Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Chapter 9

Finally, the year was over and summer vacation began. I still find it strange that It’s been a year since I came to America. It was a very unique experience going from a lonely self-dependent boy to where I am today.

“Troy,” A voice interrupted my thoughts.

I turned to look at my best friend Evan.

“What are you doing this summer?” He asked, “I mean, if you have time you could come with us to Hawaii? I know my parents would allow you if you agree. Just imagine how cool it’d be to do that together.”

“Yeah, it would be cool,” I answered with a smile, “but I have to shoot the movie this month and the next. After that, Mum and Dad would get busy with post-production.”

Evan had a defeated look on his face as he thought long and hard for a solution. Then as if a switch had been flipped, he smiled, “That means you’ll be free in August, right?”

“I guess so.”

“Hmm, okay we’ll do something in August then,” Evan said in his kid voice.

I smiled back at him, “Yeah we will, mate.”

Bidding him farewell I came back to Steve who was patiently waiting for us to finish our talk.

“Are you excited about the upcoming shoot?” He asked conversationally as he pulled out of the parking space.

I merely hummed in affirmation.

“Not in the mood to talk?” He asked.

“Just thinking about something Evan said. He and his family are going to Hawaii for vacation. He invited me to come along.” I replied honestly as I looked at him. I immediately regretted telling him when I saw the guilty expression on his face.

“It’s okay, this is something I wanted.” I assured him, “You’re doing this because I want to be an actor. Remember?”

He sighed audibly, “You’re still too young Troy. I know you have seen a lot in your life and you think you’re all grown up and stuff, but it doesn’t have to be like this. You also have a right to go on vacations and enjoy life like a kid. There is still time, if you want to go, we can find another actor.”

“And pay damages to HBO for the breached contract? No thanks,” I snarked, “but more than that, this is my wish. This will be a unique experience and I want to have it, so please don’t beat yourself up over it.”

“How do you even know about the breach of a contract?” Steve asked incredulously, “Moreover, with a child actor they cannot enforce work legally, the most they can do is fire me and Kathy as well. But with the amount of work we have done with the scripting, casting, and set preparation, it would be a bigger loss to them to let us go at this point. Not to mention, they would be the ones breaching the contract.”

“No, the real problem would be angering a media giant like Warner. So unless the reason is genuine, leaving a project at such a time is ill-advised if you wish to stay in the industry. For you, it would hardly matter because of your age when you grow up,” Steve explained as we reached our apartment building.

The part where Steve and Kathy would face Warner’s attack if I declined at this point was left unsaid.

Up in the living room, Steve and Kathy sat me down and looked at each other before finally, Kathy said, “We must establish some rules for the filming tomorrow.”

I nodded in assent as she continued, “First of all, because it is a mature movie, it will have…stuff that you should not see. So first rule, you cannot wander around the set without either of us escorting you.”

At another nod from me she continued, “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, whether it’s a scene or a dialogue or even a co-actor or crew member, you must tell us at once. It has been included in your contract as well so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Anything else?” I asked patiently.

“Tomorrow is the meet and greet for the cast and crew, followed by a table read,” Steve explained, “We will be discussing the complete script, which includes you as well, of course. But it won’t take much of your time. If you have any questions about shooting or your character you can voice them tomorrow. I will be directing the whole thing but there may be some scenes shot by the assistant directors. Make sure to introduce yourself to all of them personally. It helps in the long run.”

“Of course,” I nodded in understanding. If the directors are happy with you, they will make sure you perform your best.


The next day, I rode with Steve and Kathy to the HBO office. Steve had booked a conference hall for the table read. I looked around the room and saw many people. One thing I found odd was that there was no other child in the room.

I took a look around but didn’t find any recognizable faces either. That was partly because Amy and Bobby had declined to reprise their respective roles. Amy because of the nudity and Bobby because of his character's newfound sexuality. Their reasons were understandable as there were some pretty graphic scenes involving both Dylan and Jenny.

I sat down beside Kathy who was sitting beside Steve. On my other side was a young man in his late teens or early twenties. He was a tall and good-looking bloke with brown hair and brown eyes.

I smiled and offered him a handshake, “Hello mate. I’m Troy Armitage. I’m playing Mark.”

He looked startled for a second as if not expecting such a greeting from me, but he shook out of the stupor almost immediately. He shook my hand casually and said jovially, “Hello, I’m James Franco and I’ll play Dylan.”

