Dxd: Ink and Summoning

93- A forgotten emotion.

I just got a new pc so I had been busy dealing with everything new but im already done. Please tell me if something changed from writing from the pc.

Thanks and have a nice day


Everything went well with Ciri.


I was worried about the distance since I've never had my own Ink so far away so I forced it way more than what was necessary, ending in something dangerous in the wrong hands since I now can have unlimited access to her world if I tried hard enough


It reminds me of how the topical cult group with weak and average cultists end up summing some world ending monster since the Ink I made is kind of the same thing, I can use it as a gate to invade her world


A Trojan horse kind of scenario. 


On her part, Ciri knew nothing of this and simply enjoyed the benefits of the things I stored beforehand on the Ink like modern food and some water bottles.


Knowing how she was fated to be hunted by an entire race endangering the lives of those close to her and the worlds she used to escape was quite heavy for the girl but she is now at ease knowing that everything changed.


She is now free to visit other worlds since I can block the Wild Hunt ability to track her by consuming the excess energy that leaves her body essentially masking what makes her unique and traceable.


What's interesting is how she decided to go to the Rats, a group of bandits that she joined originally, because of the curiosity of how she came to like this group in the future she saw pieces of but she also understood the dangers and what she needs to do to face what is to come.


But that will have to wait till she leaves the dessert and does some other things.


Knowing that the plans of Avallac'h and that King will be screwed is enough for me to lend her a hand. trying to Force Ciri to conceive an heir for the Elves earned that.


Poor Avallac'h doesn't know what is waiting for him once Gerald and Yen learn what he wanted to do with Ciri. 


This also led me to think of how to approach each world and the effects of me intervening. While yes, some worlds are easy to set on the right path due to being straightforward some others are hard to tell since there has been many discussions of the after story of some novels where, for example, in DxD Issei becomes a tyrant harem builder. 


Giving the kid the cookie without having worked to earn it could change a lot of things for the worse, imagine giving a guy knowledge of his future including his partners and then because of that knowledge he treats them as his which leads to him also treating them differently separating them from what initially united them. 

I mean, I can pretty much solve every problem in Cirio´s world, especially against the monsters that roam free with my own hand since numbers are my specialty and thinking about it, I'd rather leave things for Ciri to deal with unless she asks for it, it is her world to care about unless she ask for help.


although I will explore a little on my own of course, I mean it's The Witcher who wouldn't want to look at what it has to offer firsthand.


Ciri herself visited a lot of worlds and some of them may be of help for us, visiting Cyberpunk could be fun and let's not talk about the Arthurian world, having Artoria visit it would be hilarious.


But for now let's leave her on her own trying to become an actual Witcher and all that since I wanted to focus on something that has been bothering me for a while before doing or next summon.


It 's Scathach. 


She has been a little off for a while and I really can't point out what it is so I will go to look for her and see if I can find what it is.





"I can feel it in your gaze, what is bothering you to show such concern for me? " Scathach asked.


"I've been thinking about why you visited the underworld. " I confessed to her


"Why that place in particular? I told you that I was discovering all this world had to offer me, that naturally includes the Underworld" She explained to me.


I knew she did but something has been bothering me, and I think that I finally found why. She hasn't been everywhere, there is a place with a deep connection with her that also exists in this world yet she hasn't tried to visit or claim it yet.


But she still visits a place that reminds her of it and makes her feel comfortable like the Underworld does.


"What about this world version of the Land of Shadow? " She lived in that place for too long so it's normal for her to feel comfortable living there but why isn't she coming back to it? 

"I haven't been there yet, you know how evasive that place is, I'd rather focus on something else that is new to me instead " she answered.


Now I turned to look her dead in the eye and asked her without breaking eye contact "The Queen of the Land of Shadows can't find her own domain…? " I tend to overestimate what she is capable of but that is not the case for something like finding Land of Shadows, and she also seems to be aware of it by the brief unsure I saw in her eyes.


She spoked after a moment of realization, realizing that she's been unconsciously avoiding it "I understand what you mean. I shall make a way to the Land of Shadows… later on. Thanks for letting me know about this blunter of mine. " She said with confidence trying to resume me but it wasn't enough for me. 


It may be my fault for putting her so high above but this is not enough to be my Shishou. She is unsure of herself.


