DungeonFall – [A Dungeon Creation / Cultivation Story]

Chapter 59

“I am so sorry for my parents!” Lindsay burst out once they were safely ensconced in Nate’s parent’s SUV. The back and roof rack were packed with all their supplies and equipment for the weekend.

The guards were all in a separate vehicle behind them for this portion of the trip. They would meet back up just outside the city in the parking area. It was where all the companies stored their trailers, towing rigs, and vans.

Niall and Nina didn’t have a van, but they did have a decently sized towing rig and trailer. It might be a little cramped, but it would fit everyone.

“It’s…” Nina sighed and let her head flop against the headrest. “I’m sure they are normally lovely people, but this certainly wasn’t their best showing.”

“No, no, it wasn’t,” Lindsay muttered with a wince. “It wasn’t anything related to you though, it was something I found out last night, and we never resolved before going to bed is all.”

Angie grabbed her hand and held it tight as they traveled in silence for several minutes. The world outside the car was dark, save for the lights interspersed along the sidewalks. If they had been able to see the horizon, they would have been able to see the barest hints of the approaching dawn.

“Sorry, I learned last night that my parents had tried to do something similar to what Angie’s mom did. The deal never went through or anything, but they still tried to pretty much sell me off when I was younger.” Lindsay laughed and shook her head. “And they acted so disgusted and high and mighty when they learned what her mom had done. The hypocrites. This expedition couldn’t come at a better time. I need some time away from them.”

Nate nodded and pulled her in close for a hug. “I’m sorry. Did they say why they did it or anything?”

“I was so angry at the time; I never gave them a chance to say anything. I’m just so tired of how they act. I mean, you saw how they treated your parents this morning. That isn’t exactly out of the norm for them. Even their relationship with Angie’s parents isn’t much better.” She sighed and shrugged. “Maybe I’ll feel up to talking to them when we get back.”

Up front, Niall and Nina were doing their best to act like they weren’t listening in on the kid’s conversation.

A little bit later, the vehicle slowed as they approached a closed gate. On either side of the road, they could see razor wire fences extending into the distance. This wasn’t the main fence around the city, but more of a backup in case the main one was breached. Something to give the people inside a few extra seconds to use for escaping or hiding.

A guard shined his light inside at them. “Expedition?”

“Their first one. We need to get the paperwork started for their licenses,” Niall responded while handing over some paperwork along with his and Nina’s licenses.

The guard took a moment to review the information before handing it all back to him. “Everything looks to be in order. Head directly to the ‘Licensing Office’ and get the process started before departing. Good luck, and happy hunting.” The guard twirled his finger in the air and the gate slowly rose into the air for them.

Inside the ‘Licensing Office’, filling out the required information for their new licenses was only a matter of minutes. When they returned on Sunday, they would receive new driving licenses or other IDs if they didn’t have one of those with a mark that identified them as cultivators. In the meantime, they were given some temporary paper copies and told not to lose them.

Back in the car, it was only a few minutes longer for them to reach the parking area.

There was a stretch of open land between the last of the buildings and the beginning of the farmland. In this world, land was at a premium, which meant each city had to have, maintain, and protect its farmlands.

Every city and town was surrounded by them, and their city was no different. The crops they grew were one of the primary sources of their food, along with being a main trade item.

Pulling into the parking area, they found the car with the guards idling nearby. They had gotten ahead of them while the kids were filling out their paperwork.

Niall flashed his lights at them and then pulled the SUV around to their large off-road truck and trailer rig. Even at this early hour, there was plenty of activity going on in the parking area as various cultivators all prepared to leave on their own weekend expeditions.

All cultivators had to go on expeditions occasionally, no matter what their jobs actually were. It was how the city remained safe and kept their meat stores full.

Nate climbed out of the car and stretched with a groan. He wasn’t used to going on car rides longer than a few minutes anymore. With some help from the guards, they were able to quickly transfer all the equipment from the SUV to the back of the truck.

“Alright, while Niall is going over everything on the truck and trailer to make sure they are both in great shape. Where are your weapons?” Nina asked the three teenagers.

Nate shrugged awkwardly. He had no idea and had actually forgotten about that particular problem.

Both girls, on the other hand, pointed to the back of the truck where they had put the equipment they weren’t wearing.

Nina cracked her neck and nodded slowly. “Nate, your father, and I have your kukris in the back. They are secondhand, but in good condition. You should have thought to ask about them before this.” She focused on all three. “Go get your weapons. From here on out, always have them on your person. You never know when something might happen. It isn’t unheard of for these rigs to be attacked. Don’t strap them on. There isn’t enough room for that, but make sure they are always in your hands. Now go get them!”

