Dueling life in a futuristic world

(30) Underground Shenanigans

That went better than I expected. Honestly, I had a good time overhaul. Yes, even the main event, I don’t know why. For all that I know, I should have hated that. Being forced to expose myself in front of so many people should be shameful, but that duel was one of the most fun I’ve had since coming here. Don’t know if that’s because I had an actual challenge or the… Distractions.

Still, this gave me an idea. I have enough DC to not care right now, that means I can spend some of it to try other decks. Basically, the deck I used for the duel yesterday was just something I was experimenting for a spright deck, so I made a live twin deck just to test it out in the simulator. Yea, they have a simulator, the bot difficulties are completely shit and unrealistic, cheating constantly and using shit normal beat down decks. But, it’s useful for test hands.

About the boss monsters, the pull rates change based on the overhaul archetype rarity, so even here Live Twins are “Budget”. I’m was having problems pulling other archetypes. That’s where the rest of the DC I had for this month went.

Date: 28/Ago/35MT

Waking up today felt weird.

My alcohol tolerance is still under what I am used to, so I got a little too drunk last night, not wasted, but this hungover is killing me.

I make my way to the bathroom and throw my nighty and undies down the chute. After waiting a bit on the tub to fill up, I submerge myself in the warm water of the bathtub.

This has been the place where I do my thinking.

“I have to rank up…” I say to myself, enjoying the warm water against my soft skin.

It’s not something I had thought about before. I reasoned rank didn’t matter if you had the skill. But this turned out to be false. The other students know I can beat them, but they will underestimate anyone below their rank, and this is a problem for me now. Everyone want’s to beat the natural Penta-Summoner, I’ve gotten challenges from people… Well, in PMs, and while I’ve ignored all of them so far, it’s only a matter of time before someone decides to come up to me and present the challenge in person. That is something I will have to accept.

“Bother, bother, bo—blubblubblub,” I keep repeating and submerge my head in the bath water.


Next thing I had to figure out was a Duel Runner. I have a lot of things on my plate right now, so maybe I’ll push that of until I figure out the rank problem, maybe after I reach blue rank… Yea, that’s a good idea. Still, I think I'll at least buy a Duel Runner, if only to have a rented garage space. At the start of the year there are a lot of empty garages next to the trank, but as more and more people join the course it gets tight.

“Hhufff” I draw a deep breath in after raising my head up once again. After that, I go on my watch and open the DFHealth app to use the personal care toolbox and project a shaving blade. I’ve gotten used to shaving my legs everyday now. Maintaining my image is something I have to do. The spa is also an option, so I keep myself tidy… Maybe I’ll look into a more permanent method like the other girls in the club have done, but for now I’ll keep myself natural… I mean excluding the Action Duel related muscle stimulants and body modifications… Yea this is a shallow excuse.

Being done with that, I exit the tub and dry myself, then look at the mirror, finding a curvy, fair skinned woman with big breasts, a generous behind, and subtle muscles…

“Looking good.” I say to myself, satisfied.

I grab a brush and start straightening my mid-back length, lilac colored hair. Surprisingly, that is my natural hair color. Genetic modification is widely used here, most prominently to prevent diseases, but design-a-baby is also a thing, so you see many strange hair and eye colors and shapes… this includes some, Err… strange options… nekonomimi, if you get what I mean.

‘Maybe I’ll do something with my hair later.’

No, I don’t plan to get animal ears… Yet.

After I'm done brushing my hair, I move to the underwear dispenser and grab my expensive pair. I really managed to hit the figurative “Jackpot” when I bought them on the first night here. While they weren’t the most expensive pair you could get at the time, they were designer. Designed by Clementine Mailly, a popular fashion designer, not available for purchase anymore.

Putting on the form fitting panties and bra, I move to the soft stockings, which have a little design on top showing of the brand. After that, I exit the bathroom and pace over to the other dispenser where I get my uniform. Sliding on the gold yellow mini-skirt. Putting a skirt on was something I was used to doing at this point. In this last month, I have always worn the same kind of mini-skirt, honestly I am already used to it. How the wind rides up and how it stays in place, showing off the curves of my body while leaving enough to the imagination. I follow it with the sleeveless yellow colored shirt that covers the upper part of the skirt, resulting in a seemless look. Finally, I grab the yellow and white flat bottom sneakers to complete the look. Honestly, I prefer the ones from action duel class, but those are for wearing without socks, and it’s getting colder, so right now I want something covering my legs.

Done dressing up, I go over to the office desk where I grab my duel disk and clip it to my skirt, phone already inside. I keep my watch on while sleeping and the earbuds also stay in. Finally, I look at the Penta-Summoner badge and ponder as to wether wear it or not.

‘People already know me. They better, after the duel with Aya, the Professor, and that duel last week. Plus, I’m a cheerleader… Those are always popular, right?’

In the end, I decide to wear it on my chest. For where I’m going, I need all the recognition I can get.

Oh, right, haven’t mentioned that yet.

*knock*, *knock*, *knock*

Hearing knocking at the door. I walk up and open it, revealing a very tall man - at least 2 meters tall - wearing a white academy uniform…

“Good morning. My name is unnecessary, but call me Elite Blanc. You are to follow me to the Elite meeting by the orders of the Director.”

