Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Chapter 95

November 2003, New York

Me: I miss you. 

Em: Seriously?

Me: Yes, do you doubt me?

Em: What do you miss the most then? 

Me: Your eyes, your smile, your kisses, your big brain, everything. 

Em: My big brain? You're terrible at this! Who says that to his girlfriend? 

Me: Ok, then I miss your small brain. 

Em: Ugh! That's even worse! 

Me: Hahahaha 

Em: It wasn't funny. 

Me: You're adorable.

Em: That I am.


"Troy!" Mum hissed as she elbowed me. "We're there already. Who are you texting now? All your friends should be inside."

"Let him be, Kathy," Dad chided her softly. "He's almost a grown-up now. Stop treating him like a child."

While I appreciated Dad's support, I could see the look Mum was giving me, so I shot Emma a quick final text.

Me: Red carpet time. C u soon.

"Let's go," I said confidently while stuffing my phone away in a pocket. The door of the car was opened for me right then, as I exited with style. My parents would exit the car a few moments later, to avoid the brunt of the media attention. Similarly, Evan had also decided to skip the event because he didn't like the attention that much. A grin was etched on my face as I waved to the cameras and the crowd of people who went batshit crazy upon seeing me up close. A few years ago, it was quite a terrifying sight seeing so many shouting my name, but now, I've gotten quite used to it. It was a chore to keep my roguish charm on all the time, but over time, I had gotten quite used to maintaining it.

It helped that I genuinely loved talking to fans. (At least as long as they don't assault me or threaten me with a gun.) My fans also knew that I loved interacting with them, so keeping true to my image, I went forward toward the closest group to me and started shaking hands and signing stuff. That's when I heard something I don't think I was meant to.

"Who knew he'd get so hot within a few years? If he wasn't a minor, I'd totally do him." 

"Hello? He's British. I think it's legal there at 13. Even if it wasn't, I'd happily go to jail for him."

So I turned towards the girls who were behind a few other fans. Both had dark brown hair and seemed to be in their late teens. One had ivory white skin while the other had a darker tone.

"I'm flattered, ladies," I said over the shouts of other fans. "Seriously I am, but please don't go to jail for me. I'm sure you'll find much better legal partners than me."

The darker girl had her mouth wide open in shock while the other girl laughed at my quip.

"Can I give you a kiss at least!?" the white girl yelled. 

"Thanks, but I'll pass," I waved at her. "Maybe in a few years, and when we are not surrounded by hundreds of people." Then I moved on. If I keep entertaining fans excessively, I'll be late to my own premiere. Not to mention, it was creepy seeing fans who were romanticizing going to prison for doing it with a minor.

"And our third and lead member of the Golden Trio has arrived," a woman was announcing before turning to me with the mic. "Troy, how do you feel about the prospects of [Prisoner of Azkaban]?"

"I feel that this may be the best film of the franchise yet," I said honestly. "Alfonso Cuaron has poured his heart and soul into the film, and I honestly think he has set a benchmark for all the future [Harry Potter] films."

"That's high praise," she said in wonder. "What do you think Chris Columbus will think of that? He directed the first two films, is a producer on this one, and just entered the premise not long ago."

"Lady," I gave her a deadpan stare. "Do you wanna start a fight between Chris and me?" Seeing that she was getting nervous, I chuckled to show her that I wasn't serious. "We couldn't have gotten a better director than Chris for the first two films. He's just amazing as he created a whole world out of written text. Alfonso took what he already had and improved upon it, very ably. Just see the film, and you'll understand what I'm saying."

"I will," she said resolutely before turning to the cameraman. "And so will our ten lucky viewers tonight. Call the number visible on your screen, and you can get free tickets for [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban] for your entire family."

I smiled tightly at her once more before moving on to the premiere venue. This time, Warner was holding multiple premieres. The first one was in New York, where we currently were, followed by a second one in London, a week later.

"Oh Gosh, finally!" Emma said excitedly while rushing over and hugging me. "I feel like I've waited for ages for you. Has someone told you that you're a very slow texter?"

"Calm your horses, love," I whispered in her ear. "Remember where we are before you do something you regret later."

