Dueling life in a futuristic world

(81.6) Drastic Times; Drastic Measures

 On the other side of the battlefield, the three commanders of this force looked on in horror. The barrier protecting the duelists had just fallen, but the true number of casualties on their side was staggering.

 “General…” started the smaller of the three, Lieutenant Venessa. But she didn’t continue.

 The taller of the three commanders didn’t even flinch. “Yes Lieutenant? If you have anything pertinent to say about this operation, it is expected of you to voice it. Otherwise, I advise clearing the air.”

 Lieutenant Venessa shuddered. Her superior’s attitude had been getting more and more abrasive as this operation continued. Coupled with the estranged orders he gave; she couldn’t help but conclude this operation had been tearing him down mentally. “Nothing, sir.” But what was she to do? Overrule him? She could announce him mentally unstable and take the reins, but with the duel disk on his arm, that would just be a fancy way to commit suicide. Never mind court martial, he would cut her down on the spot.

 Then there was the third commander. Opposite to Vanessa, he kept silent and looked on. This wasn’t a matter of trust in General Tychon. No, he would be more than glad to see him demoted after this disaster of an operation. And disaster was appropriate. A simple sabotage mission turned into what was a contemporary siege. Then there was the decision not to engage in a duel directly with the combatants…

 General Tychon’s dueling prowess was legendary, but it was uncertain if he could out duel the eight tournament duelists. Letting them run out of power was the better decision, and none of the co-commanders disagreed. Yet, the method of keeping the duelists distracted while power ran out was questionable. Thinly disguised human wave tactics using professional elite forces as fodder… What was he thinking?

 That was the burning question on the minds of the two co-commanders… But were they going to ask for clarification? … Rhetorical. Still, there was yet another question on the commanders’ minds. Now that the power was out and along with any non-military duel disk, why weren’t their targets surrendering?

 We put too much trust in our equipment … I think that’s obvious, but it’s still necessary to point it out. Our disks were close to paper weights without power. For all the technology crammed in these comparatively tiny devices, they relied heavily on solid vision to even function. From what I got from assorted articles and curiosity pieces, the tiny mechanisms and even microchips that powered them were all projected. Without power, it is pretty accurate to call a duel disk a brick. Normally, this isn’t even considered a minor problem. Wireless energy is everywhere earth side… Not so much in space where you’re reliant on the vessel’s generation capabilities.

 This meant one thing, the device on my arm is turning into a brick in five minutes, way less if I try to use it for anything useful like projecting my barrier or Solus-forbid summoning a monster.

 ‘What the hell are we going to do? Fuck! We need to get out of here! But how?! We would need to distract the soldiers… SOMEHOW.’

 My eyes whizz by Haruna on the floor with the medical device on her chest and Nanako and Naeko fawning over her.

 ‘Wait… We can’t move Haruna in the state she’s in… We can’t run away…’

 “Yuumi!? What do we do!?” Yasuna demands from my side. “We’re powerless without our disks!”

 ‘Yeah, yeah, Yasuna, I fucking know!’ I wanted to yell at her for even saying that cheesy line. But I stop myself. I’m not lashing out at her; I doubt she is even thinking right… I know I’m not and I can admit it. My head is a mess, and if I’m not careful, that won’t be figurative… ‘What the hell am I even thinking right now!? Ooh… I messed this up so bad I can’t even joke about it to make myself feel better!’

 It is then that I hear someone call my name from a place I never expected… The entryway to the Duelist hotel.

 “Yuumi! Here!”

 In a dimly lit room inside a beautifully decorated lobby of the central duelist hotel, two lovebirds held onto each other tightly.

 Anna and Aya had decided to forgo the fight, relying on their friends/colleagues to defend them. Well, it is more accurate to say Anna forwent the fight, focusing on protecting Aya instead.

 “Shiuuu, it’s alright… “We’re going to be okay,” whispered the green-haired girl, rubbing the cheek on the smaller girl holding onto her.

 “Hmmm… Anna…” hummed the other, lost in a heavy hug.

 While outside bullets might’ve been flying, here there was nothing to worry about. Good thing too. Even in these conditions, Aya had already broken down a few times. Anna called them ‘Mini panic attacks’ but she didn’t really know if that’s what they were. Aya had been emotionally unstable ever since that day she found her crying in the shower. With a lot of effort, she could barely keep her stable…

 ‘And then the station gets attacked… The universe sure has a weird sense of humor.’


