Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 376: Encounter of Two Heroes (4)

* * *

“Your Excellency, Marquis Rody is requesting an audience.”

“Hm. Send him in.”

Consul Elizabeth put the documents on her table aside. All sorts of things were occupying her desk, such as a military map, reports, and current policies. Kurtz Schleiermacher who followed along as a secretary let out a chuckle.

“I can have him wait until you finish cleaning up.”

“I am not cleaning. This is a matter of security.”

Elizabeth furrowed her brows.

“There are also a lot of confidential papers here.”

“If you say so, Your Excellency.”

“……Are you doubting me?”

“I simply trust in my own experience, Your Excellency.”

Kurtz had never met anyone as perfect as Elizabeth before, but there were two distinct areas where her competence seemed to evade her completely: cleaning and cooking. Even after spending just a day in a location, the aftermath would resemble that of a hurricane. And in the kitchen, she would work culinary miracles of a different kind, expertly transforming sweet delicacies into unexpectedly salty treats and turning spicy dishes into startlingly sour creations.

“……Never mind. Hurry up and send the Marquis in.”

Elizabeth spoke sullenly. She seemed to give up on cleaning as she dusted her hands.

In all honesty, Kurtz Schleiermacher wasn’t worried at all. It would be impossible for even the most well-trained spies to decipher any meaning from the Consul’s desk. It was quite literally chaos itself.

Shortly after, Marquis Rody entered the office and slowly lowered his head.

“May justice and honor be with Habsburg.”

“May the goddess grant Sardinia her eternal blessing. Greetings, Marquis.”

Elizabeth stood up and approached the Marquis to exchange a brief handshake.

“Your Excellency, I give you my sincere gratitude for accepting my sudden request.”

“Even if it were the darkest hour of the night, I would gladly avail myself for an audience with you, Marquis. I understand the weight of responsibility you bear, with numerous lives depending on your decisions. Individuals like you are a rare find.”

Elizabeth smiled softly.

Elizabeth cast a glance at the Marquis’ forehead, noting the receding hairline that seemed to progress noticeably with each passing day. The alarming pace at which his hair was vanishing became more apparent with every encounter. It had reached a point where Elizabeth, thanks to this visible change, could keenly sense the passage of time.

“I have come to you today because of those very lives. ……Your Excellency.”


Marquis Rody carefully glanced at Kurz who was standing at attention next to the door like a guard. Elizabeth nodded.

“General Schleiermacher, I wish to speak with the Marquis in private for a moment.”

“Please call for me if you need me.”

“You may go enjoy some beer.”

Kurtz grinned broadly.

“As you command.”

Kurtz exited the office and shut the door behind him.

“Do not worry, Marquis. This room does not have a memoria spell enchanted on it.”

Elizabeth gazed at the Marquis.

“You can convert to my faith without reserve.”

“I did not know that Your Excellency served a specific god.”

“I serve the one and only absolute god. I am a devout servant of my nation. It is powerful, perceivable, and above all, it can grant most wishes that a human can have.”

Elizabeth sat down in her chair and linked her fingers atop her desk.

“It is also the type of god that your country desperately needs right now.”

“……Your Excellency. I beg of you. Please do not move your forces any more than this.”

Elizabeth calmly stared into the Marquis’ eyes.

“Is that the royal family of Sardinia’s official stance?”

“No. Not at all……. Your Excellency, this is nothing more than my own personal request.”

Marquis Rody’s countenance contorted pitifully. He looked as if he was on the verge of bursting into tears. He was acutely aware of how unseemly his behavior appeared and how absurd his request sounded.

How unusual.

Elizabeth’s interest had been piqued.

The Marquis was a logical and rational human. He did have a dull side to him, but that made him better. In other words, he was the perfect individual to use as a partner when it came to diplomacy. This kind of person had made a personal request……. There was definitely a reason behind this.

“How interesting. I thought that of all values, a ‘personal’ one was not important to you.”

“Of course, the people will always be the most important to me.”

