Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 418: Fall of Gold (2)


The room fell silent.

Paimon always led her faction with a tolerant mindset. Despite the relaxed atmosphere characteristic of the Mountain Faction, a broad coalition was formed. However, the politics Sitri was currently executing stood in stark contrast to this ethos. One might interpret it as politics driven by fear or even coercion…….

For politics driven by fear to continue to exert its influence, two conditions must be met.

First, the assurance that one is safe from punishment.

Even as others perish, I remain safe. Such confidence must be shared among one’s subordinates. In other words, they must be guided to behave well by clearly informing them of ‘how to avoid punishment’.

Second, a consensus that politics driven by fear is absolutely necessary at the present.

People are not fools; they understand that ruling through fear is merely a temporary fix…… no, a last resort. But for it to be effective, they need to believe that the circumstances are dire. They need to be convinced that only harsh rule will protect them from harm.

Hence why Sitri decided to punish a traitor.

Regardless of the era, executing traitors provides a very clear standard. Betray, and you die, but if you don’t betray, you will be fine. There’s no cleaner criterion than this. Moreover, now that a real traitor has emerged, the Mountain Faction Demon Lords will undoubtedly take the current situation very seriously.

‘This is perfect timing for them.’

Demon Lord Belial had quite literally betrayed the Mountain Faction at the most opportune moment.

This satisfied both the first and second conditions simultaneously. Whether the betrayal was real or not mattered little as long as it served a political purpose. This was all that mattered. This makes it so that Sitri’s leadership will be acknowledged as necessary for the time being…….

“Everyone, as someone who has set foot in the Plains Faction, I feel a sense of responsibility.”

I took a step forward.

The essence of terror politics lies in portraying the current situation as nearly the worst possible scenario. It must always hover on the brink of the worst-case scenario. However, it would be concerning if people actually perceived it as the worst-case scenario, as this could lead to a loss of self-control and madness.

‘The Plains Faction might use this opportunity to eliminate us’, this was just the right amount of concern. However, if it turns into the perception that ‘the Plains Faction is actively trying to exterminate us!’ it would be problematic. The Mountain Faction Demon Lords would likely go berserk and lash out before their supposed demise.

Someone needs to maintain the precarious balance on this border.

“Belial met Demon Lord Zepar of our Plains Faction in secret. There is a possibility, however slim, that some Demon Lords within the Plains Faction may harbor thoughts of dividing the Mountain Faction.”

“Dantalian, unfortunately, you are not exempt from suspicion either.”

An older gentleman with a thick, white beard spoke. It was Morax, the ex-Rank 21 Demon Lord of Horse Hoofs. If Marbas maintained his innate charm while aging gracefully, then Morax aged with patches of gray fungus dotting his face.

“You are also a member of the Plains Faction. Not only are you a part of their faction, but you are also the only man whom Barbatos has accepted into her heart. If the Plains Faction truly is scheming to divide the Mountain Faction, there is no chance that you would not be aware of it as one of the absolute highest executives.”

The other Mountain Faction Demon Lords nodded in agreement with the old man’s statement. Rather than being accusatory, it was more like he was simply asking me to explain myself. He was being rather respectful.

“I am grateful that you think so highly of me, however, my influence within the Plains Faction is rather limited.”

“You underestimate yourself. I am not so foolish as to be unaware of your significance within the Plains Faction.”

“You seem to know me quite well.”

“Her Highness Paimon spoke about you quite a bit.”

I smiled bitterly.

I deliberately maintained silence for a moment. It was to convey a sense of discomfort just by hearing Paimon’s name. I didn’t need to remain silent for long. Five to six seconds was enough to convey this message to them.

After measuring the time in my head, I spoke.

“Sir Morax, do you know where my power stems from?”

“As far as this old man knows, it stems from Barbatos’ favor.”

“More precisely, it stems from the favor of three individuals. Barbatos, Marbas……and Paimon.”

I lowered my gaze slightly. This was a subconscious gesture that people feeling guilty tend to make. People believed that I harbored serious guilt toward Paimon, and I wanted to perpetuate that misconception.

“My power fundamentally originates not from me but from elsewhere. It comes from the balance between factions. Whether it is the Mountain Faction, the Neutral Faction, or the Plains Faction, there are moments when they must cooperate with one another. It is precisely at those times that my role shines. In other words, when the balance among the factions is disrupted, someone like me becomes unnecessary…….”

“Are you not being too modest?”

“I am simply stating the truth as it is.”

The old man did not speak further. He couldn’t refute my words since it was the truth.

“I believe that the current era has achieved a golden balance. The collapse of this balance would be no different from the worst-case scenario for me. If there are groups within the Plains Faction plotting to disrupt this balance, they are my enemies.”

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in my direction. His forehead was deeply furrowed.

“Do you have a solution?”

“I am sworn brothers with Brother Zepar. I will directly inquire about Belial from him.”

“Is that method not too straightforward?”

“I am confident in this approach.”

I glanced around slowly.

“I will be frank. I am trying to gain your trust. However, keep in mind that there is no need to grant me eternal trust. Trust me conditionally only when our interests align.”


“And now is that time.”

Everyone turned their gazes to Sitri. This was them stating that they would follow their leader’s decision. However, Sitri didn’t waver for even a second.

“I’ll use this opportunity to make this clear. I love Dantalian.”


