Chapter 76

◈ Chapter 76:


Opal set her legs and slowly, very slowly, began to rise. Her thighs were wobbly, her knees and feet turned inward, she trembled as she rose, panting, a rivulet of cum rolling down her inner thigh, leaking from her reddened folds.

A pleased prideful look crossed her face as she managed to stand. 

That lasted for all of three seconds before her legs gave out and she landed on her rump with a gasp. The impact caused a spurt of boiling hot seed to be squeezed from her puffy muff, splattering noisily across the ground. She groaned, the feeling of being so utterly full of Rain’s masculinity, his incredible output, was a delicious one, she loved it so damned much, the heat alone of what he had left in her after rutting her so - leaving her so -

Well, it was worth it, even if her present predicament left her legs like jelly. She ran a small hand over the gently arcing curve of her belly, warm to the touch. That was Rain, he had done that to her, leaving her flushed and rosy cheeked, an incredibly satisfied glowing feeling in her core.

And she did not like letting him out of her sight, she was almost annoyed he had gone bounding off after the last nasty leveler leaving her in the now silent and devastated main hall. Gods knows what trouble he would get himself into without a Gobbo genius like herself to help him, he needed her!

Thus, she once more set her feet and began to rise, filled with determination, her willpower implacable. This was a war against her own body, a battle against her treacherous legs, one that she was most certainly going to win. They were her legs! How dare they turn into floppy wet rope just because of a little ravishing! ...Okay, admittedly a lot of ravishing, but that wasn’t the point!

She curled her fists and set her lips in a line, rising higher, higher still, legs desperately trying to fly in every direction as she kept them constrained with an iron will. Gravity was no chain that would bind this Gobbo!

She fist pumped as she once more made it to standing. She looked around, hoping to find someone, anyone, watching her, an incredibly impressed look on their face at what she had just achieved.

There was no one there of course, the hall was dead, the ground a sea of smashed plates and cutlery and furniture amongst a slurry of food that had been minced by repeated impact from falls and wind. The occasional island corpse lay amongst the debris, the levelers Rain had crushed and broken with his overwhelmingness, in Opal’s opinion one of his best traits.

“Damn wolfy,” she grumbled, “Where are you? You're supposed to come pick me up and carry me!”

Finding that her situation was unchanging she made an executive decision. It was time to walk.

She shuffled a foot forward and found that she didn't immediately fall over, a promising sign. She shuffled the other and then out a soft little noise as she leaked, a fresh rivulet of white rolling down her inner thigh. She shivered at the feeling, her legs turning further inward as she once more nearly fell. 

No! She bit down on her lip hard and shuffle marched onward, each motion causing more and more cum to slip from her folds until her inner thighs were awash with a tide of white that slopped down to her shins and oozed over her feet and filled between her toes, so much was coming out by this point that a thick string of the stuff was dangling from her lower lips, stickily connecting to her thighs before breaking and forming anew again and again as she shuffled. 

Her eyelids fluttered as a particularly large motion caused several large blobs of the stuff to fall from within her, plap plapping on the floor below, adding to the trail of white she left in her wake. As a scout Gobbo she was a little upset that she was leaving such an easily followable trail, but she was far more upset that she was losing Rain’s wonderful essence.

At last she made it to the end of the hall and with a sigh of relief slumped against the wall, breathing hard. The journey had been a long one and she was a weary traveller, but she had a road to walk and she would not be deterred.

At least she now had the wall to help. 

She held herself up by bracing against said wall and stepped into the hallway. Slowly,  leaning heavily, she managed to move forward, even managing to fully lift her feet from the ground with each step, each flick of her toes sending droplets of white across the floor, but she didn't care, she just wanted to find Rain. This epic journey needed a destination, it needed an end, hopefully one where she fell into his broad arms and maybe she could even find some tea later and then she could get carried in that way again. She had liked that experience, being surrounded by levelers with no idea that she was there, it felt very different from being out in the open with their judging anti-monster eyes on her. Rain being inside her made it all the better, they had no idea what was happening, she could ride him right in front of them and they wouldn't have a clue! The fools! It was enough to make a small pleased smile cross her face.

She came to a halt as a doorway broke the line of the wall, an open doorway. Raised voices were coming from within so she carefully peeked around. 

It was Rain and the others. The annoying fluffbutt sheep girl was there, inside some kind of standing cage along with Red, her’s and Rain’s slave. Outrageous that the leveler idiots thought they could take what was theirs without repercussions! Well they certainly received those repercussions and then some, the baldy councillor was quite clearly dead, his neck gruesomely twisted. Not a nice way to die but dying was rarely nice in a dungeon, that's just how things were in her experience.

Boner was on the table, his flame eyes sputtering with agitation as they all yelled at Rain. Rain himself looked a little lost, and he rubbed at his eyes as though trying to clear his thoughts of some murkiness or other. It was that slippery black clothed fish of a leveler with a knife that had done that to her wolfy, poisoned him. She set a little note aside in her heart that promised terrible wrathful vengeance for even daring to touch him. If she ever came across that one again she would make him rue the day he set eyes on them, mostly by using lots of sharp metal implements upon his rear end.

She shivered as the last of Rain’s essence left her leaving her belly flat and smooth once more. Then she shuffled over to a chair and carefully sat herself on it, with appropriate care of course, she was still very sensitive down there. Once that was done she settled in to listen and to try and figure out what everyone was so excited about.

“Brute, check the Inkerchange, you must understand, this could be putting in me quite a lot of peril.”

“He’s right! Quickly read the book! Read it!”

