Dxd: Ink and Summoning

2- Small steps and Big steps (Timeskip)[Edited]

It's been a week, and my drawing ability has finally improved thanks to the system's starting pack.

One of the most important discoveries is that a brush and paper are not required to use my skill; any surface will do because the ink simply disappears afterward.

That's because [Ink] appears to be a new element, similar to those freezing fires or ices of various colors.

I won't have to worry about buying supplies, at the very least.

And if I ever need some, I can just make them and by spending more mana make them permanent, how convenient. 

I'm also getting better at painting, to the point where I don't need a ruler to draw a straight line, but that may have to do with how my stats have gone up after doing some basic quests


" Name - Ahmya Genji ( not expert on japanese names but from a random page in google: Ahmya means 'Black rain' while Genji means 'Origin or two beginnings' )

Gender - Male

Age - 8

Race - Human

Str - 27 (10 is a normal adult)

Dex - 46

Vit - 89

Int - 36

Wis - 31

Wil - 94

Skill - [Basic magic manipulation.lv2/10] [Basic drawing.lv 5/10] [Basic painting.lv 6/10] [Basic cooking.lv 3/10] [Operator:Dusk(limited)] [Sacred Gear - Annihilation maker(unawakened)] [Presence concealment] [Healthy Body.Lv 3/10] "

As for my parents? Well...

My mother left my dad in search of her dream and He works or just spends his time outside, most of the time the one who takes care of me is my aunt who lives next door.

It's perfect for me!

I had more time alone to experiment, and as a result, I discovered a lot of new things about [Dusk].

The most significant discovery is that I was able to influence it with Annihilation maker. Both skills are extremely compatible with one another and have begun to influence one another. 

For example, because Annihilation Maker is connected to my soul, all of my drawings are also connected to it and kind of count as part of me, so things like possession or giving them specific skills became a lot easier with much easier control and understanding over them.


[Resume of the first week]

On the second day(After waking up with a terrible headache and coughing due 'sleeping' on the floor,) Stickman managed to stand on two... feet? Sticks? 

On the third try he started walking and performing simple orders and on the fourth day he did all that without falling ¡Not. Even. Once! As well as an appearance upgrade, now the great Stickman is a great... black pipes?Man?

"... "

Small steps, Small steps


Aside from that...

Well school and physical training, moving my body after so long just felt... right...

It doesn't help that one of the main causes of my condition was a lack of exercise and proper care for my body; thankfully, any long-term damage is repaired by [Healthy body], so there is no risk at all. I'm not afraid of pain, and I believe that strength is essential in this world, but...

Gaining 2 levels in a week in [healthy body]

Maybe I overdid it a little bit ?...

[Healthy Body] allows me to recover to an ideal state; it's not regeneration in the sense that I can grow an arm during combat, but rather something that works more slowly and... properly?

I don't know much about it, but I deduced from waking up feeling like I hadn't eaten for an entire day that it uses mana from the air and nutrients from food to do its job.

I can even tell how much it repairs everything after just an hour of exercise, but I know there's a lot more to it because the description mentions mind and soul.

But that's for later… 


-  2 years after  - 

Many things happened in these two years.

The very first.

My drawing ability improved enough for me to [Paint] something that could be considered human; they don't last forever, but with a little help from the system, I was able to make them work like a clone if I possessed them, letting me do some risky things without putting myself in actual danger. 

The good news is that after years of living here, I realized how lacking this world is in entertainment, particularly manga and anime, so I began drawing various masterpieces from my past life.

A fantastic way for me to earn money while also perfecting my drawing skills.

Fortunately, the system has some copies of them, including future chapters, which I gladly readed!

Maybe drawing pupilar manga had a bigger impact than I thought...

The base was great, and when you add in my strengthened body, the extra time I had to put effort and detail into it because I wanted it to be accepted by the publishing company, and my magical painting abilities...

The result? Well… 

I was able to bring in a completely new era in the industry by transforming myself into a mysterious and unknown genius artist.

I'm curious how some of them will be received by Angels, Gods, and Devils...