Finding the kukris his parents had gotten for him was only a matter of moments. The blades were lightly scratched, but sharp, and the hilts fit his hands well. What was even better is that they would be comfortable to hold and wield in a fight.

The girls had their own weapons in their hands, their faces slightly pale as the reality of what they were about to do settled in.

His mother had her bow in one hand, and the falchion she used as her backup weapon in the other. Coming up behind her, Niall and the four guards had their own weapons in hand.

“Alright, everything is strapped down and secure in the back of the truck. Last call for the restroom before we hit the road.”

Nate’s mother handed her bow and quiver to her husband before grabbing the hands of both girls. “We’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Two of the guards followed a few discreet steps behind them. Now that they were no longer in the city, their job had officially begun.

“How are the kukris?”

Nate pulled one out and gave it a twirl. “They’re well balanced, and sharp. I like the way they feel in my hand. They should be comfortable during fights. I can’t say anything about the quality, the outside of the blade looks… hard? I have no idea what I’m looking for in that regard.”

His father chuckled at his estimation of the blade. “Yes, you’re right. It is indeed hard. As for being able to determine the quality, that is something that will come with time. Take this, for example.” He pulled out one of his throwing knives. The blade was made of a greenish metal he had never seen before. “If I were to ask you if this blade was any good, how would you judge it?”

Nate leaned in close to it, examining the throwing knife without ever taking it from his father’s hand. “I… have no idea. I’ve never seen this sort of metal before; I don’t even know where to start on it.”

“Good. Be honest, any weapons or armor dealer that prioritizes the sale over the cultivator’s life won’t be around for long.” Behind him, the two guards nodded in agreement. “This is part of the metallic bone from a poison beast. That’s what the green is. The beast was so poisonous that even its bones contained poison. There were no venom sacs or anything to be found when they dissected it. Everything inside it was purpose-built to contain and deliver poison.”

“I probably shouldn’t let it cut me then.”

“Yeah, that would be a very bad idea.” His father agreed. “My point is, a trustworthy seller will tell you the overall quality of the weapon, but nothing beats experience. Give it time, and in the meantime, bring me or your mother along anytime you need to buy something.”

“Sounds good.” Seeing the metallic bone along with everything else had given him more than enough to think about.

A minute later, the ladies and the two guards returned, and they were ready to leave.

“Are you feeling better?” Nate asked Angie and Lindsay softly when they had a moment alone. The color of both their faces had gone back to normal by the time they came back from the restroom.

“Yeah, your mom talked to us. It calmed us down a little. This is just so different from what we were expecting, not to mention it’s happening a week sooner.” She smiled weakly. “We’re fine. She just needed to help us get our heads set on straight, is all.”

“That’s understandable. I wouldn’t expect anyone to suddenly be fine with going outside the walls of the city. What we’re about to do is dangerous. I can’t imagine most people would approach it for the first time like it was any other day.”

“You seem fine,” Lindsay pointed out as she struggled to position her halberd inside the cab of the truck. Eventually, she settled on just putting it on the floor by their feet due to its length.

“No, I’m nervous. I’m just not terrified. After everything that has happened to me this year, I’m simply excited that I reached this point. There was a while there that I honestly wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to become a cultivator. It had thrown my entire future into question. I could barely make it through the day without taking a couple of naps.”

His mother reached back and squeezed his knee, as his father threw the truck into gear.

“Even if I had managed to push through and get a job, I would always be the weakest person around. I was looking at a life where I was going to be nothing more than a glorified punching bag for those above me. I could have become the most knowledgeable person on several subjects, and none of it would have mattered if I couldn’t even marginally defend myself. That is the life I was staring at until George and you appeared in my life.”

Nate turned to look out the window where the approaching dawn had begun to highlight the trees nearest the road. Farther out, he could see the military base and all the buildings that were alight and bustling in the early hour.

“So yeah, I’m nervous, but I’m not really scared. That will come with time as the memory of all of this fades, but for now, it’s too fresh.”

“Dang, kid, way to start the expedition off on a high note.” One of the guards joked weakly.

It sort of worked as the somber mood was dispersed, as everyone began ribbing the guard instead.

As the world outside continued to grow brighter, they watched as endless fields passed by for several minutes.

“Hold on, we’re approaching the wall. This is where the real fun begins.” Niall called out back to them, silencing everyone inside the truck instantly.

The wall wasn’t some concrete behemoth like Nate had seen in movies on OE or read in books back then. Those things were improbable and far too costly to ever produce and maintain. Instead, they had gone old school. It was a several-story tall berm of hard-impacted dirt.

The people here were realists. They knew that the beasts would eventually break through, no matter what they made. So, they made something hard, while also keeping it cheap. Impacted dirt was both of those things. Done correctly, it was almost as good as stone.

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