Dueling life in a futuristic world

(83.4 – End of Duel) …

Duel Overview:


 [ Standby Phase ]

 Preemptively spitting out a wad of blood, I declare in my best monotone voice. “The graveyard effect of DPE resolves, reviving him to my side of the field.”


 Looking onto the empty field in front of me, a stark reminder of the last turn. A circle of flames ignites and ‘Destiny Hero - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer’ emerges once more in our ongoing battle. Its resilience is evident as it rises yet again, solidifying the “phoenix” aspect of its name.

 But it won’t stay there for long, as I struggle to hold my hand out. “Still in the Standby Phase, I activate Enforcer’s effect, targeting itself and your face-down card.”


 As DPE charges up its attack, intense white-hot flames emit from it like a hanging memory. I barely notice the heat as I anticipate the blast of the Destiny Hero charging at the face-down card close to my opponent by looking away. After the attack, the Destiny Hero disappears once again into the blazing inferno its effect leaves behind.

 Upon witnessing my action, The General can’t help but scoff. “Blindly charging against an unknown enemy is not a good strategy,” he points out. “I’m sure you’re aware of this, but I’m guessing your mind is clouded by vengeance.”

 Fed up with his constant smartass remarks, I look away and move to the next turn phase.

 ‘Yeah right, not like I could activate Curtain Raiser with a monster on my field. And now he’s got no cards in his hand, and no back row. Let’s see how he weasels out of this.’

 [ Main Phase 1 ]

 I hold my card up high, though my injured arm makes me wince in pain. With a determined voice, I declare, “I activate ‘Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser’ to my pendulum zone!”


 A peculiar being, covered in a circus tent, ascends the pendulum pillar. Its outfit features large, detached arms that extend from the top. Below it, a glowing seven shows its scale. As it finishes rising, the creature’s purple face emerges from the middle of its bizarre attire.

 Then, I follow this by announcing. “I activate its pendulum effect. Once per duel, I can special summon curtain raiser straight to the field from the pendulum zone.”


 The gremlin-like creature goes from the pendulum pillar to the field. It does a little jig there, and the tent on top waves along with its movements.

 The General appears perplexed, remarking, “Another archetype?” He asks, “Haven’t you already had a tough time managing your other summons? And now you’re adding circus performers into the mix?”

 A brief laugh escapes my lips. “I thought you would have already figured out that I don’t build my decks like the rest of you,” I say. “Anyway, I’ll start by normal summoning ‘Skullcrobat Joker’ from my hand.”


 As I place my card down on my duel blade, a strange creature appears before me. It’s dressed in a jester outfit with flared pants and comically pointed shoes. The creature’s long, blond hair is hidden under a large hat, while an eye mask covers most of its upper face.

 Then, with effort, I declare. “This activates the on-summon effect of joker. With his effect, I add ‘Double Iris Magician’ from the deck to my hand.” I add the monster and continue. “Since my pendulum zones are empty, I will activate Double Iris Magician to one of them.” I place the card down on the right-most zone on my duel blade.


 I activate my pendulum card, and female humanoid summon materializes, rising in the pendulum column. However, she differs from the magicians on my opponent’s side of the field. Her eyes, like the odd-eyes monsters, are a striking combination of red and green, and her dark hair with highlights of the same two colors is tied into a short ponytail at the back.

 Her outfit is equally eye-catching. She wears a red jacket and cape with pale-gold trimming and prominent blue orbs dotting the shoulders. Her large dark-gray bell skirt, with a red layer on top, attaches to the rest of her outfit with a thick golden ring at the waist. Pants of the same color as her skirt cover her legs, and the empty space between her arms and large hand guards reveal a dark-red under suit.

 On top of her head, she wears a pointed hat, colored red with pale-gold highlights and a prominent blue orb in the center. And instead of a staff, she wields a sword - a short sword with a pale-gold blade with a red stripe. The crossguard features a blue orb in the middle, with patches of green and red to the sides.

 I beam with a smile as I confidently declare, “Circuit materialize.” Then, I raise my arm towards the forming octagonal Link Circuit and continue, “Using my two monsters, I Link Summon a Link - 2! Behold, ‘Heavymetalfoes Electrumite!’”