“But my personal relationship and the affairs of our faction have nothing to do with each other.”

The expressions of the Mountain Faction Demon Lords changed. They looked surprised. The atmosphere in the office stirred slightly, but Sitri continued with her cold tone.

“I won’t decide the fate of our faction based on personal relationships. That’s obvious. The Mountain Faction doesn’t belong to me. It’s the place Big Sis Paimon worked hard to build, with her blood, sweat, and tears. I just want to protect this place, where her memories and traces remain.”

“Your Highness…….”

“So let’s decide together. Even though Big Sis Paimon isn’t here right now…… Let’s think about what she would have done.”

There was nothing as easily moving as single-minded devotion.

Even the children of the demon world knew how much Sitri loved Paimon. While it was basic in politics to doubt others, Sitri’s sincerity was unquestionable. Her purity must’ve moved the hearts of the Demon Lords.

“I choose to trust him.”

“I also agree. Dantalian is certainly suitable for negotiation. We have nothing to lose.”


The Mountain Faction Demon Lords expressed their consent one after another.

Lastly, even Morax nodded his head. Even if he wanted to oppose, it would be disgraceful to rebel against Sitri here. It would be better to rally around her rather than cause unnecessary turmoil. He made the right decision.

“Thank you, everyone.”

I placed my right hand over my heart and politely bowed, like a butler.

“I would like to reaffirm the role I have been entrusted with. I will do my utmost to determine if there is indeed a group within the Plains Faction seeking to divide the Mountain Faction and ensure that this golden balance remains intact. Is this correct?”

“Yes, that is correct.”

The Demon Lords agreed.

Without once meeting Sitri’s gaze from the moment I entered the room until I left, I proceeded straight to the office assigned to Brother Zepar.

Ο* * *Ο

The imperial palace was divided into the East Hall and the West Hall.

Among them, the East Hall was assigned to the Plains Faction, and the West Hall to the Mountain Faction. The central area was occupied by the Neutral Faction and independent Demon Lords. It was an easily recognizable arrangement. 

Initially, the Imperial Palace of the Habsburg Empire was not particularly impressive. The former emperor, the father of Elizabeth and Rudolf, was historically the most miserly ruler. He often attempted to remodel the palace but faced significant opposition from the nobility, resulting in most of his plans being abandoned.

Moreover, during the Crescent Alliance War, when Elizabeth set fire to the capital and ascended to power, a considerable portion of the palace was dismantled—that’s right, every decoration and statue that seemed valuable was taken! Consul Elizabeth is also quite the scrooge—so it was left looking shabby.

The scale of the palace was completely different now.

Using the basic framework as a foundation, the goblin and dwarven craftsmen brought in from the demon world carried out an extensive renovation. The palace’s size was increased by several times, becoming so enormous that it could practically be considered a small city. As a result, it took me a good several dozen minutes to walk from the West Hall, where the Mountain Faction was located, to the East Hall, where the Plains Faction was situated.


Brother Zepar welcomed me warmly. Although his expression was solemn as usual, his tone was clearly gentle. Brother Zepar lowered the document in his hand and smiled at me.

“I have been seeing you often these days. It is rather nice.”

“You seem to be having a hard time managing the territory.”

“Honestly, it is only slightly easier than dealing with the knights of Brittany.”

We shared a light laugh. After a bit of small talk, Brother Zepar dismissed the servants from his office. I adjusted my expression to a serious one and spoke.

“Brother. What I am about to tell you must be kept strictly confidential for the time being.”

Brother Zepar’s face immediately turned serious. He was a man who could be serious whenever necessary.

“I assume something severe has occurred.”

“Yes. Demon Lord Belial was purged just a moment ago.”


Brother Zepar’s eyes widened. He maintained that expression for a moment before slowly closing his eyes. He then pressed his index finger against the bridge of his nose.

“……What do you mean by ‘he was purged’?”

“Sitri most likely beheaded Belial herself. All of the Mountain Faction Demon Lords were gathered in her office a moment ago. They may still be there now.”

Brother Zepar kept his eyes shut as he let out a sigh.

“Things have gotten out of hand.”

“No, it might not be as severe as we think. Sitri requested for me to negotiate.”


“The Mountain Faction believes Demon Lord Belial betrayed them. They believe that in order to do so, he had a secret meeting with you…….”

Brother Zepar furrowed his brows.

“What utter nonsense. In this situation, at this time, what good would it do to accept a brat like Belial? It would only cause unnecessary conflict.”

“The Mountain Faction Demon Lords are not completely foolish. Their opinion coincides with yours, but…….”

“But, there is a possibility. Is that what they are worried about?”

I nodded.

“Brother, this is my fault. Please let me take responsibility.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Did you not originally hesitate to meet with Belial? It was I who advised you to meet with him. This whole situation is entirely my fault.”

I lowered my head.

That’s right.

Demon Lord Belial betrayed at ‘quite the appropriate time’.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Still not able to translate as actively as I want to. Work is weird. It gets busy at times, but when it’s not busy, we’ve been asked to play test some games to see if they’d be good for our company to work with. I technically don’t have to, but I feel obligated? I unno.

In any case, I’ve been getting distracted with games lately. Playing a lot of Elden Ring with friends and now I’m probably going to get back into FFXIV because I finally got a large house… After 2 years of trying… Time to get into decorating again.

I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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