
Chapter 40 – Out From Under Her Thumb


"Thrull Yeshran will send over some orcs who might fit Traya later this evening." Tazaa said. "After Meena and Traya get back." Merla looked around. "What's wrong?"

"Grammie! Stone! Merla getting cold!" Merla pouted, which made Taen and her wife smile. Tazaa groaned and rolled her eyes.

"I did forget the stone. That's three times already." She sighed. "I'll be back in a few hours." She said.

"Grammie. Not mine in ground. Get boar, trade?" She asked. Tazaa thought for a moment.

"We really don't have masons in the village, Merla. The rest of us usually don't worry about getting cold as our body runs hotter than a human, and furs retain the heat." she sighed. "It's better if I go out to get the stone."

"Okay. Rough stone. Slab okay. Merla cut." Tazaa's cheek twitched.

"You'll cut the stone?" She asked.

"Merla make tool, cut stone." She lifted her hand and pointed her fingers. Manna lined her fingers and extended out three inches. "Manna blade. Manna art-ee-fact. Both same." Tazaa rolled her eyes, and heard a voice whisper inside her mind.

'Grammie forget? Punish later.' Tazaa shivered as she didn't know what Merla meant by punishment, but that little face had a wicked grin on it, and made her shudder a bit.

"I'll go right away!" She rushed out, which made Laenda frown.

"What's gotten into her?" She said quietly.

"Merla joke. Said punish for eyes look up." She giggled. "Grammie not know. Punish different." She turned and sat on Laenda's lap facing her. She looked deep into her eyes.

'My punishment is for tuskers only. I have one for you too. Something to make you squirm.' Merla's small voice sounded so adult again, Laenda could only blush.

'Be good, Merla. I have already submitted, but some lines shouldn't be crossed.' Laenda said, and sucked in her breath as she felt the sting of a whip across her breasts. It felt like she had been exposed, and a real leather whip flashed out and struck both her nipples. It was not so firm as to create only pain, but the shock sent waves within her consciousness, as that is where it was centered.

'Merla make grammie submit again. Properly. Grammie belong to Merla. In all ways.'


* * *


"Traya, you bitch! Why haven't you come home?" Traya's eyes twitched as she heard a voice she wished she could erase from her mind. She went to the stairs.

"This is how you try to reconcile?" Traya asked as she walked down the stairs. "I've already made my decision, and informed you of that decision. Our engagement is off, Hice." The woman growled and raised her hand. Traya didn't move out of the way, but her eyes narrowed. Even when the hand landed, her face didn't move in the least. Hice appeared to be startled as Traya was not as weak as she once was, nor did she fear her. She felt this growth was some sort of illusion, and Traya would crawl back to her.

"You owe me!" She cried out. "I supported you when no one else would!" Traya frowned.

"Supported me? You beat me! I gave my earnings to you! You didn't support me at all!" Traya said angrily. "I got removed from Mother Queen's list because of your irrational hatred of Merla and Meena! Now I will choose a better orc to bond with. Someone not filled with hatred of myself, and every other tusker walking."

Hice was speechless, but only for a short time. Her hatred, and ability to twist the truth, was something she inherited from her parents. It would be a miracle if she didn't cause a scene, but Traya had already done her part.

She said the engagement was off, and she would choose someone else. Traditionally, unless there was a valid reason, the family could petition the Mother Queen to intervene. If they could prove that the other family interfered, there would need to be compensation.

Unfortunately for Hice, her behavior was already well known, and their Mother Queen had advised Traya to end the relationship or she would not have children.

In the end, when Hice started to kick up a fuss, she found a strong hand land on her shoulder. The force was so strong, she was nearly driven to her knees.

"Still not aware of how unwelcome you are?" Hice paled as Tazaa walked by with two large slabs of stone strapped to her back. The stones weighed over a thousand pounds each, but she hefted it like it was only a hundred.

Hot on Tazaa's heels were the fanged guards Thrull Yeshran sent over. Eager to prove their worth to the beautiful and strong tusker who stood firm against her ex, the guards pulled their spears and growled at her.

"Leave. Or don't. One involves pain for you, Hice." Traya said firmly. "Make your choice, as I have." She turned her back and walked back up the stairs.

Hice was so angry, the veins stood out on her forehead, but she could do nothing to prevent Traya from walking away from her.

Traya was out from under her thumb.


* * *


"Good orcs." Merla said as the group were brought before her. Merla walked unsteadily towards them. "Traya belong Merla. Merla belong to them." She pointed up. "I choose good orc for Traya. Good mate. Traya lonely. Traya have gift. Bond gift shower art-ee-fact." The other orcs looked at each other in surprise.

"But if you choose for her, how do we know what is right or wrong in your eyes?" One orc asked. Merla grinned.

"Smart. Merla choose true orc. No lies. Support Traya. Not lazy." Merla stepped in closer. "Kneel. Show how support Traya." The one who asked the question knelt immediately. The rest were a little confused, but did kneel down.

"Good. All pass. Support means submit. Not submit, not right for Traya." Merla said and looked at each. "Big Momma choose good orcs. All orcs not hide self." She frowned. "Make choice harder." Merla tapped her chin, and slowly nodded.

"Merla know." She nodded one last time, and made the fanged orcs chirp in surprise.

"Make all submit."


* * *


Leril watched as fog started to flow out of Merla, and surrounded them as they knelt down in front of her. The fog was soft and pliable at first, but soon had weight and substance.

Leril looked at Merla, but her eyes were quickly covered with the thick white fog, and she heard Merla's powerful voice within her ear.

"All submit. All belong to Merla."


* * *


Merla filled the room with her unique manna, made it grow thicker, and had it wrap around each of the orcs. One at a time, their eyes started to glow as the manna surged within their bodies. They gasped as they were dominated, and overpowered.

"Good." Merla said with a grin. "Submit." The fog had such a firm structure, they could feel the pressure increase on their bodies.

Traya and her grandparents could see how each of them squirmed and groaned, but Merla growled and bared her teeth.

Merla's manna was relentless. She smashed their mental barriers, and appeared in the void with them.

'Submit.' Merla said.

Within the void space, their consciousness changed from the normal wispy sprite into more substantial and obviously orcish shaped beings. Dark bands captured and restrained each of them.

'Submit!' She growled, and used the lashes of the void to strengthen their consciousness, as well as force them to submit to her alone.

It wasn't just her goal to get Traya a wife. She wanted a proper partner for her new soldier.


* * *


Leril groaned as the void captured and tied them up. She didn't know how Merla was able to do this to them, but she soon gasped.

Whips landed on her body, stung and stimulated her flesh, and for the first time in her young life, Leril wanted to submit.

As each orc felt the need to submit, they were treated to more intense sensations, and thorough rewards within the void space.

Merla lightly caressed the cheek of each of the five fanged orcs, and smiled.

Four of them would be her cadre, elite guards that served her directly, each able to be moved by her grandparents, her parents, or Meena. Merla stopped in front of the one bold enough to ask the first question.

'I choose you.' Merla wove a band of golden manna into Leril's neck, and attached a silken thread.

She would be bound to Traya now and forever.


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