Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 06 Surprises!

In the end, the black shard promised Ryan to aid him by helping promoting Ryan's ability to absorb spiritual energy, which in turn would also increase his efficiency in cultivating the Arcane Art and gathering EP by roughly twofold. 

In exchange, Ryan would leave the black shard alone in the meantime, not destroying it. If Ryan continued to do so, the black shard promised Ryan he would get what he wished for when the 'fated moment' arrived later. 

Nevertheless, Ryan already had a strong hunch about the black shard's true identity. If his guess proven to be correct, there was no harm letting the black shard to stay around for the time being, it would probably be useful for his endeavor. Besides, the black shard also couldn't do anything much under supervision of both his Mystic Eyes and Soul Altar currently. 

Honestly, it was like getting a 'hack' old spirit inside one's body which would be excitedly watching his life from time to time, even more so said 'hack' would also talk to Ryan in its boredom. Anyway, Ryan had been living with it fine in the previous two years, there was not much difference by allowing it to stay for few more years.


[Name]: Emiya Ryan

[Strength]: E

[Vitality]: F+

[Dexterity]: E-

[Spirit]: D+

[Luck]: C-

[Innate]: Mystic Eyes of Heaven's Gaze (Heavenly Eye) (D)

[Essence Point]: 30.6


- Frost Dragon King Arcane Art (level 0)

- Demon King of Domination Arcane Art (level 2 – Altar Formation) (30%)

- Magecraft (Mana Bullet, Refinement, Gradation Air) (F+)

The status panel instantly appeared in Ryan's mind. He noticed there were some changes in it after his advancement this time. 

His [Spirit] stat upgraded to D+. Because of this increase, Ryan could feel his sensitivity on magecraft and spiritual energy in his surrounding had increased slightly too. 

His EP had increased to 30.6 from previous 28.8. Ryan guessed it was more likely because effect of his breakthrough and the black shard's enhancement which increased so much. 

His Arcane Art [Demon King of Domination] had already reached level 2 – Altar Formation, with 30% completion.

And there appeared a rating for his [Magecraft] skill; its overall rating was F+.

According to his estimation, if F rating could be considered a basic-class magus, F- was the rating for someone who just learned tidbits about magecraft. 

Little Shirou who Ryan had taught a bit about magecrafts would mostly belong to F- rating. 

If so, then Ryan's F+ rating could be said to be advanced–among beginner magus.

"It's a rating for beginner magus, still." Ryan shook his head slightly.

He lightly put the matter to rest. Since the next Holy Grail War would be around 8 years later, Ryan still had enough time to strengthen himself.

Counting the amount of EP he used to increase his [Strength] stat a year ago, 10 EP would be needed to increase one grade of stat rating; then, one full rating enhancement would roughly need 30 EP accordingly. 

If one year of training before would yield around 16-19 EP, then after the twofold enhancement efficiency from the black shard, Ryan should get around 32-38 EP per year, according to his estimation. It was more than the amount needed for one full enhancement of stat rating. Eight years of training would mean eight or nine chances Ryan had to enhance his stat by one full rating. 

'But, I wonder if EP can also enhance my skills' rating…?'

Ryan was curious. Since his stat rating could be enhanced by using EP, the skills rating should also possible to be enhanced, right? Or it can't?  

Ryan had been saving up his EP since the last time he used it accidentally, but now that he saw he had around 30 EP in his status panel, he was itching to try it on again. 

It was not he had no patience to save up EP for later use, but, but…

The temptation to use up his EP was hard to refuse for him. 

Ryan was hesitant. He looked at the amount of EP saved up, then looking at his skill set. 

Try it? Or not? Perhaps there will be a surprise? 

Alluring whispers seemed to brew inside his heart as he thought about trying it out.

Just like back then when he was playing Fate/Grand Order mobile game. The temptation to use up Saint Quartz in summoning gacha, regardless if there was event or not, hoping for a 5-star Servant in a vain wish. Although, the best Servant he had gotten at that time were only 4-star Servants.

When the excitement faded, it was already too late for him to cry over the spent Saint Quartz anyway. There was nothing to regret, literally nothing...

Ryan thought about using his EP to increase the completion rating of [Demon King of Domination Arcane Art – level 2]. As he did so, the display of that particular skill and his EP suddenly blurred at same time. 

'Eh? It's possible...?!'

[Demon King of Domination Arcane Art – level 2 (Altar Formation) (…%)] 

[Demon King of Domination Arcane Art – level 3 (Enshrined Soul) (1%)]

[Spirit D+ -> C-]

[Essence Point]: 16.6

A pleasant sensation washed over Ryan's entire being as the altar under his soul was finally completely formed. At same time, the altar also built a special connection with Ryan's soul, slowly nurturing it over times with arcane light the altar emitted. 

'So, this is what Enshrined Soul meant... Consecrate my own demon (soul), evolve oneself to reach a higher form of life.' 

Truthfully, it was a pleasant feeling. Each breakthrough seemed to wash over his impurities and changed his essence for the better. 

He could now understand why those cultivation fanatic in those cultivation novels would behave like madman when confronted with the chance to improve themselves. The feeling one got from advancement was so pleasant, like an intoxicating pleasure lingering within one's heart, unable to be simply forgotten. 

Ryan inhaled deeply. He could feel his soul was strengthening slowly, but surely. 

He was successful trying it out on Demon King Solomon's Arcane Art, who to say the same method couldn't be applied into the other Arcane Art in his skill set? 

