Chapter 143

◈ Chapter 143:

Walking through the streets of Florens without the protection of Lyra's invisibility was a new experience, and a worrying one, yet Rain found himself being left alone to his quiet disbelief. A giant teddy bear plushie with a Lamia wrapped around its hips and a goblin under one arm drew looks of confusion or curiosity but nothing like the howling mob that had chased him from Wranvyre's estate.


It seemed that this far away from the estate no one had a clue about his disguise. If he had to guess the city had much larger worries with what was surging out of the dungeon than spreading a strange rumour that a random monster was dressed as a giant teddy bear.


Which was fortunate as Lyra was still very unconscious and unable to make them invisible if the worst were to happen.


Being dressed as a bear did make him feel strangely naked, even though he was wearing 'clothes'. Walking around in public without Lyra's ability just felt wrong somehow. He'd gotten so used to being under her invisibility that even his steps were calculated with being invisible in mind, hyper aware of the crowds moving around him and carefully changing how he moved to avoid even a touch.


Which was awkward, as the crowd could very clearly see the giant bear that he was and tried very hard to step out of his way. More than once Rain found himself stepping into a leveler's path as they stepped into his and sent them flying head over heels as they accidentally slammed together.


Rose helped the latest Lapine to be sent sprawling by dragging them up onto their feet by their clothes.


"Sorry! Still getting used to controlling it, new golem Skill, you know how it is!" she waved cheerfully.


Surprisingly that seemed to work for every time a leveler was knocked to the ground, and Rain was allowed to go on his way after a few muttered curses about idiot teenagers.


Eventually, he started to become used to being seen, becoming comfortable with people flowing around his size, ignoring the stares or people pointing and forging his own path rather than stepping around others. It was just like in Lynthia when he had pretended to be a leveler, people making way for him, except without the terror of being seen as a monster. ...It was nice.


He wasn't the only one becoming more and more comfortable.


As time passed and they walked through the city, Rose was slowly becoming frisky, wiggling her hips against Rain and bouncing lightly with each of his steps. She was using his motions for her own enjoyment, her cum belly wobbling as she happily ground herself against him, her flitty skirt fluttering up and down with her hips, completely uncaring that they were out in public. The Lamia girl very clearly had a love of being surrounded by unknowing people.


"Hey!" said Opal. She was held in one of Rain's arms to Rose's side and could see exactly what she was doing. "Stop that, stop bouncing on him!"


"Hnff, but it feel so- so-


The Lamia let out a low pleasured moan and Opal's cheeks flushed with anger.


Opal squirmed forward in Rain's grip and pressed her belly against the teenager's cum belly. To her annoyance she found she was smaller despite being so heavily pregnant. The Lamia was just on a different scale to her and apparently Rain had become a lot more productive.


She tried pressing harder against the Lamia, trying to slow her bouncing. But if it slowed the frisky teenager it wasn't evident. Even when Opal reached out and pressed her hands down on the taut rounded surface of her belly Rose didn't slow, naturally stronger than the Goblin she wasn't going to be stopped from getting what she wanted.


Opal cursed and swore but was forced to give up as she couldn't physically stop her. 


"Tch. S'not like you know what you're doing anyway."


"Ahnn- I so do! I didn't go down to the monster stables so often for nothing, hnff, even if this one is sooo much bigger than any monster we've ever had on the estate!"


Opal gave her a curious look hearing that. "You like monsters that much?


"It's the rough wildness, levelers are just lame in comparison, and- and the size difference, they can be sooo much bigger! G-gawddd!"


Opal raised an eyebrow and glanced down at her moving hips.


"How much bigger is he anyway?"




Opal gave her a knowing look. "Yeah, you think he was always this size? He wasn't this big when we last did it. He's gotta be way bigger down there now cause he's grown so much."


"V-very- very b-big, s-so freaking beeeg!" keened the teenager as her bouncing came to a peak and a flood of clear fluid washed from beneath her skirt and sprinkled down on the street below, her fluids loudly spattering on the stone.


She was left panting and desperately clutching at the bear's fur.


"Wait, g-gimme a sec," groaned the teenager.


Rain stopped by one of the trees that lined the street and looked down at her with annoyance.


"J-just a moment!" panted Rose, her skin was soaked and beads of sweat rolled down her domed midriff. She flapped a hand, trying to cool herself down in the warm sunshine after her exertion. After a minute of this Rain made to move off but Rose waved her hands at him.


"Just a minute more, I'm really really sensitive down there okay!? All this running around and stuff, gods, you've no idea what you've been doing to me!"


"Ughh." said Opal, rolling her eyes. She dropped from Rain's arm, using the shadows to ease herself down by the tree.


"H-hey, you said yourself you don't know what this monster is like down there now, so shuddup!"


Opal scowled at the teenager and crossed her arms over her front. Then her eyes moved to the teenager's pregnant looking belly, her skin made taut and round by the massive filling she had been subjected to at the mansion.


"I totally didn't agree to share you with her, you know."


"It was an emergency."


"An emergency where she gets filled to the brim with your-"


"Yes. We had an agreement, which went wrong... but in the end it worked out." 


Rain vaguely waved a blunt bear paw around as if to demonstrate. No one in the street seemed particularly threatened by the motion.


"Her disguise is the only reason we can go anywhere with Lyra like this, you know that right? It was necessary."


