Dueling life in a futuristic world

(39) Flying out

Date: 10/Sept/35MT

It’s time… Actually it’s 6 am, but I’m talking about the trip. We had been told by the director to show up to the helipads next to the tower. There, we will get picked up for our trip to the spaceport. I’m excited, to say the least. I had already packed my bags yesterday after returning from my brief shopping trip.

The deck I choose? Well, I’ll save that for later, but let’s just say that I had to get an extra deck box and now I’m also the owner of a binder. I stored away my live twin deck for later. That little excursion cost me 75DC for the deck, way less than I expected, and another 25DC for the deck box and binder. They were also surprisingly affordable.

Anyway, I’ve packed a change of clothes, and some sets of underwear, the cheap stuff, just got them from another shop on the square, spending DC on underwear is a complete scam, even more when you realize they sell clothes for @’s at the square. About clothes, unfortunately, we are required to keep wearing our academy uniforms, something about making us clearly identifiable as NWDA students. They gave me 2 spare uniforms for the trip, and I’m expected to cycle them. Not the winter version, mind you, just the regular variant. With me only bringing 2 uniforms and some changes of underwear, I can just use the gym bag from long ago, easier to travel with than a suitcase, that’s for sure.

So, that’s what I’m traveling with. Thankfully, I had the vision to pack my bags yesterday, so that’s already sorted and I have just come out of the bathroom and dressed myself.

‘Duel disk, check. Phone, check. Gym bag, check. Old phone… Check. Watch, check. Ok, I’m ready to go.’

After a quick sanity check, I open the front door, walking out into the corridor. Before exiting through the elevator, I walk up to another door and knock on it.

“Hey Aya, it’s me. Are you ready?” I say, getting my face closer to the door.

I look at my phone, but right when I'm about to send a message; the door opens. Behind it is Aya, with two large suitcases trailing behind her. She was clearly struggling to move them.

“G-Good morning Yuumi, yes I’m ready. Let’s go.” She confirms in a strained voice.

I get a grin on my face before offering. “Want some help with that?”

“Yes… Please...”

I laugh and grab one suitcase.

‘Oof, she was not kidding. This is heavy! What the hell is she bringing here? And there’s two of them!?’

With suitcases trailing behind us, we walk to the elevator with some effort.

“Hey Aya, just curious. What exactly are you bringing in these two bags? It’s only a month at best and we aren’t even allowed to wear our own clothes.” I can’t help but ask as we descend in the elevator.

She turns to me with a shrug and reveals. “Just some essentials. For dueling, I have to bring my three binders, that’s like 3/4 of a bag already. Then duel disks, deck boxes, etc…”


“After that, some make-up kits, personal care products, there’s no way I’m using what they have in the ship, and the 2 uniforms, well I also packed some other clothes, never know when you might meet some business associates or members of another rich family, can’t really be lacking formal outfits. So yes, just the bare essentials. A better question is, where is your bag Yuumi?”

I scratch my head and point to my gym bag. “Just the clothes, don’t really care for cosmetics, and my duel disk has more than enough card storage. Well, ignoring this extra deck box.” I point to the blue deck box clipped opposite to my duel disk.

“How?” she asks, her eyes wide open.

“Well… I’m used to packing light. My previous situation comes to mind.” The orphan excuse is really coming in handy here. Shame that I’ll probably have to drop it sometime soon.

“I mean, I guessed that was the case, but still… how?” She insisted.

A shrug is all I could respond with, I mean, it’s not like I didn’t know that I was traveling light, Yuumi was from an upper class family after all, so I knew how her life used to be like, and for that I was woefully unprepared, but it’s not like I followed that lifestyle until now and I'm not going to start during this trip.

The elevator doors open and we walk out to the lobby, a short stroll up the path and we find Haruna, Nanako, and Naeko by the blue dorm.

They’re also bringing stupid amounts of baggage, in my opinion, but not as bad as Aya, only a suitcase each. I repeat the same ‘I pack light’ spiel with them and we all walk to the tower in a group. I ask about our club uniforms and they tell me all we needed was packed by the academy staff yesterday after we left practice.

Honestly, I’m a little curious about everything we are bringing. It’s supposed to go to space and well... that’s a lot of cargo. Still this world has surprised me so far, and I’m ready to be surprised again.

A little walking and we finally reach the tower. We then go to the right to where the heli pads are and we find Yasuna, Mia and Aiko already there, talking with the Director and his assistant. It’s not the first time I’ve met the Director’s assistant. I don’t think I got her name, but she’s the same person who greeted me and agent phoenix back in the city a month ago.

‘That brings back memories, still it’s crazy that it has only been a month since I got here. I just hope things calm down after the tournament, but judging what the Director said about a war… I doubt it.’

The Director sees us and stops talking with Yasuna. “Well, well, well, look who it is. Aya, for a second there you had me worried you wouldn’t show up.” he joyfully greets.

Aya scratches behind her head and ignorantly responds. “Just some second thoughts. All better now, let’s win this.”

