Dueling life in a futuristic world

(78 – Duel) Unexpected company


 A loud alarm sounds and the lights to the dueling arena turn red.

 Me and Nanako look around, with our team members doing the same.

 “What the hell is going on?” Nanako asks.

 I shake my head, my eyes darting around the arena. “Don’t know, but this doesn’t look good.”

 The sound of glass shattering follows, with every summoned beast disintegrating.

 Confusion grips the audience before a wide holographic sign in the middle hands out the minimum of information.

 [We have detected an advanced internal threat to the station. Please comply with the staff’s orders and calmly return to your designated rooms.”]

 I briefly hear Haruna over our communicator, but she cuts out. [“Are you seeing thi—BZZZZZZZZZZ”]

 Me and Nanako try to call out to them, but our headsets don’t work.

 Panicking, I try to call them on my duel disk, but a ‘No Data Signal’ warning stops me in my tracks. I turn to Nanako and say. “We’re cut off. What the hell is hap—Huuuf!!!” I’m interrupted by the platform we’re standing on suddenly lowering at an accelerated rate.

 We sink below the arena and soon arrive at the backstage where a squad of armed men with dark-blue ballistic equipment and closed helmets awaits.

 As soon as our platform settles down, a single man detaches from the group and makes his way to us. Stopping a meter short of me and Nanako.

 I immediately take a step toward him and demand. “What the hell is going on here!? We were in the middle of a—”

 “Stop citizen!” He yells, grabbing what looks like a baton from his security belt. “I am permitted to use lethal force if you approach or draw your duel disk.”

 I stop in place, holding my hands to the side, signifying I’m disarmed. “Woah there, let’s all calm down over here. We just wanted to know the reason our duel got interrupted.”

 He stands down, nodding. “Station security has identified an internal threat to the station. We’re escorting you back to a safe place while we scan the station and locate it.”

 … My mouth hangs in confusion. “That’s what you’re telling us? Oh my god, couldn’t you be a little more specific?!”

 Shaking his head, he glances at the exit. “We may not divulge more than this. Now please follow me to your designated saf—”


 The sound of metal bending and stretching pierces my eardrums, immediately activating my EarBuds noise suppression. But then that’s made irrelevant with a massive explosion sounding straight from above.

 The earthquake style effect that this creates almost throws me off balance. Still, there are other problems. You don’t want to hear explosions in a pressurized tube floating through a vacuum millions of kilometers away from solid ground.

 [“Warning: Depressurization event in solid vision arenas 23 through 37. Don’t panic, follow staff orders, and may god have mercy on our souls,”]

 ‘… Okay, WHO THE FUCK programed an automated warning system to pray to god!!?!?!?’

 The guard looks shaken for a moment, but his training quickly kicks in. “Follow me! NOW!”

 Me and Nanako don’t have to be told twice and we run after the guard through the exit from the arena.

 I look back one last time, spotting Naeko and Haruna being escorted by another guard.

 The only ones left behind are Yasuna and Aiko, but they quickly figure out what’s happening. Yasuna runs off to our group while Aiko tails behind Haruna.

 The doors out of the arena backstage on our side slide down, but Yasuna slides under the half-shut door, yelling. “Wait for me!”

 This makes the guard pause for a second. He was gunning it to an elevator. “Come on! We have little time!” His statement is questionable as the elevator he called hasn’t arrived yet.

 Yasuna joins up soon after. “I’m here! I’m HERE!” she says between heavy breaths.

 I look down at her and ask. “Do you know where Haruna, Naeko, and Aiko went?”

 She shakes her head, still leaning down, clutching her knees. “No, I just heard an explosion and gunned it to you. She must’ve done the same with their group.” Yasuna looks to the guard and asks. “Where are you taking us, exactly?”