 I watch the circus performers on my side of the rise into the octagonal link circuit, causing the bottom-right and bottom-left arrows to light up. Of course I’m using a card so powerful that it practically raised pendulum from tier 2 to tier 1 for a moment. After all, why shouldn’t I use broken cards to counteract my opponent’s broken luck? It just seems fair to me.

 The Link Circuit gleams brightly, illuminating the entire park before exploding in a dazzling burst of light. From the midst of the dissipating glow emerges a humanoid summon, armed with a jetpack and pistols, exuding an air of sheer badassery. Her short purple hair obscures most of her face, while an avian mask with a beak and large red goggles conceals the rest. Clad in a dark under suit with red patches and green highlights, she sports metallic body armor with pale-gold accents on her chest plate, crouch cover, thigh covers, and most notably, her large knee-high armored boots. Hovering behind her, a massive jet-pack spews scarlet-red flames as she grips two pistols firmly in her gloved hands.

 Seeing this other monster emerge, I preemptively look to the General waiting for yet another comment about another archetype showing up from my deck. But instead of commenting on this, he appears to be simply examining his duel disk’s screen.

 I nod and proceed with my move, “Electrumite’s on-summon effect is activated. Using her effect, I send ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’ from my deck to face-up on my extra deck.” Checking the duel overview, I confirm that the effect has been successfully executed before continuing, “Now, I’ll use Electrumite’s other effect to destroy double iris in my pendulum zone and add ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’ from face-up on the extra deck to my hand.”


 After observing the General’s silence, the red magician residing in my pendulum zone shatters into fragments of vanishing glass, bidding me farewell with a wave. I swiftly retrieve ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’ from my duel disk’s opening and declare, “Since a pendulum monster left the field, Electrumite’s third effect activates. Then, as chain link 2, I activate Double Iris’ effect. And, since a magician was destroyed on my side of the field, I can activate Astrograph’s effect in my hand as chain link 3.” With a complex chain of effects in motion, I prompt the General, “Do you have a response?”


 He wordlessly shakes his head, and my chain resolves. First, I special summon Astrograph sorcerer to the field.


 As I place the card down on my duel blade, an ethereal figure forms in the once empty field, revealing ‘Astrograph Sorcerer.’ The figure takes on an almost angelic appearance, with a pointed magician’s hat covering its head and a mask concealing its face. Its body is adorned in a dark-blue under suit, with patches of light-blue armor covering its shoulders and hand guards. In its right hand, a simple yet powerful white staff emanates a pale energy. Completing the majestic look, a large, spinning magical circle hovers above the Sorcerer’s head and a large cape drapes behind it.

 With a nod, I continue to resolve the chain. But first is the on-summon effect of Astrograph, which allows me to target a face-up card on the extra deck and add a copy from the deck. Here, I add another ‘Double Iris Magician’ from my deck. As I add the card from my duel disk’s slot, I move on to the next link in the chain.


 “Chain Link 2, Double Iris Magician’s effect resolves, adding ‘Star Pendulumgraph’ to my hand.” Another card joins the two I already have, and with Electrumite’s effect still to resolve, I know that number will grow to three.


 Now it’s time for the final link in the chain: “Chain Link 1, Electromite’s third effect resolves, letting me draw 1 card.” With a smile, I look down at the card I’ve just drawn.


 ‘Huh.’ I look over the cards in my hand and field.


 ‘This is good…. No, seriously, this is busted. Why am I suddenly getting all of my good combo makers?’ I look at the poker-faced General opposite to me who hasn’t responded to a single one of my effects. ‘Should I go for broke? No, that’s stupid. Let’s just win this and get it over with.’

 ‘Ohhhhh, is the wee little duelist having doubts? Or is she forgetting she promised to pay him back for what he did to her now apparently insignificant friends?’



 I close my eyes tightly and think. ‘Shit… That thing has a point… I sure as hell have to pay him back for what he did and doing it outside of the duel would be cowardly… fuck it, what’s the worst that can happen?’

 ‘That’s my girl!!! Slay queen! Beat his ass!’

 ‘I hate you with every fiber of my being.’ I think before returning to the duel.

 With confidence, I take a card from my hand and declare my move. “Firstly, I activate the continuous spell ‘Star Pendulumgraph’” The magic circle above Astrograph replicates itself and expands to cover my entire field. “Now, I activate the copy of ‘Double Iris Magician,’ that I previously added, to my pendulum zone.” A duplicate of the odd-eyes magician appears on my right, with a number eight beneath her.


