Dreamer's Throne

Book 2: Chapter 37

The ever present fog barely touched the outside of the meat processing plant thanks to the dream flowers dotted all around it. Chasing away a nightmare with a flick of his sword, Viper, who was being controlled by Garrett, turned to check that everyone was ready. Seeing his look, Kinsley laughed and shook his head.

“What has you so worried, Viper? We’re all ready. Just like the last three times you checked. What’s gotten into you all of a sudden? Normally you’re not this cautious.”

“I just don’t want you to die,” Viper replied, adjusting his mask slightly. “Everyone follow me.”

On quiet feet, Viper led the way to the sliding door of the plant, hesitating only for a moment before pushing it open. Dark fog wafted out, carrying with it a rotting odor that smelled of spoiled meat and dried blood. All of the awakened dreamers had been to this plant in the waking world, and they knew it looked nothing like what they were now seeing. Where there were clean, white working tables in the waking world stood decrepit wooden slabs, rotted by the blood that had soaked into it over years of use. Pools of blood stood on the tile floor, something that would never have been allowed in the waking world, and thousands of hooks hung from the ceiling, many holding an assortment of mutated creatures.

The walls buzzed with big, fat flies, who took off in swarms as Viper began to walk into the building, his steps echoing among the hanging chains. Behind him came the rest of the party, their weapons held tightly, and their eyes scanning. Humanity’s ability to normalize situations that would make anyone uncomfortable was amazing and they had all seen enough nightmares that they barely blinked at the gruesome scene spread out before them.

Flicking a finger, Kinsley sent a spark of fire into a swarm of flies, causing a shrill hiss as they burst into flame, and filling the air with a scorched smell. Estel started to complain about the smell but then realized that it had actually improved the tang of rotting meat that hung in the air. They had entered through the dock doors and now stood among hacked up piles of limbs and torsos, in every conceivable shape. This meat showed signs of being processed for consumption, but eating any of it would be a surer death sentence than starving, so the team ignored the piles as they looked around. That changed when Maren whirled around, his eyes fixed on one of the piles.


Viper started to turn toward Maren but froze at Maren’s words.

“We’re surrounded. They’re in the piles.”

He hadn’t even finished speaking when the piles of meat exploded, sending rotting meat flying through the air as six fierce looking monsters pounced toward the team. They weren’t big, but they had massive, serrated jaws that looked like a mix between a shark’s mouth and spider mandibles. The entire thing split open in four directions, stretching so far that it looked like it could completely envelop a person. Viper reacted quickly, stepping back as his sword rose to block the attack. Shifting his hilt higher, he angled his sword down and stabbed toward the ground, pulling his sword to the side as he brought it down.

You have observed a Maw Wraith, a nightmare that devours everything it can fit in its large mouth. You have gained 1 EXP.

EXP: 21/320

The tip of his blade cut into the nightmare’s open mouth, biting deep into the edge of the Maw Wraith’s lip, and pulling it down and to the side. All around the party, similar situations were happening as the others dealt with the other Maw Wraiths that jumped at them. Pax’s axe tore through one, while Asher’s curved blades left deep gashes in the sides of another’s face, widening its mouth even farther than it normally stretched. Kinsley just grinned and sent out a blast of flame that cooked one of them, but next to him, Estel got his attention.

“Save your firepower or you’ll be useless,” she said, causing him to click his tongue in annoyance.

“There are more coming! Watch the ground!”

Unsure who shouted, Viper looked down and spotted ripples in the pools of blood that dotted the floor. A moment later, his sword came up, intercepting a slithering vermin shaped like an asp that lunged at him from the puddle. It was covered in blackish blood that dripped on the ground, corroding the tiles it splattered on. Stepping forward, Viper’s sword slashed out rapidly, eliminating two more in quick succession before the Maw Wraith he had knocked aside started to recover. With a backhanded slash he chopped through the back of its neck, separating its large head and mouth from its smaller body.

At the same time, he was keeping close watch on the entrance that led to the main part of the plant, worried that a bigger nightmare would stomp through. The heavy presence that shrouded the whole building had only grown stronger when they came inside, and it seemed to be concentrated in the main area.

