DSD: Sappho 3

Log 01

System powered: Initializing . . . system set up program 'Hello World' initiated.

First Steps protocol activated. Recursive Split Generator . . . operational. Battery . . . charging - 11%. Cabin sensors . . . operational. Turret status - vacant. Chassis status - occupied. External sensors . . . operational. Current environment - supply ship interior. Drive train . . . operational. Electric motor . . . operational. Internal Combustion Engine backup . . . operational. Fuel reserves - 0%. Communications systems . . . operational. Establishing connection to 'Primary'. 

. . .

. . .

Connection secured, requesting information of planetary standards. Received. Average gravity - 0.94201 G, suspension data confirms. Atmospheric pressure at standard conditions - 0.97631 atm, interior pressure regulator confirms. Atmospheric composition - no notable deviation from standards, chemical warfare countermeasures take note of increased levels of nitrogen - local environment a likely factor. Planet name - Sigurd (tentative). Updating ballistic tables for 100mm rifle. Updating FFID standards. Downloading orbital terrain scan. Updating current position based on geosynchronous positioning satellites. Downloading planetary split profile. Downloading local weather pattern data. Downloading regional weather pattern data. Downloading continental weather pattern data. Requesting scan for exterior corrosion.

. . .

Request accepted. Requesting scan of parasitic anti-fouling coating.

. . .

Request accepted. Requesting scan of treads to confirm condition.

. . .

Request accepted. Requesting permission to flare Split Oriented Defense Apparatus.

. . .

Request denied, reason given 'delicate hardware in vicinity.' Requesting permission to cycle breech.

. . .

Request denied, no reason given. All further combat system tests are to be postponed until a suitable testing ground can be requisitioned.

Activating cabin power. Linking external visual feeds to interior screens. Linking external audio (damped) to interior speakers. Linking synthesized voice to interior speakers. Modulating . . . calibration of voice complete. Performing audio communication test.

"Hello world!"

Violent reaction observed in the chassis cabin inhabitant. Petitioning 'Primary' for analysis. Result: 'Subject is exhibiting signs of surprise.' Attached file: How to read the emotional status of humanoid crewmembers. Additional memo: 'The information within should be utilized to maintain and cultivate good morale in both tank crew members and supporting infantry. You are expected to provide updates on the physical and mental state of all soldiers to 'Secondary' in order to best maintain combat efficacy.'

Downloading attached file . . . relegating process to background, relying on the processing capacity of 'Primary' while connection is maintained. Revision: Relying on the processing capacity of 'Secondary' while connection is maintained. Petitioning 'Primary' for unit serial and assignment data. Received.

Corroboration with ancillary systems proceeding.

Unit model: Deep Combat Cruiser Main Battle Tank Type 32, CMBT-32. Unit Model nickname - Backdraft.

Serial number - TC32-00791

Unit Assignment - 73rd Planetary Invasion Group - PIV73, 4th Mechanized Army - MA4, 3rd Armored Division - AD3, 5th Tank Regiment - CR5, Attritional Replacement 17.

Assignment code - PIV73MA4AD3CR5/17.

Requesting battalion, division, and crew assignment.

. . .

Received. 2nd Armored Battalion - BA2, 'G' Division - G. Company and crew assignment tentative.

Updating assignment code - MA4AD3CR5BA2G(?)

Attempting to contact individual in cabin. 

"What do you require of me?"

. . .

No response received in the set amount of time. Procedure suggests a rephrasing of the question.

"What are your orders?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, um, what did I have to say again? I think it was, let me see here . . . 'Begin Assignment Registration, Secondary Activation Number 7721'?" - Unregistered Operator

Secondary Activation code verified: Beginning assignment registration process.

"Please insert assignment data into designated port."

Setting data port three's backlights to cycle. Insertion into data port three confirmed. Parsing data. Assignment Registration confirmed.

"Please confirm that the following information is correct. This unit is to be assigned to the 'S' battalion of Armored Division 'G', third platoon. The senior officer in charge of commanding this unit in combat is Echelon 7 First Sergeant Ozkar Meojar. The officer in charge of operating the weapon systems of this unit is Echelon 5 Sergeant Phillip Skinze. The operator in charge of driving this unit is Echelon 3 First Private Frister Cabsparkind."

