Dxd: Ink and Summoning

20- Training and taking two steps.


Is an art that makes the Yokais as important as trees for the world, making them a vital part of the world. They take all the negative emotions in their world and convert them into a more neutral or positive form.

Senjutsu specializes in controlling life force, one can use to grow or whither plans in its most basic capabilities

At its best one can affect others Aura making them unable to use their skills, send a pulse of energy to damage your enemies or simple absorb their life force and use it for oneself... or use it to heal others

Of course such a strong ability doesn't come for free, the greatest downside of it is that one needs to absorb the life force of the world, which usually, in a world like Dxd where wars and races like devils are roaming everywhere, has all its malice, resentment and all kinds of negative emotions.

This can cause the user to enter in a berserk state or deteriorate their mind after long periods...

Touki, is the main way to control your own life force, this shows a great variety of uses, but for the most part it enhances the functions of your body or modifies them be it strength or age.

While yes, Senjutsu is an art only known to be used by Yokais, especially strong ones, the main reason is their natural affinity and mental strength that comes with people who gained said strength...

Which usually are old giving them experience and mental strength or their strength itself suppresses the aftereffects of absorbing the life force tainted with many negative emotions that is moving around the world.

There is nothing that the universal convenient tool AKA the system cannot solve, as for the malice in the life force...

Well... it seems life has two living cheats to help us solve this problem, named Jeanne and Mudrock.

Mudrock seems to be a natural user, someone who uses without knowing she is doing making the area around us already 'treated'

While Jeanne is a living factory of both purification and good emotions thanks to her nature as a Saint and holy user.

This gave us an easier time learning about Senjutsu but it will till take some time to learn

A the end of the day, Senjutsu requires the understanding of oneself... meaning a lot of meditation

In my case, I gained a natural affinity towards Senjutsu after transforming both Kuroka and Shirone using the virus [Adam], some turning and modifications made it able to affect and upgrade both Nekoshous...

Well... better not talk about my reacting after seeing all five of them after finishing the changes...

I'm used to seeing beauties thanks to Jeanne, Jalter and Mudrock...

I even remember the goddess who placed me in this world...

But seeing their upgraded appearances made my brain reboot, is wasn't until Jalter started laughing really hard

I thought it ended there but then some of them started blushing, watching multiple beauties blushing at the same time is...

More manslaughter than the third impact, that one...

Even Jalter had a pink hue on her cheeks... I don't regret buying a camera function for the system...

It was expected since the virus makes your body 'As perfect as it could be' enhancing all aspects of it.

Beauty is a natural thing... to the point that like mine, we had to tune it down when going outside...

At the end of the day, changing so much in a single day is not natural, at all...

On the good side, the natural improvement of vitality gave them a boost in their affinity towards Senjutsu...

My progress was the fastest thanks to both my affinity and [Asura mist], making a great discovery about the latter...

To affect my mind, the negative emotions have to enter my mindscape... and anything foreign or hostile just disappears into the [Asura mist].

---- . ----

Walking through one of the paintings...

I could see the figure of a girl, blonde hair and a one piece dress... her blooming beauty is enhanced by the amazing scenery...

As expected of a painting, a simple green plain during the night, a clear sky where you can see the stars as if they were gems, the girl shone under the moonlight...

Or maybe...

She is the one enchanting the scenery of this painting?...

"Mm? Ahm? What are you doing here? " Asked Jeanne while looking at the stars

"I went out for a walk, and saw you here... are you ok? " I asked while sitting next to her, I can see that something is bothering her...

"Ahm. I, Jeanne(Jalter), Mudrock and even you... we are adults, but why do two childs have to suffer so much... "

"Pain is... natural. A kid won't learn to not touch a fire if he doesn't burn his hand, the shock helps remember. I know that more than anyone else... from a lazy dumbass to what I'm today... "

"I never thought I would desire to do so, but now I do. Ahm, I want to fight, I want to fight so two little girls like them won't have to " I couldn't help but to get on her back and hug her... her voice carries as much sadness as does determination...

"Mudrock is expanding her domain... and I guess that is time to call for some help... soon will be time to step into the stage. Wait, We need to be ready, as much as we can"

We looked into each other's eyes and for a moment the world came to a stop...

I felt that this moment could last for eternity... her crystal clear blue colored eyes, her rosy lips, her blonde hair...

But I could hear the footsteps of someone else in the distance...

"That's why... enjoy when you can, all you want. You deserve it. " I made it sound as sincere as I could. She really needs to enjoy her time, at least that is what I want for her, to find her own happiness.

"You are right Ahm, I will stop hesitating, and I will live this life how I want. You said you would take responsibility for summing us, right? " She turned around, we are now with our faces close, close enough to feel each other breathe, and with my back blocking the view of the incoming guest... a dazzling smile is in Jeanne's face...

"I will, whatever it takes to make you happy. Is the least I can do for dragging you into this mess "

The smile on her face became even more charming...


*Step* *Step*

when the person got close enough, she could see that we were both close to each other but she couldn't see too much as my back blocked her view

"There you are!. I been looking for you two everywhere "

As soon as we heard Jalter's voice, Jeanne got up and started walking towards the exit...

"Mm? What were you two doing here? Alone at night?~ " She said in a teasing voice, trying to get a response from Jeanne, but to her surprise all she could see was a big smile adorning her face and a suspicious reddening on her cheeks...

"Ahm, I don't like mens who don't keep their word. remember that well " Jeanne made her way out while ignoring the surprised Jalter, the skips on her steps making her happiness clear for everyone to see.

The winning smile on her face is enough for Jalter to suspect what she did to be like this...

"Wh...? You! What happened here? " by the time Jalter reacted, Jeanne was out of reach, so she redirected her anger and confusion toward the only one left in the place.

"I... keeping my words? " is clear that Ahm is also confused by whatever happened...

"Your words? What are you talking about? " Jalter is confused with this development as much as he is, but she didn't have much time to react since soon after, she was grabbed by the hand and felt two arms resting on her back... and her head resting in his chest...

She was pulled into his embrace!

"you! What are you doing out of nowhere? " Jalter's voice was a little shaking and her face turned redder... yet she didn't struggle too hard to get out of the situation...

After all, she waited for a long time for something like ... this

"I'm enjoying myself. I said it before Jalter, I will make you happy no matter what. But now I want to promise it. " Ahm's voice was clear and loud as if it was serious. A declaration without a tint of doubt or hesitation.

This idiot... is he... doing it ? Finally?


But soon he broke the hug and started to make his way towards the house with that big and stupid smile that makes one want to punch him in, on his face...



"YOU BASTARD!Where are you going, shouldn't you do something else? You are leaving just like that? Nothing else? " Her anger is justifiable, she was waiting for him to make the next step... ¡yet he leaves like that! Her anger and discontent is justified.

"Hahah. Sorry, sorry. But tonight is Jeanne's " Ahm said with a laugh and soon his figure started to disappear towards the edges of the painting...

"... " speechless... there are no better words for what Jeanne(Jalter) is feeling right now... so much time making advances, indirects, pushing that bastard to the edge...

Only for that idiot sister of hers takes the lead in one single night

She heard that the quiet ones were the worst... but... ¡not like this!... so she started running toward him

"Wait! Give me back my time, my feelings, my moment. you bastard! Come here! "

"Haha. Don't worry I will make it up to you later. I promise "

"You better! '' Annoyed? That she is, but the smile on her face and the floofy feeling on her chest...

She won't change it for anything.

Even if she lost to that supposedly shy Saint... but that is only for today

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