As soon as he whispered his name, I immediately remembered him from the future. From what I know, I remember many of his movies distinctively. The most prominent ones were the original [Spider-man] trilogy, [127 Hours], and [The Disaster Artist]. I had watched more of his projects as well, like [Milk] and [The Deuce], but those three were the ones where I distinctly remembered him.

“Hey, are you old enough to play Dylan?” I asked with a smile, “You look barely sixteen.”

“I am 20,” He answered indignantly, “and you’re one to talk, jailbait.”

“Eww,” I made a disgusted face, “do I look like a young underaged girl? And for your info, I don’t have any nude scenes. All I have to do is talk shi… I mean bad words.” I amended quickly when I heard my mother clearing her throat.

“Please don’t encourage him,” Kathy said from beside me, “my little baby can get carried away with his jokes and sarcasm.”

“Mum, stop embarrassing me!” I said in mock outrage. Then immediately turned my expression to indifference, “Were you expecting me to say that? Seriously, woman, you need to try harder.”

Franco laughed loudly and banged a hand on the table unconsciously which did the job of quieting the room down as everyone’s eyes turned towards us.

Franco immediately ceased his laughter and tried to duck a little as if he were caught with a hand in the cookie jar.

“Yeah, that wasn’t awkward at all,” I nudged him with an elbow, who looked more embarrassed than anything with all the attention on him now.

Taking in the situation Steve cleared his throat loudly, “Hello everyone. If by any chance you happen not to know me, I’m Steve Kloves, the director, writer, and producer of the movie. This is my better half, Kathy Kloves, our co-producer and co-writer.” He said pointing at Kathy, “Before we begin, let’s introduce ourselves. Why don’t you start Troy.”

I looked around the room at the expectant gazes and stood up, “Hello. I am Troy Armitage. I am 9 and will be playing Mark in the movie.”

I retook my seat. This started a series of introductions starting from James Franco and going all the way around till it came back to Steve.

“Great! Now that that’s done, let’s take out the script. All of you who have a role with lines should enact them in character. First, we’ll be reading Troy’s lines. Only after that will other parts be read.” Steve said with finality.

I frowned in irritation. Steve had explained things to me but it still made me mad.

Apparently, because I was underage, I could not be given access to the complete script legally and it should only be the parts where I appear. Also, the scenes have to be shot in such a manner that no manner of sexual activity, simulated or otherwise, can happen in front of me. Not that I want to see it. But they will merge scenes in post-production so it would seem that I am witnessing a sex scene if the script so desires. Which it does.

This also means that they will shoot most of my scenes and the scenes involving other kids at the beginning to let us leave early. Some scenes of others may have to be shot in between to save costs but as far as my scenes are concerned, they should be completed within a month if the production goes as planned.

With that thought in mind, I lifted up the redacted version of the script that I was given for the day and read my first line.


I reached the film set in my mother's car the next day. My father had to oversee some preparations for the set so he reached the scene early.

For my first scene, the location was set in an elementary school that was already built inside the Warner Bros. Studios, Burbank. While Steve preferred shooting on location, we all knew it would unnecessarily escalate the costs, thus he had agreed to indoor shooting.

Walking inside I was stunned for a second, seeing the elaborate and highly detailed set. At first glance, it would seem as if it was a real classroom, only the lack of all four walls made it seem like a fake one.

“Seems real, doesn’t it?” Steve asked as he walked up to me.

“It would if it had all the walls,” I answered.

“The walls can be added,” Steve explained, “See that slot over there, They can add cardboard walls whenever the scene requires and you won’t find a difference.”

“That’s convenient,” I mumbled.

“It is,” Steve affirmed, “First we will be shooting scenes from this direction so we won’t need the wall. This gives us better lighting and camera angle. The set designer is prepared to add the wall when needed for shots from the other side.”

I hummed noncommittally.

“Why don’t you go and get your makeup done?” Steve asked and pointed towards an area that now I see has a lot more people than in the other areas. “Come I’ll accompany you.”

I knew an order when I heard one. Steve wasn’t a particularly strict Dad but he got work done in a subtle but effective way. His orders will feel as if they were mere suggestions and it was you all along who wanted to do that.

I followed him obediently as he introduced me to our makeup artist, “Aaron, meet my son Troy. He is the lead actor in the movie. Troy, this is Aaron Greenberg, our Makeup and Costume Specialist. He will take care of your requirements for the day. Aaron, fix him up soon, we need him ready in half an hour.”

