Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Chapter 16

I woke up Monday morning with a huge yawn and stretched my body lazily getting out all the kinks.

That weekend was a crazy one. After spending Saturday at Universal Studios with Evan's family, my parents came home on Sunday and decided to have a dinner outing. They invited the Spaders as well, as a thank you for taking care of me during the weekend. Together we went out to this amazing Indian restaurant. The music and the ambiance were great and they played a very upbeat tune in Hindi and encouraged the patrons to dance along with their staff.

I danced for at least an hour. It was such an amazing experience. While most of the people out there were watching my movie, I was dancing away all my worries into the night even though it was a school night.

Yep, Steve and Kathy can be a little careless like that. Poor Melinda and John didn't decline the invitation out of their politeness and had joined in the fun along with Evan.

And now I am suffering the consequences of all that movement throughout my body that is not used to much physical work.

Yes, we have P.E. in school but I am the lazy one who hardly ever participates willingly. I guess I'll have to become more active if I have to continue a life of dancing, action scenes, and the like. Whoever said being an actor is an easy job?

Ignoring that for the moment I quickly got ready and went into the kitchen area to see Steve reading the newspaper while Kathy was making sunny side-ups for me. Just as I liked.

"Any news?" I asked Steve just as Kathy served me my breakfast, which was fried eggs and a glass of milk.

Steve looked up from his paper and looked confused for a moment but immediately realization dawned upon him and he smiled, "Yes, I got a call from HBO. The premiere was viewed by 10.3 million people which is more than good enough feedback for such a movie. The DVR ratings and VOD ratings will take some time to come out. But, the film was a resounding success."

I pumped my fist in the air in celebration. Finally, I can take a breath of relief. While critics' reviews had assuaged my worries somewhat, I was still a little worried about the possible negative response from the public. It would seem HBO's strategy did work and all the negative news about me was capitalized in the form of viewership.

"So what's next?" I asked Steve gingerly.

"Nothing. I have to go to Pittsburgh where the pre-production work of [Wonder Boys] is in progress to adapt some changes in the script. It will take a few days. After that, we will go back to how things were before the movie." Steve shrugged as if that answered everything.

I shook my head, "No, what I mean is… what about your next project? After [Wonder Boys] that is."

"Considering I paid good enough money for a particular book series," He waggled his eyebrows at me meaningfully, "I intend to write its screenplay next or at least the outline and pitch the idea to a big production company. Considering what I have heard from HBO, Warner Bros is very interested in working with me again. Though considering Disney's expertise in kids' movies I can go that route as well. It will be a difficult process and would take at least 6-8 months to finish writing the script alone because it creates a whole fictional world. Then I have to prepare a production plan as well."

"What about me? Any other role for me?" I asked eagerly, coming to the main topic I wanted to discuss all along.

"You can play Harry when the script is done." He answered dismissively.

"But that will take too long!" I almost shouted, "You said it will take 6-8 months provided that the idea is agreed by the production company immediately. It will take you months to negotiate a contract itself. Then, you'll begin working on the script. And then pre-production for the building of sets and such. That gives me more than a year of free time."

"Lower your voice." He commanded in a calm but steely voice.

"Sorry." I lowered my head in shame.

While I may not consider myself a child, I am one, and I forget that sometimes. Considering all that Steve has done for me, it's very ungrateful of me to behave like that.

"It's time for your school. Come, I'll drop you," Steve motioned towards the door and picked up his keys. I grabbed my school bag, having already finished my breakfast, and followed after Steve.

We walked in silence towards the car. When the car was on its way, he said softly, "Troy, I know you are young and excitable, but you can't just keep doing things. You have to take a break sometimes. With that in mind, I have heard your request and will ask around in my circle if any jobs are available for you. But don't get your hopes too high. We won't get you an agent for now though, your mother and I are more than willing to act in that capacity."

I didn't like their decision, but I understood it. Agents are profit-oriented beings. This has upsides as well as downsides. On one hand, an agent will work to get you a role actively because he will earn only when his client does. On the other hand, for young actors, agents either won't give their full effort or they'll ignore the client's other requirements like education. Thus many guardians prefer to manage their kids themselves.

I got out of the car as we reached the school and I waved Steve goodbye before making my way towards my class. On the way, I couldn't help but notice the staff members giving me an odd look. A look of recognition was present in the eyes of most but there was also some hesitation? Not sure. I just ignored them and went back to being a student.

