Dungeon Life

Chapter Two-Hundred Twenty-Two

I’m feeling a lot better about things after chatting with Teemo. He’s good at cutting to the heart of what’s bothering me and reminding me what’s important. It also helps that he’s more than happy to point out mistakes, so when he says something is good, it rings true instead of just hollow praise.

I like to think I help calm him down some, too. I’m not the only one worried about everyone, and both of us being able to vent those worries to each other really helps. It's technically nothing we haven't said nor heard before, but it just clicks better, I suppose. Whatever the reason, we’re both feeling refreshed and ready to get back in action.

And looking at my dwellers as they prepare, I realize something I’ve managed to miss. They should be alright without it, but the idea of them going without it makes me reject the notion that they should. I’m Thedeim, the weird dungeon! If anyone can pull a technical war crime out of thin air, it’s me!

While I accept it won’t be ready by the time they march, I refuse to accept that I can’t have it ready by the time the fighting starts! It’s going to take a lot of effort from everyone, though. I can feel my denizens reacting to my resolve, and Teemo is more than happy to help explain and get this project moving yesterday.

First hurdle: manpower. It’s almost enough to tempt me to make the ant enclave, but they’d have to finish their transformation, and we just don’t have the time for that. So It’s going to have to rest on the backs of my magmyrm. My ratlings and aranea will probably help, too, but they have their places in me already. My magmyrm have still been searching for something to contribute, and this idea resonates deep in them. It’s not going to be easy, but they are willing to give it their best effort.

The only potential problem with them is their temperature. They’re kinda made from magma, or at least don’t seem to care about the very high temperatures closer to the volcanic area. Then again, they’ve been able to deliver sleeping potions to people who lose in the labyrinth without melting the glass or igniting the cork, and can carry the people out, too. I guess they can handle their temperature well, which is a huge relief.

I get a group of them headed towards Thing’s private lab in the sanctum while Teemo explains the idea to him. He looks as eager to do it as I’ve seen him before, and gets the magmyrm to clear a space for him to teach. I can feel there’s a lot he wants to impart to them, but he’s also not going to be their only teacher.

Queen is already organizing her own lab, setting up stations for the magmyrm to learn her trade as well. Alchemy is going to be a vital part of this plan, too. I don’t know how much Queen can teach them on such a short notice, but she can probably squeeze at least a few basic recipes into them, as well as a bit of herbalism to be able to gather the herbs they’ll need, too.

My ratlings take to the forges, working on the fine and delicate instruments we’ll need. I’m not completely sure if it’ll be needed, or if the magmyrm will even have the expertise to use what my ratlings are making, but I’d rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. Some of the delvers might actually have the skills for this, come to think of it. I’ll have to have Teemo ask them once he’s back to the front lines.

The aranea get to work weaving silk overtime, and even process some of the wool and mycelia fabric the enclaves have offered to my warehouse. We’re going to need a lot of fabric, both for uniforms and for the actual work. For the uniform, I make a few alterations to the robes we made for Yvonne and Aranya… well, I would say so long ago, but it’s only been a couple months. How time flies. Anyway, the uniform. I go with what looks a lot like sweatpants and hoodies. I think they look a little cooler than the fabric those usually use, but I’m mostly going for utility, not fashion. Elastic silk at every opening in the fabric will allow for easy fitting without letting loose sleeves and legs to get in the way and snag on things. Even the bottom of the shirt has the elastic silk, to try to keep any mess confined to the fabric. The work can get more than a little messy, so the combination of a good fit and ease of changing will help keep things running smoothly.

I do need to adjust again after the first batch is made, after I remember the magmyrm are going to be the first ones wearing it, not taller bipeds. I think it’ll go well, as long as they can cool themselves enough to not set the clothes on fire. Considering Thing has them looking at his books, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.

I even get the bees contributing, with Teemo helping direct them. I think they’re a bit confused why I want some empty honeycombs, but they’re not bothered with complying. Oh, actually, I bet having some honey would be really helpful, too! It’s a bit of a mess to get everything organized, but Queen’s ants are a big help with getting the honey out of the combs and into clean vials.

I smile as I watch everyone working. There’s still a lot to go, but I think we’ll be able to make this work before the fighting starts.

“Hey Boss? Why’re you calling this a war crime? It seems like a good thing to me?”

I chuckle at his confusion. It’s mostly me being silly, though it really is technically a crime. See, in war, people always get hurt, right? There are classes that can or even specialize in minimizing that, but it still happens. There are also uniforms in just about any war, so people know who’s on what side. Wearing the wrong uniform can be a big problem. I’m going to be stealing a uniform, basically.

“But we don’t know what that other dungeon dresses people as. And it probably doesn’t even have magmyrm anyway.”

I’m not stealing the uniform of that dungeon, I’m stealing a different uniform. A uniform of people who don’t do any fighting, yet are always on the frontline of wars. Their duty isn’t to fight, but to heal. They don’t carry weapons, they don’t even differentiate sides. Their only duty is to gather the people who are too injured to fight and make sure they don’t die, no matter which side they were fighting for.

Teemo dons a confused look. “That’s one of your weirdest ideas yet, Boss.”

Yeah, but it’s an important one. Honestly, it’s one I should have remembered a lot earlier. I guess magic healing makes it easy to forget, but even with a few clerics mixed in with the fighters, there are going to be people who get injured too badly to fight, but can’t get a magical heal before the literal front line moves on. There’s gonna be people just trying to not die, and even after a battle, there’s going to be enemy injured. While I’ve heard stories of ancient armies going around after a battle to finish off any foes not quite dead, I’m not going to do that.

I watch an aranea stitch some red fabric to the front and back of the shirt, as well as the top and bottom of the ant pants, and smile to myself at the old symbol. The red cross. It’s an old symbol of healing, and a war crime to wear or even display if you’re not actually part of them.

I pause as I see Grim step out of a shortcut and into the work area, his scythe free of grass and trimmings. He runs his skeletal hand along the edge before moving to help cut bandages, and dip them into the sealing wax to help keep them clean.

So yeah, I want to bring them here, to make them a symbol of help. If battles are anything like I’ve heard they are, wounded can outnumber the dead, or even the living! If I don’t want to add more bodies, I need to do something about it, and this will be that something.

Teemo chuckles as he watches Grim. “You know the enclaves are going to be all over this once they find out, right?”

Yeah, I know. The only reason I didn’t already include them is-

“Lord Thedeim?” comes the surprised voice of my High Priestess as she sees all the activity in the sanctum. She stays well out of the way of my denizens and scions as they work, and her confusion gives way to a wide smile.

“More healing, of course! The dwellers will be relieved to see you taking an even more active role in keeping them safe.”

“Not just them,” corrects Teemo as he hops onto her shoulder, earning a confused look. “It’s a bit complicated, but it’s not just for our dwellers. They’re going to heal every injured they can get their hands on, ours and the other dungeon’s.”

She still looks confused at that, but smiles as she turns to walk towards my core and place a hand on me. “That does sound like the kind of crazy idea you’d come up with.”

Hah, I wish it was my idea. I’m not above borrowing the really good ones, though.

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