 A loud shattering noise rang out around the space, and the lights began to flicker.

 “KYAAA!” Aya screamed into Anna’s chest.

 While holding Aya tight, Anna looked around. She found one of the two large panoramic windows by the front entrance broken. ‘A stray bullet? No way, I know Yuumi wouldn’t be that reckless. What’s going on?’

 Just when everything had settled down, another loud noise rang out, this time a pained scream.


 This was the signal Anna needed to check what was happening outside. Anna picked Aya up in a princess carry, a familiar gesture to the submissive girl. Then she cautiously stepped near the window, making sure she wouldn’t be showered in broken glass if it were to shatter.

 Looking out the window, she found the outside in a sorry state. The multiple barriers present before were nowhere to be found. Neither were the monsters she was sure had been summoned. Worst of all, one of defenders, a cheerleader if she remembered correctly, was lying face up on the floor, a device on top of her chest, with two others surrounding her. She then turned to Yuumi, who looked frozen with fear.

 “What the hell are they doing?” Anna whispered to herself.

 Yet, Aya heard what she said. “W-What’s wrong Anna? What’s going on?”

 ‘Shit!’ “Nothing, love! Everything’s fine!”

 Aya furrowed her brow. “Y-You are lying, aren’t you?” She looked at the floor and said in a stoic voice. “Let me down. I want to see.”

 It was clear Anna didn’t want to let her down, but she couldn’t keep holding her against her will. “Aya, please…”

 But Aya looked at Anna in the eye, giving her a confident and determined look she had never seen from her in these last few days.

 With a deep, pained sigh, Anna obliged, placing the frail girl down carefully.

 She didn’t waste any time. As soon as her shoes were on the floor, Anna ran up to the window and looked out, her face gradually elongating. “What happened to their summons? Where is the barrier? Why is Haruna on the ground!?”

 Anna tried her best to reassure Aya. “Don’t worry baby, if they come here, you can be sure I’ll stop them!” She raised her duel disk, but her blade didn’t come out. “Huh… Weird.” Anna looked at the screen and her eyes shot wide open…

 Noticing this, Aya looked at her disk as well, and she spotted a warning.

 The two girls looked at each other, each arriving at the same conclusion on what happened outside.

 “B-Baby…” Anna fumbled to say anything. She wanted to reassure Aya, but there was nothing she could say to comfort her that wouldn’t be a lie.

 Yet, strangely, Aya wasn’t panicking. She looked off into the distance, and then exclaimed. “Anna… I think I can fix this.”

 Anna furrowed her brow, asking. “How?”

 She lowered her head. “Well… Before my Fa-… Before THAT miserable SHELL of a man did what he did…” Aya trailed off, her voice pained.

 Seeing this, Anna moved closer to her. Embracing her in a hug before looking down while stroking her hair.

 After a few seconds, Aya calmed down again, and she continued. “…He gave me a duel disk to test out… It was a dimcorp prototype. It has batteries for army trials.” Aya looked up at Anna, her face bright. “If I can get it to Yuumi…”

 Anna’s hand stopped moving… And she looked down at Aya with a pained expression. “Why her? Just give it to me, baby.”

 But the blond girl shook her head, staring up at her. “Anna…” she trailed off.

 Frowning, the taller girl sighed. “…Alright… I get it. Give it to me and I’ll pass the disk over to Yuumi.”

 But Aya shook her head once more. “That’s not how it works… I need to authenticate the transfer… I need to be there.”

 Anna gulped, looking off through the window. Then she looked back down at the small, fragile girl. “No way, you can’t! Aya, please…” She held onto her tighter.

 Yet, for the first time since they met, Aya tried to push her off. She might’ve lacked the strength, but the gesture alone caught the taller girl off guard.

 Anna let go immediately and stared deeply into Aya’s eyes. “What are you doing!? Don’t you see what’s happening outside!?”

 Now a good meter away from her, Aya turned to the window, gulping. “Yes… Please Anna, I have to do this… I know it’s selfish, but… help me.”

 Anna tilted her head, looking to the side while grabbing her arm. “I don’t want to I see you in danger like that… Aya…”

 It was then that Aya sighed, looking out the window at the fight she had so gladly accepted to run from. Her face was no longer struck with apprehension. She knew what she had to do, and that she had to do it fast. So, she simply said. “I’m sorry for this… I love you.” and ran towards the door.