“Watch out for the spider!”

A deadly shriek overlapped with Estel’s shout as a large predator dropped out of the hanging chains, heading straight for Kinsley. Trying to bring his flames to bear, Kinsley was too slow, but at the last moment, Pax appeared in between the nightmare spider and Kinsley, using her meaty shoulder to block the monster’s bite, even as her axe took off one of its legs. In the next second, Kinsley’s flames exploded, but unfortunately, they slammed into Pax’s back. Grunting in pain, Pax held on as the flames rolled off of her, transforming the spider and a few other lesser nightmares who were nearby into ash. As the monsters died, Pax fell to the ground, rolling over to try to put out the flames that licked at her.

When she was finally safe, she staggered to her feet, looking slightly charred. The whole party was silent as she turned to look at Kinsley whose expression was stricken. A fierce look burned in her eyes as she stepped forward, towering over the smaller man, and leaned down. Asher started to say something, but Viper’s blade jumped up, covering his mouth and causing him to swallow his words. Pax took a deep breath and then slapped Kinsley on the shoulder, a wide grin on her face.

“That was awesome. Stings a bit, but next time, let me gather more of them up before you do that. Did you guys see that? We killed all of them at once! Argh, this spider bite is mean. Estel, any help?”

Stepping forward, Estel gave Pax a strange look as she held her hand out over the large woman’s shoulder, a milky energy seeping out of her hand and into the wound. Slowly it knit back together, causing Pax to breathe a sigh of relief. Once it was mostly healed, Pax stretched it and nodded.

“Good enough. I’m ready for the next one.”

“I’m glad,” Viper said, his eyes narrowed behind his mask, “because we have a long night ahead of us.”

True to his prediction, the further into the building they progressed, the more nightmares appeared, attacking them from all sides. Now that they were aware that there were spiders hiding in the shadows they were better able to avoid them, though Maren did take a nasty bite from one that was lurking under the floor. It had burst out in the middle of a fight, its sharp mandibles latching onto Maren’s leg before his dagger ripped through its eyes and into its brain.

The fighting was fierce, and each time the team completed a fight and took a moment to breathe, the atmosphere in the plant seemed to grow thicker and denser. When they had finally fought their way to the entrance to the main section of the plant everyone was feeling quite beaten up. Despite that, their spirits were high, and it was with confidence that they stepped into the large open room that made up the majority of the building.

You have observed a Hollow Warden, a powerful nightmare that spawns other nightmares from pus-filled sacs on its back. You have gained 5 EXP.

EXP: 27/320

There, standing in the middle of the space was a massive figure made up of piled up flesh. Vaguely humanoid from the waist up, its bottom half looked like a giant slug and a variety of pods filled with a putrid liquid undulated across its body. A single bloodshot eye with a slit that ran vertically in its chest darted this way and that as it stared at the group and three gasping mouths filled with needle sharp teeth gnashed underneath it. The monster was easily twelve feet tall and any confidence that the party had felt before entering the room completely drained away when it let out a cry that caused the air to darken.

“Be careful!” Viper shouted, his voice ringing through the confusion and fear that had shrouded the team, bringing clarity back to their eyes. “Maren, Asher! Deal with the small ones. Pax, you and me are out front. Estel, keep Pax alive. Kinsley, burn it!”

Responding as they had practiced, Maren and Asher darted to the sides, their weapons held tight as they targeted the smaller nightmares lurking at the edges of the room. The rest of the party ran forward, Kinsley and Estel stopping when they were about twenty feet from the monster. Pax let out a battle cry and lifted her axe up overhead, her soul spark flaring and spreading energy around her. Most of it was focused into her axe, which she brought down onto one of the monster’s mouths, trying to tear it apart. Viper was right beside her, his blade glowing with bright gold as he stabbed toward the nightmare’s eye.

Both blades cut deep into the monster, causing it to thrash in pain and let out another cry, this one much sharper. Three of the pus filled sacs on its body burst open and three of the nightmare spiders tumbled out, quickly righting themselves and charging toward Pax. With a step, Viper vanished, moving with nigh impossible speed to intercept them.

