Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 392: The Dripping Night (1)

Demon Lord Marbas.

The former rank 5th Demon Lord now carried the position of Pannonia’s Ruler and was granted the title of Sebastokrator by the Habsburg Empire. Besides the Emperor, he was the only other recognized member of the imperial family. This virtuoso was also the leader of the Neutral Faction within the Demon Lord Army.

This Demon Lord, who seemed like he would have no opposition—was surprisingly, letting out a deep sigh at the moment.

The source of his grief was the endless noise happening around him. Three female Demon Lords were engaged in a ferocious conversation next to Marbas.

“All right, you bitches with room for rent in your skulls. I made reservations first, so stop salivating. Fuck off while I’m being nice.”

“Oh my. It’s the order that matters, not who asked first. I guess it is not surprising that someone who only plays with brainless corpses wouldn’t know the difference.”

“The only thing you two do is eat and get fat. Hehe. Isn’t it obvious that the person who works the most should be rewarded the most~?”

In order, Barbatos, Paimon, and Gamigin voiced their opinions.

All three of their faces were smiling brightly. However, if you examined them carefully, or maybe you don’t have to examine them that carefully, only their eyes were smiling. The ends of their mouths were twitching.

As the edges of these female Demon Lords’ mouths twitched, the atmosphere in front of the palace quivered ominously as if the vibration was somehow able to reach that far.

It was here that a historically splendid feat was accomplished. For the past several millennia, the Plains, Mountain, and Neutral Faction repeated an endless cycle of enmity and conflict. However, at this moment, an enormous treaty was implicitly agreed upon by all factions. —It was the treaty to stay at least 20 meters away from these female Demon Lords.

Hence, excluding Demon Lords of comparable stature to Marbas, the remaining Demon Lords kept their distance. There was no division between factions here. These Demon Lords transcended their ideological disparities to unite under a single sentiment: ‘I really, really don’t want to get involved in that…….’

“Brainless corpse? You must be talking about yourself. All you have is a flowerbed in your head. Have you done anything for Dantalian aside from causing him to get sick? You look quite lofty with that tail wagging between your legs just because you were given a little authority.”

Barbatos let out a mocking snort as she looked up at Paimon at exactly a 32-degree angle. It was a gesture that Dantalian once warned as “having enough explosive force to make a saintess kick their way out of their coffin to swear up a storm.”

“Oh right, you’re a succubus, not a fox! Spreading your legs to people in power is the work ethic of whores, so I misspoke. Sorry, whore. I forgot you were a whore and made fun of you for doing whorish things, whore. I ask that you generously forgive me for calling you a whore, whore.”

A vein popped in Paimon’s forehead. Marbas was certain that he heard an audible ‘snap’. It was undoubtedly the sound of a vein popping. At the same time, Marbas felt like his insides were twisting up. He had a stomach ache.

“Oh dear, it is truly unexpected that I would be called a whore by the woman who invited a bunch of dancers to the palace the other day to engage in group coitus. I heard that it was an impressive ball. I have no idea if you will have any holes remaining considering how often you have been trashing your body. Despite having such a small body, are you sure that your holes are not the only things that are ragged and old?”

Paimon shook her head with an exaggerated motion.

“Haah, I feel bad for Dantalian. It must already be quite troubling to sleep with a brat whose chest is as flat as the Valfer Channel, but now her hole has gotten to the point that even if anything is shoved into it, you will wonder if you are having intercourse with air. Always going on about being first simply because you dated for a brief moment a long time ago…… There is nothing more unsightly than a clingy woman.”

The sound of a vein popping could be heard again.

Barbatos and Paimon were close enough to each other that their noses were almost touching.

“Who’s this ragged towel calling loose?”

“If I am a towel that has just been cleaned in water, you are a towel that was used to clean the floor, tables, and bathroom tiles before being thrown in some random corner and left to ferment for 3 months.”

“Oh? In other words, you’re asking me to cut your head off and leave it to ferment for 3 months?”