“One wrong move and you can be accused of treason, Marquis.”

Elizabeth laughed.

The Marquis said that this wasn’t an official request from his kingdom, but a personal one. Having said that, he was now stating that his personal request was for the sake of the people. Therefore, this could be interpreted as the kingdom’s current official stance not being for the people’s sake.

“……I misspoke. I will always be of humble service to the king.”

“I understand.”

‘Too easy,’ Elizabeth thought to herself.

She had set up only a single trap, but the Marquis fell into it immediately. It has always been like this. If she desired it, she could use and coquet anyone…….

“It is because of the Empire’s Count Palatine Dantalian.”


Elizabeth’s eyes slanted ever so slightly upward as soon as she heard that name.

“The Count Palatine gave me a warning. He stated that if Your Excellency takes even a single step from Venice, then he will pillage and slaughter the people mercilessly…….”

“Dear Lord, is that true?”

‘We better start moving, then,’ Elizabeth thought to herself.

“Your Excellency, the Count Palatine is not right of mind. No, he is right of mind, but he has gone mad. He is devoid of something as a person……. We cannot let the innocent people of this nation be slaughtered by that man!”

“Mm. It seems that things have become complicated.”

He was wrong. The Count Palatine wasn’t someone of the right mind who had gone mad. He was someone who was mad and of the right mind. These are two incredibly different things. Elizabeth put on a serious expression as this thought went through her head.

“This humble one begs of you. Please think of the people, Your Excellency…….”

“Marquis, you do not have to justify yourself.”

Elizabeth raised her right hand to stop him.

“The people are the nation. I already agree with you in that regard, Marquis.”


“The problem is always politics.”

Elizabeth placed her chin atop her linked fingers.

“As you are aware, our Republic came here under your nation’s request. If we do not move after coming this far, then we would ultimately be breaking our promise. Your nation is our one and only ally. Marquis, I do not wish to break a promise between friends.”

“……I will persuade His Highness the King.”

The Marquis spoke firmly. His gaze looked like he was resolved for death.

“In the first place, His Highness the King does not wish for war. I am sure he will understand if I sincerely try to persuade him. He will know what is the right path for our nation and the people…….”


“Due to the Empire’s detestable stratagem, our nation has currently been split into three groups. If we are divided, how can we possibly win against an army that we are already struggling to fight? Right now is the time to take a step back and make room for peace. I am certain of this.”

Elizabeth slowly examined the Marquis’ face. He was being genuine.

“But if you back down now, you will have to give up the Milano Duchy. Will the Duke agree to this?”

“……If cutting off a tail can guarantee our survival, then sacrifices must be made.”

Elizabeth was somewhat impressed.

The Marquis had an accurate grasp of their situation. She wasn’t sure if it was thanks to his intuition or instincts, but he understood the cold reality that there was nothing that they could possibly gain by continuing their battle with the Empire. Compared to the Grand Duke of Florence and the Duke of Milano, his judgment far surpassed theirs.

Furthermore, he even declared that someone as prestigious as the Duke of Milano was nothing more than a tail. He had a lot of guts.

Elizabeth nodded.

“It will not be easy to purge the Duke of Milano.”

“The Duke is already being criticized heavily. From a political standpoint, it isn’t entirely impossible.”

“I pray for your success.”

Elizabeth held out her right hand.

The Marquis looked deeply moved as his complexion brightened.

“Your Excellency……!”

“Do not misunderstand. We do not have that much time. At most, three days. You must persuade your lord within that time. If I do not receive news from you after three days, then I will move my army without any hesitation.”

“That is enough. Please place your trust in me.”

The two exchanged a firm handshake.

It looked like a weight had been lifted from the Marquis’ shoulders as he turned to leave the room, his steps now filled with resolve. Elizabeth called out to him right as he was about to leave through the door.

“Marquis, report to them that the Republic is using far more provisions and war funds than expected.”

“Your Excellency……?”

“There is no ruler who enjoys spending a large sum to maintain a foreign army. I pray that this helps persuade your lord.”