It was when I sat in my seat that I saw that even my classmates were acting weird around me. Evan was late, as it would seem and I was feeling a little uncomfortable with all the stares and whispers.

That was until Lisa, a classmate of mine, came to me and asked in an innocent angelic voice, "Troy, why did my Mom tell me to sit away from you?"

A thing about Lisa, she is one of the more tolerable of my classmates. She doesn't ask stupid questions, doesn't irritate me, is more mature than our peers, good for having some idle chat, and doesn't irritate me. 

So when I heard her question, I was stunned for a moment or two. Parents didn't want their children to sit near me for some reason. Maybe because I worked in a movie that talked about sex?

"Why don't you ask your Mom?" I questioned back.

"I did. She just said you are an actor now and that I would understand when I grow up." Lisa answered honestly.

"Ahem, well you see, my first film was released yesterday on TV. Some people didn't like it so maybe that's why?" I answered her as simplistically as I could.

"What!" She exclaimed comically. "Your film was released and you didn't tell anyone? I want to watch it. When will it come on TV again?" She got a little louder with each word, and now that I observed my surroundings, I saw that most of the kids were listening to our conversation. And because they were kids, they weren't even trying to hide that they were eavesdropping.

I sighed audibly and shook my head, "You can't watch it. Even I haven't. It's for grown-ups. Mum told me I cannot watch it 'til I am 15. That's more than six years away."

"Hey dude, hey Lisa," I turned to see Evan standing behind Lisa, looking a little nervous with all the stares directed at me.

"Hi, Evan!" Lisa greeted him back, "Did you know we can't watch Troy's film 'til we are 15?"

"Yeah?" Evan half asked, "But my Mom said I can't watch it till I'm 18."

That sent people into a new bout of whispers in the classroom. Children can be worse than gossiping housewives sometimes.

I rolled my eyes visibly at Evan who looked guilty at the commotion he unintentionally caused.

At least I could rest assured with the fact that people didn't crowd me to get more knowledge about the film and whatnot. This was L.A. and a high-class private school at that. There were already some actors in our class. Not anyone I recognized, but they were there. And until they see a work of mine for themselves, most children shouldn't come to me asking for the details of my work.

'Shouldn't' is the keyword here.

During recess, Evan and I were sitting at our usual spot in the cafeteria when Lisa joined us with her friend Erica. This was a first because usually Erica and Lisa sat quite far from here, so it was a little unexpected. I ignored it in favor of quietly having my lunch.

"So Troy, I heard you became an actor," Erica broke the ice.

"Yes?" I looked at her questioningly to get her to get to the point.

"Can you get me a role as well? I want to become an actress but my parents say I have to wait till I am older." Erica went on a passionate rant, "I mean you did it so it must be possible for others as well, right? But they still think of me as a little girl. I am already 9!"

That's what I don't like about people. They come to you when they need you, but before that, they don't even smile at you. I know I am being a hypocrite here as I may do the same thing if our positions were exchanged, but that doesn't mean I have to like the fact.

Before I could answer her, another kid came to our table.

"Hey, Troy!" Sam, another of my classmates, said with a wave, clearly ignoring the other three occupants of the table, "Is it true that you acted in an adult film? My older brother told me when I told him about you."

I resisted the urge to bang my head on the table. The thought that it would become a usual thing when I become more popular was enough to force me to just smile and say, "Yes."

"Woah! That's awesome dude!" Sam grinned, gave me a high five then went back to his table.

If only dealing with everyone was that easy.

"Wait," Erica interrupted my thoughts, "that film was an adult film?" Her voice betrayed her nervousness and, dare I say, a little disgust.

I am a little confused here. Isn't an R-rated film also called an adult film? That's when it clicked in my head. They are confusing an R-rated film with a porn film. Do they not realize that it is illegal for a minor to appear in a real 'adult film'.

Then again they are children who don't know better. I have two options now. Either I can correct their misconceptions right here and curb their wild imagination or I can let them continue thinking in this direction so I can have a little more space.

Obviously, I chose the second one.

"Yes, it's true. You can ask Evan, our parents won't allow us to watch the film until we are much older." I answered with a faked sad expression.

Erica was stupefied at my declaration but turned towards Evan who nodded to confirm my words.

"You wanted a role as well, right?" I asked innocently.

"Maybe I should wait," Erica replied immediately. "You know, my parents aren't wrong."

I smiled, "Hmm, it's your decision."

Right at that moment another kid walked to our table, "Hey Troy, I heard that…"

I sighed mentally. This will be a long day.




