Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 11 Lancer? Saber?

London City. The Clock Tower. Inside one of the Tower Lord's office. 

A middle-aged man with pale white hair was reading a parchment detailing report on certain someone. His dull-gold eyes skimmed through the report fast. At the end of his reading, the parchment was burnt into ashes on its own.

"...what an interesting family."

On the guest chair, a middle-aged man wearing green coat was sitting calmly, enjoying his tea. His appearance was heavily tinged with hints of Aryan descent. 

At that moment, he looked slightly intrigued after hearing what his colleague had just said. It was rare to see his colleague smiled like that after so long. Even if he only curved his lips upward slightly, that man couldn't hide his surprise.

"Oh, it is a rare occasion to see a matter that can pique your interest, Marisbury. May I know what is it that you find noteworthy?" 

That pale-haired man was Marisbury Animusphere. This man was one of the Lords of Clock Tower, Head of Astromancy Department, and current Head of Animusphere magi family.

Marisbury did not rush to reply, he took a sip of warm coffee on his desk, looking at other documents on the side, before saying to his old colleague, "Lev, did you remember the Fuyuki Holy Grail War?"

"That War... didn't you already send Heartless to look it up seven years ago? It was said in the report that their so-called Holy Grail was already contaminated. Is there more to it?"

"Hm. I am not interested in their senseless War. What I found interesting is the survivor of the recent War; the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War ten years ago." Marisbury replied before turning quiet, he looked quite in deep thought.

The previous head of Emiya family, Emiya Noritaka, was instated as Sealing Designation's target. This case itself was not a common occurrence for today's Mage's Association. There were only a handful magi who was put into Sealing Designation even counting to the past centuries. 

The appearance of one designation in the past decades was quite a surprise, because "Sealing Designation" was a highest honor as well as curse to the magi involved. Only those magi whose craft was so unique that it could not be easily learned or replicated through other means would receive the designation.  By "Sealing Designation", it meant the entirety of magi and their accumulated knowledge (Magic Crest) would be frozen, preserved by the Association for further research; they had to be caught whether dead or alive. 

The successor of Emiya bloodline - Emiya Kiritsugu - eventually became a magus-killer, a noteworthy mercenary. He was famed for his expertise in hunting stray magi, and executing them efficiently. It was not to Marisbury's surprise that such a man could survive the Holy Grail War. Although, the fact that he lost his abilities after the War was quite a pity, it also did not really matter to Marisbury. There were others who could replace Kiritsugu's job in the mercenary ranks or inside the Association itself.

However, what truly made Marisbury became intrigued was the adopted child of Emiya Kiritsugu; Emiya Ryan. He couldn't confirm it yet whether what Ryan wrote on his pop novel was truly an occurrence in certain parallel world, or it was just some nonsense he came up with. 

Grand Order. Chaldea. FATE system.

These were his own hidden projects which he had been doing within the protection of a vow of absolute secrecy, so it would be nigh-impossible for leaks to come from his workshop or the organization members.

He was also quite helpless as Ryan seemed to omit several details regarding the events in his pop novel, so he could not cross-checked it thoroughly with the actual situation.

If Ryan said he merely came up with it as mere nonsense, even Marisbury himself would not believe that blatant poor of an excuse. 

However, if what Ryan wrote was true occurrence, then it brought Marisbury greater problem. What is Ryan's relation with the Second Magician? 

It was widely known that the domain of Second Magic was Operation of Parallel Worlds. Since only the Second Magician could do such miracle, Marisbury's worry was not unfounded.

Truthfully, Marisbury really wanted to get the truth out of Ryan immediately. But if he handled the matter poorly, even the Animusphere family could not afford to irk the Second Magician that easily. 

As it stood, part of main reason the Clock Tower sort of turned a blind eye toward the Holy Grail War was because the higher-ups knew this ritual was presided by the Second Magician in its inception. His prestige alone was enough to deter even the Lords family of Clock Tower to not make rash moves toward the ritual and its three founding families. 

