Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 361: Chrysanthemum War II (2)

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Continental calendar: Year 1512, Month 5, Day 15.

The imperial army started to cross the most rugged mountain range in the world. All thirty thousand of our troops had yet to gather. The mercenary captains suggested that we should start our march after waiting a month.

However, Laura, who was appointed as the supreme commander, shook her head.

“Where is your birthplace?”

“Of course, that would be Helvetica, General.”

“Yes, and we are currently making our way to Helvetica. Do you require a guide to return to your birthplace?”

Laura picked up and put on her helmet. She was wearing old and shabby armor like a normal soldier. The punishment she received to serve in war as a commoner for arbitrarily torturing Daisy was still in effect.

“Tell this to the soldiers that have yet to gather! We will meet you in Lugano.”

The city of Lugano was located at the end of the Alps mountain range. It was also the gateway to Sardinia from Helvetica. Laura smirked at the mercenary captains who appeared flustered and speechless.

“I am from the Kingdom of Sardinia which you lot make fun of for being weak. It will most likely be embarrassing to claim yourselves as Helvetica citizens if you get through the mountains later than myself.”

After uttering those words, Laura left the tent. It looked like she genuinely intended to start their advance.

The mercenary captains were so dumbfounded that they turned to face each other. The dwarves and elves who were normally at each other’s throats now had the same troubled look on their faces.

“We aren’t going on some picnic, are we?”

“I am not sure if it is fine to mobilize our troops like this…….”

The captains carefully turned to look at me. Referentially, I was participating in this expedition as the Habsburg Empire’s ambassador plenipotentiary. Laura would lead the troops and wipe out the enemy while I picked up after her. That was how our roles were divided. 

Of course, Laura was higher than me in terms of court rank, but the mercenary captains consisted of dwarves and elves, so they were unwittingly more obedient to me, a Demon Lord, than they were to Laura, a human. Laura was the supreme commander, but it was like I was ruling from behind.

The captains were pleading to me with their eyes to stop Laura.

“Is this okay, Your Highness?”

“Duchess Laura de Farnese is the supreme commander of this army. I am but a count palatine that has been dispatched by the Empire. I am nothing but an outsider. Simply do as you are told.”

I chuckled. I didn’t forget to add another comment at the end.

“Or are you perhaps afraid that you will arrive later than the Duchess? I did not know that the people of Helvetica would have so little confidence in their hiking ability.”

The captains frowned.

Making fun of someone’s regionalism may be an immature thing to do, but it was always effective. In truth, it was as effective as it was immature. The mercenary captains put displeased looks on their faces before me as they shouted unanimously.

“The Supreme Commander will arrive a week later than us!”

The content of this meeting was shared with all of the other mercenary groups.

The mercenary captains quickly got hot under their collars because of the taunt. The mercenary groups that were spread throughout the continent hastened their pace, not wanting to arrive later than the Supreme Commander. From the perspective of the mercenaries of Helvetica who boasted about the strength they developed atop tall mountains, being slower than a mere ‘country bumpkin from Sardinia’ would be a huge affront to them.

Day 30 of the 5th month.

A total of 26,910 out of the 27,542 Helvetian mercenaries managed to gather in Lugano.

Exactly half a month had passed since Laura set foot on the Alps. Within just one week, the Helvetian mercenaries had successfully assembled on the rugged terrain of the mountain range. This was an unprecedented speed.

A certain mercenary group succeeded in getting all the way here from the Republic of Batavia. They apparently used teleportation magic to transport their heavy equipment first before borrowing some donkeys from a village and rushing here. It probably cost them a few thousand gold coins to purchase the magic scrolls and donkeys, but this was a clear display of their indomitable will.

Laura praised the mercenaries.

“As expected, the Helvetian mercenaries are in another league. Quartermaster, take this.”

Laura handed a piece of paper to the supply officer. The officer received the piece of paper that had the imperial language written on it and tilted his head in confusion.

“What is this, Commander?”

“That is written permission to use our army’s supplies as much as you want. Quartermaster, take your regiment and go throughout Lugano purchasing the best quality beer and wine you can find.”

Laura smiled broadly. It was a smile that could enamor anyone.

“Inform the soldiers that I, your commander, have fallen for the valor of Helvetians. This is a gift from my heart, so I allow you to get drunk to your hearts’ content.”

“As you command!”

The mercenary captains responded energetically.

Food and alcohol were delivered in wagons to the soldiers that had arrived here after an exhausting march. The soldiers were confused at first, but once they were told the reason, they all broke out in cheers. “Cheers to Duchess Farnese!” this shout echoed throughout the plains.

Mercenaries may receive large wages, but more than half of their pay went straight to food expenses. They had to also purchase and manage their equipment with their own money, so they actually weren’t receiving much considering that the work they were doing put their lives on the line.

The alcohol they would normally drink was on the level of wine that tasted like vinegar water and beer that could be compared to horse piss. This was also normally only possible after they won a battle and their employer decided to praise them the following day. However, a proper barrel of alcohol was being passed around before the battle had even begun. It was a given that they would start cheering.

Naturally, the soldiers’ drinking conversation revolved around their beautiful supreme commander.

Laura had crossed the Alps while leading thousands of soldiers. While doing so, she wore the same clothes as the soldiers, ate the same food as the soldiers, and slept in the same place as the soldiers. The soldiers who had been traveling with Laura for the past few weeks got excited as they recounted their journey.

Thousands of soldiers were talking about their trip at the same time. News about Laura’s actions spread throughout the entire army in an instant.

