Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 02 That rainy night (02)

The old man didn't reply to Ryan's taunt as he tried various means to get himself out of that situation.

Ryan himself also watched quietly as the old man tried to break free from the sealing chains. Ryan watched as the old man's soul glowed brightly for few seconds as he tried to loosen up the chains, which eventually failed. The old man seemed to use some spells as the sealing chains were hit by burning fire, freezing frost and blasted by red lightning coming from the old man's soul.

"It's futile, old man." Ryan eventually spoke after he watched the old man's desperate attempts failed time and time again. 

"What's with this thing? My calculations should be correct, there shouldn't be any problem after I have refined and sacrificed those blood and souls. So, how could I fail at this juncture?" the old man regained his calm after he realized that he couldn't do anything about his situation. 

In fact, the old man's power mainly came from his accumulation in his previous body, while his soul was way more brittle as he had actually been nearing the end of his lifespan. Now that his last attempt to change his destiny had been thwarted through unknown means by the young man he thought lowly of, the old man could only accept this bitter result of his failure as he felt that this moment was probably his destined end.

"….." Ryan was quietly looking at the old man. He could feel that he was also nearing his end after igniting his soul in fury this time. Sensing the remaining little time he had, Ryan had a hollow laugh as he looked at the old man.

"You shouldn't have been too greedy, old man! You wish to succeed, but you don't want to take a risk. It seems like old age really takes a toll on you, old bastard!"

"I see, it was my mistake indeed, I should have more faith in myself rather than hoping for such a vain wish. You took my momentary lapse to be acknowledged by the Seed before I could destroy your soul and snatch your body. You're also quite an actor, young man."

"It's too late now even if you recognized it, let's just die together!"

"What a pity… at last…" 

Under the indifferent gaze of the old man, Ryan used all the power he had to tighten the chains sealing the old man, wanting nothing more than ripping the old man's soul to shreds. His soul burned even more fiercely as Ryan desired even more power to crush the old man's soul.


Fractures began appearing on the old man's weakened soul as Ryan continued to tighten his hold. With each seconds passed, there were more cracks appearing on the old man's soul. While Ryan's own soul was also slowly melted as he burned through his soul in attempt to kill the old man. 


Finally, the old man's soul exploded into smithereens, leaving only soul fragments floating inside Ryan's consciousness. 

Ryan's eyelid slowly moved. It looked like he wanted to open his eyes, but he almost didn't have the strength to do so. He tried again and again, until he could open his eyes slowly. What greeted him was the sight of the old man's corpse who was rapidly decaying as if it had passed tens of years all at once. 

"He..he.. I won… but, at what cost…" 

After continuously burning his soul and potential, Ryan himself was also on his last leg here. What remained of Ryan's soul was only a fragile and tattered soul flame which flickered weakly, as if it might be being snuffed out at any moment. 

'Tired... I'm too tired...'

Indeed, his desire for revenge and wrath had been acknowledged by the Arcane Seed, but in the end, Ryan was only a normal human who had not been trained in any mystic arts. 

His seemingly incredible power came from the fact that their battle took place inside his consciousness where it could be considered his home ground, as well his willingness to go all out by burning his soul to reach the level of power unattainable by his current self, and not to mention the Arcane Seed's help in suppressing on the old man's soul. 

Now that he had fulfilled his revenge on the old man, Ryan only felt a sense of bleakness after such fact. He knew his own condition well; that he wouldn't live much longer with such grievous injury on his soul. 

'Perhaps, it would be better... if I just sleep now...' 

Ryan felt coldness slowly creeping into his feeble soul as his thought wandered, reflecting upon his unassuming life as his memories since his childhood until that final moment flashed by. 

He was an ordinary kid, born into a well-off family of five. His parents were quite busy with works, his older sister pampered him almost too much, and his younger sister was a mischievous little devil. His life didn't have much colors beside going to and from the school. He rarely did extracurricular activity as he was a member of the go-home club; to the young him, he preferred to read novels as his entertainment rather than tiring himself out with sports or outdoor activities. 