 “Next, I use Double Iris’s Pendulum effect, targeting Astrograph. This effect allows any battle damage dealt by Astrograph to be doubled if it battles a monster. However, it also triggers the destruction of Double Iris, which is what’s important right now.” The red-clad magician in my pendulum zone aims her sword at Astrograph before shattering into shards of glass.


 “This will activate the continuous spell I just activated. But, before resolution, I chain the destruction effect of ‘Double Iris Magician’ as chain link 2.” Then, I reveal the last card in my left hand. “Followed by the effect of another Astrograph as chain link 3.”


 Finally, I furrow my brow and ask, “Do you have any response, General?”

 As General Tychon studies the duel overview, I wait for his response. After a moment, he turns to me, furrowing his brow in thought. “I don’t have a response, but I do have a question,” he says in an inquisitive tone, rubbing his chin.

 Cocking an eyebrow, I urge, “Go ahead.”

 He gazes up at me and poses a question. “Your dueling skills can’t simply be attributed to natural talent, can they? These intricate… Combos? Chains? They can’t be the brainchild of a single person…” After a brief pause, he continues, adding, “They require extensive knowledge of different archetypes that one would never expect to combine.”

 I sigh. “With all honesty, General? I don’t know how to answer that question. Maybe that’s the conclusion you come to when you teach duelists about EVERY. SINGLE. ARCHETYPE. And then tell them to choose one and focus only on one…” I look back at my cards and ask, “Now, if you don’t have any response, can I resolve my chain, please?”

 He looks back down, seemingly deep in thought, but he still whispers, “Go ahead.”

 I let out a relieved sigh and utter, “Finally.” Glancing at my duel disk’s screen, I check what comes next before declaring, “Chain link 3, I Special Summon Astrograph Sorcerer to my side of the field.” Another ethereal figure materializes next to the first as I place the card down on my duel blade. Before chain link 2, I activate Astrograph Sorcerer’s on-summon effect, adding another ‘Double Iris Magician’ to my hand. Moving on with the chain, I declare, “Chain Link 2, Double Iris’s destruction effect resolves, allowing me to add ‘Time Pendulumgraph’ from the deck to my hand.” I decide to save time and skip grabbing the card from the slot. “Finally, Star Pendulumgraph’s effect resolves as chain link 1, enabling me to add ‘Wisdom-Eye Magician’ from the deck to my hand.” With all the effects resolved, I grab the three added cards simultaneously from the duel disk.


 The General furrows his brow as he surveys the situation. “You received four cards from the last chain and an additional three from this one. Despite this, you act like that is nothing special.” He lets out a disgruntled sigh, almost a grunt. “However, the monsters you summoned are not strong enough to take on my Dark Magician Girl, even with a mere 100 attack point difference. It seems unlikely that you will be able to reduce my life points to zero this turn.”

 A wide grin appears on my face, and I taunt, “You’ll see.” Following this, I take two cards from my hand and declare, “With ‘Double Iris Magician’ and ‘Wisdom-Eye Magician’, I set my pendulum scales!” A final copy of the odd-eyes dragon stand-in magician rise in the pendulum column with an eight shinning bellow her.


 I look over to the opposite pillar and notice an unfamiliar magician appearing. His skin is darker than of Double Iris’s, almost resembling the dark magician. I can barely see his white hair and light-purple eyes peering out from beneath his hooded-robe. The outfit he wears is quite elaborate, consisting of a large dark-red hooded-robe with golden trimming around the hood. Two shoulder pads adorned with large blue spheres sit atop the robe. Beneath the robe, a dark under suit covers the rest of his body, embellished with a complicated set of adornments. The most prominent of these adornments is a large white thigh-split skirt with gold trimming, which flows all the way down to the magician’s feet. In his hand, he holds a large wooden staff with gold ornaments and chains.

 However, I don’t plan on him being there for long, and I declare. “I use ‘Wisdom-Eyes’ pendulum effect.” The magician breaks apart into shards of glass while I explain, “This effect allows me to replace Wisdom-Eye with any other pendulum magician from my deck. So, in his place, I activate ‘Oafdragon Magician’ from my deck.”