Not only the Second Magician was revered for his True Magic, he was also an accomplished magi honored as Wizard Marshall as testament of his strength in magecraft itself. People who could match up to his history, prestige, and strength could be counted by hand even within the Mage's Association. 

To Marisbury, however, what he needed to do now was only waiting for further news. Because he had already sent a competent magi to kindly 'invite' Ryan for him. Of course, he would not go overboard, as he was still wary of the Second Magician after all.


Upon seeing Marisbury was unwilling to talk more, his colleague did not press for an answer. He took a whiff from the herbal tea he procured himself, thinking about another matter.

That fateful time has yet to arrive...

"About that matter we were talking about, how it went with Atlas Institue, Lev?"


"Same old answer. We are lacking in materials, and they can't subsidize us anymore. Without more fund, it is unlikely for them to continue with the project."

"I see. The core problem remains with the fund." Marisbury nodded thoughtfully. He understood that although he had tried every means to raise the fund, it was just not enough for such giant project like what he had envisioned. Furthermore, he not only had this particular project which burned money as though they were endless pit.

Originally, he would have ceased the idea since the cost involved was too much, but he recently changed his mind. 

Marisbury truly had an honest wish. If, in the off-chance, what that young man wrote was a 'true' occurrence... then his path was likely not wrong.

"I will see what I can do. For the remaining materials, if I can't prepare them by end of this year, Atlas Academy can annul the project then. In the unlikely event it happens, I will bear their loss. 

"Please convey what I mean to our colleague in Atlas Institute, Lev." 

"You sure have the ambition, Marisbury. Noted. Well, then I will be going first. Have a good day, Marisbury." Lev smiled as he tipped his tall hat, nodding lightly toward Marisbury as he went out.

Marisbury nodded coolly in return. He then looked toward the night sky outside the window, his thought wandered on certain thaumaturgy War on remote city in the Far East country.

'I wonder... can you bring me more surprise, young man?'

He lightly rubbed an old metallic ring on his left hand as he was pondering quietly.

If someone were taking a careful look at his left hand, they might notice the faint red marks on it... 

. . . 

"Have you not done yet, Kanade?"

In front of Ryan, Kanade was still choosing over some pens and ink at the art store beside the souvenirs shop. 

It had been two hours since they were out, buying souvenirs in Taiga's stead. 

Actually, they should have been back to their resting area around an hour ago when they finished the errand. However, when Kanade saw an art store not far from the souvenirs shop, she had a real quick change of heart.

Without further nonsense, she quickly dragged Ryan to go along with her in choosing her 'weapon' set for drawing manga–pen and inks. 

"Are you really calling yourself a man? Only this much and you're calling it quit?! Pathetic." 

This girl...

Looking at her condescending gaze, Ryan felt quite speechless inside. 

It was not like he could not go on for days and nights without rest, but he just would not do such things without specific purpose. It was a different story if there was something fun or interesting in it, as he would probably enjoy it thoroughly then. 

But, now,… accompanying her through her shopping spree really took a toll on his spirit. He rather trained days and night in the dojo than choosing items through the store's shelf. 

He likes to do things in an efficient and straightforward manner. 

If you want to buy something, why don't you just directly buy it than choosing over similar items in the shelf? 

Those items with similar price tag should be similar in quality, if you want better one, wouldn't you just need to look over the one more pricey? 

Because, oftentimes, money really speaks the worth, man... 

"Come on, you have been choosing these pens for how long… around half-an-hour at lowest estimate. Haven't you settled on few chosen already?" 

"What you know? Each pens have different feels when they're hold, and I also need to check how they fare with different styles! Don't worry, it won't take long this time. Definitely." 

'...this is the third time you said that, girl...' Ryan felt quite bored waiting. Looking at the parade on outside, it seemed more interesting to watch that honestly. 

"Well, anyway we only have around one hour more before the closing ceremony. I'll be waiting outside for a bit, Kanade." 

"Yeah, yeah. I know." 

Kanade looked at the retreating Ryan while pouting secretly. She glanced at another shelf in the corner of art store. In that place, there were several beautiful accessories she had took a liking to from first glance. 