She separated from me, only for Jamie to come forth and hug me as well. It wasn't as intimate as with Emma, but I appreciated his sentiment. Normally, he wouldn't have hugged me—a handshake would have sufficed—but appearances have to be maintained. If I hugged both Emma and Jamie, then no rumors would circulate about any of us. Less than half a year away from turning 18, Jamie was mature enough to understand that.

"Have you seen the film, mate?" Jamie asked conversationally as we stood just outside the hall.

"I have," I nodded. "Both Emma and I watched it together. Didn't they show it to you?"

Jamie shrugged, "I got the call, but I was shooting something else in California at the time. I kept postponing it until it was too late. And now here we are. How's it?"

"It's amazing," I gushed excitedly. "The CGI is out of this world. And your acting is so good."


"See for yourself in a bit," I said confidently.

Right then, I saw someone at the door behind me, bickering with the security guard.

"Wait a minute, guys," I said to my cast mates before walking off. "I'll be back in a minute."


Benji was beyond excited. If someone had told him last year that he'd get the chance to be at the premiere of the next [Harry Potter] film and watch it before anyone else, he would have called that person insane. And now here he was at the Radio City Music Hall with Ashley, a girl he was trying to impress. Only to hit a little snag.

"I'm sorry, sir, ma'am," the security guard at the venue said apologetically to Benji and his date. "Your name is not on the list. I cannot grant you entry. Maybe you can try the general tickets outside? They leave some out for the last-minute bookings as well."

"But I received the email invite from Troy himself!" Benji said heatedly. "He and I are friends."

"Of course, you are," the security guard gave him a patronizing smile. "But sometimes, there are some scammers out there who pretend to be someone else and send fake invites. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Now if you don't mind, there are other people here to watch the film as well."

"Let's just go, Benji," Ashley said, a little embarrassed by all the commotion around them. Benji knew that if they exited the hall, there was zero chance of them getting a ticket. This was the biggest movie of the year. No way there would be any left now. But seeing Ashley's discomfort, Benji knew he couldn't do anything. There went all his credibility. Now hardly anyone would believe that he personally knew Troy and had gotten the premiere tickets. Dejectedly, he nodded to her and was about to step back when he heard someone call out his name.

"Benji!" A voice he recognized immediately. And not just him—everyone beside him turned towards Troy with wide eyes, including the security guard. The boy was the same age as Benji but was decked from head to toe in super-expensive designer clothes. His black tuxedo looked really cool and accentuated his physique a lot.

Ignoring everyone around them, Troy smiled at Benji and pulled him in for a brief hug, "So nice to see you, man. Why are you standing here? Come on in."

Benji smiled awkwardly before looking over to the security guy, "My name is not on the list."

Troy turned to the man and asked sternly, "Are you sure about that? Benjamin Cooper is my personal guest. I made sure to add his name."

The security man looked like he would sweat a bucket before nodding, "Ah, now I see it. I was checking it under Benji Cooper as he had told me. Here it is, Benjamin Cooper and a guest."

"What's your name?" Troy asked immediately.

"David Parker," the man said hesitantly.

"If any of my other guests are denied entry, I'll know who to get fired," Troy said evenly, but everyone around knew that he meant business. When the guard nodded rapidly, Troy beckoned Benji and Ashley forward, and they silently followed him in.

"Some people," Troy shook his head in frustration. "He was probably trying to sell your seats before the premiere to the highest bidder. Don't worry, I'll let someone know about this, and it won't happen again."

"It's okay," Benji waved it off. "At least we're here now."

"Oh my God! That was so cool!" Ashley gushed excitedly. "You were, like, totally a knight in shining armor. And you looked so hot while doing that."

Troy chuckled at that description before offering Ashley a hand, "Troy Armitage. You must be Ashley." Ashley offered him her hand, but instead of shaking it, he turned it around and kissed the back of it.

Benji could see that Ashley had melted right then and there. As much as he liked Troy, he didn't like the fact that he was blatantly stealing his girl. That too without even trying hard. But he didn't want to come off as a possessive guy, so he settled on glaring at Troy. Troy, being perceptive as he was, got the hint.

"I have heard a lot about you from Benji. You are a lucky girl because all he speaks about is just you."