The mercenaries were already warming up to Laura thanks to the alcohol, but once they heard of her accomplishments, they showered her with unhesitant praise. After just a single night, Laura had won over the hearts of the stubborn and rebellious mercenaries.

The true masterpiece, however, occurred the following day when the 500 drafted mercenaries, who had failed to arrive on the promised date, finally made their way to Lugano. The other mercenaries jeered and heckled them. If we were to sternly follow military law, then we could sentence them to death for not arriving on time.

With the remaining thirty thousand soldiers watching on, Laura summoned the person in charge. A dwarf general, sporting an eyepatch over his right eye, stepped forward.

“Military laws are strict. Do you understand what you have done wrong?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The dwarf bowed respectfully. He looked as if he had already resolved himself.

“I will accept any punishment.”

“I will give you one chance to defend yourself and your regiment. Why were you late?”

“We were delayed because we had injured individuals who required support.”

Laura nodded her head.

“Remove your shoes.”

It was an abrupt order, but the dwarf didn’t question it whatsoever. He removed the layers of his leather shoes, revealing his unsightly dwarven feet. The number of blisters on his feet was ghastly.

At that moment, the mercenaries panicked once they saw what Laura did next.


“Your Highness!”

Laura didn’t hesitate to kneel down and kiss the top of the dwarf’s feet. This was Laura we were talking about, someone you could confidently refer to as the most beautiful person on the continent. Not only was it a dwarf, a race known for their less-than-stellar appearance, but the place she kissed was the foot, considered by many as the dirtiest part of the body.

The captains and soldiers who were watching from the side were obviously surprised, but that couldn’t compare to the bewilderment felt by the person in question who received the kiss on his foot. His entire body was frozen, unable to stop her.

Laura got up and looked around at the other soldiers.

“Despite having missed the conscription date, this man came here instead of becoming a deserter. He was loyal to my command despite knowing that he would be punished by military law. Soldiers that only fight while expecting a reward are comparable to a mob, while soldiers that willingly accept punishment are elites.”

Laura pointed at the dwarf regiment general and shouted.

“This man could have avoided punishment by treating his injured as deserters and rushing here without them. However, not only did he not abandon his subordinates and comrades, but he did not run away from military law either. Soldiers of Helvetica! I have never seen warriors with this level of loyalty and devotion to comrades and military law such as you all!”

Someone let out a cheer. That cheer spread like a plague as there were soon thirty thousand soldiers cheering in unison. The dwarf regiment general was so moved that he got on his knees and bowed to Laura.

At this moment, Laura became one with her soldiers in the truest sense.

Normally, a downside to mercenaries is the fact that each regiment has a different style. They could be similar foot soldiers, but one group could prefer using spears while another group prefers using a combination of swords and shields. They are individually powerful, but it is difficult to utilize them harmoniously because of how much their personalities differ.

Laura resolved this issue through trust. She earned the hearts of the captains and soldiers. From the most basic desire for alcohol to having their pride understood and acknowledged, she obtained their hearts through these methods.

Now, they would willingly throw themselves into unfamiliar battlefields if Laura ordered them to. They will remain loyal to a superior who understands their camaraderie and pride as mercenaries. As long as Laura doesn’t betray them, that is.

Two days later, Laura gave an order after everyone got more than enough rest.

“Show the skills of mountaineers to those plains people!”

Although Laura herself was one of those plains people, none of the captains questioned her. The expeditionary force advanced quickly. Once we arrived at a river, we saw some cavalrymen from Sardinia setting camp on the other side as if they had predicted our advance.

“There are not many of them, Your Highness. They are scouts.”

“Attack them immediately.”

“Excuse me?”

The captains were surprised by Laura’s sudden order to attack.

Laura’s expression remained calm.

“If they knew that we would advance through here, then they would have set up their main base across the river, not a small camp for scouts. The fact that their main camp is not here means that they only have a rough guess as to where we will arrive from!”

Laura unsheathed her curved sword she explained to the mercenary captains.

“The enemies still do not know that we have arrived here. We will wipe out their scouts and advance far into enemy territory! Charge!”

Laura charged forward on her horse by herself before the captains could give the command to all of the regiments. The mercenary captains were completely caught off guard and desperately chased after her.

“B-Blow the horns! Charge!”

“Follow the Duchess! Damn it, do not let Her Highness be by herself!”

“Charge! All troops, advance!”

The buglers blew their horns in a hurry.

“Whoa! Her Highness is going first!”

“Don’t fall behind, you runts!”

The soldiers cried out as they crossed the river. The river was narrow, but the deep areas reached up to the waists of the dwarves. The 2,000 vanguards charged resolutely across that river.

There was no formation. Laura and the mercenary captains were in the lead as the army charged forward in the shape of a reverse triangle. Their charge was absurdly reckless.

This set the first page of the second Chrysanthemum War.


Author’s Note

And Chrysanthemum War II transcended and became a legend.

TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I’m really sorry about how long this chapter took to come out. The start of May has been really rough… Last Tuesday, our landlord suddenly told us that he sold our place, so we have to move out by June. I’ve been going out during my lunch breaks at work to go to the bank and try to figure out what kind of loans I can get and if any of them will be on time. It’s just been really stressful. I’m not sure when I’m uploading this, but my cousin’s wedding is/was on May 5th and now I have to take my time to go. There’s just too much happening and I want to BREATHE. God.

In any case, if next chapter is late again, then it’s because I’m trying to sort this shit out and also trying to find a new place. I’ll see you guys in the next chapter, maybe I’ll have good news by then.

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