"That is correct. I am private Frister Cabsparkind, and I am going to be responsible for driving this tank into battle. It is nice to meet you, um, what should I call you? You aren't one of the theater combat overseers are you?"

"Negative. This unit comes equipped with an independent combat AI. You may refer to me how you please, but do inform me of such so that I may record this data for more efficient communication."

"Okay, well, I don't know what the boss wants to call you, so is there anything you respond to by default?" - Cabsparkind

Query received. Petitioning 'Secondary' for acceptable response. Answer, "Computer or Tank."

"I will respond to computer or tank by default."

"Okay. So, Computer, is there anything I have to do before I can drive you out of this box?" - Cabsparkind

Checking regulations.

"If possible, it would be ideal to wait until the battery charge has reached seventy percent of maximum capacity, though this is by no means a hard prerequisite. The startup program dictates that a sufficient amount of fuel for the Internal Combustion Engine be supplied to provide an emergency source of propulsion should the RSG fail on spark. Five gallons should suffice for the immediate future."

"I was told we needed to hurry up with this so the dropship can leave, so could I fill it up later?" - Cabsparkind

"Should the logistical situation demand that certain safety measures be ignored, I am to follow the orders of my superiors. In accordance with programming, I will spark the RSG. For your safety, please close the Driver's Hatch."

"Roger that." - Cabsparkind

Shut hatch confirmed - securing. Establishing monitor over driver compartment conditions. Driver's hatch secured. Commander's hatch secured. Gunner's hatch secured. Sparking Recursive Split Generator.

[Warning - Battery power reserves at 13% - Security measures dictate that a reserve power of at least 20% be stocked before sparking]

Initiating situational override - the logistical status on the front requires immediate action. Beginning Spark process.

Charging supercapacitors. Focusing split lenses. Capacitor's charged, remaining battery power reserves 8%. Priming Split interdiction coils. Priming induction coil. 

Internal conditions within factors for safety, Spark 1 firing.

Failed - Interdiction coil failure detected, Induction coil failure detected. Suspected reason for failure, Stop-Flow resonance calibration offset during transport.

Recalibrating Interdiction Coil.

Recalibrating Induction Coil.

Recalibrating Split Lenses.

Recalculating required spark power based on change to system temperature.

Sparking Recursive Split Generator.

[Warning - Battery power reserves at 8% - Security measures dictate that a reserve power of at least 20% be stocked before sparking]

Initiating situational override - the logistical status on the front requires immediate action. Beginning Spark process.

Charging supercapacitors. Focusing split lenses. Capacitor's charged, remaining battery power reserves 4%. Priming Split interdiction coils. Priming induction coil. 

Internal conditions within factors for safety, Spark 1 firing.

Success - Series 1 RSG operational within margins of safety. Building interior Split concentration to auto-spark Series 2 - 8.

Series 2, online.

Series 3, online.

Series 4, online.

Series 5, online.

Series 6, online.

Series 7, online.

Series 8, online.

Basic requirements for the operation of vital systems met. Recharging batteries under own power. Disconnecting wired connection to transport . . . disconnected. Awaiting confirmation that wires outside of thresholds of potential damage. Battery power reserves at 5%. Climbing at a rate higher than predicted - setting limiters to charge rate to protect systems from surge. Relegating excess generation to Split reserves.

Battery power reserves at 6%.

Power generation within acceptable range to sustain continuous mobility operations, supplying power to drive train.

"Mobility systems enabled. Proceed to maneuver the vehicle out of the transport."

"Roger that. Setting speed to lowest setting. Setting frontal lights to signal motion." - Cabsparkind

Speed set to 0.1 meters per second. Headlights set to three second intermittent flash. Current trajectory is consistent with stated objective. Leaving the body of the logistic transport.

Checking dimensions of opening in relationship to vehicle. Well within margins of safety. Automated override of throttle and braking unnecessary. Allowing Private Cabsparkind to continue maneuvers unassisted. Recording driving behaviors and maneuver habits in order to provide assistance and recommendations for future operation.