Going to the school, attending college, get a work, getting married, having children, raising their kids and occasionally having banters with his wife, sending their kids to marriage, and eventually going old together with his wife before he breathed his last… 

This kind of life... it was probably the kind of life he would have had he not met with such encounter at the old man's bookstore. 

Did he regret it? Perhaps yes. 

However, he was also somewhat thankful to the old man, honestly. 

Ryan would not mind having such ordinary and fulfilling life. But he also felt something else as he was fighting with the old man previously. 

Something seemed to be lit inside him as he was dancing on the border of life and death, one step to the heaven and another step to the abyss. At that moment, he felt like he had finally lived his life to the fullest. 

Hah… If I were to have another chance… I will… surely… 

"Ara~ is that what you wish, young one?" 

A gentle voice sounded beside his ear as Ryan's consciousness was getting blurry. Ryan felt his body seemed to be held up by someone, his head was being caressed gently as though that person was trying to ease his pain. 

"Although it was unintentional on your part, it's undeniable that you have helped us to rid that damned thief, young one. You do deserve some rewards." 

That person had a gentle, angelic voice that Ryan felt he would not be tired listening to it every day. As for reward… if it was possible, he would love to have a more interesting and exciting life in his next life… 

"What a cute wish you have, young one. Fufufu~ if you really wish so, then so be it, I will help you." 

After that, Ryan felt his consciousness slipping away, entering unknown darkness as his fragile and tattered soul entered a slumber. Just before he closed his eyes for the last, he felt like he saw that mysterious person taking out something which immediately fused with him. 

"Is that fine, my Lady? That is…" another voice sounded from behind the hooded figure who was talking with Ryan previously. 

"No problem~ no problem~ That little bit of Divinity could be replenished quick. 

I may not able to do much with Higher Dimensional world's Samsara with my Authority, but I can still do these much fine to the Lower Dimensional world's Samsara. 

I don't know how or where this thief could get so many Arcane Seeds from, even those in Upper Management is in uproar about this. 

Now that we can gather back those Seeds thanks to this mortal, I won't be that shameless to just not rewarding him, alright? You hear me, little cia?" 

"Aye, my Lady." 

"With this, those damn lazy-ass Upper Management can't say that I did a bad work, Mwahahaha~ ! 

Eh, it wouldn't be a problem if we take one or two of these for collection, right? That so, don't you fucking dare to tattle on them alright, little cia!" 

"Aye... I won't dare to, my Lady. We can report that some of these Seeds were already gone the moment we managed to come to this World." 

Alicia, the celestial guard, gave curtsy salute while she felt speechless at the hooded figure in front of her. 

Although she knew her new superior had a 'unique' temper even among the Celestials, but, seeing it was believing. 

To think that she would pretend to be a gentle goddess to a dying mortal just few minutes ago and quickly changed her face afterward… perhaps, her new superior truly had a screw loose in her head just like in the rumor. 

She only hoped that the little stunt her superior just did would not cause much trouble later on... 

"Now, now~ it's time to witness a miracle, little cia. This will be a novel experience for you." The supposedly goddess was smiling as she held three balls of light on her dainty hand. 

One of them held a figure of a small scale Ryan, it was full of holes and looked so fragile that it won't come as surprise should it just disappeared in the wind. 

The other balls of light held a figure of mighty frost dragon and a royal-sealed winged demonkin race. 

Under the goddess's guidance, the other two balls of light were fused with smaller Ryan, they were slowly melted and became nutrients to heal Ryan's fragile soul. 

After which, the goddess carelessly waved her hand, creating a thin slit on the space. She lightly toss out Ryan's soul there before saying to Alicia, 

"See, it's a done deal, little cia. Easy peasy~ lemon squeezy~ hm, hm~ " 


My god...! Or whoever it's, please bless that poor soul... 

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