the two flew over and only touched the ground when they believed they were close enough that they could walk and not be seen by people as they landed.

“You don't really need my help”

She countered without looking at his direction, she was still a bit upset at him for his blunder, he did apologise but she felt a simple “sorry” was not enough or rather she was being petty about the whole thing.

“I said I was sorry, like come on”

“I'm no longer mad about that, you quite literally do not need my help, plus I'm not the one who wanted ‘to have fun’ as we walked, so dragging those monster corpses is a duty you chose”

She reasoned while slowly picking up the pace.

“This is going to benefit us both, you know. we'll become adventurers and already have something to sell that will make us money for the inn”

“That's a good idea but did you consider that maybe no adventurers are allowed to bring in monster corpses in the city or even If we did become adventurers, it's possible we won't be able to sell those because you didn't kill them as adventurers and you need a permit to be able to sell as a none adventurers”

She explained, and Eon couldn't help but stop, Jericho only gave them the bare minimum of the rules about being adventurers.

There may be rules that even forbid anyone who isn't an adventurer to kill and sell monsters. His excitement was doused, and he couldn’t help but question his decision.

“ugh Fine, you've made your point, I'll leave these here”

“Now hold on, I didn't say leave them, just consider the possibility that you may have done All that for nothing, but let's freeze them, that will keep them from smelling.”

She explained. She could have let him leave the monster corpses, but at the same time, she realised that he had gone through the trouble of preparing just in case.

If his preparation were actually right, she'd feel bad about making him leave the corpses, and he'll be a jerk about it.

“Could have just led with that if that was your argument”

He rolled his eyes at her, and her argument was making him feel stupid for his action.

“Actually no, I couldn't have, but whatever let me freeze them”

She said subtly, letting him know she wanted him to feel a bit stupid. She was partly motivated by his blunder of leaving their clothes back in the village.

Cool ice like air coalesced atop her palm forming a small blue-white ball of ice that then let out a stream of Ice that struck the dead creatures that simply lay there, freezing them into a perfect ice cube.

“There, done”

She turned on her heels and began to walk away, leaving Eon with a block of ice, which he had to now push rather than pull.

“She did that on purpose.”

Of course, it was not a problem to push the block of ice, but the fact that she did not make a handle for convenience spoke for itself. 

Rolling his eyes once again, he decided to push the block of ice. It's not like it was going to be hard anyway.


“Hm how strange”

Reniris expressed, as she witnessed the sight before her, they had practically arrived at their destination as they could clearly see the Rampart that surrounded the city and the gates.

What Reniris found strange however was how empty the gates were, there were zero people waiting in line to enter the city, no merchants with caravans standing in line, hoping to enter and being able to sell their products.

It was not just a lack of people but the giant slab of ice that towered above the 20 metre Rampart walls, the ice blocked the gate and was clearly meant to keep people out or perhaps keep something in, it was strange.

“That doesn't look–kyaah!!

She stood contemplating before she was interrupted by the sudden chilling cold that ran across her back and forced a surprised yelp out of her, causing her to jump forward.

“What? What is it?”

Eon peeked on the side of the block of ice he was pushing. He had a smirk on his face, clearly showing Reniris that he was responsible.

She looked at him with a pout feeling less than amused by his antics but then sighed, deciding that she'll get back at him later.

“You know I can still just burn all of that to ashes, and it's thanks to me that you even have the ice to begin”

“It's not like I'm going to let you do it, but you won't do that anyway. So what did you mean about something being strange”

He said, but rather than answer, she used her thumb and pointed behind her toward the tall wall of ice.

“Well that is strange. How do we get in?”

He asked.

“We can jump over it, but there's probably something in there that's being kept in”

“OK so what?”

He curiously asked. Even if there was something that was being kept inside, he did not particularly care, or rather, it was definitely going to be more exciting than what they were doing a few days ago.

“So we need to be a bit careful, I know you're strong, but being cautious never hurts, and besides, we would be entering illegally”

She informed as she thought deeper about what to do. Her priority was getting into a library and trying to find out more about her race and learn more about herself. Unfortunately for her, a blur ran past her, pulling her from her thoughts.


Looking up, she saw Eon running towards the city, leaving her behind.


“If you want to stay there, then do that, I'm interested in whatever is being kept in there”

He shouted as he responded. He did nothing to slow his pace as he ran. She could see the smirk on his face. He wanted her to follow him.


With a frustrated groan, Reniris chased after him, she could just let him do whatever they weren't friends for that long to begin with, she let out a sigh as she picked up the pace trying to catch up.


A/N: pretty short chapter, sorry about that. 

Also this fast upload schedule will slow down in the future, so be ready for that.

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