Now Benji felt like facepalming. Who the hell says that in front of their crush? This would be the first and the last date he ever got with Ashley. The worst part was that he hadn't told Troy anything about Ashley beyond her name!

Contrary to his belief, something strange happened that made him question if he knew girls at all.

"Aww, he does?" Ashley said before pecking Benji on the cheek, making him go red. "He talks about you as well. Not as much as I'd like to know, but until now I was a little skeptical if he was telling the truth or not. I guess he was."

"Of course, he was," Troy nodded. "Come now, I'll introduce you both to my friends Emma and Jamie."

As Troy walked forward, Ashley took Benji's hand in hers and whispered, "Thank you for bringing me along."

At that moment, Benji knew that the night was already successful. Even if the movie turned out to be bad (which was impossible for a Troy movie), Benji was happy with the progress made with Ashley.

Around half an hour later, Benji and Ashley walked inside the main movie hall where the film premiere was to take place. As soon as the movie began with [Harry Potter] at his abusive relatives' place, Ashley placed her head on Benji's shoulder. This was probably the only time when Benji had such a great opportunity, but he ignored it in favor of watching the film. That was of utmost importance for him.

In the film, Harry and his relatives are watching the news where the escape of a dangerous criminal, Sirius Black, is being televised. Harry's uncle grumbles about the escapees before telling Harry about the arrival of his Aunt Marge.

"She's not my aunt," Harry said defiantly.

"If you want that ruddy school form of yours signed, you'll call her Aunt, be polite, and most importantly, be perfectly normal. I don't want any funny business here."

"Yes, Uncle," Harry said through gritted teeth. He was barely suppressing his rage, and it was palpable for everyone to see.

Benji could see how phenomenal Troy's acting was. In each scene, he showed why he was the best actor in the world.

As the movie progressed, Troy continued to showcase his impressive acting range. From bursting with rage when Aunt Marge called his mother a "bitch," to curiosity upon learning that Sirius Black was a magical criminal, to apprehension when he feared expulsion from Hogwarts for performing underage magic, to sheer terror when he came face-to-face with a Dementor, a floating beast that sucked away his happiness. Even the small, mundane interactions with Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the Weasley twins, full of light banter, were acted impeccably. Sure, Emma and Jamie were good as well, but in Benji's admittedly biased opinion, no one could beat Troy.

There was one particular scene that Benji thought was really good that he had missed in the books. Harry, under an invisibility cloak, was spying on the adults talking about him when the existence of the Fidelius Charm was revealed to him.

Professor Flitwick, the tiny old wizard, was explaining it to Madam Rosmerta. "It's a charm that helps you conceal a secret within the soul of someone else." Seeing the confused look on her face, he added, "Perhaps a demonstration is in order. Look at this book that's placed on the table." He pointed at the book, and everyone looked curiously.

Then he waved his wand around the book and murmured something incomprehensible before the book vanished from everyone's sight.

"Where did it go?" Rosmerta asked curiously.

"The book can be found on this table, right there," Flitwick revealed. And just as he did, the book reappeared for everyone. "When I cast the spell, nothing would change for me as the secret keeper. But for everyone else not in the secret, they will forget that such a secret even existed."

The story moved forward as Harry discovered that the murdering psychopath, Sirius Black, was his godfather, who had betrayed his parents' location to Voldemort. In the next scene, he breaks down upon this realization while Hermione and Ron silently console him.

Ashley sobbed quietly on Benji's shoulder along with an on-screen Troy. Benji could only stroke her hair gently in comfort. Looking around the theater, Benji realized that Troy's acting had rendered most of the viewers emotional.

Thankfully, the sadness didn't linger for long, and the next scene, when Harry cast his first successful Patronus, was a delight to see.

"Your shield Patronus is amazing for your age," Lupin explained with a big smile. "With experience, you'll learn to give it a corporeal form. Usually, it's an animal that's close to your heart. Your father's Patronus was a stag, while your mother's was its female counterpart, a doe."

As the movie went on, two problems were beautifully built upon by the director. One was, of course, the mystery of Sirius Black, while the other was the impending execution of Buckbeak, the majestic Hippogriff. Benji could only hope that the resolution was as satisfying as [The Chamber of Secrets].


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