“Very well.” I tell.

he turns around with no other words so I follow him, locking the door whilst I exit.

We enter the elevator, and the yellowish-white lights turn red.

[“ELITE PRESENCE DETECTED. VERIFY ID.”] Announce the speakers.

Blanc holds a card next to the panel. After that, he goes in for an iris scan.


The elevator descends.

This all started with a message from the director I received after the ADF meeting on Friday.

‘Yuumi, I need your opinion on something important. I will send an elite to pick you up on Sunday morning.’ Said the message.

The elevator stops and the doors open to an underground passage.

“Follow me. The corridors down here are a maze. It will be extremely difficult to find you if you get lost.”

“Yes, sir.” I tell.

I could see an eye-roll.

As we’re walking around the tunnels, I ask something that was in my mind.

“So, how come you can enter the Female dorm? Isn’t that kind of breach of privacy?”

He scoffs and reveals. “Ha, for the security of the academy, stuff like that doesn’t matter.”

I can’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Oh, don’t kid yourself. I know all about you and how the director is over the moon about recruiting you. I am not stupid enough to ignore the writing on the wall, no I expect we’ll be seeing each other a lot in a year or maybe sooner. Director Light has practically confirmed you’ll be joining us eventually.”

“And what is ‘us’?”

“Haven’t you heard about the elites yet?”

“No, the most I saw of you guys were the ones watching in on my presentation.” Or at least I think they were elites.

“Oh, that. Well, while I expect the Director will explain, I can give you the preliminary explanation.”

“That would be nice.”

He coughs, then starts his explanation. “The elites are a group of students outside of the rank system, but technically, we are all cyan rank. We receive various liberties to be used for the security and defense of the academy. For example, we can request any DC item be purchased for free as long as it is for those aforementioned reasons. Our responsibilities range from defence against raids to offence in times of conflict between the NWDA and any other entity.”

“‘Between the NWDA and any other entity?’ What about Dragoon City?”

He physically cringes. “Never!” he yells on instinct and explains. “Our fidelity is with this academy, not the thieves of Dragoon City.”

Before our conversation can continue, we reach a massive metal door.

“We’re here. You go there. See you inside.” He says, pointing to a smaller but still reinforced door.

“I guess.” I add.

I walk up to the door, and as soon as I get close, it opens up. Walking in reveals a mix of a security checkpoint and hospital room, with the walls painted white and some sort of gynecologist bed? You know, the ones with the feet rests. There were also other types of medical implements and equipment scattered around.

I hear a door open and from behind it walks in a short-ish girl with dark green hair and a lab coat over a white academy uniform with red highlights.

“Let’s get this over with. I’m Elite Flora and I’m here to do the security checkup. To start, put your duel disk on top of that desk with any other electronic devices.” She is rushing.

I don’t want to make her wait, so I quickly do as told. For the earbuds, I have to tell them from the app to "Eject", which makes them slide out of my ears. I also put down my watch.

“Right, now strip to your underwear and place your clothes here.” She shows, pointing to a machine with a flat top.

The déjà vu makes me wince, but nevertheless I do what she asks.

After I’m done, she goes over to a terminal and waits a few seconds. The machine makes ping sound, but the clothes on top don’t move.

“Good, now strip.” She orders.

“What?” I ask.

She turns around angrily.

“You heard me right, strip. Come on, we are all girls here.” She urges.

“A-Alright” I hesitantly do what she says.

“Great, now step over there.” She points to a machine that I recognize as a body scanner of some sorts.

“O-Ok.” I shyly respond.

I use my arms and hands to cover my privates and quickly hurry inside.

After I’m in, I hear from the speakers inside. “Spread out your arms and legs. I need a good image.”

I stop covering myself with my hands and put them to the side, also spreading my legs.


A weird noise echos inside.

“You can come out now. We’re clear.”

The doors of the machine open and I walk out.

I see that the table where I put my duel disk on now has a force field around it.

“H-Hey can I dress up?” I ask the elite sitting behind a computer screen.

“Well, lucky for you, the director has prohibited me from performing a cavity search, so yes, you may dress up now.” She informs creepily.

I feel a shiver run down my spine.

Hurrying, I grab my clothes and put them on.


‘That was fucking creepy.’ I think to myself as I finish dressing up.

“OK, follow me.” She tells, taking off her lab coat and opening the opposite door.

I don’t have to be told twice.

Walking through the door, I find a room that looks like one of those war rooms in movies. There is a giant oval desk in the middle, with various floating screens on top. Surrounding the table are a great number of armchairs, most of them taken. The Director sits on one end and the other end doesn’t have a chair.

Flora points to an empty chair, before walking to the desk herself.

I take the hint and sit down on it. To my right is Blanc, who looks at me and smiles, and to my left is a muscular man which doesn’t pay attention.

The Director glances over at me. “Welcome Yuumi, we were waiting for you to start.” He then turns to Flora. “I hope our head of security didn’t cause any… discomfort.”

“Not really.” I tell in a disjoined tone.

“Haah, very well.” He sighs and stands up. “With this, we start our monthly meeting of the Elite council!”

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