“Will do, boss!” Aaron mock saluted, then turned to me curiously as he took in my face and hummed audibly, “What amazing skin! Come, we shall begin our work at once.”

Aaron talked in a pompous and dramatic voice that was quite childish but did make me laugh. Seeing the satisfied look on Aaron’s face, I thought it would be better to just humor the man.

He sat me on a tall chair and started applying the first layer.

It took him like five minutes and he was done with it, “Your skin is very good, love. I don’t need to hide anything, you have a perfect face. Next, we have to do the hair!”

What happened next was ruffling my hair with several brushes and combs.

“Your character needs to look with unkempt hair as if he just got out of bed, right?” He confirmed to which I nodded.

“That’s done then,” He declared, “Now let’s get you changed and then we will redo the makeup if required.”

“Yes. Come, love, we’ll get changed,” I turned towards the voice to see Mum standing there. She had gone off after handing me over to Dad, to do some stuff.

I nodded and followed her to a changing room. She was already carrying the set of uniforms Mark was supposed to wear to school. It was a little crumpled as was required in the script.

I went inside and quickly changed. I was supposed to be in a school district that had implemented uniforms in elementary school, thus the change. The uniform was simple khaki shorts with a blue polo shirt.

I came outside only to be led to Aaron again who redid my makeup. Why didn’t I dress up first and then get makeup? I’ll never understand that.

So it took almost half an hour, the same time as allotted by Dad for us to finish the dressing and makeup.

I reached the set again, accompanied by my mother who said, “Can you see the empty seat at the back of the second row? That’s yours. When the scene begins, you’ll be sitting there.”

I looked around and saw that all the other seats were filled by other kids my age. Many adults were standing behind one of the open walls and looking at the kids. Their guardians probably.

I nodded in acceptance at Mum and asked, “How long will it take?”

“Probably five minutes? It shouldn’t take long or children will get antsy.”

“Troy! Come here, the scene is about to start.” Dad called out from the door of the classroom, “You remember your lines?”

“Yes, I do.” I answered resolutely, “Just make sure not to go easy on me.”

“You asked for it kid,” Steve grinned at me.

“Lights!” Steve shouted and immediately, tons of lights switched on.

“Camera!” “Rolling!”

“Sound!” “Recording!”


I adopted a lazy attitude as I walked in from the front door right as the teacher was calling out my name, “Mark Lewis.”

“Here!” I shouted and raised my hand high lazily.

“You’re late, Mark,” my teacher Mrs. Vogel, played by a newcomer, said with a slight frown on her face.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Vogel, but m-my parents were fighting…” My lip quivered quite convincingly as I thought of the worst thing that could happen to Steve and Kathy. Immediately my eyes teared up and my quivering lip became worse.

Mrs. Vogel kept staring at me in shock. It turned uncomfortable when she didn’t speak her line.

“Cut! Linda, what are you doing? You are supposed to say your line! Did you forget it?” Steve shouted.

Linda gulped audibly, though her eyes were still focused on me. As soon as I heard ‘cut’, I dabbed at my eyes lightly with a handkerchief.

“I’m sorry, director. For a moment I thought, Mark would begin crying for real. He was so convincing,” She said finally, “Won't happen again.”

Steve nodded at Linda in acceptance, “No problem, just stay in your character.”

I gave the older woman a reassuring smile as I retook my starting position. I had practiced all my scenes with Steve so many damn times that I could do them in my sleep if I wanted to. Each dialogue and expression had been ingrained in my head. I guess that’s what being a diligent actor is all about.

“Action!” Steve called again as the second take of the scene began.

I walked in again and said my line with a quivering lip and watering eyes. Mrs. Vogel went down on one knee as she hugged me, “Oh poor darling. It’s alright, Mrs. Vogel is here for you.”

As she hugged me, I smirked slightly, as if happy that my ploy worked. She released me after a few moments, “Go to your seat. I’ll excuse you for today.”

I nodded in mock sadness as I looked towards the floor but made my way towards the last seat and sat down gingerly.

“Cut! Very good everyone. Now please stay in your place.” In the meantime, Steve started giving orders to the cameramen and lighting guys and they adjusted their equipment.

While they were doing so, my mother came on set with a lady who started singing a children’s rhyme. That’s great crowd control when the children actually joined her and sang enthusiastically.

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