 His helmet prevents any of us from seeing his facial expression, but he exhales loud enough to be picked up by his mic. “The hotel deck is the designated hold out spot in emergency situations. We’ll be stopping there.” He turns to me and tells. “We received an anonymous tip that there was a plot in motion to assassinate one of you. That’s why the duel was stopped. We’re lucky they hit the wrong floor. If that explosion had taken place in that dueling arena, we would be floating in space with no hope of rescue right about now.”

 *Ting* The uncharacteristically calm chime of the elevator arriving sounds and we four quickly rush in.

 As the guard smashes the touch panel, selecting the hotel floor and as the elevator moves, another familiar but disturbing tone plays.

 <A/N: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K3ztneTQuA >

 ‘No, no, no, no, no… Why this song?! Why?!’

 The elevator briskly moves to the lower floors, and I turn to Nanako and Yasuna, declaring. “Get ready for a fight.”

 The three turn to each other with quizzing looks, the guard being the one to speak up. “Why exactly? That explosion occurred on the upper decks. We should be fine down here.”

 I facepalm. “And now you’ve jinxed us.”

 *Ting* The elevator doors open, and we walk out.

 It’s immediately apparent that something is wrong. There are several tall figures wearing what I can best describe as armored space suits, painted red. Adding to the space horror vibe, they wear closed helmets, just like the guard.

 “Are these guys part of your security team?” I ask him.

 He shakes his head. “No way, that’s military grade ballistic armor.”

 One of the little red men stationed by the elevator lobby turns to us, raising his arm and pointing our way. He doesn’t speak, but every other soldier in the room turns in our direction.

 Yasuna and I step forward, raising our duel disks and activating our force-fields. With the tanned girl saying. “Looks like you were right on the money here, Yuumi.”

 Nanako hides behind me, and the guard follows her with Yasuna, even if the barrier we formed covers all directions.

 A legion of similar men run our way, with some of them drawing scary looking rifles. They hide behind railings and plant vases, making use of the gorgeous flower arrangement in the middle of the elevator lobby as cover.

 One of them rises above the railing, saying in a distorted voice. “Put down your weapons and surrender. We will open fire otherwise.”

 Me and Yasuna look at each other… Then we both turn to the guard.

 He simply shakes his head. “No way. They were after one of you. You drop the barrier and someone dies.”

 That’s more than enough to convince me, and I turn back to the group, which now consisted of 7 soldiers. “Drop your weapons first. We wi—.”

 That was the wrong answer. Red ballistic projectiles slam into our combined barrier, followed by a rain of smaller caliber bullets. The sound of a massive gunfight fills the air, bullets slamming into the fragile decorations around the lobby, ricocheting shrapnel flying around.

 I’m a second away from throwing myself at the floor, but the bullets stop at our barrier. If they didn’t, we’d already be dead. They won’t get through without more firepower or larger munitions, yet my duel disk is heating up.

 My arms start shaking, an almost paralyzing shiver going up my spine. ‘I’m getting shot at… This is real… Ahhh…’

 “Noooooo!!!!” I hear someone scream behind me, followed by a *Thunk*.

 I look back, spotting Nanako throwing herself to the floor with her arms above her head, her face pressed flat.

 On my right, Yasuna leans down, placing a hand on her back. “Are you okay!? Did anything hit you!?”

 The guard takes a step back, falling to the ground… Wimp.

 Still, Nanako starts mumbling into the floor. “Nooo… Not again… No!”

 Yasuna leans down, her face struck with a look of realization, and she whispers to Nanako. “Shiiuuu. It’s going to be okay, calm down, we’re safe for now, there’s nothing to worry about.”

 ‘How can she say that with such confidence in this situation? Hell, how is she so calm?’

 “Guys!?” I call. “What the hell are we supposed to do?!”

 Yasuna looks back, still comforting Nanako — Who’s frozen on the ground — and says. “We’ll have to clear them out. Yuumi, you can do it.”

 ‘… What?’

 I turn back to her. “How!?”

