Dressed As a Female Cannon Fodder In the 1960s

Chapter 9: Old Man Wu wants to split up

“Grandpa is going to wash your clothes for you, you have a good rest.”

After Wu Laohan ate a taro, he got up and went to wash his clothes.

Seeing the trembling look of the old man Wu, Lin Qing felt uncomfortable.

This old man, after working hard all his life, is still living such a miserable life, it’s really stupid.

“Lin Zi, get up for me, do you hear me?”

When Lin Qing was taking a nap, Li Chunmei’s loud voice appeared in Lin Qing’s ear, making Lin Qing unable to quarrel.

Lin Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a behemoth walking towards him.

Lin Qing said weakly, “Mom, I’ll get up now.”

“I’ve slept all day, don’t keep pretending to be dead for me.”

Li Chunmei grabbed Lin Qing’s arm and shouted at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing got up from the bed with a grunt, and said with a tired face, “I didn’t pretend to be dead.”

“Go with me to the fields to cut rice right away.”

Li Chunmei wouldn’t let Lin Qing lie on the bed for too long. Today was the time of rice harvesting, and she had to hold Lin Qing over when she said anything.

In fact, there is not much rice, just a little bit. Li Chunmei wanted to ask Lin Qing to go down to the field. After the rice was cut, it would be handed over to the village.

Li Chunmei asked Lin Qing to carry the farm tools. When the two were about to go out, they met an acquaintance in the village. The man saw Lin Qing’s sallow complexion and swaying body, and asked, “Chunmei, your family’s Lin Zi’s disease is still not healed. Right? Look at her face, she’s dead gray, you should let her rest well and cook some supplements to nourish her body.”

Li Chunmei immediately said: “She is like this, no supplements will work.”

Lin Qing glanced at Li Chunmei, followed after a few steps, leaned directly on the wooden stake on one side, and panted, “Mom, I’m suddenly a little dizzy.”

Li Chunmei turned her head and saw Lin Qing’s dying face, her face suddenly darkened.

“What is dizzy? Don’t play tricks in front of me.”

She didn’t believe that Lin Qing’s body was so weak. She let Lin Qing work for three days and three nights before. Isn’t Lin Qing still doing well?

Why is it so stupid now? It must be pretentious, deliberately not working.

“Ouch.” Seeing that Li Chunmei didn’t believe it, Lin Qing knelt directly on the ground, her face turning red from vomiting.

Seeing Lin Qing like this, the villager hurriedly put down the **** in his hand, and shouted to Li Chunmei, “Chunmei, Lin Zi is really sick, this hand is so cold, hurry up and send it to the health center for two injections.”

Li Chunmei blushed and gritted her teeth, so she had to follow behind the villagers.

When she arrived at the clinic, the person who received Lin Qing was Wang Ruo. When she saw that Lin Qing was sent back again, her heart sank, and she saw Li Chunmei who was following behind. The nurse who placed Lin Qing on the bed gave Li Chunmei the receipt and asked Li Chunmei to pay the money immediately.

Only after paying the money, can the medicine be given. If the money is not paid, the medicine will not be given. Li Chunmei looked at the medicine bill in front of her, and her originally unsightly complexion became even more unsightly.

“We don’t need an injection, I’ll carry her back.”

“She has a fever now and has to get an injection unless you want to burn her to death.”

When Wang Ruo heard that Li Chunmei came to such a time when life was at stake, she still hid and refused to give Lin Qing money to treat her illness.

Li Chunmei said dissatisfied: “If you have a fever, just cover it with a cold towel. She is not so delicate and does not need injections and medicines.”

“Comrade, don’t blame me for not reminding you, if this person dies, you will be in charge.”

“What does it have to do with me when she dies? Anyway, I don’t have the money to treat her. What do you like?”

Li Chunmei shouted at Wang Ruo with a livid face.

When Wang Ruo heard Li Chunmei’s words, he was so angry that when he was about to arrest Li Chunmei, the old man Wu ran in. He probably heard what Li Chunmei just said, and the old man Wu grabbed Li Chunmei’s arm and said sharply to her: Chunmei, how can you talk like that? Why is Lin Zi also your adopted daughter, I don’t care what your dissatisfaction with Lin Zi is, in short, you must pay Lin Zi this time.”

“Why should I pay her, Dad, don’t you know the situation in our family? Ah Er and Ah Ya have to study, we have to eat, where is the extra money for this girl to see a doctor, besides, isn’t it just a fever? Just wash it with cold water, what are you doing so pretentious?”

Li Chunmei’s words made Old Man Wu’s face sink.

The people around the clinic also looked at Li Chunmei and began to discuss.

Lin Qing lifted his eyelids slightly and looked at Li Chunmei’s mean face, the corners of his mouth were full of coldness.

In fact, she didn’t have a fever, she just used a special technique to make her body transpiration a little hot, giving people the feeling of a fever.

She didn’t believe it, this time Old Man Wu could let Li Chunmei mess around?

“Grandpa, let’s go home. We haven’t paid back the money we owed Sister Wang last time. Mom is right. In my case, just compress it with cold water. Don’t embarrass Mom.”

Lin Qing stood up from Wang Ruo’s body, walked tremblingly to Old Man Wu’s side, shook Old Man Wu’s hand and said.

Old Han Wu looked at Lin Qing’s unbearably uncomfortable, and stubborn face, and his heart felt uneasy for a while.

It’s all his fault, he shouldn’t indulge Li Chunmei like this.