 As the magician disappears, another one emerges - one that is more active and dynamic. This magician has a similar skin tone to Wisdom-Eye, but his expression is intense, with a slight frown on his lips. His short hair is a vibrant lime-green, adorned with other green accents, and his blue eyes are marked with a blue symbol etched on the side of his head. Unlike Wisdom-Eye’s ornate robes, Oafdragon’s outfit is more practical. He wears a green polar jacket that leaves his chest bare, paired with thick dark-gray pants that have a red layer over them. Finally, he wields a jagged metallic wand with a green sphere in the middle.

 But what General Tychon notices is the glowing two showing under the magician. “Going for a pendulum summon? Why do I feel that may be your favorite summoning type?”

 I smirk. “Maybe because it is.” After this, I declare, “I use the effect of Oafdragon, adding ‘Wisdom-Eye Magician’ from face-up on the extra deck to my hand.” As I finish grabbing the card, I raise my hand up in the air, declaring, “And to free up some space, Circuit Materialize!” The glowing octagon circuit forms above while I announce my next Link Summon, “Using Link - 2 ‘Heavymetalfoes Electrumite’ and one ‘Astrograph Magician’, I once again call of the queen of the magicians! Link Summon! Behold! ‘Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians!’”


 One of the ethereal sorcerers and the badass Electrumite rise into the link circuit, and a familiar explosion of light occurs. I instinctively look away, but when I turn back, I see a Greek goddess descending to my side of the field. Her golden bow shows three lit spheres, adding to her divine aura.

 I raise my hand and announce, “With my pendulum scales set, I Pendulum Summon!” The pendulum between Oafdragon and Double Iris swings faster, creating a portal above the field. I smile at the goddess before saying, “Come on out, my monsters from the extra deck, ‘Double Iris Magician!’” A ray of light shoots out of the portal and forms a double of the monster in my pendulum scale. But yet another ray of light follows it, creating another copy of Double Iris. I continue, “And now! From my hand, Wisdom-Eye Magician!” A last ray of light shoots from the portal before the pendulum settles down, summoning Wisdom-Eye.


 With a stern expression, the General gazes at me and emphasizes, “A lot of summons, but none of them are strong enough. You better have a plan, or your next move will be your downfall.”

 With a confident grin, I lift my arm and address the General. “Rest assured, I have a plan,” I declare. My expression shifts to one of unwavering resolve. “And that plan is to put an end to you!” With purpose, I raise my arm high and proclaim, “I overlay level 4 ‘Double Iris Magician’ and level 4 ‘Wisdom-Eye Magician’. It’s time to XYZ Summon!”


 A deafening roar shakes the ground as a colossal vortex of darkness manifests in the sky. The air crackles with energy as bolts of lightning burst from the swirling maelstrom, illuminating the area in an ominous, eerie glow. I feel a surge of raw power emanating from the maelstrom. My two summons ascend into the dark whirlpool, disappearing into the raging tempest. The vortex intensifies, becoming more ferocious with each passing moment. The sensation of malevolence emanating from the XYZ summon is palpable.

 Seeing this, I announce. “XYZ Summon! Come on out! Show yourself and bring forth the light, ‘Timestar Magician!’”


 The vortex collapses, and a burst of bright light floods the battlefield, singeing my retinas. As the light disperses, another magician descends. This one looks human, with a large, pointed hat like Astrograph’s, with strands of light brown hair leaking out from behind and front. However, its face is concealed by a mask, much like Wisdom-Eye’s. He carries a long, complex staff and wears a white and blue jacket with broad shoulders and golden highlights.

 What’s most intriguing is its mechanical chrome body armor, which covers its left arm and leg, but not his right. To top it off, two golden orbs glow around the figure, a representation of the XYZ materials.

 Without waiting for a response from the General, I quickly declare my move. “I activate the effect of Timestar!” I exclaim, knowing exactly what I need to do next. “By detaching an overlay unit, in this case ‘Double Iris Magician’, this will allow me to add ‘Black Fang Magician’ from the deck to my hand.”


 One sphere orbiting Timestar collides with its staff, and I swiftly grab the card from my duel disk’s opening. “Following this, I will try to activate the pendulum effect of Double Iris in my pendulum zone, targeting Astrograph.” Double Iris points its staff at Astrograph, but before it shatters, I make another announcement. “Using the other effect of Timestar, I negate the destruction by sending ‘White Wind Magician’ from my deck to the grave.”