 The girl with the green ponytail furrows her brow. “Don’t you remember dueling theory? Place a card down on your disk and tell it to attack. Make sure it’s a big monster. Attack points are all that matter here.”

 “… Wait… Are you telling me to attack them? Won’t… Won’t that end in a massacre?” I ask in a shaky voice.

 Before she can respond, Nanako gets up, breathing deeply still. “Anff, anff, I’m sorry girls, just… Anff… Something.” Her face is a mess.

 I try to ignore the firefight in front of me and ask. “Are you okay? You looked, like, properly panicked there.”

 She shakes her head, reassuring. “I’m fine… Mostly…”

 Yasuna looks back at me. “Yuumi, It’s simple. If you tell your monsters to just incapacitate them, they will.”

 I hesitantly look at my duel disk. I know it can do that, but our professors warned not to rely on it; It could still deliver a fatal blow; And with these many people, I’m almost certain some would end up dead.

 *Crackle!* the familiar sound of a solid vision monster materializing snaps me out. I turn around to see who did this, but Nanako didn’t even have her duel disk drawn and Yasuna just looks at me—Likely following the same train of thought.

 Soon enough, the answer reveals itself as a gigantic dragon forming above us.

 Running on autopilot, I grab a card from the extra deck box attached to my short cheerleader mini-skirt and slam it on the disk.

 A monstrous demon forms to match the dragon. In a few moments, a shining white figure with golden highlights stands between us and the monster. I look down at my duel blade to find the card I grabbed randomly from the extra deck was ‘D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex.’


 But before my summon gets the chance to show off, both the different dimension demon and the dragon shatter into a thousand pieces.

 A similar red armored soldier walks in front of all the others. A duel disk with a red blade extended hanging on his arm.

 [Duel Start!] My duel disk announces.

 Our force field grows to encompass the opposing duelist as well, growing big enough to form a sizable arena in the hotel deck elevator lobby.

 ‘Shit… I wasn’t expecting to be dueling today! I haven’t even touched my duel disk since I arrived at the station!’

 The sounds of machine gun fire and blasters stop momentarily. The challenger in crimson red full-body armor steps towards our group, his duel disk drawn with a red blade.

 Yasuna taps my shoulder and says in a monotone voice. “This sounds like something for you to deal with… hahahahahahhahaa…”

 Our friendly neighborhood station security guard exclaims from behind us. “What?! Why is the cheerleader the one fighting?” His eyes land on Yasuna. “Weren’t you an undefeated duelist or something?”

 The green-haired girl shakes her head vividly, saying in an elevated tone of voice. “Oh, hell no! I’m just your below average student!” She points at me. “The small one is the real monster!”

 Before I have the time to protest being called: “The small one.” a duel announcement grabs my attention.

 [Turn order: You—Second]

 ‘Shit, I forgot the challenger gets the first turn in ad hoc duels. This can either go very well, or terribly. All I can do is hope that it’s the former.’

 [Draw Phase, Standby Phase, Main Phase 1]


 I look at my hand and frown. “Tch, this is not good. I haven’t practiced this deck in a long time and this hand stinks.”

 The two other duelists near me look over each of my shoulders.

 “I remember a little about D/D/D, and that’s not that bad. You can get what’s missing with gate.” Nanako offers.

 Yasuna stays silent, probably not understanding what to make of this. “T-That Ogre looks cool…”

 … Scratch that, she’s 100% clueless.

 A robotic voice snaps me out and tells. “Activating upstart…”


 A refreshing green aura dawns over my form, and I feel a little calmer. With it, my life points raise by 1000.

 The armored figure reveals a card from his hand before placing it down on the field. I don’t know why he’s now mute, but a witch with colorful pink, blue, and dark-purple hair forms.

 She’s joined in the makeshift arena by another witch, this time with lime-green hair.

 My duel disk thankfully explains what happened.

