Dxd: Ink and Summoning

27- Outdoor Training

Vali had a rough childhood.

Everyone points hos a sacred Gear is a blessing, having a free ticket toward power... with some of them to the point of challenging a god

how great is that?

Many people drool at the thought of becoming a powerhouse...

But for a child? A blessing could be a curse in the wrong place... and that is what happened to Vali.

His Grandfather convinced his Father that he was a threat due to his Sacred Gear, making his Father hate and despise him...

Physically abused from his Father and mentally from his Grandfather... a descendant of Lucifer whose pride couldn't tolerate that someone not pure blooded like a half-human could have more potential than himself… 

His mother loved him... healing and feeding him whatever she could... making pasta, despite its bland taste, his favorite food.

She died while doing so and not long after, Vali managed to escape  from the clutches of his family and was then adopted by Azazel...


This Vali is far from the Vali I know from the original DxD...

Outside the immaturity of a twelve years old child... he is still affected by what happened to mother...

But is not a surprise, this is a Vali five years before he appeared in the original series, without meeting his friend and without those years living and interacting with them...

Right now he is with Gregory but has only met two of the members of his original name Bikou, the Monkey king and Sha Wujing the 'I'm not a Kappa', Kappa. Or 'Underwater hermit' as she likes to be called.

Well... that's if we don't count his meeting with  Le Fay and Arthur.

Well... he is a seeker of strength who only believes in himself and his sacred gear... maybe he promised his partner that he will reach the top like Albion did in the past?... Well, Albion may be his only ally knowing his childhood...

Suddenly, I have more respect for the white blue-eyed dragon and his rival slither the sky dra... Oops.

But before I could think more of what to do with the kid training with Mordred...

I heard a familiar voice inside my head...

'Hi Ahm... I thought you would like to hear about something... something that is happening here... ' The voice of the beautiful Earthbender, Mudrock... it's rare for her to call me, and with such a worry tone

'Hi Mudrock. What is it? Is rare for something to catch your attention'  I said while looking at the training Kids...

Vali decided to train his body... but will take a long time to convince him to use anything else... Maybe Senjutsu would work? Is using your own Life-force at the end of the day...

But then Mudrock answered, cutting me out of my thoughts...

'There was an accident a week ago... about some students disappearing during a trip... there were some survivors, because they missed the trip. They feel special... I think they are Sacred Gear users. Some people are following them, what should I do?' seems like Mudrock has been keeping an eye on them using her friends...

It seems that it is time...

I have been missing many events from this world because of the lack of information...

Well I'm sure the many-wings crow won't mind some missing members of his 'future' team... and this may give me some hand in negotiations.

But that is for the future... we need to save the childs and see if we can stop this...

After thinking for a bit I told Mudrock what to do...

'Keep your friends with them... I'm gonna give them a visit. Now that I think about it... the kids need some outdoor training as well... ' We are too strong for this... I can just drown the entire block and search the houses one for one... and when I find someone,  enter their mind to get information...

Well, better leave the kids to get some experience... let the kid fight kids  while I made sure no one disturbs them...

'Yes... I will keep an eye on them. ehm...' Mudrock said it with confidence in her skills and friends... but seems to be hesitation with something

'What is it? You know you can tell me anything' Trust is something that I focus on with my allies and especially my family...

I don't want to have someone who fears giving their opinion, at the end of day I'm human, a single person. 

I cannot do all by myself and more often than not, I depend on them to do what I can't. 

Well, it's normal

Can I heal and protect like Jeanne? Yes, I can. But my healing and protection is just way less effective than her Noble Phantasm... and let's not talk about her presence, calming people is something I can't do...

Can I sense everything around like Mudrock does? Yes... but they require a lot of my focus and time... something that I don't have... and that is without counting that they are bugs or birds, they can't be everywhere like soil and rocks do...

Plus her defense is just... heavy... I would need a lot of [Ink] and time to match what her shield does...

Jalter is like me in terms of what she does... she may not be that impactful due to being an attacker.... but she is still an extra and trusted hand that can help...

Plus her curses give support that I can't provide... blocking mana, preventing healing, weakening... and that is without counting her fire, her destructive power is something Im nowhere near when we are on equal grounds...

'I... want to spend... more time with... you' When Mudrock said that...

I felt really bad... It's not that I forgot about her... we talk all the time... but it's true that it's not the same...

Seems like she deserves some time with me being with her... Only her...

'Sure... Let's go somewhere together... only us. Thanks for your hard work'

Atta girl. Being quiet and shy... and with people bright and active like Jalter and Mordred near her...

Maybe she is feeling left behind...

What can I do to make it up for her...

Is it my fault for not 'talking' that much with her, and only talking with feelings through her friends...

In the end it's my fault. But, oo use crying over spilt milk.

I Just need to make sure it doesn't happen again

For now... I need to tell the kids about their first mission as a team.

"You... you were thinking something rude about me" Mordred voice sounded

Yes, 'Kids'. including her...

"Nope. It must be your imagination. Come here I got your first mission " I told the team about their mission while ignoring Mordred who was looking at me with those eyes...

Well, everything is fine as long as she doesnt know about it.

Let's hope that the peaceful times come back fast...



Little did he know...

Jalter... Jeanne...

How many problems are coming his way...

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