Opal scowled even harder. But couldn't deny it.


"This bear… thing... that Rose made, lets me go anywhere. It lets me go somewhere safe to get help for Lyra where she won't be attacked. Which would be-"


"We could go to the library? That's safe." 


"I don't think it likely that Drake would allow me inside even if she thinks I'm just Rose's golem. And besides, there's no healing potions there, or someone who knows what they are doing with her kind of injury. There's only one place to go, and that means Rose needs to go away."


"What?!" cried Rose, "I'm not going anywhere! You opened my eyes to a whole new world of awesome monster sex!"


Rain set his lips in a very displeased line. Especially as a number of passers by heard her loud words and curiously glanced in their direction.


"No. You are not staying with us, you are not staying with me. Our goals happened to align for a short time, but you aren't trustworthy. You're a leveler. You know what we are."


"No way! I'm totally trustworthy!"


"You nearly got me found out when you decided to selfishly get yourself off on me right by your sisters… and then made… a mess all over them which made them go insane with anger. You didn't have to do that. I'm sorry but you're done."


"I'll call the guards down on your head if you don't let me stay!"


"You won't know where we are, this city is enormous."


"Then I'll call them now, I'll tell every leveler here what you really are!"


"If you do that," said Rain, lowering his bear head down threateningly, "I will eat you alive, screaming."


"Don't threaten me with a good time fluffy boy."


Rain growled and turned his head so that she could see his real head through a glass eye disk.


Their eyes met.


"I've lost count of the number of levelers I have killed and eaten Rose. If you think I won't do the same to you if you threaten us…"


"Okay okay I was only kidding, besides I wouldn't ever wanna share you with my sisters and more than… a freaking goblin apparently? Really?"


"I am a monster too," said Opal.


"Yeah, but a goblin is so like, gobliny, even if it's a clean one."


Opal didn't say a word. Instead flicking a harpy talon from her horn as she sank into the shadows. She dropped down from the leaves above and landed on top of the Lamia's belly, straddling her roundness with her thighs and pushing her rounded front up onto Rose's breasts, dominating her with her pregnancy.


"AHnnnn!" Rose whimpered as she was pressed down on the length still inside of her by the goblin girl's weight.


Her voice froze in her throat however when a black harpy talon was held by her neck.


"He won't have to kill you because I will."




"-But I'm just a helpless little Gobbo? You'll still die if I push this into you. That noble asshole nearly collapsed from exhaustion because of this stuff, he was that pants shittingly terrified of touching it he used up all his magic just keeping it away."


Rose nervously licked her lip and tried to peer down at the thing held below her chin.


"I d-don't care! I want to be with Fitz forever and ever and ever! Stretching me out and pounding me to heaven in front of everyone all day everyday until- until I can't feel my tail! Until I can't move and everyone is looking right at me, everyone watching my tummy grow fat with his seed!"


Opal and Rain glanced at each other hearing that, or at least the giant teddy bear head looked down at her.


"Uh, okay this one is foaming at the mouth like crazy," said Opal falling back and tumbling off the Lamia's belly head over heels. She dropped through the shadowed ground and popped up by the tree, smoothly coming to a standing stop with a small hop.


"I'm not crazy, I'm not!"


Rain lifted his paws and put them under her arms. Then he began to lift.


"Wh-what are you doing!? N-NUUU!" 


He hauled up on the teenager, his knot tugging at her pussy lips, stretching her wider and wider, her labia going thin in an O shape around the massive thing until-




The knot came free with a teenage scream and hot cum gushed from her massively gaped puss, a solid wrist thick flow of thick gooey white that rolled down her pink scales from under her skirt, all completely visible to everyone passing by.


Rain's cock flopped down, quickly becoming flaccid, and with an awkward shake of his hips pulled back through the slit in the teddy bear's front.


He lifted the trembling Lamia up and placed her in the tree, her hands desperately reaching under her skirt, clutching at her loins and unsuccessfully trying to hold back the slow flow oozing from her swollen reddened muff.


Rain ignored her struggles and grasped the end of her tail and flipped it over the branch she was sat on. Then he looped it back through the first loop.


He took the tail tip between his bear paws and hauled back on it, one foot pressing against the tree trunk. The tail drew almost painfully tight around the branch. Then he repeated what he had just done with the rest of her tail.


The Lamia was left tied to the tree with her own body.


Rose wiggled her tail experimentally and found she couldn't move even an inch. Cum continued to slowly pour from under her skirt.


"Are you serious?! Are you just going to leave me tied to a freaking tree in public with your cum leaking out of me?!"




The teenager made an outraged squawk. 


"D-don't leave me!"


"If I untie you you will just follow, and I can't have that. I need to get that sword taken out of Lyra. I don't have a choice, that's how it is."


He turned and strode away, Opal following smugly in his wake.


After a moment he slowed as the entire bear plushie he wore pushed against him, trying to drag him backwards. The pressure wasn't enough to really slow him, but it was annoying. He turned and glared at the leaky teenager.


"Eeep! S-sorry! It- it was, uh, force of habit!"


"Goodbye forever Rose."


He passed through the crowd, people moving around him like shoals of fish around a shark. The bear disappeared down the nearest alley.


Rose forlornly watched him go, a huge puddle of sticky white slowly forming on the ground below her.


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