
Chapter 47 – Risky Rewards In The Forest


Tazaa jumped the new moat easily, while the rest of the gate guards had to use the new bridge in order to cross to the other side. It could be moved to hang on the walls, or swung back into place, making it a good addition to their defenses.

Taen watched her mother jump over the moat, while one of Merla's cadre ran up to the moat, and pouted. She went over to the guards and requested the bridge be moved into place so she could go hunting with Tazaa.

Taen watched her mother stop several feet from the other side, and fold her arms. She turned back, and called out.

"Hurry up, Drae! If you don't, you'll lose your turn later!" Tazaa said. Taen frowned and looked down at her from the top. Drae blushed.

"Nelis is your mother's new wife. Merla lets us join in." She said quietly. Taen chuckled.

"Now I understand." Taen said quietly. She licked her lips. "If Lyra wouldn't be so spiked by it, I might give momma a hand tonight." Drae blushed a bit more.

"We belong to Merla. If she says it's okay..." She quickly ran across the bridge that was lowered, her cheeks brightly colored. Taen chuckled a bit.

"I love my wife. I love my wife. I love my wife." She said several times, which made several of the fangers on the walls laugh at her.

Everyone knew that Taen was under Lyra's thumb, and even though she was the fanger, she could make Taen miserable quite easily.

Taen wouldn't risk it now that Merla was back, and Lyra was pregnant with their new child.

Lyra was everything to her, and Merla had given her back her wife's will to live. There was also something Taen didn't tell anyone about Merla's death. Not her parents, nor her wife.

When Merla returned, she also got her will to live back.


* * *


"Don't be so skittish, Drae." Tazaa said from behind her. Drae continued to look around, but Tazaa lifted her by her knees and pushed deeper within her.

"We're in the forest, Tazaa!" She said softly, and groaned as she was filled to the brim by Tazaa's huge member.

"And I need to release my lusts!" She growled. Manna flowed out of Tazaa's body, and encircled the pair, obscuring them from the sight of anyone, or anything.

"How are you doing this? Ah, so good!" Drae said as she was thrust into firmly, and quickly.

"It's a trick our Merla taught me." She said. Within her consciousness, she could hear Merla's instructions. Breathe it out like air. When you need it back, breathe it back in. It took her nearly half the morning to learn how, but those simple instructions gave her enough information to do what Merla could do, but only at a basic level. Merla could control the mist, while she could only use it to make them invisible.

"I am not going to be tight anymore if you keep getting thicker, Taz!" She said and rolled her eyes. Tazaa grinned.

"Then you're not going to like this part." She shivered, and used a part of Merla's gift to change her member once again. This time, the head flattened, and flared outward. Drae whined a bit, but she held onto Tazaa's hands that lifted and lowered her onto that massive member.

"I'm gonna..." Tazaa felt Drae begin to twitch and shudder. On that same note, as soon as Drae climaxed, Tazaa blew her own load deep within Drae's tight ass.

Tazaa sighed happily, lowered Drae's legs, but didn't lift her off her still erect member. She allowed Drae's weight to drive it deeper, while splashing her juice nice and deep. Drae's belly even swelled out a bit from all that Tazaa put inside her. Tazaa smiled warmly at the younger orc, and swept her hair out of the way. She inhaled Drae's scent from her neck, and lightly licked her skin.

"I am a peak orc now, Drae. My lusts are crazy powerful, and Lae can not handle them on her own." She said.

"What about Nelis?" She asked as she tried to catch her breath.

"She's a sweet girl, but still not enough. I am thinking about asking Merla for you as well." She said. Drae murmured a bit.

"If Merla says yes, I will agree. If she has other plans, Taz, I can not disobey her." Drae said firmly. Tazaa grinned, and pushed down on her shoulders, pushing herself deeper. "Even if you give me something like this every day, I can not disobey her." Tazaa grinned. She kissed Drae's neck and lightly nipped at her skin.

"Good girl. Even if you wanted to join my family, and I wanted it, if Merla says no, then nothing can be done." She reached around, pushed Drae's face gently, and turned her towards her. She kissed her on the mouth tenderly.

"However, until she says no, I am going to enjoy your lovely ass and body, just like any tusker would." Tazaa said firmly. Drae smiled, but a bit sadly.

Other than Tazaa, no other tusker had ever shown her any attention. Of that, she was completely sure.


* * *


"That was a great hunt." Tazaa said as she carried two large boars through the gate. Taen watched Drae follow submissively behind her, and looked at her speculatively.

"Such a good fanger." She whispered. Thrull Yeshran came up beside her and smiled.

"Drae is a good fighter, and greatly desires to belong to a proper tusker. She's submissive when she should be, but when she's in an authority position, she won't submit because that isn't her role." Yeshran said, and rolled her eyes. "The other fangers and I often fantasize about that lovely round ass of hers." Taen blushed.

"I didn't know fangers did that." She said.

"Of course we do. There aren't many tuskers, Ninn Taen, and your mate prevents you from taking an additional wife." Yeshran said with a soft growl. "Every time that happens, that leaves the fangers to fend for themselves. Everyone wants to be loved properly, so we love each other." Taen sighed.

"I guess I can understand." Not only that, but Taen couldn't complain about that because her family was part of the reason that fangers had to rely on each other. Each tusker should take at least three wives, according to the old rules the tribes used to follow.

"Peak orcs. Fangers hating tuskers. Lost knowledge." Taen said quietly. "How far have we veered away from Duality's purpose?"


* * *


"Momma!" Merla giggled and rolled off Lyra's lap. She landed on her belly. "Oompphh." She said, lifted herself up onto her arms and stood up. She wobbled over to Taen, and giggled. "Momma, up!" Taen smiled, and picked her up. She mashed her against her chest.

"I've missed you, baby." She said softly. Merla tilted her head, reached up and grasped her tusks. A cool soft current of manna flowed into her body.

'Momma, what wrong?' Merla spoke within her mind.

'Have I done the right thing by not taking three wives, baby?' Taen mind whispered back.

'Oh.' Taen shivered as a voice that was not Merla's spoke within her mind. 'Now you ask, when your sister could have asked for you, many cycles ago.' Merla grinned.

'Be nice, black wings. This momma mine.' She said. 'What answer?' Taen heard a soft sigh, but it was followed by a wave of affection.

'Do you really want to know?'


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