Dxd: Ink and Summoning

49- Rescue.

What a tragic love story…

Masaomi Yaegaki and Cleria Belial.

The kind priest falls in love with the kind Devil, and they are both killed in order to keep the church's 'status quo' and a dark secret from the Devils.

Cleria Belial heard about it through a rumor and after investigating, she discovered something that would bring corruption and unfairness to the system upon which the underworld base and solve the majority of their disputes.

The Rating game is the system through which the Devils settle most of their disagreements, whether they are monetary, fighting for a specific thing like a fiancee or a peerage member, or simply status and fame.

Everything is settled in this manner, from disputes between young devils to those involving entire houses.

For something on which an entire race's politics and economics are based... It is obvious that for some people, it is a cake that they would like to bite into.

How to do it? 

The King Pieces. Something that would give the 'players' an absurd advantage, that's how they controlled the top ranking of the Rating Games.

There is no need to discuss how cheating, or obtaining an extra 'piece,' could affect an entire game...

Just having Team A face Team B who has an extra member on its team is enough to destroy the balance of any game but that's not all there is to the 'king' piece.

Now, sometimes the power difference is sufficient to close this numerical gap but... the 'King' Piece is still a piece like any other, and, like them, it strengthens the holder sufficiently to be worthy of the title 'King' as it can strengthen the user several fold. Strengthening on a scale of 10 or 100 is possible, elevating a High-class Devil to Ultimate-class power and even boosting some users to Satan-class powers.

With the exception of a few very talented exceptions such as Cleria's Nephew who achieved their ranking with their own strength, all of its users were capable of becoming the top Rating Game players, reaching the rank of the Top 10 Rating Game players.

Cleria Belial was persecuted because of this...

Surrendered by her own people and only with her lover by her side, which sadly made matters worse because he was a member of the church which ended with them having to face not only a group of devils but also a group of priests...

Isn't it amusing? Devils and Priests collaborating to rid the world of those who are 'against the norms'.

But she doesn't blame him or herself; rather, she blames the idiotic and corrupted system and those who run it.

Wounded, exhausted, and pushed to a corner with only her lover by her side, she almost gave up hope. They fought back, ran, and tried to hide, but it was futile...

At the end, they were surrounded by people they considered 'friends' and 'enemies.'

But, at the very end, something unexpected happened.

A massive door appeared in the sky, and from within it jumped an armored giant wielding a two-handed hammer, creating a cloud of dust as it landed right in the middle of the fight, drawing the attention of all parties.

They were taken aback, but one of the Devils, Their Leader, yelled, eager to end their lives so they could finish their task and then reap the benefits; they could deal with the intruder later.

"What are you still waiting for? Kill them!" The Devils' leader's yell awakened the drowsy members, and they soon began casting spells at both the couple and Newcomer.

'Did you come to save them?' Ha. Let's see what you can 'save' from their dead bodies.

That's how the devils thought. What alliance? What 'newcomer'? What is preserving the status quo? All he cares is to kill her so the secret will be gone with her, they can deal with the rest later.

Masaomi was taken aback as well, and he was a little slow to react to the onslaught of spells.

"Cleria!"  Masaomi was exhausted, and his stamina was nearly depleted, so all he could do to protect her was hug her, attempting to shield her from the incoming spells with his own body.

He was expecting the spell's... but the pain never came, much to his surprise...

It was then that he noticed the black but nearly transparent barrier that surrounded them, and after looking at the armored person who arrived last he realized it was his doing.

Is he here... to save us? In their hearts, a glimmer of hope bloomed...

Because, like them, an armored warrior was surrounded by a similar barrier.

Then its head turned to them, ignoring the devils' and humans' cries and spells as if they weren't there, like a sturdy and firm mountain, and asked...

"Belia, Cleria? Yaegaki, Masaomi? ... You're accompanying me." The giant asked for their names in a distorted voice that was low and shooting

They nodded, a little surprised and disoriented but clear that this person came to save them… he was, without a doubt, a better option than dying in the hands of those humans and Devils.

Not long after, some black liquid appeared on the floor and slowly transformed into a door, which the giant opened, revealing the contents inside and signaling them to pass through... which they eventually did, albeit slowly due to their injuries... 

But the giant waited patiently as curses and spells rained down on them; for the couple, that barrier felt like a safe and comfortable home on which they could rely because dozens, if not hundreds, of spells didn't even cause it to crack or falter...

"Damnit! You're all useless, you're all worthless." The Devils' Leader yelled, his tone tinged with helplessness and annoyance. How could he not be enraged? What can they do as their prey slowly walks toward their salvation?

Nothing! What as they flee slowly, as if they were mocking him!

Years and years of training and what they accomplished with their spells? They did nothing but blow dust and dirt around! They couldn't even shoot at the strange door because their spells vanish as soon as they touch it.

"This has absolutely nothing to do with you! How dare you meddle in matters of the church! You will pay for this! " The priest's leader yelled, trying to intimidate the iron-clad warrior, with the same annoyance and helplessness in his voice.

This was supposed to be his great mission, eliminating a traitor and a devil and now… all his work and future achievements are slowly escaping in front of his eyes but soon… 

he regretted...

"How... dare I? Like this." The priest and the Devil both regretted ever speaking and questioning him after she said that.

In the front, the back, the left, and the right.

Four slabs fired from the ground, not distinguishing between Devils and humans, and their... target? Their... legs


"Help me! "

"Nooo "

"TIMMY!!! "

All that followed her claim was the sound of breaking and tearing flesh, accompanied by the sound of breaking bones, dripping blood, and wailing cries.

Almost all of them had their legs crushed between four pillars.

What about the devils in the sky? Rocks shot at a rate far exceeding what their eyes could perceive, passing through their knees and wings with no resistance... Only the two Leaders were spared...

Yes, spared, They are well aware that this person has the ability to end their life at any time.

The fear of losing their lives overcame even their anger, causing them to remain rooted in place even minutes after their targets had left...



"Hi Sera-chan! I was going around Kuoh town an- No. You didn't " *Cut*

"HI Ser- No! " *Cut*

"H- NO! "


"*sigh* She is in the first step... Denial- Im Not! "

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