As such, Ryan silently urged his status panel to forcefully enhance his Frost Dragon King Arcane Art. When he did so, the skill display flickered slightly, it had turned blurry. After waiting for few seconds, a change finally appeared on the skill's description. 

[Frost Dragon King Arcane Art (level 1 – Heart Transformation) (1%)] 

[Essence Point]: 6.6 

To Ryan's surprise, his [Strength], [Vitality], and [Dexterity] stats also flickered for a moment there. 

He got his hope up; thinking that these stats would increase along with advancement of Frost Dragon King Arcane Art. However, reality ruthlessly cut off his dream as they quickly returned to normal, with no further change to their rating.

Ryan shook his head helplessly. It's really not good to have a dream that early… 

When the first ray of sunlight entered the dojo, Ryan was still immersed in meditation. He was immersed in new memories which appeared along with the forceful breakthrough earlier. 

Ryan felt like he had been watching the life of Noir – the Frost Dragon Saint, the creator of Frost Dragon King Arcane Art, from his childhood until his final departure from his world. 

His struggles, regrets, experiences, joys and sorrows… as well as his decisive resolve at the end. 

He was like watching a movie, with him being inside one himself. 

However, when Ryan finally opened his eyes at that morning, those memories vanished like a mist being dispersed by the sunlight, leaving Ryan with seemingly profound aftertaste of having living another life. 

At that morning, Ryan was like a completely different person compared to how he was before the breakthrough. 

Not to mention his Demon King's Arcane Art had reached level 3 – Enshrined Soul, his Dragon King's Arcane Art had finally stepped into level 1 – Heart Transformation, after all these times. 

Now, there was a cluster of icy blue lines slowly covering his heart, seeking to transform and evolve it by emulating a dragon's heart. 

Since morning had arrived, Ryan decided to end his cultivation session today. He tried to get up, wanting to bask in the warmth of morning sun. 

But, when he did so, Ryan felt something strange happened to his body. 


All of sudden, Ryan felt his body went limp, as though he had lost all energy to even move. 


Ryan fell forward, face first on the dojo's floor. His consciousness was getting blurry by the seconds. 

He seemed to see the dojo's door creaked slightly as it was opened by someone, who was running toward him as Ryan slowly closed his eyes. 

'Why's this happening…' 

That was the last thought Ryan had before he fell unconscious. 

. . . 

That night, Kiritsugu could not sleep well as he had been woken up when Ryan caused such large disturbance in the spiritual energy field around their residence. If he didn't quickly maintain the Bounded Field to hide such disturbance, that situation would definitely have alerted Owner of the land; the Tohsaka family. 

It was only for around five minutes, but even then, the act itself still took a heavy toll on Kiritsugu; as he had been weakened by much due to injuries he suffered from previous Holy Grail War. 

He was waiting for Ryan to finish that mysterious practice of his, but even after that strange phenomenon ended, Ryan had yet to come out of the dojo. 

He tried to check up on Ryan again, only to see him still immersed in a calm meditation practice. Ryan's breathing was regular, there was no strange abnormality found on Ryan's magic circuit too. Yet Kiritsugu could notice that Ryan was somewhat different now. 

Since Kiritsugu found Ryan was safe and sound, he left the dojo again as he could finally take a rest with calm mind. It was not strange for magus to practice day and night, much like an aspiring one like Ryan.  

When the morning came, however, Kiritsugu still had not seen Ryan came back from his practice session. So, he thought about visiting him again. 

It was not really a problem for Ryan to practice arduously, training both his body and magecraft, as Ryan probably felt plagued by the evil contamination inside him. But to continuously pushing himself, not knowing when to rest or to advance, that was... not alright. 

It was no different from a desperate attempt to reach the end goal in an instant manner. 


Kiritsugu remembered his life as a magus before when he thought about it. He felt like he couldn't really comment on Ryan as he himself was also like that, once…

This time, when he opened the dojo's door, Kiritsugu was just in time to see Ryan collapsing on the floor. 

He immediately rushed to Ryan to check his condition. When he finally confirmed Ryan was merely exhausted from last night's practice, Kiritsugu heaved a relieved sigh as he then brought Ryan to rest. 

. . . 

When Ryan opened his eyes again, a glaring light from the windows greeted his eyes. He might feel somewhat weak, but he could move a bit now. Looking around, Ryan had realized he was already in his room. 

Is it noon already? Looks like I've missed the school period already. I am hungry... 

Ryan was thinking quietly when he heard a familiar voice. 

"You're up already? Do you know what you did wrong this time?" Kiritsugu said coldly. His expression was severe and he was looking sternly at Ryan. 

"You shouldn't rush it when you're practicing. Your condition has improved much better than two years ago, so it will only be a matter of time before you get rid of that contamination." 

Kiritsugu looked at Ryan who had a pale countenance and a tired look, his voice turned milder slightly, but he still kept a stern countenance. 

"Thank you, father. I will take better care of myself next time." Ryan smiled weakly. Although Kiritsugu looked stern, Ryan could feel the concern within his voice. 

Kiritsugu might be 'only' his adopted father in this world, and Ryan also somewhat used him to be his guardian for the time being until he matured enough, but Ryan was not someone who forgot favors and grudges. Since Kiritsugu took care of him, Ryan would definitely repay what he owed today at later opportunity. 

While now, Kiritsugu was staring intently at Ryan. He was quiet, his countenance was serious as he was pondering on something. 

"Um, father...?" Ryan calling out softly, with slightly afraid countenance.

"...I am curious, what's actually your origin, Ryan?" 

It was at that moment, that Ryan could feel his heart skipped a beat furiously. 

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