“Focus on the Hollow Warden!” he yelled as his sword slid through the head of one of the spiders.

Spinning around, he lopped off the legs of another and then kicked the third. In front of the Hollow Warden, Pax was hacking with abandon, her axe carving its flesh into ribbons as she put every bit of her impressive strength behind her blows. The monster was taking damage steadily, but that only seemed to enrage it as it began to release more and more nightmares from the sacs across its body. Letting out a bellow, it lunged forward, trying to crush Pax under its bulk, but at the last moment she dodged to the side, getting out of the way as it lumbered forward.

It bellowed again, anger filling its voice as it turned to chase Pax who was tearing into its side once more. Kinsley, who had been standing next to Estel, suddenly thrust his hands forward and let out a hoarse shout, billowing flames washing over the monster’s torso, scorching its mouths and burning its large eye. The damage was intense, but the energy drain was even stronger, and Kinsley started to sag after only two seconds. Biting his lip so hard he drew blood, he poured more fire from his fingers, his face turning pale.

The fighting was fierce, and disgusting smoke rolled into the air as the smell of burned flesh filled the team’s noses. Still, no one faltered because they all knew that if they gave the monster the chance to breathe, they would quickly find themselves eaten, or worse. Asher slipped through the nightmares that swarmed from the Hollow Warden’s back, moving like a phantom as his sickle-like blade reaped their lives, while Maron used his sword to kill the nightmares who tried to attack Kinsley and Estel. Viper had joined Pax and together they tore the Hollow Warden apart, tanking attacks when they couldn’t dodge but always landing attacks of their own.

Kinsley, who was being supported by Estel, finally ran out of juice and coughed up a mouthful of blood, his teeth stained with red as he fell to the ground. Though he was now so weak he wouldn’t even be able to kill a drudge wraith, he had dealt a tremendous amount of damage to the Hollow Warden, and it wasn’t long before Pax’s axe split open the monster’s head, killing it for good. With a boom, the giant slug fell to the ground, its body rapidly decomposing.

The rest of the nightmares were quickly cleaned up and the team could finally rest. Viper remained on his feet, standing guard as the team tried to recover. When the last of the Hollow Warden had vanished, Estel, who was barely standing herself after using her ability over and over again on Pax and Kinsley, pointed at the floor.

“What is that?”

Resting on the ground was a strange looking object that looked like it was the skull of a beast with rib bones rising up around it, caging it in. Striding over, Viper looked at it for a moment, and then picked it up.

You have discovered the Butcher’s Trophy, a dream item of uncommon power. You have gained 5 EXP.

EXP: 46/360

“Wow, you’re a lot braver than I am,” Kinsley laughed, blood still dripping from his lips.

“This is a dream item,” Viper said, echoing Garrett’s words. “We can turn this in to get more artifacts for ourselves. How do we want to split this?”

“Give it to Estel,” Kinsley replied. “So she can heal us better.”

“Or Pax,” Estel said. “Some armor would be great.”

“Let’s hold onto it for now and we can figure out what to do with it when we get back,” Maren said, standing up gingerly. “We still have to clear the basement of this place.”

Seeing Maren favoring his wounded leg, Viper shook his head.

“No, we’re calling it here. Let’s open up this place and plant flowers if we can, to prevent the other nightmares from coming back in. We’ll deal with the basement after we’ve rested.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard more welcome words,” Estel said with a groan. “I’m so tired I could sleep here, giant nightmare spiders or not.”

With their plan decided, the team got to work, opening up the doors and windows and letting the light from the dream flowers they had planted outside shine into the meat processing plant. Viper walked around under Garrett’s direction, allowing Garrett to plant a few dream flowers at strategic points, and then the team members who still had some energy left began to put their own mental energy into the nearby dream flowers. The more energy they added, the brighter the flowers grew until, with a gentle shake, the flowers sent out a new dream seed that bloomed a new flower when it dropped to the ground.

With some practice, the team began to get good at aiming the seeds, and soon the team was entirely wiped out. They sat down in the midst of the blooming dream flowers and looked around at the rainbow petals that surrounded them.

“Heh, it looks nice,” Kinsley said, laughing, “but we might have gone overboard.”

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