 [Activated ‘Windwitch - Ice Bell’ SS’s itself from hand SS’ing ‘Windwitch - Glass Bell’ from deck.]


 Glass bell raises her staff over her bed of green hair covered by a large witch’s hat, with Ice bell copying it.


 “T-TCH!” I flinch as red sparks run over my skin,

 Concurrently, a small floating decorated blue-ish sphere spawns next to the two witches.


 The soldier raises his arm, announcing. “Synchro summon… ‘Windwitch - Winter Bell’”


 True to his words, the two witches merge into the synchro summoning arrangement. An even smaller sphere with many aerodynamic fins cuts through the air. It then changes direction, sending a blade of air right at me.


 Yasuna and Nanako move away, the guard cowering behind them. I raise my arms in a cross shape, and grind my teeth in anticipation of it arriving; the blade deforms straight after leaving a slight cut on my lower arm, from which small drops of blood drip.

 ‘Arrgg… This sucks. It’s like a paper cut, but bigger!’

 Right after delivering the blow, the small creature breaks into seven green spheres, which line up inside a ring formed by the other spherical monster.

 The formation explodes into a weirdly familiar flash of light, and soon, the crystal dragon which rises from inside explains my sense of déjà vu.

 “Synchro summon… ‘Windwitch - Winter Bell’ and ‘Windwitch - Snow Bell’ into ‘Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon.’”


 “What the hell! That’s my monster!” Yasuna complains.

 Nanako doesn’t miss a beat to tease her about it. “What? No, it’s clearly his. Look, he even summoned it the intended way!”

 The cowering guard also doesn’t miss a beat to complain. “How are you two still playing around!? Look at that thing! It’s huge!”

 The brown-skinned cheerleader stifles a laugh, joking. “That’s what she said!”

 “What the fuck is wrong with you duelists?! We’re in mortal peril and you still joke around now!?”

 While my little entourage is going about with their comedy routine, the challenger cracks a joke of his own. “End of turn… Surrender is advisable.”


 [End Phase]


 [Draw Phase]


 [Main Phase 1]

 “Pfttt!! HAHAHHAHA!” I burst out laughing soon after my turn starts, letting out a deep wheeze while clearing away tears. “Oooohhh. Okay, you worried me there for a second.”

 I look around at my colleagues. “Let’s just finish this quickly, shall we?”

 Nanako turns to me with an angry frown. “Yuumiiiii. It’s not okay to laugh at people just because their first turn sucks… Please focus on the duel…”

 Yasuna, in turn, also complains. “Yeah… Even if his first turn is not up to your standards, you still shouldn’t take him lightly.”

 I pose with my chin raised. “No worries. I will end this on this turn. Just shut up and watch! From my hand, I activate the continuous spell card ‘Dark Contract with the gate’ activating it right away to add ‘D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!’ Which I will activate to my pendulum zone! Joined by D/D/D/D Super-Dimensional Sovereign Emperor Zero Paradox! Pendulum Set!”


 A pillar of light rises to my right with the full throne of a demon prince. A number five shows below the creature. Opposite to this creature is an even more impressive ruler, a five meter tall beast with various chains and four arms spilling from his quadrupedal body.

 A pendulum soon swings between the two, which I will use by raising my arm, announcing. “Pendulum Summon! Come out ‘D/D Proud Ogre!’”


 Exiting from the pendulum gate as a single orb of red light, a horned warrior in a full set of black-metal armor forms, wielding a gigantic axe.

 “I follow my summon by activating the effect of D/D Gryphon from my hand—”


 “Not so fast.” The masked contender announces. “Chain Crystal Wing’s effect. Negating and destroying.”


 ‘…So, he wasted his negate on this? Okay.’