 I look down at the entrance, spotting Aya waving a duel disk in the air while Anna furiously tries to pull her back inside.

 “What the hell is she doing?!” Yasuna shouts. “Go back, you airhead! It’s dangerous out here!”

 But that’s when Aya slips out of Anna’s grip and starts running over to us, hunched over with bullets whisking by her head.

 ‘This isn’t like Aya, why is she risking so much just to give me that disk?!… Fuck it, it must be important.’

 Getting ready to sprint, I yell. “Get down, I’ll come over to you!”

 Yasuna eyes me but before she can say anything, I run off in Aya’s direction.

 Both me and Aya meet at the half-way point, and I don’t take any chances.

 “Yuum-UFF!” I tackle Aya to the floor. The air in her lungs forcefully pushed out as I land on top of her.

 On top of Aya, shielding her from any stray bullets, I order. “I’m here, so tell me what you want quickly and get back!”

 She blushes for a second but rapidly gets her bearings. “Ahh, my duel disk! It was a prototype, they put extended batteries on them for army trials, it should have enough power!”

 Furrowing my brow, I grab the comparatively large red duel disk next to her arm.


 My eyes open wide, shining like two massive spotlights. I roll to the side of Aya, letting the smaller girl take a breath. With the duel disk in my hands, I fumble with the device, selecting an option to eject its external battery pack.

 [NEW TESTER DETECTED. Please verify biometric security.]

 I turn to the wincing blond girl on my left. “Aya! You need to verify it!”

 Aya must’ve finally realized what she was doing, as her brave face had vanished. In its place were teary eyes and a hanging maw.

 Noticing this, I crawl to her and hold her arm, my face inches from hers. “It’s going to be okay, trust me!”

 But she doesn’t respond. Her face is blank, possibly in shock.

 That’s when I hear hurried footsteps. I look towards them, seeing Anna running. “I’m coming baby! Hold on!”

 She quite literally slides over to us, pushing me aside and grabbing onto Aya. “I’m here. There’s no need to worry!”

 That seems to snap Aya out as she whimpers. “Anna? Where were you!?”

 “I couldn’t just let you run off, okay!? I’m sorry!” She plants a kiss on the pale girl’s lips.

 Meanwhile, I look on awkwardly. And as soon as they let off, I urge. “Hmm, sorry to break this up here, but can you please authenticate this? We kind of need it!”

 They turn to me, both blushing heavily. Then they turn to each other again and Anna urges. “Give me your arm, baby.”

 While squinting, Aya obliges.

 Anna grabs her arm and places it over the top of the disk.

 “Gn!” Aya groans as the DNA extractor pierces her arm.

  [Authorization Granted. Ejecting power module.]

 A black rectangle the size of my hand falls on the floor, and I take no time strapping it to the hem of my skirt, next to my external deck box. I press a small panel on my disk, and it opens to reveal a socket. Reaching for the external pack, I grab a wire hanging out from the battery pack and connect it to my duel disk. Then I anxiously look at the screen.

 [External Power Source: 10 hours (No Projector) 15 minutes (Full load)]

 Smiling, I glance back up at the two. “Right, Anna, get Aya to safety, Aya…” I trail off.

 The shy girl looks my way, expectingly.

 Nodding, I say. “Thank you… You just saved us…”

 “I-I did?” She whispers.

 I nod again. “Yes.” With that, I stand up, a blue barrier encompassing my body.

 Bullets immediately start deforming the small barrier and before they have any more time to do harm to me or those around me, I take a card out of my disk. ‘I never wanted it to come to this, but drastic times call for drastic measures.’

 I put the card down and the projector on my duel disk comes to life. ‘I’m not messing around with incantations, every second counts.’

 Above the hotels, a monster starts forming, an enormous robotic humanoid figure with large metallic wings. Sparks shoot from his extremities, from the wings to the robot’s fingers, a beacon of light and hope.


 Raising my left arm, I point to where the bullets are coming—The robot follows it as an order and flies out.

 The girls behind the wall finally notice what’s happening, but they stay silent, electing to stare at the duel monster.

 When it finally reaches high above the battlefield, I say. “AA-Zeus…” then take a deep breath in, taking the chance to look at Haruna on the floor. ‘You made me do this…’ “DIVINE LIGHTENING!!!!”

 Pandemonium ensues.

 Sorry for the delay on this chapter, I needed to rewrite some parts.

 As this chapter is coming out today, tomorrow's chapter is getting pushed to Sunday.

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