By the time recess was over, everyone and their mother knew that I acted in an 'adult film' and were either avoiding me like plague or gawking at me like I was an exotic animal in a zoo. I endured it silently because this had a positive side effect of them not hounding me every few minutes to get them a role or getting them to meet a particular actor or something equally absurd.

"Bet you're liking that, huh?" Evan commented with a scowl.

I raised an eyebrow as I observed him carefully. He hadn't spoken much to me besides the usual greetings and things he absolutely had to. Did I do something to upset him? Possibly. I know that I can be a little insensitive sometimes to children's emotions, but I couldn't think of anything I may have done to offend him.

"Downsides of being an actor," I replied in a neutral tone, carefully observing his reaction.

Uncharacteristically, he harrumphed and bent over the textbook, as if reading ahead of the class.

So it was because of my acting job. Is it jealousy? Does he want some attention as well?

No. That can't be true. I know him well enough by now to know he doesn't enjoy attention at all. In fact, he was more excited about my movie than me just yesterday. Something happened between yesterday night and the recess. Something that was brewing before the school day began.

Before I could say anything else, the teacher walked into the classroom and began our English class. I decided to wait for the day to end. Maybe he will get better later on.






The school bell rang out loud and I got up and gathered my stuff. I had decided that I would talk to Evan to clear out all misunderstandings at the earliest. No point in dragging it on.

That was the moment when Evan got up in a hurry and rushed out of the classroom as if he was about to shit his pants.

"Evan! Wait!" I shouted after him. Either he didn't hear or ignored me, but he didn't wait. I tried to follow behind but couldn't.

"Troy, you are to report to the principal's office," Mr. Daven, our History teacher, said.

I gave him an annoyed look, "Do I have to go, right now? I have some stuff to do."

"Yes," He gave me a stern look and I quickly schooled my features to a sheepish smile. Yeah, teachers don't like students getting annoyed with them.

"By the way," He continued with a smile, "I liked your movie. A little vulgar, but your acting was good."

"Thank you, sir." I gave him a larger smile and a nod

"Now off you go," He shooed me away, "we don't want to keep the principal waiting."

Reluctantly, I made my way over to the principal's office, feeling annoyed that Evan ditched me. Most kids didn't bother me much now. They were much tamer than during recess where whispers and finger-pointing were the common theme. So I enjoyed the silent walk to the Principal's office.

Reaching the said door, I knocked and was quickly called inside.

"Troy Armitage, come have a seat," The principal, who was an overweight middle-aged lady named Mrs. Calder, said with a genial smile, "I must say, I enjoyed your work a lot yesterday."

"Thank you, ma'am," I smiled.

"Hopefully, you won't display a similar attitude in your real classes," She joked.

I shared a laugh with her. She was probably referencing the part where my character harassed his homeroom teacher with sex talk and emotionally manipulated her with lies.

"Is there a reason I'm called here, Ma'am?" I finally addressed the elephant in the room.

She looked a little nervous but quickly schooled her features, "Yes. Somehow, your information was leaked to the media. Outside the school, there are at least 7-8 reporters here to talk to you. Now, we as a school take the security and privacy of our students very seriously, so I have contacted your father and he will be able to pick you up from the back exit when your after-school music practice ends."

I took in the information when something clicked in my head, "Wait, who leaked my information? It must be someone within the school."

The calm persona she had maintained carefully cracked a little to give away the nervousness, "We don't know for sure. I'll make every effort to find the person if they are within the school staff and make sure they won't be able to do that anymore. Don't worry too much though, it isn't the first time we have had a celebrity attending our school."

Was I really a celebrity now? I didn't think so. Doing just one TV film isn't equivalent to becoming a celeb. Not in my opinion at least.

The principal gave me a reassuring smile here, "Security won't let any reporters on campus, your guardians will be allowed to drive through the back exit for drop and pickup to prevent any future media attention. Most teachers and students are unaware of this, so keep this to yourself. Only the management and the security staff know."

"Yikes," I whispered in slight awe, "Thank you, Ma'am. That would help a lot."

"We want our students to excel." She answered with a serene smile, like a sleazy politician. "I think you're late for your music practice." Mrs. Calder said after a few moments.

I thanked her again and made my way to the practice room.

It wasn't until 4 as I went to the back exit of the school that it occurred to me that I totally forgot about the Evan problem. Maybe he will get better by tomorrow and then I can ask him?


AN: Read upto 20 chapters ahead on my Pat reon/fableweaver

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