Rain sighed and leaned over the table, trying to focus on the squiggles written across the paper in still wet ink. It was no good, they seemed to shift and move under his gaze, doubling over each other and layering, impossible to grasp, even shaking his head did nothing to clear it. The poison was doing a number on his mind. He strongly suspected the poison would have been deadly in the extreme to anyone else, it was only his unique body that was letting him slowly deal with its effects.

Instead of continuing to try and work out the squiggly inky mess he turned and took a step toward the cage. Reaching out he wrapped his paws around the bars and then simply ripped the cage in two, the two sides clanging to the ground, broken and bent. A startled sheep girl and Kobold looked up at him.

“I- I forget sometimes that you are so…” She bit her lip, but then her eyes darted to the desk and urgency overrode her surprise. She stepped from the cage and quickly scampered over to the book, then she read frantically, eyes dancing, left right left right left right. After a moment she let out a breath of relief, her shoulders slumping. She took a step back and yelped as she ran into the wall that was Rain who had been leaning over her to watch.

“What is it? What is so important about this book?” he gravelled.


“Is it the priesthood? Tell me immediately.”

Lyra paused and scowled at Vash. “No it is not, nothing like that, from what I can tell it’s an Inkerchange between the head councillor and the Ranker.”

Rain’s claws twitched and he moved forward abruptly shoving Lyra down in front of him as he leaned over the desk. The sheep girl realised she was currently bent over a desk with a very large male on top of her and went pink, her body language becoming flustered, not sure where to put her hands.

“Move.” said Rain, finding he couldn’t see the book with Lyra blocking the way.

“H-hey, h-hold, Y-you’re presing m-me up- to th-the- I c-can’t m-move-!” not knowing what else to do she grabbed hold of the book and pushed it away from herself then moved her head to the side so Rain could see. Rain leaned in closer, pressing her up against the desk edge, squashing up against her as his thighs pressed her cheeks flat.

Lyra went brighter pink still, her eyes very round.

Rain flatly ignored her, concentrating furiously on the handwriting. To his frustration he found he still couldn't read it, the lettering slipping over the page and making him feel dizzy.

“Read it to me- tell me what it says Lyra, quickly,” he snarled.

“Y-yes!” she managed to squeak out before her hands came down on the book trying to find some semblance of an anchor for her present predicament. 

“It says they’re under attack, that he needs help, then there is an ink splot before he could finish, the moment you killed him I, uh, assume.”

“...Why would writing in this book warn the Ranker?”

“Erm, it’s c-called an Inkerchange, an extremely rare and valuable Artefact that is very difficult to make, I’m shocked to see one outside of a city, even in Florens I have only seen one in my whole life.”

“It is a pair of books that are twinned, intrinsically connected, when one writes in one the handwriting appears in the other and vice versa no matter the distance that separates them. If they are as rare as you say sheep girl then it seems the difficulty in creating them hasn't changed in the centuries I have been away from the surface world. Back in my day they were a treasure that took exquisite skill to craft.”

“R-right, and the twin to this book is in the possession of the town’s Ranker, he must use it to keep tabs on the head councillor… What a waste...”

“And the priesthood?” asked Rain glancing at the skull.

“Ah, yes. I had concerns that the priesthood might have left such a book in the council’s possession for their own purposes, the priestess-”

“Is dead.”

“-ah, I see that there are upsides to being acquaintances with a brute such as yourself. In any case my concern was with her, she did not react well to my discoverance, it is good to hear that she is now deceased. Levelers, as a rule, do not like the undead, the priesthood takes that to an extreme, if they come after me I would ask that you destroy me, it would be a better fate than to fall into their hands.”

Rain mused on that. “What did the Ranker and the councillor previously speak about using this… Inkerchange?”

Lyra flipped back a page. “There's mention of an Orc clan moving into the area which the Ranker says to keep an eye on, there are concerns of an attack. Then they talk about the succubus, h-here's an update on her growth and something about rubies, then the head councillor says that the succubus has been discovered and the town is panicking, the Ranker he, uh, doesn't seem to care, but the head councillor thinks there might be problems because of the new Inquisitor.”

As they spoke Red had been hauling out draw after draw from the desk, roughly spilling their contents on the floor and rifling through them. He had already found the Dimensional Bag but seemed to be hunting for something else. Frustrated he darted over to the dead councillor and began searching through his clothes. He found what he was looking for and eagerly pulled a key from around the councillor's neck.

Lyra flipped through a few more pages, it appeared to be mostly about the succubus with a few notes about the town’s status peppered throughout which the Ranker rarely bothered to reply to.

She turned back to the page the councillor had been writing on and froze up. A line of ink was appearing on the page in real time. It moved, the ink shifting across the paper. It was handwriting. The Ranker’s handwriting.

Rain stared at it. The desk groaned as his claws created great gouges across its surface, his hackles rising.

“Is that who I think it is?” he snarled out.

“Y-y-yes!” squeaked out Lyra suddenly terrified. “I-it’s him! He wants to know what’s happening!”

“He’s stuck though,” said Opal, her legs casually swinging back and forth below the chair. “He’s trapped in the dungeon like we were with that weird seal on the front door.”

“Uh, that- that’s actually true,” muttered Lyra. “So why did the councilor come here?”

Opal shook her head. “Oh that's easy, baldy here shit his pants in a panic and ran to the only one he thought could stop you, maybe he thought there was a chance the seal would have come down by now.”

“I don't think it would have,” said Lyra, “It’s still too soon.”

“How does any of this help me?” said Rain.

“It doesn't, it just means that we are safe from h-him.”

Opal tilted her head to the side. “We don't have to be safe you know.”



Rain current height: 8 Feet, 5.5 Inches = 257.81 Centimeters


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