 Without hesitation, Timestar points its staff at Double Iris, and a white aura surrounds the pendulum monster, preventing it from shattering like it did before.

 General Tychon looks on with confusion apparent in his eyes, rubbing his chin and observing. “You activate an effect only to negate it right after… It makes little sense.” But then, he suddenly gets smarter. “Unless… you need to get those magicians to the graveyard for something…”

 I admit with a creepy smile on my face and my eyes closed, “Maybe… But let’s focus on the task at hand.” I look on straight at the General and continue, “I’ll activate the effect of Selene, using three spell counters from her. This allows me to special summon ‘Black Fang Magician’ from my hand.”


 With a swift motion, the goddess pulls back her golden bow, and three orbs of golden light merge to form a dazzling golden projectile. As the ethereal arrow cuts through the air, it morphs into a new shape, turning the golden light a dark purple. This dark-purple light takes the form of a burly magician with prominent muscles, sporting short, dark-green hair and matching eyes. The magician wears a hat like that of Double Iris, but silver and purple. A set of tight-fitting, green, and dark-purple robes covers his toned physique with a flowing green cape behind him. Gripped tightly in his left hand is a long, silver, and purple staff with three prongs pointed forward and two pointed back.

 Once again, I raise my hand in the air, determined to take this combo to the end. With confidence, I declare, “I overlay ‘Double Iris Magician’ with ‘Black-Fang Magician!’, Overlay!” The familiar vortex of darkness opens above, and I don’t hesitate for a moment as I continue to announce my next move. “XYZ Summon! Rank 4 ‘Timestar Magician!’” The vortex bursts open just as it did before, and a copy of the Timestar joins its counterpart.


 Without missing a beat, I declare. “Just like last time, I activate Timestar Magician’s effect, detaching ‘Black Fang Magician’ to add ‘Purple Poison Magician’ from the deck to my hand.” I grab the last card I need from my duel disk and look on at the general with a brutal smile.


 As I catch my breath, I notice the General looking back at me with a smug smirk. He leans down to examine the overview on his duel disk and remarks, “I gather you arrived at the end of your combo?” After a moment’s pause, he adds, “An impressive setup for only two monsters, but I’m afraid even with all of that, you still can’t match my dark magician girl.”

 Leaning back up, he meets my eyes and offers, “Yuumi, the draw offer still stands. I can see you’re struggling to stay awake with all your wounds. Let’s just end this.”

 I bend down, supporting my body with my hands on my knees. The air is filled with the serene sound of birds chirping in the park. But the look on my face is all but serene as I start giggling. “Hehehehehehehehehe…” The sound of my laughter flows through the empty park, growing louder and more delirious. My smile only grows wider as my wide eyes dart around, taking in the vibrant colors of the surrounding. “HeheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAAHHAHAH!!!!”

 General Tychon takes a step back, his smug expression quickly fading into deep concern. The sound of his boots echoes in the empty park as he scans my face. He likely notices a hint of amusement in my eyes, and it only makes him more uneasy. The smell of sweat mixed with the metallic tang of blood fills the air, a reminder of the intense duel.

 “Why are you laughing? Did the stress of this duel really break your spirit that much?” he asks, his voice laced with worry. By this point, he likely knows something is very wrong.

 My laughter simmers down, “Ha… Ha… Good one…” As I gaze at the General with a wide sadistic grin, I declare in an increasingly deranged tone of voice, “General, it would do you good to read the effects of my cards…” Raising my arm, I let out a squeaky scream and exclaim, “I ACTIVATE ASTROGRAPH’S SORCERER’S LAST EFFECT!”

 The sorcerer raises their gnarled staff, the intricate magic circle floating on top expanding rapidly to surpass even the continuous spell. A jarring screech, like nails clawing at a chalkboard, reverberates throughout the deck. The sound bounces off the surrounding trees and lavish hotels, creating a disorienting and dizzying effect. The windows of the hotels shatter, adding to the infernal orchestra. Incredible power oozes from the arrangement.

 ‘Yes… Finally… YES!!!’ The voice in my head intensifies, but for the first time, my thoughts match it.