“Are you trying to resolve this by fighting since you are unable to refute my words? You truly are simple enough to be referred to as vulgar and savage. Are you perhaps lacking some wrinkles in your brain? If you wish, I could personally carve some wrinkles for you.”

Marbas’ stomach ache gradually got worse.

The magical power enveloping the palace’s front garden had become so thick that it resembled a demonic field. It was probably easier to breathe back when forty Demon Lords gathered to defeat Great Demon Lord Baal compared to this moment. This was the truth.

‘Even I am struggling this much, but what is with this child?’

Marbas glanced at his side.

Standing there was a half-human half-demon succubus standing with her back straight.

She was Dantalian’s personal assistant who would also assist in state affairs whenever Dantalian was absent. Lapis Lazuli. Her expression remained impassive as she looked ahead. It was as if she was completely oblivious to the fact that a war was raging next to her.

“So, Lazuli. Who’s first~?”

While Barbatos and Paimon were distracted by their war of nerves, Gamigin furtively made her way to Lapis’ side. Her behavior was incredibly humble if you considered that it was a Demon Lord speaking to a mere demon. Especially if you also consider the fact that Lapis is treated as an outcast in demon society because of her human-demon hybrid status.

The reason for such demeanor was simple.

“If we continue the calculations from six months ago, Lady Barbatos has had 4 times, Lady Paimon has had 2 times, and Lady Gamigin has had 3 times. In terms of equality, it would only be right for Lady Paimon to be next.”

It was because this half-blood succubus was in charge of managing Dantalian’s bedside partner.

Lovers like Laura and Jeremi with relatively lower positions, as well as the Demon Lords, had their sleeping arrangements managed by Lapis Lazuli. After the big fight between Gamigin and Paimon last time over the sleeping arrangements, Dantalian got completely fed up and declared, “I will leave this all to Lapis!”

As a result.

“Did you hear that? This lady really is first!”

“Hey, hey, hey, Miss Prime Minister. Let’s not be so inflexible, okay? If we also account for our positions in the Empire, then I’m at the top. That bitch Paimon is two ranks lower than me. I should obviously be first if we follow the pecking order.”

“Haha. To think you want to settle a matter between Demon Lords using one’s rank in the Empire. Even a slime would laugh at that logic. That’s fine by me. It’s unfortunate that I’m not first, but I can handle being second.”

The three Demon Lords who ruled the demon world would frequently enact the joys and sorrows of a tragedy, or rather, a comedy at the single utterance from a succubus half-blood.

Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem. Dantalian was like a dog whose mating season encompassed the entire year, so the female Demon Lords could keep up appearances as his lovers without much trouble.

The problem was that it had been more than six months since Dantalian left the palace.

In this situation where the time has ‘reset’, the question was who could seize Dantalian’s time first. In other words, there was a correlation between who got to dominate Dantalian’s time the most and the pride of the female Demon Lords.

If they were to fall behind someone here…… For example, if Barbatos got to spend time with Dantalian a day after Paimon, that would turn her into ‘a woman who can be met later than Paimon’.

That was a situation that none of the female Demon Lords could allow to happen.

Dating other lovers was fine. It didn’t matter to them. Paimon has relations with Sitri, and Barbatos has countless lovers. They were all free spirits when it came to love.

—However, they couldn’t ever allow themselves to fall behind another female Demon Lord!

“Miss Prime Minister, how about we do it like this? I’ll only do it two times this month. Just two times, okay? In return, how about letting me go sooner? It should be fine to have that much flexibility in this strict world, right?”

“Stop with your nonsense!”

“Pfft. In that case, I’m fine with going only once. What nonsense is this corpse girl spewing?”

“Then, fuck, are you telling me to sleep with him after you bitches have had your turn!? I won’t sit around and let that happen even if it means shoving dirt in my eyes, you fuckers!”

“That is perfect, then. I will personally shove the dirt in your eyes!”

“What’d you say!?”


Marbas coughed.

