DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter 16. How To Train Your Human.

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Chapter 16: How To Train Your Dragon Human.


"No, Milo. That's still wrong. I can sense you going in the wrong direction with your focus. Remember, you need to relax your body while 'clenching' the 'muscle' of the transformation to get a hold of it and control it. I know it's confusing, but keep trying. You are very close to it; I can feel it." Luxara said, her voice bored. It has been six weeks since I got here, and we had our little breakdown together.

Since then, Luxara has maintained her human form despite my many protests. I didn't like the idea of a nude 'teenager' in my soul, but every time I asked to go transform back, she would stare at me with puppy eyes, and I would relent and give up. During our time together, she realized I was weak to puppy eyes when she first tried it, and I told her she could stay as a human for a bit more. She has been abusing it since.

Anyway, the funny thing is, I wasn't a human anymore. Or at least, I didn't look like one.

Our first step in training to get me in control of the Sacred Gear transformation was transforming first. Fortunately, it was doable while I was here because transforming inside my soul doesn't consume any power. Luxara tried to explain why it didn't, but she used extremely complex concepts to teach me how the soul worked, and most of it just went over my head. I didn't need to know why transformation didn't consume power here. Knowing that it didn't was enough.

We moved on from that subject and got to the actual transformations themselves. Yes, plural.

The first thing I tried was the scales gauntlet that first appeared on my body before I blacked out. It was decidedly easy, as I made it appear after about an hour.

Our problems started there. I couldn't revert it back.

No matter what I tried, I couldn't get my arm back to normal. I tried for nearly a week, 'clenching' and 'unclenching' mental muscles to no avail. I gave up when Luxara suggested we try the other transformations in hopes of me getting a better hold of the mental gymnastics I needed to revert back to a human form.

I was very successful while learning how to transform.

There were four different transformations possible with my Sacred Gear.

The first was the gauntlet, which I learned to do in an hour.

The second was a set of full plate armor, each plate being a large crimson scale, with lines of gold running along the trims of the armor. I used one of Luxara's massive, reflexive scales as a mirror to see it after insistent nagging. It looked pretty fearsome. It was the wet dream of every edge-lord Chunni around the world. I learned how to do it in less than a day. Unfortunately, two days of failures followed it with me trying to revert to human shape.

We moved on to something Luxara told me I wouldn't actually be able to use anytime soon, as there were certain requirements for it to activate. She explained I would have to go through a very traumatic or stressful event while also being strong enough to handle the transformation. But after the first successful transformation in the real world, I would be able to easily use it again.

She called it the Balance Breaker. And let me tell you, that thing was, in one word, amazing. I felt like a kid while looking back at myself in that form. It looked very similar to the previous one, where I had scale plate armor all over my body. This armor, however, had scales that were smaller and entirely golden. They also jutted out, unlike the smooth look of the scale plate, giving the armor a very sharp and unshakable look. In addition to the armor, two massive, red, leathery wings jutted out of my back, which allowed me to fly! I instinctively knew how to fly with them for some reason, so I took off and didn't land for hours later. It was just that much fun to fly around with it.

Luxara actually transformed back into a dragon to join in me flying when she saw how much fun I was having and taught me how to do tricks, like how to swerve, roll, and many other things.

We had a blast during that time. But of course, our morale dropped again when, for the next 3 weeks, I tried and failed to transform back into human again.

I could easily transform between the three different transformations I learned, but no matter what, I couldn't go back to being human.

After the fifth week, we decided to try the last transformation, which Luxara was very hesitant about.

JuggernautDrive. She explained how this transformation, outside my soul, would be insanely dangerous to use, and I shouldn't use it unless I was guaranteed to die otherwise. It would use up my own life force just to stay active, which would first drive me insane and then kill me shortly after, so it's not something I should ever use unless I had zero other choices.

Learning to transform into it was surprisingly hard. It has been a week since I started learning how to use it, and until now, I had no results. But in my last attempt, I had come very close to actually doing it. According to Luxara, that is.

She had transformed to her dragon form a few minutes ago, trusting I would get the transformation right anytime soon. And she was correct.

As I focused on the idea of unleashing a sleeping dragon inside me(Which was very cringy, but oh well), I felt it. Something clicked, and I started glowing. My shape started morphing, growing larger and larger. My eyes were glued to my reflection as I waited for the glow to fade.

The glow faded, and a monster stared back at me in my reflection. It was a creature straight out of a horror story. My thoughts scratched to a halt, my body freezing, Primal fear coursing through my body as it stared at me.

'Black. Above All That Exsits'. Those were the two I could remember after Luxara nudged me, breaking me out of my stupper. "Hey! You got it! You got both the transformation and reverting back to human! Congratulations, Milo! You can go back to the real world! I knew you could do it!" Luxara said excitdly. I blinked at her, and my eyes shifted to look back at my reflection.

The beast was gone; in its place was a regular human.

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