DxD: Infernal Destroyer

DxD 0028: Training Camp (2/6)

DxD 0028: Training Camp (2/6)

“You asshole!” Rias threw a full-powered punch at his chest as her fist glowed with her power of destruction.

He let her punch connect with his chest. Just as her fist was about to make contact, it stopped there, unable to go further as a weak ripple of crimson appeared. Her punch was stopped by his armor and immediately Rias pulled her hand back with a hiss.

“Ouch!” She shook her hand as she felt it burning, “What the hell, dude?” She asked.

“It’s an instinctive thing,” He lied with a smirk. He had full control over the effects of his armor and could activate and deactivate it within an instant, “And your resistance to destruction energy is so pitifully weak that it’s sad. You really are a pampered princess.” He said to her with derision.

“Are you going to help me train or not?” She asked, impatiently crossing her arms below her chest. Her action made his eyes go down to her impressive bosom for a few seconds before he looked back up at her proud face, “Of course, I am, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to mess with you.” He rubbed her head, messing up her hair. “Hey…” She swatted his hand off.

“You first need to have a certain level of resistance to create the armor over your body without getting yourself hurt by it. Then you’ll have to work on control so that the power doesn’t go haywire. It’s directly touching your body, so impeccable control is necessary else you’ll get hurt no matter how resistant you are to the power of destruction.” He told her.

“First off, I’ll be showing you the true extent of the armor’s capabilities.” He told her and stepped away from her. As he did that, a crimson-red glow appeared around his entire body that made it seem as if his whole body got covered in destruction energy, “This is the most basic version of the armor that you’ll be able to develop within a few months of training depending on our intensity.”

As he said that, his aura suddenly got much more overbearing and the faint red glow around his body started condensing into a physical-looking construct.

At first, a red chest plate with streaks of black that went on the sides was formed over his torso. Then it extended down to his knees, leaving his legs below the kneecaps uncovered. Then the chest plate extended over his shoulders and started covering his arms halfway to his elbows. Finally, the flamboyant shoulder pads were formed, covering his shoulders.

He looked at Rias who had an expression of immense surprise on her face as she looked at him and felt some vain pride when looking at her expression, “This is the True Armor of Destruction. Condensing the Power of Destruction so much that it forms a physical construct to cover your body. Of course, this isn’t yet complete as I’m still working on developing some parts,” He pointed at the uncovered parts of his body, “And I want it to look much more ostentatious than this barebones armor that doesn’t scream regality yet.” He said.

“Yes, that’s very important…” Rias who was in awe of his power lost that awe and was left rolling her eyes.

“You’ve completed more of it than the last time I saw it…” Seekvaira said from the side. “Yeah,” He agreed, “I’ve had some time before coming here and got quite a bit done. Although, it’s only 60% completed from what I imagine it to be” He said turning to Seekvaira.

He turned back to Rias and unsummoned his armor, “Let’s first start with a basic body tampering training that I use which will make your body more resilient to the effects of the Power of Destruction while also helping you gain control over it.” He told Rias.

“Okay…” She agreed with a determined nod.

“Sit with me.” He told her as he sat on the ground.

“There’s a couch right there,” Rias pointed to it. “Princess Rias, I have that couch there so that people can rest, not so that you end up destroying it after your flimsy control over your energy of destruction causes it to go haywire at some point.” He said sarcastically, “Now sit in front of me.”

“Geez, no need to be so mean.” She grumbled before sitting in front of him. 

“I’ll show you how the Destruction energy is supposed to cycle through your body. Give me your hands.” He held out his hands in front of him. She looked at his face for a second before holding his hands with hers.

“Soft…” He wasn’t one to not cop a feel when given the chance. Holding Rias’ hands, he rubbed the back of her hands with his thumbs while holding them tightly. “Why am I not surprised…” She had a helpless expression on her face as she didn’t try to resist, though she did develop a tinge of red on her face.

“You know, it’s no fun teasing you if you don’t react…” Abaddon said with a smile as she stopped messing with her. She didn’t say anything and kept looking at him with a serious expression, waiting for him to start.

“Loosen up. This won’t really be a comfortable process, I’m trying to get you comfortable so that you don’t scream out in pain later.” He said to her.

“Yeah, I know that. Letting destruction energy tamper my body seems extremely dangerous and painful. That’s why I’m nervous.” She said with a weak tremble in her tone.

“It’ll be fine. The pain won’t be unbearable, I know that you can manage.” He let go of one of her hands and ran his fingers through her silky hair before cupping her cheek, “And I’m here for this exact reason. We’ll go slow so that you can get stronger and better. And if you mess up, you have me to lean back on.”

Rias, for once, had a vulnerable expression on her face for a few seconds, “Mhm…” She nodded before her expression went back to normal, “Let’s start.” She said.

“That’s my girl.” He said.

“You mean cousin,” Rias said only to see him smile with a suggestive expression, “You mean cousin, right?” She was destined to not receive any answer from him as he grabbed her hand again and said, “Get ready.”

She tensed up and felt a foreign energy entering her body. It was foreign yet, unbelievably potent. It also stirred up her own Power of Destruction as if it was stimulated by the foreign presence.

That was when the pain hit Rias and she let out a hiss, feeling the energy damaging her body while stirring up her power.

“Feel the flow, Rias. Don’t get lost in the pain. Ignore it and focus on the energy. Focus on the path that it’s taking. Try to get your own Power of Destruction to meld with mine.” He instructed her.

She took a few seconds to get used to the pain before she started actively participating in the process. Her own energy also joined into the process as Abaddon reduced the intensity of his energy in her body and used what was there to take control of her energy and guide it. She followed along with his process as she noticed that her own energy was acting extremely tame when melded with his energy. She chalked it up to his energy being of a much higher quality due to his training and tried her best to keep control over her Destruction energy as it coursed through her body.

Abaddon kept guiding her through every step of the way as he made sure that she understood intimately the process of tampering that he uses.

Before they even realized it, they had been sitting in the same position for almost 10 hours without any food or water. Though it didn’t really matter as Abaddon’s diluted Power of Destruction was perfect for acting as sustenance. And he had been doing his own training too as he helped Rias so it was constantly being produced.

‘Her Power is innately different from mine…’ He noticed quite a few differences between her power and his, ‘For one thing when her power is diluted after the tampering, it doesn’t have similar effects to mine. It’s just a weaker version of her own Power of Destruction… I hope that her Power of Destruction works to increase her resistance or things will get complicated. ’ He thought, ‘This requires further research.’ He decided.

Soon, Aika was standing beside them. After a few minutes, Abaddon stopped after a cycle through Rias’ entire body was completed.

“Take some rest for an hour, recover yourself. We’ll get back to it then.” He told Rias as he supported her in calming down her power before pulling his power out of her body. “Have fun…” Rias said to him.

“I will.” He smirked as he got up and pulled Aika into a separate room that he’d designated for this exact purpose.

Rias noticed that Seekvaira was already lying on a couch, resting so she asked her, “How long has it been, Vaira?”

“About 10 hours.” She didn’t even need to look at the time, her internal body clock was impeccable.

“Fuck, really?!” Rias was surprised. “Yeah,” Seekvaira answered nonchalantly.

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