
Chapter 44

     Moving over to the building holding the ice rink, the wolves all joined her in the Soulscape before she ascended up a ladder that she had grabbed on one of the farms she had passed. Once up there, Maia and Nat led the wolves and got logs brought out and stacked up. They blocked the front off with a plank that should be easy enough for one wolf to remove from the side, and then got a dozen logs set up. The idea was very similar to what they had done with the horde of goblins that chased them a few days before, just with a bit more setup and planning going behind it. When they were satisfied with how everything sat, they had to decide who would push it over. Nat could not, as her part in the plan was to be bait for the monsters. And she needed some wolves down there with her to help keep her safe in case the plan failed.


     Shadow and Ash volunteered to be with Natalie, which everyone immediately agreed. While they were fast, they were the two smallest of the wolves. This left the four bigger canines up top to push the heavy logs over at the right time. After confirming the plan once more, Natalie headed back down the ladder with Ash and Shadow in tow. Once down, it was time to get set up for their side of things. She first left a axe beside the ladder, so that she did not have to worry about pulling one out of the Soulscape while everything was hectic. Then she double checked her quiver and bow, making sure that they had not gotten damaged and needed replacing. Once they were confirmed to be fine, she left Ash and Shadow back beside where she left the axe and moved out to the alleyway. From there she had a clear line of sight to the goblins, who were still harassing the wargs.


     Drawing her first arrow, she nocked it and pulled back on the bow. This being the first time she has shot it since they found it, she had no idea what the aim or range was on it. Doing her best to guess that it was aiming to the large mob of bodies, she breathed out slowly and released the arrow. The arrow flew straight and true, and imbedded itself into the leg of the closest goblin to her. Glad that the first arrow was close, she aimed a little higher with the second one. The goblins had stopped harassing the captive canines and were now looking around to find where they were being attacked from. Just as one of them turned to look in the direction of Natalie, the second arrow found its home in its eye socket. As it fell backwards with blood and goo spraying out of the wound, all of the monsters turned to look her direction. Just in time to see her fumbling with the nocking of the third arrow.


     A loud shriek came from one of the bigger ones and all of the goblins around the pool and in the camp started running in her direction. Finally after managing to nock the arrow, Nat launched it towards the now charging mob. This one hit right between the eyes on a bigger one, causing a couple of goblins that were behind him to trip on his body. Given that there had only been maybe two hundred to two hundred and fifty meters between them, Nat was only able to launch off another three arrows, downing three small goblins and another larger one. One of the arrows had pierced straight through the head of one goblin, and when he had stopped moving the goblin behind it ran eye first into the sharp implement.


     "NOW!" She shouted out as she turned and ran for the axe. As she dropped the bow and grabbed the axe, she turned around to see four goblins and a bigger one round the corner, followed by a thundering rumble and dust cloud. Glad that they had gotten most of them in the trap, she led the attack on the five monsters in front of her. Pulling back, she swung the axe as hard as she could sideways. It went through two of the smaller ones necks before hitting the larger one's shoulder. The bigger, and now as they could tell, uglier monster had a gash in his shoulder, but was still able to use his arm. Lunging with both arms out at Nat, it tried to grab her arms to stop her from swinging again. Used to the lunges of the monsters from before, she evaded the outstretched claws and slammed the handle of the axe into the goblins forehead. While this had been enough to kill the goblins before, this one stumbled backwards and held its head as if it was dazed.


     Taking advantage of its confusion, she brought the fire axe down on the creatures head. A crunch sounded out from its skull as the axe got lodged inside. Whatever this monster was, it was more durable than any of the goblins they had faced so far. Looking to her sides as the larger creature collapsed dead, she was glad to see that her two protectors had already dealt with the two other goblins that were with it. Taking a minute to go up the ladder and get the rest of the pack, all of the adult wolves minus Kali moved through the debris field they had created with the logs. They systematically finished off any injured and maimed monsters they came across, giving none of the disgusting creatures mercy. There were three that actually tried to fight back against the pack, the three remaining big ones. However they quickly fell to getting attacked by multiple wolves at once, unable to properly defend themselves against the strong, agile predators. Once they were sure that all of the monsters were dead, the pack moved in unison towards the still penned up wargs at the pool.

Huge thanks to my Elder Wolves Jake, Viktor, Nikolas, Saganatsu, Eeleater Lachlan, Coen, Adam, John, Ty, and Kevin for supporting me and my writing! Remember that I keep Patreon ten chapters ahead at all times. Our next goal on Patreon will be getting up to 25 patrons, which I will then open up an official discord for everyone to come and discuss the story in and hang out!

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