“……Thank you very much. I will repay Your Excellency for this favor even if I have to do it with my death.”

The Marquis gave Elizabeth a deep bow.

Shortly after the Marquis left, Kurtz Schleiermacher returned as if they were rotating shifts. Kurtz entered the room chuckling.

“Did you enjoy your private conversation, Your Excellency? I didn’t know you had a thing for bald men.”

“Send the memoria to Sardinia’s royal family.”

The edges of Kurtz’s mouth twisted into a grin.

“Are you sure? The Marquis will undoubtedly be executed.”

“And Sardinia will unite together as one again.”

When Elizabeth dismissed Kurtz, she told him ‘You may go enjoy some beer.’ Between the two of them, the word ‘beer’ was a secret code for the memoria spell. The conversation shared between the Consul and the Marquis was recorded in its entirety by the memoria artifact that was secretly installed in the room.

Elizabeth tapped her hand on her desk.

“Dogmatically carried out talks with a foreign nation without permission from the royal family, criticized one’s own nation in secret, and suggested the purge of the Duke of Milano. It won’t be a simple execution. He will receive the full-on death penalty.”

“Is this your gift to Sardinia?”


Elizabeth shook her head.

“What Sardinia needs now is a sacrificial lamb. Someone they can blame for their defeats and point as the reason for their failures.”

“And you’re saying Marquis Rody will be that lamb.”

“Indeed. The Marquis had deliberately bribed the imperial army’s mercenaries to foil the Duke of Milano’s plan. Adding to this, he betrayed the royal family, supported the imperial army, and tried to even make our army sit still and do nothing. The perfect sacrificial lamb.”

Elizabeth got up and stood by her window.

Her gaze looked completely calm.

“The Marquis will fall and be branded as both a traitor and a turncoat. This will allow the royal family to reconcile with the Duke of Milano, and the Duke of Milano will also be able to save face. This will also strengthen the Grand Duke of Florence’s dignity. He didn’t lose because the kingdom’s army was weak, it was because Marquis Rody was a traitor…….”

Elizabeth watched from her window as the Marquis walked out of the building.

His steps were obviously hurried as if he wanted to meet the king as soon as possible to persuade him.

“Furthermore, the Marquis is about to approach the king to only speak ill of our army. About how we will take up too much war funds and dry up their provisions.”

“And the king will have already seen the memoria we will be sending him by that point.”

“Correct. To the king, the Marquis will simply appear like a traitor who is trying to slander the republic army.”

Kurtz burst out into laughter.

“It’s perfect, Your Excellency. I will send the memoria immediately.”

“As you should.”

Elizabeth continued to stand quietly next to the window even after Kurtz had left.

She clenched her hands into a fist as she glared out the window.

“I will not be defeated so easily, Dantalian…….”

The next day.

Marquis Rody who had entered the royal palace to meet the king was arrested by the royal guards. He was abruptly tied up in the middle of a hallway. The Marquis opened his eyes wide as he looked around before,

“……I see. Is that your decision?”

He uttered those words in resignation and closed his eyes.

Despite being a high-ranking noble, he was accused of treason against the nation. For the first time in history, he was executed on that very day without going through any formal trial. When asked if he had any last words, the Marquis simply remained silent.

Continental Calendar, 8th Month, Year 1512.

Under the leadership of Elizabeth, the republican army, with a force of 13,000 soldiers—advanced.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Now you really gotta feel bad for the Marquis. He was trying so hard… May he not meet another Dantalian and Elizabeth in his next life. Nothing interesting happened at work, so I don’t got much else to say. Oh, I guess the new guy sort of lessened our workload, but at the same time, he’s…not that great. Like simple lines, he can do. But any type of story dialogue is… beyond him. It’s just pretty bad. Like he’s never read a book in English before. I think I ended up changing almost 95% of the lines he did because it was so poor. I’m not too confident about whether he can improve at this point.

Welp, tangent aside, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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