Marbas looked at his palm and saw blood. The excessive stress had caused blood to mix into his coughing. Marbas prayed in the depth of his heart, ‘Dantalian, please return quickly. An irreversible catastrophe might unfold if we wait any longer……’

At that moment, Sitri, who had been watching the battle of nerves from a slight distance, tilted her head.

“Hm? Can’t the three of you all sleep together, then?”


“If you do, that’ll make you all equally first. Hehe. I think Dantalian would also prefer to resolve this peacefully rather than worry about it this much.”


Barbatos, Paimon, and Gamigin thrust their fingers at each other as if they had practiced this beforehand.

“You’re telling me—.”

“To sleep together with.”

“These vulgar women?”

Sitri nodded with a big grin. Her smile was so bright it was like a sunflower.

“This is the perfect solution. Even I have to admit how smart it is! Oh, it’d be nice if I could join in as well while we’re at it. Hehe.”

“I see. You have a point.”

Lapis placed her hand on her chin as she nodded.

“Doing so would also make managing the schedule easier. What is everyone’s opinion on the matter? If Your Highnesses agree, I will personally inform Sir Dantalian…….”

“Absolutely not!”

The three female Demon Lords shouted in one unified voice.

Lapis let out a sigh.

“It cannot be helped, then. In that case, Lady Sitri will be first.”

“Pardon? Why is it Sitri first? Was it not me?”

“My apologies, Your Highness Paimon, but technically speaking, you are not first either.”

Lapis bowed.

“I was simply saying that you would be first among the three of you. However, if we put everyone into consideration, Her Highness Sitri would be first.”


While everyone was at an absolute loss for words, a magic circle for teleportation formed at the palace entrance at the most perfect timing. Dantalian walked out from the black energy that was flowing out like smoke.

Sitri leaped over to Dantalian for a hug as if she had been waiting for this moment. She was like a pet welcoming her owner who had been absent for a while.

“Welcome back, Dantalian—!”

“S-Sitri. Haha. This is quite the heavy welcome.”

Despite his surprise, Dantalian managed to receive Sitri’s embrace. With Sitri in his arms, Dantalian turned to look at the Demon Lords who were gathered in front of the palace.

“Why has everyone gathered to welcome little ol’ me? It is a bit embarrassing.”

“Are you not returning after having accomplished a victory?”

Marbas answered.

The truth was a little different. Barbatos, Paimon, and Gamigin had dragged their groups here saying that they had to welcome Dantalian. However, Marbas knew from experience that there are truths in the world that should be left unspoken.

“As we have only been waiting here in the imperial capital, this is the only reward we can offer you. I ask that you accept our appreciation, Count Palatine.”

“I am sincerely grateful.”

Dantalian then went around shaking the hands of each of the roughly thirty Demon Lords that had come to welcome him. Even the individuals who didn’t particularly like Dantalian couldn’t help but smile when they saw how earnestly he bowed to them.

Referentially, Sitri was latched on to Dantalian’s hip like a crab the entire time he was shaking everyone’s hands.

“C’mon, Dantalian. Put the boring formalities aside and let’s go.”

“……My apologies, my fellow kin. I must apologize deeply on behalf of Sitri.”


Dantalian let out a sigh and entered the palace. Once the welcoming ceremony was rushed to an end, the Demon Lords who mostly disliked empty formalities and vanity appeared pleased as they also departed. The very first to leave among them was obviously Marbas.




Only the three female Demon Lords were left.

The three of them glanced at each other before letting out sighs. They then went their own separate ways with heavy steps.

It was truly quite the forlorn scene.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I know a fair amount of people seemed to be looking forward to more interaction between Elizabeth and Dantalian after the last chapter, but that was the arc close-up scene. At least we got some Demon Lord banter again.

In any case, life goes on. I forgot to update the ToC for a long time, so I did that again. Work is rather stressful as usual. Too much anti-malware that my brain sort of feels like it’s giving up. The project managers were discussing with each other that the EN team is severely lacking resources right now so I think they’ll actually try to actively recruit another person soon. God, please don’t be like that last guy who wanted to ‘try it out’. He wasn’t even good to begin with.

In any case, personal matters aside, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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