Index, Danmachi, Demon Slayer

Some of them, such as Dragon Ball or Naruto, may even pique the interest of the Yokai...

Not gonna publish Bleach tho, the less someone takes interest in souls the better.

Let them just focus on their Sacred Gears and that stuff. 

So, thanks to Sailor Moon and Madoka Magica, I got some pleasant surprises.

A new discovery on my sacred gear, the Longinus Annihilation maker, is one of the good news during those two years.

Now why would I choose a sacred item that performs the same function as my second wish? The answer is simple: I can fuse all three of them, including the summoning from my system, which lifts many restrictions that both [Annihilation maker] and [Dusk] had, as well as some of my own.

The most obvious benefit is a significant reduction in the cost of summoning a character from the system. Now that mana can replace a large portion of the cost, and the Annihilation maker can create monsters with the ability to store mana, I was able to test some summons.

One of my most significant gains is the ability to customize the bodies created with Annihilation Maker.

In my previous life as a free to play, I learned to maximize the use of every single resource, and this is how my most brilliant idea came to life.

Well, it WAS a brilliant idea…  in my head… 

Why summon Berserker from FATE with all eleven extra life charges when I can summon him with only one and charge them later, as Illya did?

Or characters whose strength is irrelevant.

While Medea from FATE is a powerful mage, her most valuable asset is her knowledge! How to create Mystic Codes, golems, rituals, languages, and so on...

So why not summon her as if she were a regular human? She can easily regain her strength with the knowledge she has

And what if I give her a talent for magic? 

She might even outperform herself...

In due time, of course.

That's what I was thinking until...

I shifted my gaze to the couch.

Two 'little girls' of the same age, 10 years old, are sitting on the couch watching TV. The one on the left has blonde hair tied in a single long braided ponytail and amethyst blue eyes that appear pure and clear. The pure and calming aura that emanates from this little girl is what makes her stand out.

Except for her pale complexion, fiery yellow eyes, and white and shorter hair, she has an identical twin at her side. Usually... In contrast to her twin, she has an aura of vengeance and wrath mixed with pride and mischief. 

Well, they are still a long way from their peak.

In terms of both power and... body, they have a long way to go.

I was bringing Jeanne a plate with a piece of cake because she had no idea her part was missing...

Except for the surprise of seeing another of them and their new bodies, there wasn't much of a problem with their summoning.

After I explained this world to them and what I expected from them, they agreed to stay here and live with me.

I don't want to force them and leave them to do whatever they want, and one of those things is to try new things, such as watching TV and anime, which they are doing right now.

Jeanne was so engrossed in it because it was one of those epic battles that she didn't notice her part of the cake was missing.

I used the sound of the plate slamming against the table to draw her attention away from the anime she was watching.

"Here, for you."

I told her as I placed the plate on the far left side of the table. 

" Ah! Ahmya, thanks but I didn't finish m-." Said Jeanne a little bit confused as to why I'm bringing her another piece and then… 

Why was her own is missing!

"...What's with that look? Because you obviously didn't want it, I ate it for you "Jalter responded with a sly grin.

" It was my part!" Jeanne retorted with a scowl on her face while pouting.

' So cute! At least she tries to look intimidating '.

They've been like this since the first day, seems like Jalter enjoys annoying Jeanne and... what can I say? They make a really cute pair when they fight.

"You left it for almost an hour," she shrugged, but her smug expression made it impossible to take her seriously, it's clear that she did it on purpose. 

"Lies!... no way it was that long. Right?...-" Jeanne looks at me as if seeking my support. 

But after looking at my face… 

"-right?" It's clear by now that Jalter isn't lying...

In response, all I did was point to the clock on the wall, which read almost 23:30.

So all Jeanne could do was give up and resentfully eat her new cake…

Looking at the clock, it's almost time...

" So, no hunting tonight?" It's also an excellent way to change the subject.

Now both took a more serious face.

"I'm going!"

"I'm going!"

Fighting stray devils became Jalter's way to release her frustration, whereas Jeanne can't sit back and do nothing while so much evil occurs in our town.

Sometimes I feel sorry for them...

Even if it was my fault for bringing the two young Devil Slayers...

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