 I shake my head, slotting the card into my duel disk. “Fine, if you won’t let me put it on the field, I’ll just have to work with the grave! By activating the continuous spell, ‘Dark Contract with the Swamp King.’ I shall banish ‘D/D Gryphon’ to fuse with ‘D/D Proud Ogre’ on my field; Fusion SUMMON!” I raise my arm, the armored warrior joining a ghostly form of the gryphon in the fusion swirl. “Come to life! Triple D! Flame King Genghis!”


 From the fusion effect exits an armored humanoid demon wielding a large flaming sword and a roman shield.

 Full with ambition, I continue, “NOW!….” But I stop myself, realizing I just made a mistake…

 Furrowing her brow, Nanako asks. “Now what? You don’t have any monsters in your graveyard for either Genghis or Ragnarok to revive. Please tell me that wasn’t your plan.”

 I slowly turn to her. “Ha Ha… Ha… Ha… O-Of course! With Level 6 ‘Flame King Genghis’, I build the overlay network!”


 My summon looks straight at me before raising into the widening vortex of darkness above the field.

 ‘I know buddy, you don’t need to tell me this was a mistake. But I’ll have to run with it. There’s too much to lose here.’

 “Arise! Rank 8 ‘D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinex!’”


 From an explosion of dark energy, a dominating king exits sitting on a dark throne, a single orb of darkness orbiting his gigantic frame.

 Unfortunately, my monster only has 3000 ATK points, 1200 short of what Clear Wing now possesses after negating Gryphon and absorbing his attack points. “I set a card face down and end my turn.”

 [End Phase]

 Yasuna promptly voices an objection. “What?! Weren’t you supposed to end it this turn!?”

 I look at her and shrug. “Sorry… Kind of messed up there… But I will get him next turn!”

 Crossing her arms, Nanako sighs. “Seriously Yuumi!? You know you’re better than this! What the fuck happened?”

 My eyes inch to the ground and I gulp. “Errrr… So, I kind of haven’t practiced this deck ever since we arrived at the space station… And before that, I only used it once…”

 Both girls’ faces pale, and their eyes shoot wide open.

 [Draw Phase]

 But before they’re able to chastise me about doing something so irresponsible, my opponent exclaims. “Draw.”

 This grabs the attention of the two, and they turn back to him.

  I’m suddenly reminded that this is no time for jokes. No, he’s not that intimidating on his own. The half-dozen armed men behind him, still pointing their guns our way, on the other hand...

 ‘Shit, I really chose a bad duel to drop the ball in… Still, MachineX can absorb other monsters if they activate their effects and has enough attack points to not be run over. I should be okay for this turn.’

 [Standby Phase, Main Phase 1]

 He grabs a card from his hand and reveals it. “Activating… ‘Dark Magical Circle.’”


Using the effect of circle, which he activates right after placing the card down, he adds ‘Dark Magic inheritance’ and after stacking the deck, he normal summons a familiar monster.


 “Normal Summon… ‘Windwitch - Glass Bell.’” he says again in a monotone voice. He doesn’t even look at his cards before announcing. “Set card. End of turn… Surrender is advisable.”


 [End Phase]

 I blink in confusion, asking. “Girls, am I the only one who finds the way he’s speaking… Strange?”

 Yasuna tilts her head. “I thought so as well, but maybe it’s just how they train solid vision soldiers to act? That way, they can’t reveal what they’re thinking to the opponent.”

 But Nanako shakes her head at this theory. “No, at least not in the Union. Honestly, do you want me to tell you what he sounds like?”

 Obviously, I nod.

 She copies me. “Very well. I know this is a little crazy, but… He sounds like a dueling AI. Barely announcing their moves and taking unnecessary risks. Why would he summon Glass Bell? It’s just a juicy target for you to run over.”

 [Draw Phase]

 I think it over, but soon notice my turn timer running and swiftly draw my card. “Draw!”


 ‘Nice floodgate. Shame he probably only knows Synchro summoning. That’s a little difficult for me to do in these conditions, but I’ll try my best.’