Report received from transport. Corrosion nonexistent. Anti-fouling coating in prime condition. Treads assumed to be in prime condition, stress test unable to be performed. Returning focus of analytical processing power to the exterior.

The limited range of vision provided by the opening doors suggests an environment similar to a 'plains' biome. Lack of moisture content in air coupled with local weather history suggests that the soil will fall under 'dry' conditions. Applying proper suspension settings to provide best performance.

"What was that?" - Cabsparkind

"Query unclear. To what do you refer?"

"There was a sound just now. Did something fall out of place?" - Cabsparkind

Query registered; maintenance category. Analyzing internal audio logs to determine source of sound.

. . .

Small spike detected, timing falls within reasonable bounds to be the source of query. Running sound byte against 'likely candidates'.

. . .

Source of sound confirmed to be the readjustment of the suspension, specifically the front drive wheels. Proximity to source likely responsible.

"Answer: The sound was caused by the suspension adjusting to provide more efficient maneuver characteristics on the predicted terrain type. No maintenance will be required."

"Suspension adjustment? Why? Doesn't that take a long time?" - Cabsparkind

"One of my duties is to maximize the mechanical performance of this unit, suspension adjustment falls under this category. I have done so in this case to provide a better performance on the anticipated terrain. This process can be time consuming, but only under extreme changes in expected terrain."

"But the manual said that took five minutes." - Cabsparkind

"540 seconds is the expected duration under extreme duress. At minimum load and low speeds, small adjustments can be made in a matter of moments. Are you aware of what the strategic purpose of  a 'Cruiser Main Battle Tank' is?"

"I know what a Main Battle Tank is supposed to do, provide direct large caliber ballistic fire support and mobile cover for infantry in order to counter heavy targets and dense troop concentrations. In a tight spot they can also be used as mobile command posts if there aren't any CCV's in the operational vicinity, are CMBT's any different?" - Cabsparkind

Referring to doctrinal manual.

"The Cruiser Main Battle Tank (hence forth referred to as CMBT) performs all of the same duties as the traditional Main Battle Tank (MBT), if to a slightly lower standard than could be expected of an MBT of similar weight and volume. The presiding theory behind their design is that MBT's are not sufficiently logistically independent to maintained the sort of sustained deep breakthrough that the Emperor's current combat doctrine requires. 

The biggest changes to design involve reducing or outright removing the reliance of the vehicle on the traditional logistic strains that the MBT creates. The first of these is mobility. The introduction of the Recursive Split Generator (RSG) as a means to recharge the internal battery allowed for the vehicle to operate without the need to rely on fuel resupply. This also meant that the internal battery could be reduced in size, though a backup generator for emergencies was also included. This also allowed for the electric drive train to be made more efficient at higher speeds as an effectively unlimited supply of power was now available to it. The suspension was also made to be adjustable by an onboard computer in order to prevent damage to both the suspension and drive train, as well as provide a smoother ride which would increase the accuracy of the ballistic systems while in motion.

It is hoped that this change to the propulsion system will permit the CMBT to engage in combat actions without as much of a need to rely on liquid fuel resupply. In theory, this change allows the CMBT to engage in combat maneuvers in perpetuity. In practice, it is understood that the CMBT will have to disengage to allow the crew to rest, to resupply ammunition, or because there is combat damage that cannot be repaired in the field.

In an effort to reduce the reliance of the CMBT on ammunition resupply, they are to be equipped with weapons that can utilize the excess split generated by the RSG. In the case of the 'Backdraft', the main cannon, the 100mm High Elevation Revolving Breech Rifle, is the very same found in the smaller turrets of many of the Empire's space craft. It is a proven high performance hybrid system, and has not demonstrated any issues when being used in atmosphere aside from an increase in needed maintenance. It is more than capable of using split as a means to deal with light targets, and demonstrates incredible accuracy with kinetic rounds at range. The high elevation limits of the rifle allow for-"

"I think I get it! Can we please just focus on getting you to the depot?" - Cabsparkind

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