Outside the art store, Ryan looked around at the main street while bringing the bag of souvenirs Taiga requested. He eventually found a seat at small cafe near the art store. 

There were a lot of people and parades on the street; most people wore usual traditional dress like Kimono, while some were wearing different costumes according to the topic they wanted to portray, many onlookers were taking photos and videos as they laughed and chatting merrily with their friends and family in the crowd. They were smiling happily as they enjoyed this once-a-year festival.

"This is a Culture Day alright, this festive mood is quite enjoyable." 

Ryan smiled as he took in this peaceful sight while sipping on his warm cappuccino. He felt at ease in such merry atmosphere. 

*The strength to protect what is dear to me~ The weakness in which I fail to believe it~ I accept it all and reach for tomorrow~ Brave Shine~~* 

His phone suddenly rang at that moment. 

Looking at the caller's name, Ryan could imagine what she would say… 

"Hello, fuji-nee, I–" 

"Ryan! Just what's taking you so long?! You need to prepare for the closing ceremony, quick! These staffs are looking daggers at me now! Help meee…!!" 

Taiga's voice resounded loudly in his ear. Lucky he didn't turn on the speaker, lest people around would start giving him a strange look. 

"Yeah, relax, fuji-nee. I'll be back soon. Don't worry, the staffs won't eat you, will they? But I can't say whether they won't mince the shit out of you, though." 

"…you're consoling me, or cursing me, pick one, you little–"  

Ryan quickly turned off the call. 

He turned to look at Kanade who was sneaking a look to the accessories shelf when she thought he was not watching. He could not help but grinning a little. He then went to nearby merchandise vendor. 

"Boss, how much for this?" 

"It's 3500 Yen." 

"Isn't it too costly, boss?" 

"Can't help it, they come as a pair, young man. Here's the pair." 

"..." Ryan looked at the pair of half-face kitsune and rabbit mask on the display as the vendor pointed out. Looking at their design, the half-face fox mask with red-white pattern matched his preference, while the rabbit mask… maybe Kanade would like it? 

Well, no matter, this is a festival after all. Let's splurge a bit! 

"I'll take that too, boss." Ryan pointed toward another item as he agreed to take the fox-rabbit masks pair. 

"Oho~ for a fair lady it is. then, let's round the price slightly, 3600 Yen." 


"Here's the change, young man. Thank you for your patronage. Hope your girl~friend like it too, young man." The old man vendor grinned knowingly as Ryan wore his kitsune mask, walking back toward the art store. 

At the art store, Kanade already finished choosing her set and waiting for her turn. 

She sighed softly as she felt somewhat disappointed about those accessories. Those accessories were actually too expensive for her, so she eventually dropped the idea. 

Looking outside, she found Ryan had gone from his waiting place. It seemed to her that she really took her time browsing through the items that Ryan decided to return first. Thus, she felt even more discouraged. 

After finishing her payment, she quickly turned to the way to the stadium. She was rushing back fast. At least, she wouldn't want to miss seeing Ryan on the podium... 

"Hey, miss, you dropped this." 

A young man wearing half-face kitsune mask appeared beside her all of sudden, smiling mysteriously as he looked at her. 

Looking at his iconic azure eyes and short, black, messy hair like a certain man, Kanade quickly recognized him. 

"You haven't gone back yet?" Kanade was surprised seeing Ryan there. 

"Man, I've been waiting here for who knows how long..." 

"...shut up. Ok fine, it's my fault. But, let's go back quick, Taiga-sensei's gonna scold us for sure this time. Aww..." 

Ryan grinned a bit seeing her panicked like that, he appeared to enjoy seeing her reaction so much. 

"Wait a bit." 

"What now?" 

"Lady, your hair is in a mess, let me dress it up a bit, here." 

Under Kanade's surprised look, Ryan put on the hairpin he had just bought to her. Kanade looked somewhat embarrassed when Ryan suddenly did something like that. She was trembling subtly, but she still allowed him to do what he wanted. 