 Before the Draw Phase ticks over, my opponent raises his arm and reveals a face down. “Reveal set… ‘Illusion Magic’ tribute… Glass Bell… Add 2 times ‘Dark Magician.’”


 ‘Huh, dark magician deck… Well, I could’ve figured that out just with the magical circle.’

 [Standby Phase]

 One of the face-up cards on my field glows. [“Dark Contract with the Gate effect: -1000LP”]


 “GHHRHRRR!!!!” I wail in pain as a strong electric shock runs all over my body.

 Yet another one of my continuous spell’s starts glowing. [“Dark Contract with the Swamp King effect: -1000LP,”]


 This time, I ready myself, but the shock still throws me to the floor. “Gwuuaaa!!”

 [Main Phase 1]

 “You okay over there?” Yasuna asks, lending a hand.

 I grab it and pull myself up. “Taah! How do I always choose the most painful decks to play?”

 With a teasing smile, Nanako comments. “Maybe something draws you to them.”

 I roll my eyes at her. “Not the best time to be taunting me like that.”

 She shrugs, shaking her head with her arms crossed. “But you make it so easy.”

 ‘Don’t act all cool after you dropped to the floor crying from hearing a gunshot. Wonder what’s the story behind that.’ Obviously, that comment stays in my head.

 Turning back to the duel, I think over my options for a bit before deciding on a plan of action. “Alright, I will activate the effect of ‘Dark Contract with the Gate.’ With it, I add D/D Ghost from the deck to my hand. Now! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourself ‘D/D Ghost!’ And return from the Extra deck, ‘D/D Proud Ogre!’”


 Two spheres of light exit the pendulum gate, forming into a large yellow crystal and a proud warrior wielding an enormous axe, respectively.

 I raise my arm. “Next! I tune level two ‘D/D Ghost’ with level six ‘D/D Proud Ogre.’ Synchro summon! Be born! ‘D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried!’”


 My two new monsters form a synchro summoning arrangement, resulting in a humanoid warrior with long white hair, wearing full plate armor and wielding a silvery claymore.

 “This activates the effect of ‘D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!’ Using his effect, I revive ‘D/D Ghost!’” Right as I finish calling that out, a mild shock rocks my body. “TCHH!!!!” but I manage to take it without losing my balance. “B-But he won’t stay for long! As I tune level 8 ‘D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried’ with level two tuner D/D Ghost! Synchro summon! Level 10 ‘D/D/D Gust High King Alexander!’”


 Yet another humanoid warrior descends on the field, this time with a transparent green cape which flows over his brilliant plate armor. He also wields a great sword.

 “I’m not done yet! Activating the effect of ‘Dark Contract with the Swamp King’, I use ‘D/D/D Cursed King Seigfried’ and ‘D/D Ghost’ to fusion summon! Appear! ‘D/D/D Oracle King D’Arc!’”


 Two ghostly figures mix with each other, forming into a winged vampire in a full suit of white female plate armor, highlighted at the seams with strings of gold.

 Concurrently, High King Alexander grows double his size, showcasing a doubling in attack points. His effect activating now that there are 3 D/D/D monsters on the field.


 Even with all the summons there’s still something else I can do. “The other effect of ‘D/D Ghost’ activates once he’s banished!”


 But my opponent has other plans, as he declares. “Chain… Effect of Crystal Wing… Negate.”


 I shake my head and smile. “I was waiting for that! Chaining MachineX’s effect, I destroy ‘Dark Contract with the Swamp King!' Your dragon gets absorbed by MachineX and turned into an overlay unit!”


 The crystal-clad dragon disintegrates mid-air into particles of light. The particles concentrate into a dark sphere which shoots over to my side of the field and orbits MachineX.

 With a confident smile, I declare. “Battle!”

 [Battle Phase]

 I look at the assortment of demons in front of me and raise my duel disk arm. “My monsters! Attack!”