 Tightly closing my eyes and with a toothy smile appearing on my lips, I stare at the terrified General and finish the incantation, “By banishing, ‘Double Iris Magician’, ‘Black Fang Magician’ and ‘White Wind Magician’ from the graveyard, to be joined by ‘Purple Poison Magician’ in my hand, I call for the ultimate entity!” Without a shred of hesitation, I slam the last card in my hand into the duel disk’s slot and turn on to the show happening above.


 As I watch, four brilliant spheres materialize within the spinning spell circle. The first is a vivid shade of bright-red, followed by a deep black, a light-green, and a vibrant purple sphere’s. As they rise, a kaleidoscope of colors radiates from the inside, creating a hypnotic display. The screeching noise that accompanies the spell grows louder, and I feel it reverberating through my entire body. Despite my earphones’ best efforts to temper it down, I can still perceive the intensity of the sound. The air thickens with the smell of sulfur, and my skin prickles with anticipation as I wait for what comes next.

 ‘Come on now! Call it out! Call onto me!’

 With a look of hysteria on my face, I recite a chant that suddenly appears in my mind. “Ruler of the dimensional planes and their binds, I call upon you to destroy my foes for today and the next thousand years!” I shout, my voice echoing through the air. “Integration Summon! King of Dimensional Draconics, Supreme King Z-ARC!” As I finish the chant, a shining card shoots out from my duel disk’s slot, and I clutch it. Swinging the card down on my duel blade with all my might, I look up once more.

 The blue spinning spell circle transforms into a dark purple hue, and the previously colorful display inside turns a deep black. Suddenly, the circle rapidly shrinks and collapses, catching me off guard. The deafening screech finally comes to an abrupt halt.

 I look back down at my duel disk, perplexed, but what I see on my duel blade only adds to my confusion. “No, no, no, no… what the hell is this?!” I exclaim, my voice rising in pitch. My eyes widen in shock as I notice what card I placed down on my blade.

 What I see there is a crisp, glowing, multicolored card with no card text, which, for all I knew, wasn’t in my deck… At least not that variation…


 ‘This shouldn’t be possible! Y-You don’t exist!’

 The expression on the General’s face turns from terror to smugness. “So? Where’s that plan you promised now? All show no action—”

 Interrupting the General, a haunting noise reverberates through the entire habitation deck. It’s a distorted, ominous call, reminiscent of a whale’s song. Just as I begin to regret what I summoned, it exclaims, “YOU BET IT DO!!!”

 As I stare ahead, a gaping hole materializes in the midst of the battlefield, engulfing everything in darkness. The deafening noise of surrounding chaos grows louder, and a forceful surge of pressure crashes into my body, knocking me down to the ground. The smell of dirt and smoke fills my nostrils, and I can feel an unnatural cold lapping at my skin. Despite my fall, I cannot take my eyes off the scene unfolding before me, and I find myself unable to move a muscle.

 I gaze at the hole in reality in front of me, with an enormous figure taking shape. At first, it appears to be a lamia with a defined upper body and long tail, but the draconian features present all over its form quickly dispel that impression. The creature’s massive body looms over the entire battlefield, and it is truly a sight to behold. Its smooth, dark skin doesn’t reflect any light, and its eyes glow an ominous red. Suddenly, wings begin to form around the creature’s back. They are at least 30 meters in length and shine with a bright lime-green color that permeates over its body.

 The sight is mesmerizing, and I can’t help but stare in horror. As the wings finish forming, two golden half-circles appear around the creature, floating around it. The sight is truly magnificent, and I feel a sense of dread wash over me. It is clear that whatever I summoned; it isn’t a simple duel monster; And it certainly isn’t just Z-ARC. The weight of the creature’s presence is palpable, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

 I stare out at the being I summoned. The air is thickening with the scent of decay. Its skin is a sickly shade of dark green and its eyes, glowing like embers, bore into me with an otherworldly intensity. Trembling, I manage to croak out a weak question, “W-What… What are you?…”

 With a radiating booming voice, it answers my simple question with an even simpler answer. “I. Am. Z-ARC.” His crimson eyes shine as it announces, “And now that you’ve finally released me… It’s time to feed.”

 The creature turns away, an oppressing aura extending from it and enveloping every nook and cranny of the battle-ridden park. The air is filled with the sounds of one-thousand screams as downed soldiers from the previous fight float towards the creature, along with the General, his face pale with otherworldly horror. He tries to speak, moving his mouth furiously, but no words ever escape his lips.

