Dxd: Ink and Summoning

25- Peaceful times…

Everything went well with the two of them

I don't refer to Arthur as a genius without a reason, in only a month he was able to fight continuously for a couple of hours before tiring himself out... and that is with him hunting Devils in his free time like he is supposed to do if we didn't interfere... 

Kaos Brigade and Team Vali... I need some connections with those due to how important they are for the future...

As for Le fay... well the girl is a natural mage, full of curiosity, open minded and diligent when it comes to magic

Her battle sensed went up a notch but her progress is without s doubt in magic

Even I underestimated her talent for it, at the end there was no need in summoning a teacher for her, just learning and adapting Mana Burst into her own magic system

We also introduced ourselves to them, after sensing no bad intentions from them it was a natural thing to do, this resulted in a lot of challenges from Arthur and a lot of questions about magic from the young mage

At the end demonstrating her talent, when was able to somehow replicate some of our spells, Jeanne healing without magic and my summoning of monsters using [Ink] but using a combination of water and ice instead

She also tried to find a way to use Jalter's ability to use negative emotions and especially anger to boost her spells...

But other than a spell to manipulate or induce certain feelings, there is no much progress

Even then, said spell combined with the illusions she focused on to support Arthur during their fights... well having something illusory feel dangerous and real could be deadly.

Especially against someone like Mordred who relies on her intints during a fight.

Well... at the end Arthur is polite and mostly focus on fights while Le Fay is curious and cheerful so the girls welcomed them quite easily

The others are not idle either.

The girls were inspired by my style and with a little help managed to make something we like to call [Avatar]

This may also be due to my focus on the mind... as simple as I make it look like projecting something from your mind was something that Le Fay found just fascinating and something that even the strongest mages may not be able to do.

She tried to come up with something but... well I can really explain how I do it since it feels so natural to me... and seems like her mind is not strong enough to experiment too much on her own.

In any case the [Avatar] is a rather simple technique but with the unique requirement of being able to create something on your own mind, gather the excess of mana from your body into your mind... and being able to 'call it' into the real world.

Well I doubt anyone can learn it. At the end, it seems like our connection through Annihilation Maker gives something in both ways.

As for its effects?

When the [Avatar] appears, it boosts their ability to cast spells by using it as a catalyst, being able to cast spells on its own multicasting the same spell of the user or by casting some on their own, defending or assisting the user. 

That is without counting that it has a physical form, being able to be used as a shield. 

And being made from mana, reduces or replaces the cost of spells.

Well... it's all 'potential', for now... not even their forms is completed, much less something like inscribing magic circles inside of it.

They can only do so much in a couple months…  

Mudrock keeps expanding her business with the Mud baths. With a little help from Serafall in finding personal and buying the lands where the spa is being made, Mudrock found herself with an effective excuse to roam around the world while expanding her domain…

I knew women loved and bought everything that could make them prettier but…  wasn't it too fast? Mudrock is already getting its footing on some of the big cities…  quite easy as well since much of the knowledge in beauty is quite advanced since it comes from my system… 

If only I knew at the time…  that one of the reasons for the success was a photo photo of my real form they used as an advertisement…

Thankfully, with Mordred here, Mudrock can finally relax from the duty as the defender of the house... sadly we don't see each other that much, if it wasn't for the [Doors] I make for her to come to our house... we may no see her in days... thankfully we can communicate using her friends but still... I love spending time with her, and it is quite clear that she does as well.

As for my progress... Well, the spars with Mordred end up in my favor...

Not that I'm stronger than her... but having a literal ocean of [Ink] from where an unlimited number of enemies appear... Overwhelming is quite the fitting word to define my style of fighting... 

and is not that I can't fight in close range, on the contrary... [Asura Mist] is growing and is a lot easier  to project it into reality from close range making any enemy that gets closer have a really bad day... and that is without counting my Swordsmanship that is increasing in proficiency rapidly after finding someone to compare with, my physical training as well as my martial arts..

the latter…  is quite hard to improve since again... there are no enemies.

Well... the cats are happy and growing... Their Senjutsu became a lot easier to die to the purity of the life force in this place... It seems that Shirone is going to get her second tail in the next few months... And the little white cat can't stop talking about our relationship... Creating a number of scenes during the day.

With Kuroka feeling free to do what she wants... Which usually means sleeping... Running around the house... Sleeping... And lay around... 

A typical cat.

At least she offered to join the Khaos Brigade like she was supposed to do.

Well, overall we are all growing... in our field of expertise.

The birthday of the girls is close... Maybe I should prepare something in advance.

How nice... I love this feeling of peace.

I hope that... this time, it will last for a long time.





Did I just raise a flag? Naa... No way... 



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