 With an empty field, my summons charge at the armored soldier, some with their swords drawn, others with spells ready.

 D/D/D Oracle King D’Arc is the first to strike, readying her sword to strike down the armored solid-vision soldier.

 But before she even gets there, a warning shows on my duel disk. [“Your opponent is offering surrender. Accept?”]

 Smiling, I select the option and exclaim. “I accept your surrender.” Our barrier shrinks back to only cover the four of us, and his duel blade retreats.

 I look around at the other soldiers, duel disk raised. “I would advise all of you to stand down as well.”

 But instead of surrendering, another hail of bullets swarms at our barrier.

 ‘Why are they not surrendering!? Their bullets won’t penetrate our barrier for as long as we have power! And my monsters are still here! It’s useless!’ “Stand down for fuck’s sake! Don’t make me have to—” A chill runs down my spine as the realization of what I might have to do sets in, and I feel a film of sweat form on my skin. A sense of dread washes over me, making me feel as if I’m rooted to the spot. ‘Am I going to have to kill them? No, no, no, no. There has to be another way, right?’

 “What are you doing? The duel is over! Clear them out!” I hear the security guard complain from behind.

 This snaps me out for a second. ‘How can he tell me to do that so selfishly?!’ I can’t help but yell at the guard, fuming. “Oh, look who’s suddenly poked his head out now that the coast is clear. If it’s that simple, then why don’t you do it yourself!?”

 I feel someone grab my right arm. It’s Yasuna. “Well, I don’t see a way out if we just stand here… Do you want me to clear them out for you?”

 Turning to her, I demand. “How can you speak so lightly about it!? What if some of them end up dead!?”

 Yasuna shakes her head. “I’ve done this before Yuumi, I know what the limits are.”

 My eyelids shoot right up. “What? When?”

 She shakes her head once again. “Well… I had a lot of younger siblings. Why do you think I got into dueling? I had to protect them, somehow.”

 Still, with the hail of bullets peppering our barrier, Nanako exclaims, her voice shaky. “Hey girls, I know you two might have a lot to catch up on, but how about you two do it AFTER we’re not getting shot at?!” She glances at Yasuna and continues with an increasingly deranged tone of voice. “You said you have experience taking down people, right? Then please do it. Because personally, I have no intention of dying here!”

 I also look at Yasuna, nodding along with Nanako. That’s the funny thing about duel academy nobody tells you. They teach all about defending yourself from other duelists, and they take every opportunity they can get to remind you that a single duelist can outgun an entire platoon, but if you ever ask them how to do that, they hit you with the: “Well, that’s only in theory.”

 Yasuna sighs, raising her duel disk, and as soon as the blade is out, she grabs five cards from her extra deck box.

 The sound of materializing monsters fills the space with five white dragons of various sizes forming from the light radiating from the solid-vision projector on her arm. She calls out. “Come to me and do my bidding! ‘Stardust Dragon! Shooting Star Dragon! Accel Synchro Stardust Dragon! Shooting Majestic Star Dragon!’ And finally! Arise, ‘Shooting Quasar Dragon!’”


 The five concurrent summons emit a ridiculously bright explosion of light that nearly blinds me, yet the rain of bullets only grows more intense.

 With her dragons summoned, Yasuna raises her arm. “Shining light that blinds all! Charge! And reveal the power of stardust!”

 Her five dragons charge up energy beams and charge towards the line of fire.

 She yells one more time. “STARDUST BARRAGE!”

 I lean down, my duel disk relegated to an overpriced sun visor. Yet, from the corner of my vision, I spot Yasuna posing with her left arm raised and a single thought passes through my mind. ‘She looks so fucking cool… I wish I had that confidence… That could’ve been me… I even made her deck…’

 A massive earthquake rumbles the entire floor as her attack bashes into the firing line; I close my eyes tightly, but the literal explosion of light still singes my retinas.

 ‘I've been letting myself go... I have to get stronger.’

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