 While they float helplessly, their bodies rigid with fear, a piercing shriek fills the air. Some soldiers flail franticly, but Z-ARC’s aura keeps them anchored in place. And then, right before my eyes, their bodies begin to wither and wilt, like leaves in autumn. It looks as if like their life-force itself is being drained by Z-ARC.

 Despite my best attempts to look away from the heart-wrenching scene, my muscles refuse to cooperate. The sight before me is too overwhelming, too painful. I can hear the blood-curdling screams of the soldiers, their agony filling the air. A stench of rotting flesh clinging to my nose, making it hard to breathe.

 I force myself to close my eyes, and within moments, I fell a dampness run along my face as tears dance down, bunching at my chin. ‘What kind of abomination did I summon?’ My body shakes with fear, unable to move.

 But the universe doesn’t allow me to stew in my thoughts for long. I am abruptly interrupted by a sound that resembles hail hitting the ground. However, I know this is not hail. As a sense of melancholy washes over me, I open my eyes and witness the disturbing sight of the park littered with dried-up husks that were once human beings, still in their damaged body armor.

 The creature howls once again, its massive body turning towards me with its beady, shining red eyes peering into my soul. “That was a pleasant snack.” The beast turns towards the makeshift fortification in front of the hotels and continues, “But now it is time for the main event.”

 I arch my neck towards the beast, my eyes shooting wide open as I realize what it wants. With the last of my waning strength, I yell with all my might, “NO!” With deep desperation I beg it, “Please! Leave them alone!”

 Its comparatively small head turns my direction, and its piercing eyes shine brighter as it questions, “And why should I, pray tell, leave them alone?”

 I look around in desperation, trying to find any good reason, and can only come up with one. “You need me, right!? I’ll do anything you tell me! I’ll be your slave! Just… Don’t hurt them!”

 The creature locks its beady eyes with mine and whispers directly into my mind, “You don’t get it, do you?” It goes on to explain, “Since you released me, I don’t need you anymore.” As it turns its massive body towards me, it declares, “And no matter how much you cry, beg, or pray, know this: Nobody is coming to help you.” The creature continues with a rhetorical question, “You know why?” Then, with a glint from its eyes, it concludes in a bombing declaration, “Because there’s nobody who can—”

 A deafening symphony of a thousand fog horns blasts through the air, followed by the chiming of bells that echo in the empty park. Suddenly, a new portal materializes in the lofty ceiling. But, unlike the previous ones, this one is not shrouded in darkness. Instead, it radiates a warm and brilliant golden light that outshines even the menacing aura of Z-ARC. As the light spills forth, a goddess descends from the opening.

 She is draped in an elegant Greek-style dress that flows around her in a graceful dance. Her porcelain skin glimmers in the golden glow, and her star-shaped eyes sparkle with an otherworldly radiance. The scent of decay makes way for one of pure cleanness, and a gentle breeze tousles her hair, which shimmers like spun gold. The atmosphere is charged with a sense of awe and wonder as the goddess descends, her power almost too much for mortal eyes to behold.

 Gazing down at the monstrous creature beneath her, she glares with intense fury and commands with a thunderous voice, “By the power bestowed upon me by mighty Solus, I bind you, foul parasite!” Her hands rise in the air, emitting a radiant light that intensifies with every passing moment. The atmosphere in the room begins to pulsate and hum as the goddess channels the divine power within her body.

 The creature howls with anger and resistance, emitting a deep and resonant growl that echoes throughout the chamber. “Not now! I was so close!” the creature roars in frustration and defiance. In a final, deafening scream, the monster is engulfed in a dazzling golden light, “NOOOOO!!!” In an instant, it reverts to its original form of a shapeless cloud of complete darkness.

 The goddess turns to me apologetically and says, “I’m sorry about this, Yuumi, but it’s the only way.” With a flick of her wrist, the cloud of sinister energy condenses into a dense orb of darkness, roughly the size of a billiard ball.

 Before I can even ask what she means, the answer threatens to hit me in the face. The orb hurtles towards me at breakneck speed and I brace myself for impact. But I don’t feel a thing. As the projectile approaches, my vision fades, and after everything that happened today, I finally get to rest…





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