Dxd: Ink and Summoning

43- Terror and calm

Even if I do nothing, the world is changing all the time, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to rely on my knowledge of the future...

Without a doubt, the most significant change has occurred in Britain where the kids are.

Mordred, Arthur, and Le Fay became the terror of any organization with roots or attempting to establish a base in the area.

Associations of devils, evil Yokais, and Mages are being destroyed because they used ordinary humans in their experiments. 

They are not doing it for the sake of humanity, but for their love of fighting and their hatred for those who harm the innocent, becoming heroes for the entire Britain even though they did not want to, to the point where numerous factions and even the church attempted to recruit them only to be rejected.

Gods, Devils, Yokais, and even humans are aware that a group of individuals known as the Pendragons is rising in Britain and claiming control of the majority of the country.

The sudden drop in their finding of new 'talents' to recruit into their faction, the disappearance of people, particularly children, and the sudden drop in crime alerted the other factions in Kuoh and the surrounding towns.

This led the entire supernatural world to believe that something was lurking in the shadows, something that they were unaware of and that was slowly spreading, city by city, town by town.

Those who go looking for clues will either waste their time or, if they have bad intentions or use 'forceful' methods to find results, will find themselves with one less member in their ranks. 

Rumors are starting to spread in the supernatural world, with the majority of them being linked to two words that caused every faction to halt their advance after an organization attempted to attack some humans in order to force this new group to let the cat out of the bag... only to have their base raised by hundreds of thousands of monsters of various sizes and form including some unique or now 'Named' ones.

From golems made of rock that appear to be extremely resistant to damage and whose punches destroy entire houses, to a horde of black monsters of all sizes, on the ground, on the air, and even on the water, what surprise they got when a member of this organization fell into a pool and a giant maw took his lower half… 

Only a portion of its eye could be seen from outside the pool, causing the rest of the members to stop thinking about its true size in order to maintain their sanity...

Some of them were unable to touch anything related to water for months before realizing they were safe... because something devoured their hand in a cup of water, some even lost their lower half in the bathtub or their legs during the shower as a result of the incident.

How could they touch water when even drinking it made their insides disappear as if something decided to take a bite? 

Or The Unnamable, a monster that no one can identify or describe because its aspect and form simply vanishes from their minds despite the fact that hundreds of people swear to have seen it during that day. 

Those two words were… 

Annihilation Maker.

This piqued the interest of powerful figures, who began digging for as much information as they could, but slowly in order to avoid ending up like that group and, if possible, letting such a weapon of mass destruction fall into their hands.

As for those who tried to prove that everything was false, or who were simply too full of themselves to believe that nothing would happen to them...

During those months, water phobia became a common illness... along with the 'sighting' of the indescribable monstrosity known as the unnamable. 

Some even claim to have seen the culprit's shadow behind the water incidents... Even those who witnessed it couldn't help but question what they saw... Who could accept the entire ocean blackening as if something was lurking beneath, whose true size they couldn't even comprehend, or... more precisely, they decided to negate the reality of seeing something so... monstrous…

They remained motionless for several minutes as the thing swam by... And when they asked if anyone had seen the thing? Even when they watched their memories directly, they just looked at them as if they were insane.

Madness, fear, and despair were all too common...

As for the perpetrator of this mayhem... 

He was happy preparing for his date with an Avenger. 

Ahm wore the same outfit as his partner, a one-piece dress with a formal short on top, brown boots, and black pants.

He had to admit that she is stunning in whatever she wears, but seeing her in something new has a certain charm. 

In the end, no matter how much someone enjoys something, it's common for them to lose interest after doing it hundreds of times.

That's just how humans are...

Not that Ahm would grow tired of her because she always manages to make him smile, but someone new is simply... refreshing

"What? Is this your first time seeing someone as beautiful as me?" She said it while making a pose that shows her ample blossom and great figure for me to see. 

She knows how to use her charms and which parts of her I like the most. Otherwise, why would she wear such loose clothes at home and then lean forward so much right in front of me? I could understand if it was summer or simply too hot, but for her, who is used to practicing with fire, a hot day is better than any other.

That's not even counting the fact that I can feel her joy when she catches me staring at her…

"Of course not, I see you all the time " I teased her a little because I'm used to her teasing me on a daily basis. 

"Don't get used to it, you won't see me this pretty every day" she said as she turned around and started walking in a way that accentuated her bottom. 

We both started walking together while holding hands. 

I decided to wear blue jeans and a white shirt on this date.

Nothing particularly noteworthy, but... Even if it sounds narcissistic, everything fits me now that the virus has altered my body...

A good looking face or a well-trained body are both appealing and usually having both is more than enough

Jeanne is satisfied with just a shirt that shows my body and has short sleeves to show off my arms.

If that's not the case, why do so many people train their bodies just to attract women?

I feel bad because she spent so much time getting ready, but... what can I do when I don't even need to do anything to smell nice?

Maybe… I should rename the virus from [Adam] to... [Romeo].

Is it pointless for her to wear makeup when her face is already stunning? Yes. Is it pointless for her to wear perfume when she already smells great, just like mine? Yes…

But the fact that she did it for me is what really matters; if someone just shows up for something important like a first date without even the bare minimum of preparation… 

That would be disregarding your partner's effort…  

That's why, even though we were in the middle of the street, I couldn't help but hug and kiss her.

"Your hairstyle, makeup, and perfume... I had no idea you could get any more stunning." I told her while looking into her eyes, but she couldn't maintain eye contact for long before her cheeks flushed.

"Wait a minute, idiot, there are people watching you..." She takes advantage of the situation to break from my hug.

I'll never get tired of seeing her flushed face...

At the very least, I plan to make this date as enjoyable for her as possible.

"All right, let's go."

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