Dungeons and Dalliances

2.33 – ❤ Advancing



[Illusion]: Progression advanced from 1 to 2.



[Illusion] - ACTIVE. PROGRESSION 2. Conjure a {moderately} powerful audiovisual mirage to distract or confuse an opponent.


As expected, progressing Illusion from one to two had resulted in the adjective ‘mildly’ shifting to ‘moderately’. Thus far, even simple illusions had been difficult to wrangle—flashes of light, mild misdirections of her weapon or stance, being the most she could manage.

The exception being, of course, the … lewder implementations of the skills. But Natalie had far from settled on whether she’d ever use those in combat against other students. It had proved effective against Sofia, but … well, she didn’t need to detail why she hesitated using them against other people.

Natalie informed Jordan of the change.

“Huh,” Jordan said. “Wanna try it out?”

"Can’t. Someone might sense it. I’m not good at covering my tracks.”

To the various spellcasting classes—of which Natalie had unexpectedly become one—spells burst into existence, pinging to any nearby mage’s consciousness, in much a similar way of a loud noise. At the training facility, nobody would think twice about the effect, but at the barracks, it could pique interest and have someone seeking the origin of the spell out. Because why would someone be casting inside the barracks?

A more competent mage could dampen the obviousness of a spell, but Natalie … Natalie wasn’t an experienced spellcaster, for all she’d made strides in the past week, and could now, if clumsily, integrate [Illusion] into her standard combat flow.

Jordan chewed her lip, then nodded. “Okay. We’ll hold out on that. Do it at the facility, not here.”

Natalie thought that smarter, too.

But, with the opportunity to demonstrate moved down the line, it meant the time had arrived for her last skill to be upgraded.

Heavy Weaponry.

“Sammy’s going to be so confused,” Natalie said, the amusing thought escaping her lips without much forethought. “A few extra inches arriving out of nowhere is going to … catch her off guard.”

Jordan quirked an eyebrow, but, as she’d made redundantly clear, Natalie’s involvement with other girls didn’t bother her. “I suppose it depends on how much it grows.”

Because it would grow. Her skills gave hints what [Advance] would do to them, and with Heavy Weaponry, the emphasis was, hilariously, on her {6}—the size of her weapon.  Progressing the skill would make her cock bigger.

Natalie’s class was bizarre even on the basest level, but this, she felt, was the strangest of all. Why? Why could she grow her cock size as she progressed?

Though, she wasn’t upset, either. She’d contemplated, early on receiving her class, that if she were forced to have something like this between her legs, then she’d prefer it were a monster. Why not, right? The idea excited her.

And, by Jordan’s interested look, the flush growing on her cheeks, her, too.

“I’m guessing you want to watch?” Natalie teased.

“Your next training session is coming up,” Jordan said. “Might as well toss that skirt down.”

Though Jordan had been jerking her off for past week, things hadn’t gotten as heated as that first encounter. Mechanically, yes, and the events were still scaldingly intense. But not that raw, burning emotion of the first. That was probably for the best.

Grinning—and cheeks flushed—Natalie did as asked. She stripped down, springing forth six hard inches of girlcock. Jordan watched, cheeks likewise darkening. Natalie had learned, by now, that her best friend had an infatuation with her cock. Even her normally-stoic composure couldn’t hide that.

But platonically. Jordan was infatuated with her cock in a non-romantic way. Best friends with benefits.

“Go ahead, then,” Jordan said.

Natalie realized she’d been showing herself off for a little too long. Right. Time to advance the skill.


[Heavy Weaponry]: Progression advanced from 1 to 2.



[Heavy Weaponry] - ACTIVE. PROGRESSION 2. Class-bearer is granted a {8-inch} weapon to satisfy and harvest Carnal Energy from chosen targets.


The sensation was strange. Heat coursed through her lower half, radiating along her stiffened length. She watched, with wide eyes—Jordan doing the same—as her cock thickened and expanded. From her previously moderate length, a new—and true to the skill’s name—piece of weaponry grew. Eight inches. Proportionally thick. It throbbed between Natalie’s legs, the veiny and angry member so desperately at odds with her soft thighs and feminine build.

Jordan was equally entranced. She stepped forward, eyes wide, cheeks pink. Her smooth digits wrapped around Natalie’s cock, an instinctive motion, unable to help herself.

“Wow,” she breathed. “That’s a … that’s a decent improvement.”


“Not that you weren’t enough,” Jordan corrected. “Just … wow.”

Natalie gripped her friend’s waist, then tugged her in. Her cock pressed against her stomach, sandwiched between them. “But there’s a lot more for you to enjoy, now.”

“Yeah.” Jordan’s hand stroked between their bodies, caressing Natalie. “But did it do anything else?”

“Another benefit?” Natalie asked. “Well … no. But it might be hidden.”

Skills didn’t always detail their full functionality. Plenty of hidden effects, or bonuses, could be nestled in a skill, though not explicitly stated.

“Once we’re done, we need to test empowering your illusion,” Jordan said. She had locked intense green eyes to Natalie’s own, which had, as always, seized her, both body and mind. How were they so gorgeous? The most incredible things she’d ever seen?

Like, in a best-friends kind of way.

“But for now,” Jordan breathed, leaning close, brushing hot air against her face as she spoke. “Just enjoy yourself. You’ve worked hard, and I can tell you need some relief. Let me take care of you.”

“And after, me you?” She found she wanted that more, somehow, than Jordan’s deft fingers and powerful grip. Getting to bury her head between her friend’s thighs and taste her slick excitement was a hundred times better than being pleasured herself.

Again—in, like, a platonic way.

“If you’re feeling generous,” Jordan said, a smile teasing her lips. “I’d appreciate that. But you first.”

Natalie closed her eyes, basking in Jordan’s grip. Her hands dipped from Jordan’s waist, down and back, squeezing her ass and pulling her in a few inches closer, so Jordan’s tits were pressed into her own. “Okay. Me first.”

She drifted away, Jordan’s breath on her face, and her hand stroking away at her cock.

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