“You must pay Linzi’s medical expenses today, and the pension that the brigade gave me last month, you will give me immediately.”

Old man Wu held Lin Qing’s hand, looked at Li Chunmei, and said solemnly.

Li Chunmei’s eyelids flicked, and she said meanly: “Dad, for your money, I have already bought meat for Ah Er and the others, where is there any left? Is it easy for me to manage the price? You are asking me for money now. Is it? Why is my life so hard?”

Li Chunmei said, sitting on the ground, beating her chest and patting her feet.

Lin Qing looked at Li Chunmei coldly, and said weakly, “Grandpa, what Mom said is true, she gave Ada and the others all the money to buy nutrition. We kept some wild vegetables.”

Lin Qing’s words made everyone’s eyes turn to Li Chunmei.

This Li Chunmei is really not a thing, such a crazy thing can be done.

“Li Chunmei, you are really comfortable with the pension that the brigade allocated to the ancestors of Wu Laohan? Are you not afraid that your great-grandfather will get up from the coffin and settle accounts with you?”

Wang Ruo despised a woman like Li Chunmei the most, especially after seeing Lin Qing being so abused by Li Chunmei and helping Li Chunmei speak, Wang Ruo didn’t like Li Chunmei even more.

What a good girl, to be abused by Li Chunmei like this, Li Chunmei is not a good thing no matter how you look at it.

“This is my family’s business, what’s your business?”

Li Chunmei was robbed by Wang Ruo for a while, her face was not good-looking, and she said angrily.

“It’s none of Nurse Wang’s business, so it’s my business? That’s the money that the brigade gave me. I decided to take it back. You should pay Lin Zi the money immediately, did you hear me?”


“Old man Wu is right, that’s the pension that the brigade gave to Old Man Wu’s father, why do you hold it in your hand? You can just hold it in your hand, why don’t you buy food for Old Man Wu? Such a heartless thing You can do it too.”

Some people began to speak out against Li Chunmei, who said that Li Chunmei’s face turned green.

“That’s right, Li Chunmei, you can’t be so unkind.”

Someone else made a noise.

Li Chunmei gritted her teeth, so she had to take out her wallet and help Lin Qing pay for the medical expenses.

“If she lives in the hospital, I won’t give you any more money. You’d better let her go home tomorrow.”

After Li Chunmei reluctantly paid the fee, she did not forget to tell Old Han Wu.

“If Lin Zi has to stay in the hospital tomorrow, you will hand over all the money. I have given you a lot of money in recent years, and even the food stamps are in your hands. Lin Zi is your daughter, and you pay for it. She sees a doctor and is fine.”

For the first time, Old Man Wu said to Li Chunmei so hard-heartedly.

Li Chunmei opened her eyes wide, as if she had met Old Man Wu for the first time. She shook her lips and said, “Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? You asked me to keep the house. How could I spend all my money on Lin Zi?”

“Didn’t you shout about splitting up the family before? We’ll split up when Lin Zi’s illness heals.”

Old man Wu looked at Li Chunmei’s appearance, and his heart was a little cold.

He always felt that it was not easy to build a family, so Li Chunmei was not good to him and Lin Zi, but the old man Wu still endured it, not wanting to trouble Wu Liang and make it difficult for Wu Liang.

However, Li Chunmei is getting more and more over the top now. Lin Qing is like this, and he still cares about these things. Old Man Wu can’t stand it any more.

Li Chunmei’s face flushed red, her whole body trembling with anger.

She always shouted about breaking up, just to try to be happy, and she never thought about breaking up.

If the family is separated, she won’t get Wu Laohan’s monthly food, and Lin Qing’s wages, won’t they all fly away from her?

The brigade also gave Wu Laohan’s father a pension of one yuan a month, and they would bring some pork over during the New Year’s and holidays, which could also get rid of the oil and water.

Lin Qing looked at Old Man Wu’s tough look and felt extremely satisfied.

It seemed that she had made the right bet this time, otherwise Old Man Wu would still be hesitant to be caught by Li Chunmei.

“Divided, when I miss you two.”

Li Chunmei was surrounded by people, and she screamed with a red face, and left here angrily.

Watching Li Chunmei leave, Old Man Wu pursed his lips, looked back at the weak Lin Qing and said, “Lin Zi, let’s go to the ward, and the doctor will prescribe medicine for you later.”

“Grandpa, let’s go home. If I offend Mom, I’m afraid…”

Lin Qing grabbed Old Man Wu’s hand and said with a frightened expression.

Seeing how Lin Qing was afraid of Li Chunmei, the old man Wu couldn’t blame himself.

All blame him for being too cowardly. Li Chunmei is his daughter-in-law, and he was suppressed by his own daughter-in-law to be like this.

“Don’t be afraid, Grandpa is here.” Lin Qing opened his eyes suddenly, and said timidly: “Is it really okay? I’m afraid my mother will lock me up again and give me no food for three days.”

The author wrote that Li Chunmei often used this method to deal with the original owner. As long as one did not go well, the original owner would be locked up and not given food. The longest starvation was as long as three days.

Wang Ruo, who was on the side, said indignantly, “This is too much. I think it’s better for you to break up as soon as possible, lest Lin Zi be silently killed by Li Chunmei.”

Old Man Wu’s body trembled and said, “I won’t let this happen.”

Lin Qing looked at Old Man Wu’s guilty appearance, and that’s enough for the show.

As long as Old Man Wu has the idea of ​​separating from Li Chunmei, she won’t be worried.

In short, this home is always divided.

Can’t let Li Chunmei continue to be so fussy.

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