
Chapter 3 – Like Family


Lyra held Merla to her chest, and walked back to their home. Her lover wasn't far behind her, so when she stepped onto the wooden platform, she waited. As soon as Taen stepped in, Taen grabbed the rope and pulled the platform upward to their home in the trees.  They could have used the staircase, but both felt it would be safer to use the platform.

"I'm a mom, Taen." Lyra said softly, with tears in her eyes.

"Our goddess didn't abandon us, Lyra." Her mate said quietly. "We'll raise her well, and you'll nurture her better than anyone else ever could." Lyra sniffed.

"Do you think it's her?" Lyra asked, almost unwilling to ask the question that was on both of their minds.

"The goddesses brought her into our barrier. Left her in our care. I can't see them leaving her in the care of humans all this time. Our baby died, but maybe she lived on in another realm until she was strong enough to cross back." Lyra sniffed.

"I know she's different, but she feels the same, Taen." She walked into their home, sat on the wooden couch, and lifted her shirt. She moved Merla close to her breast.

"Momma?" Merla looked up at her.

"It's time to eat, Merla. Just put your mouth on my breast and bite down. Just this hard." She put Merla's fingers in her mouth and lightly bit down. She put her mouth over her large nipple. Merla was only about five foot, while Lyra was seven foot ten inches. Her features were all larger, so even her nipple was three fingers thick.

"That's it, Merla. It doesn't hurt mother." She felt the girl's teeth slowly close, then heard a gulp. After that she smiled. The girl's mouth eagerly closed on her nipple and breast to pull the thick sweet liquid from her breast.

"Orc milk is better than human, Merla. It's thick, and rich. My milk help you to grow big and strong." Lyra said with a soft smile on her lips. Orc breasts were also designed differently than a human's.

While the human mammary gland was deep, the milk ducts were thin, but there were lots of them that led towards the tip, and merged before the nipple. Orckin breasts had multiple glands, with only two ducts off of each. The gland itself would swell up with the thick milk and inflate the breast until the baby pulled it out.

Though their breasts were half the previous size when emptied, Lyra's breasts were enormous while filled to the brim with the thick sweet liquid.

"Momma more!" Merla said after she emptied the first breast. Lyra smiled gently.

"Of course, baby. I have more in my left breast. Here you go." She put Merla's mouth over her other nipple, and once again, she eagerly suckled at her breast, becoming full and content. Once full, she laid in Lyra's arms, and smiled sleepily up at her.

"Mother loves her little Merla." Lyra said quietly as she cradled the girl in her arms. She smiled.

"Love momma. Tired. Yawn." Merla pulled her feet up to her belly, and curled up on her lap. Lyra smiled and looked over at Taen.

"We should take her to lie down, Lyra. We'll teach her over the seasons how to be strong." Taen said gently, and lightly rubbed Merla's belly. Merla instinctively grabbed hold of Taen's hand, pulled it upwards to her face, and held it to her cheek. She rubbed her cheek on that slightly rough palm, and sighed happily.

"She knows who her real parents are, Taen." Lyra said in a soft voice. "We've waited so long to properly love you, little Merla." She whispered.

They both walked up a set of stairs formed of branches, and into a comfortable and warm bedroom. Taen laid down behind her mate, while Lyra pulled Merla into her belly, and kept her warm.

"We should have another, Lyra." Taen said quietly, and hopefully. She waited, and soon Lyra's head nodded.

"Yeah, we should give little Merla a sister."


* * *


"Momma! Momma!" Lyra opened her eyes and saw Merla sitting on the bed squirming. Her eyes were wide, and insistent. "Momma pee!" Lyra smiled.

"The pot is in the corner, Merla. Come, and I'll help you to sit down." Lyra rolled out of bed, lifted her and carried her the few steps across the room. She helped her to squat, and soon heard the water splash in the pot.

"Ahhhh!" Merla let out a relieved sigh, which made Lyra chuckle a bit. "Momma hungry." Merla said with a soft blush to her face. Merla slowly stood up, but she blinked. "Momma? Merla warm." Lyra picked her up, and quickly took her to the balcony.

"Merla, your manna veins are too full. Put your hand out, like this." Lyra extended her hand, palm out. Merla obeyed, but not as strongly as her mother. "Firm, Merla. Now say 'Vinday' nice and loud." Merla tilted her head.

"VINDAY!" A strong gust of wind surged out of her palm which pushed her hand back against her body. Lyra quickly grabbed hold of the girl, and helped her to hold her hand out until the gust of wind was fully cast. Merla looked up at her fearfully.

"Merla bad?" She asked. Lyra smiled gently.

"No, baby." Lyra hugged her. "That was your first magical expression. You didn't know what would happen, so I let you learn. Vinday is a nature magical expression. You need strength to express it properly. It was a good first expression." Lyra smiled and hugged her. Merla smiled, but frowned.

"Merla tired. Weak." She said. Lyra rubbed her head gently.

"Your manna veins and core are still new. You're adapting, baby." Lyra held her close and let Merla snuggle with her.


"Yes, baby?"

"Merla hungry." Lyra laughed. Her new daughter had a one track mind, and when she was hungry, she needed to eat. Lyra took her back to the bed, since it was still dark out, laid down, and held her against her chest.

"Drink, baby. They will be full again in the morning." She felt eager lips wrap around her nipple, and sharp teeth encourage the milk to flow. She smiled as she felt the slightly longer canines also scrape her dark areola.

Merla was already growing into her first set of fangs. Just like any baby orc.


* * *


"Merla." Taen said. Taen had just opened her eyes, while Lyra had brought her back to bed after another quick bathroom break.

Merla grinned, and sat between the two of them. It was early in the morning, and since Taen looked sleepy, she smiled into her eyes.

"Momma, teeth!" She smiled and showed off her growing fangs. Taen smiled.

"Merla has fangs, like Lyra. I have tusks." Taen said sleepily. She reached out and pulled Merla down so she was sandwiched between herself and Lyra. Merla blinked.

"Tusks?" New words flowed off her tongue easily. All the words she heard were now recorded within her mind, and she understood them quickly, as well as learned how to speak them just as quickly.

"Fangs start up here." Taen said and touched the top of Merla's lip. "Tusks start down here." She pointed to her bottom lip, and pulled it down. Merla put her hand on top of Taen's to see better, and lightly rubbed her mother's long tusks that extended from her lower teeth up to her nose. She appeared to be filled with wonder about her tusks, but she soon frowned.

"Hand." She looked at her own hand, and at Taen's. "White. Dark?" Merla's hand was quite pale, while Taen's entire body, along with all other orckin, was a light tan to dark brown.

"Merla is still a young child." Taen said. "Your skin will darken in time, Merla. The stronger you get, the taller and more muscular you will become. Just like us." Merla thought for a moment.

"Merla love momma." She said and laid down between the two female orcs. She pulled her knees up into her belly, and rubbed her cheek on Taen's chest.

Taen smiled gently, and saw her lovely wife also smile. They moved closer and pressed her between their breasts as orcs usually did with their babies. It was in their nature to mother their daughters often, and as much as they could.

"We love Merla."


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