"For the finishing touch..." Ryan also proceeded to put on the rabbit mask on her after seeing that she didn't resist what he did. Honestly, he felt like taking more small advantages on her this time, but, looking around... this was not the place nor the time to do so. 

"Done. Umu. As expected, it looks better on you." Ryan was feeling pleased seeing the butterfly-shaped hairpin and the rabbit mask looking fine on Kanade. 

"Is that so..." Kanade was fidgeting, her fingers twirling around each other as she felt her heart pounding. A warmth feeling spread through her body, her face was slightly flushed red. 

"Yup. Then, let's go back. I bet a buck that Taiga-sensei is fuming madly right now." 

It seemed like Ryan had splashed a cold water on Kanade. She quickly regained her senses as she felt their time was pressing. 


Fifteen minutes later, when Ryan and Kanade had returned to the resting room, Taiga Fujimura had her arms akimbo. She was looking at the two with suspicious gaze. Her eyes especially lingered on Kanade. 

Flushed face, hurried breaths, and that obvious hints of embarrassed-yet-happy look on her face. Linking it with them taking their time so long just to buy several souvenirs... 

Taiga then turned to Ryan. Looking at him trying to pass it on by acting coolly... 

"Get changed quick, Ryan! What are you waiting for?! Want me to beat you up again?" 


Taiga then walked toward Kanade, whispering in all her seriousness, "You wore protection right? Don't let him take cheap advantage of you, Kanade. If he dares to bully you again, I will properly scold him for you later on. You can count on me, girl~~" 

At that moment, if Ryan was there, he would probably laugh out loud seeing Kanade's reaction after hearing Taiga's advice. 

Because, Kanade's face was flushing red brightly, looking like a boiled shrimp fresh from the pan when she heard Taiga's special advice. 

. . . 

Meanwhile, later that night, in Fuyuki City. 

At the mansion of Tohsaka family. 

"Yosh. My preparation is ready, the wavelength is ideal, and the alignment is perfect. 

By performing the summoning at 2 AM when my mana is in peak condition, I will definitely get the strongest Servant class–Saber even without a catalyst. Just you see!"  

A young girl in red turtleneck and black skirt was laughing lightly. Her eyes held undoubted pride and confidence on her own ability. 


Silver and iron to the origin. 

Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. 

The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg. 

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate. 

Shut (fill). 

Shut (fill). 

Shut (fill). 

Shut (fill). 

Shut (fill). 

Repeat every five times. 

Simply, shatter once filled. 

――――I announce. 

Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword. 

If you heed the Grail's call and obey my

will and reason, answer me! 

I hereby swear... 

That I shall be all the good in the world. 

That I shall defeat all evil in the world. 

Thou Seventh Heaven, clad in the three

great words of power, 

Come forth from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!" 

As soon as she finished her chant, a bright blue light flashed within the room, along with the sound of something crashing into lower floor. 

She was startled. When she rushed toward the source of rustling sound, she found a blue-haired man was crashing on the sofa beside the fireplace. 

His blue hair felt like wavy ocean waves, his icy blue eyes exuded wild and cool confidence. He wore black and blue bodysuit outfit, greatly appreciating his fine and packed physique. He was wearing gauntlet of unknown material on both his hands, and a mysterious weapon(?) wrapped up in linen clothing on his back. 

When the girl looked at the clock, it showed the time was at 1 AM. Realizing she had made a blunder again, she cursed a bit before sighing in resignation. 

"Ah, crap. Why did I... again... *sigh* What's done is done anyway..." 

He grinned lightly toward the stupefied Rin Tohsaka as he spoke, 

"Sorry for crashing your mansion, girl. Looks like there is a slight problem with my summoning, or so it seems." 

"...let me get this straight, you're my Servant, right? Not someone else's?" 

"Obviously. Can't you feel it through those little spell, my dear Master?" 

"What's your class? Lancer? Saber?" Rin was quite expectant. Although she realized that the chance was minuscule at best, but it would be better if he admitted he was a Saber-class Servant. 



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