DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 11. Pried Away From Death’s Cold Hands.

Yoo, we passed 100 readers! Thank you everyone for taking some time and reading my story. I hope you are enjoying it so far.
If you find any mistakes/errors, please tell me in the comments! Love you all <3

Chapter 11: Pried Away From Death's Cold Hands.

"HUUUUUH." The boy took a large, desperate gulp of air as his eyes shot wide open, his body instinctively trying to reach a sitting position. I quickly held him and laid him back down. "CALM DOWN! Calm down; you are okay now. It would be best if you stayed still for a bit. I haven't finished fixing you up."
The boy struggled some more, but I was strong and had the advantage of being on top, so even though he was hopped up on so much adrenalin he could run a race, I could still hold him back down. After a few more futile attempts, he settled down.

Rias Grimory stood in silence, her body hidden behind a large bush, as she witnessed something quite intriguing.
She had received an emergency summoning contract a few seconds ago and had decided to go herself instead of sending one of her Pawns.

And she was glad she did.

When she got there, she saw Issei Hyoudou, a boy whom she had her eyes on for a few days now, bleeding half to death in the middle of a park and kneeling next to him, a blond boy wearing Kuoh's Academy's uniform. She was about to intervene and see what was happening when she felt magic power surge from the blond's hand, as his hands started glowing green and yellow, the colors of healing and telekinetic magic, respectively.

She was already impressed. She had heard that telekinetic magic was one of the most complex schools of magic a human mage could learn, so to use it along with healing magic at such a young age, to boot, was quite impressive.

She was doubly impressed by the rate at which the hole in Issei's chest seemed to be healing. It was a mere few seconds before it was closed shut, and a slightly pink patch of skin replaced the gaping hole.

Even the best healers her family, the Grimory themselves, had access to couldn't heal someone with such speed.

What she felt last stunned her as not one, not two, but three massive ripples of magic shot out of the blond's hand into Issei's prone body.

She watched in a daze as Issei's eyes shot open on the third, and he struggled to get up.

'Just how much magic was that?!' She thought, her eyes wide in astonishment. This... this was game-changing. She needed that boy. She had to get him.

No matter what.


Doing one last check on the boy's body to see if there were any internal injuries, he was thankful that there were none. He finally gave the exhausted boy some room to get up.

"W-what happened to me?" the brown-haired boy muttered weekly when he finally got up. And then his eyes sharpened into a glare. "Where is that bitch Yuuma?! She tried to kill me!"

"If by 'Yuuma' you mean the woman with wings that shot a spear through your heart, well, she took off flying into the distance after her assault on you," I said to the boy. "You should be fine to stand up now, but don't move too quick; you have lost some blood, so I suggest you increase your iron intake. Add more eggs and fruits to your diet for the next few days, and you should be as good as new." I finished.

The boy finally seemed to have come to a realization. "Wait, how am I not dead?!" He said, dumbfounded and panicked as he started patting his chest where the wound was and seeing all the blood soaking his clothes. "What? What???"

A few more seconds of him panicking led him to look at me. "You, did you save me?"

I contemplated lying to him just to miss him and telling him that I didn't know what he meant. I reconsidered after taking into account that this boy had basically just come back from death's door.

"Well, yes, I did. But don't worry, you owe me nothing for it."
I said at last.

He looked at me with an even more confused expression "...How?" Was all he said, and where I felt my heart skip a beat.

I know this world has forces beyond human comprehension, as demonstrated by that... Fallen Angel, now that I remembered the bird-woman-thingy's actual species name. And although I haven't seen any, I know there are forces way beyond just her.
That 'Yumma' only had two wings. From my studies, I learned that Angels and their Fallen counterparts have a power scale according to their pair of wings' count, and they could go up to six pairs of twelve wings.

Those alone are some scary powers, not to mention Devils, Dragons, And even other human mages' societies too!

Considering all that, I did NOT want to reveal myself to the public eye. I know I was an unusual human. I would be a point of interest, either as a threat or an opportunity for someone. Both cases are just as bad as the other.

"Okay, I changed my mind. You owe me something, after all. You won't ask me how; You will forget about me helping you, and we will continue our lives. Okay?" I said, my voice stern and serious to drive the point home. I didn't want whatever trouble this boy had following him to come after me.

He looked even more confused now. I don't like making assumptions about people I barely know, but I'm starting to feel this kid is a bit dumb.

"Like I said, you have trouble following you. I don't want any part of it. Your payment for me saving you is to forget about me saving you. Now, please walk a few steps to the left and right so I may assess if you can return to your house alone.

Understanding flashed in the boy's eyes, and he slowly nodded. He still didn't know what the fuck was going on, but thankfully, he got the idea I wanted no part of it.

After some more encouragement to move, he did so, and according to him, there was no nausea or difficulty in movement.

Seeing he was fine, I bid him goodbye, collected my backpack and multitool, which I had dropped earlier, and returned home.
The only thought going through my mind was how much of a chore it was going to be to get all those blood stains out of my clothes. 'And I need them dry for school by tomorrow, too. Ughhh, ' I groaned mentally as I trudged back home.

I didn't notice when a red-headed girl emerged from the bushes after my departure and approached the brown-haired boy, who, to anyone looking, would NOT look like someone who was just pulled back from death's clutches. Not with the drool dripping from his mouth as his eyes glued themselves to a pair of very, very nice tits.


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