He puts on an obvious fake smile. “All good then, alright.” the Director looks around at us before continuing. “Everyone! First, let me thank you all for showing up! This tournament will be the first one of the school year and for that it will be one of the most important! The first tournament will set the tone for the rest of the year! And while I’m not one to believe in superstitions, for this one I will make an exception!”

He finishes his speech and the calls over some staff members to take our bags.

I decide to bring my bag with me, as it is small enought to fit in the overhead storage, and with that done; I go to greet Yasuna and the twins. “Hey, you guys ready for this?”

Yasuna grins. “I’m as ready as can be, honestly I never expected to be called to a tournament. I guess it’s one perk of hanging out with you.”

I anxiously chuckle. “Oh, come on, you have come a long way from not synchro summoning to now pulling out quasars in almost every match. You deserve to be in the tournament.” I turn to Mia and Aiko. “That goes for all of you.”

Aiko crosses her arms and replies. “Ah! Not like we did it without your help. Seriously, these decks you gave us are crazy. I’ve had maybe one duel where my opening hand didn’t end in a crazy field.”

Mia also responds. “Hey Yuumi, I can’t help but notice you forgot about someone there.” She hints.

Behind me Aya peeks over and I remember she followed me. “Right, sorry Aya, I forgot about you for a second. You clearly have skill. That deck is just going to make you better. I believe you will win this.”

“I hope so…” she trails.

We get suddenly reminded of what’s at stake here for her, and find ourselves peering at the ground.

“Right…” I trail off. “Can I say something?”

They nod.

“I’m really sorry for what I did yesterday. Because of my ignorance, I made you all suffer through that argument. There are things I said there that I now see were misguided. And for that, all I can say is sorry.” I felt like shit after they all left yesterday, like there was something pressing on my chest, like I missed something. And right before I fell asleep, I finally figured it out. I didn’t apologize for anything. I fucked up and just rolled with it.

Yasuna crosses her arms and raises her head slightly. “You aren’t the only one that said horrible things yesterday. I also regret some words I said back there. I’m sorry.” She then turns her head to face Aya. “And words cannot express how much I regret doing that to you. I’m so sorry Aya...”

Aya looks at Yasuna. “There’s no need to apologise… If anything, I’m the one that should have apologised yesterday, but if, after everything I did, you still say that, well, thank you. Sincerely.” After saying this, she goes in for a hug.

Yasuna accepts it with no apprehension.


That was wholesome, a better conclusion than I foresaw. We talked a little about what they were going to do after arriving on the ship, then we got seated in the aircraft with our respective groups.

I was with the cheer team: Nanako, Naeko, and Haruna. They were excited about the trip.

“I can’t believe it! We’re going to do a performance in a space station!” Naeko points out, her eyes practically shining.

“And in an inter-academy tournament, no less. God, I couldn’t imagine this just a year ago.” Nanako adds, looking up at the celling.

The sitting arrangement is spacious, two sets of seats, turned to each other, and enclosed like in a first-class seat. Oh, the joys of personal aircraft.

Haruna also adds. “See, I told you Yuumi was a splendid addition to our club. I doubt we could have this opportunity if not for her.” She turns to me to clarify. “Not that you aren’t also a surprisingly talented and eager cheerleader. I would’ve loved to count you among our members either way.”

I was sitting next to Nanako; she had the window sit, with Haruna and Naeko opposite of us.

“I was about to say. Be honest Haruna, what is the real reason you invited me to the club?” I wasn’t oblivious to the fact that she most likely invited me out of selfishness. Having the arguably most popular girl in the academy in your club would only do wonders for its reputation.

It’s not like I hated if that was the case, more like I would be disappointed.

Haruna’s smile diminished as she put on a serious face. “I have to admit, your popularity had a hand in it. But there’s also another reason.”

“Oh?” I exclaim, curious.

She continues. “Yuumi, when I saw you for the first time, you reminded me of my first year.” Haruna starts. “I was good at dueling, but not enough to enter past yellow rank. During that time, I had few friends, and eventually the fun of dueling ran out.” She looks down, her pink ponytail drooping over her shoulder. “That’s when I met the previous cheer captain, Sanae.” Haruna raises her head. “She was incredible. As a cheerleader and person, honestly, I spent most of my time here trying to catch up to her.”

“I remember her. She was amazing…” Naeko comments.

“What happened?” I ask. They were talking as if she wasn’t around anymore.

“Oh, she graduated.” Nanako clears up my confusion.

‘Ok, that makes sense. For a second I thought something worse had taken place.’

“Anyway, she approached me, even though the other girls didn’t understand why, and invited me over to the club. The rest is history.” Haruna Finishes.

Hello everybody, I'd just like to say thank you for reading this novel, I couldn't have imagined it'd turn out this popular (At least for me 70K Views and almost 500 readers is more than I could've imagined on my first try.)

With the holidays coming up, I'll have to change the schedule for next week, I'll be out of town and without access to my PC and I don't want to release chapters when I can't edit them before publishing, so next week I will release just 1 chapter (probably on Wednesday) and that will be it.

Once again, thank you for reading!

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