"Scathach, I'm not the best at reading people unless I cheat my way into their minds but, I know well how little Artoria, Mordred and even Jeanne would hesitate to recover something  that is a part of them like their noble Phantasm is being lost. " 


it's the first time I felt this coming from her and I couldn't help but to voice it out loud "Hesitation. “ 


Sometimes I forget. She wasn't a bird with broken wings trapped in a cage but an eager one that still desires to fly out from where it is trapped. 


Something so foreign to her that she failed to recognize it  “Shishou, you are afraid of going back to that life in the Lands of Shadow ” She has no duty with the Lands of Shadows and no reason to stay in it but is also reasonable, compared with the time she spent there the years we lived together is too short.


"I can't say that I'm not… hesitant of what could happen if I were to go back to that… lifestyle back in the Land of Shadows. To being trapped with the hope that someone can end it for me while doing the same things over and… over " 


I sometimes forgot that she is a younger version of the Scathach I knew from FGO, one that didn't reach rock bottom. "You don't trust us to be strong enough to get you out of there?" 


For a moment she hesitated in how to answer me "I…do. I know well how you would tear the entire place apart " 


I reassured her so she could go there without worries "Then why are you still here? Go and take your rightful lands, my queen. I can deal with whatever the Star Court can summon here on my own. " I can deal with most things alone and I can ask the girls for some help.


Shishou took a moment to process her own feelings. "I guess you are right " She only took a deep breath but she seemed ready to face anything. 


The bloodlust coming from her spear tells of what she is going to do in the Lands of Shadows "Fine. But you need to  promise me a good night with us alone after it " 


And the teasing is back… "Sure, doing it with a Queen sounds fun. Well, Yet-to-be Queen for now. " 


She let out a chuckle " I guess I can't be called a Queen without Lands. Fine, I will let it slide this time. But be sure to prepare this Queen reward for when she returns " 


This bloodlust, the God slayer aura and that fire in her eyes. 


That is my Scathach.


The one which would make your average Gods run as if their lives depended on it, simply because it does. 

Yeah confident Shishou is the best Shishou. 


She looked back and left her last warning before disappearing "Be sure to not let this place become a mess while I return. " 


In other words, 'Be careful.'


Well, I can't say no to a caring Shishou either.




With Shishou being away for a while I will have to be mindful of everything going on in our faction which does make me a little nervous but that only makes it better, in a way.


Standing on your own, out of your comfort zone and all that stuff.


The things I need to look out for are… first the pregnancy of Cleria Belial since Masaomi asked Scathach to be sure for the child to be delivered safely but that's something for Shishou to deal with and she keeps her promises.


The next thing should be Valerie and her Sephiroth Grail, her soul and mind should have recovered enough for us to extract it, if she didn't change her mind on the matter of having her Sacred gear taken from her. 


As for the Human faction, it is growing steadily with more and more students reaching a good enough standard. Some reach the Low-Middle class, which isn't something to be proud of except that they are mostly teenagers.


The next would be Jeanne going to the Church to offer a helping hand in dealing with those harassing the general population that can't defend themselves mostly dealing with strays, some evil Yokais and magical beasts.


I doubt they will turn her down, Masaomi will be the one leading her as an ex member of the church and having a literal Saintess offering her help is something that the Church can't refuse if done properly.


Jeanne mastery over both Holy and Light magic is too valuable of an asset for them and that's just outside her personale strength and Noble Phantasm rivaling even their best Holy Relics. With a little bit of luck the high birds will be contacting her creating a connection with the Heaven faction for my future plans to make a way more solid the Peace treaty in order to affront the possible coming invasion to our world.


I want to make it a true alliance between all factions, which right now include the Greek Gods thanks to what happened not long ago with them and my weird friendship with Apollon and scathach's with Hades. The old bones seem to be ok with me despite being a Sacred Gear user making me wonder what he saw or what he was told by Scathhach


Maybe it comes just with affiliation, he likes me because he respects her


Also Kei received Gaia's blessing and although we still need to look into that one, it has its merit among the Greeks even if she is a Titan since she seems to be quite neutral in her doings even back in the war they had


But again, you never know when it comes to Gods.


With that being said, next comes The Norse Gods, Scathach teaching Brynhild and her contact with some other Valkyries earning their respect following her meeting with Odin helped with that. I also doubt that the old man would oppose it, for what she told me this Odin is quite hurt due to the death of his wife and the entire Pantheon is weakened without their son Thor. 


It seems quite obvious when you think about it, although he spends his days in debauchery  he never chooses a new wife, even if a single decree would secure him almost any female in his domain and most of the outside as well.


I will try to do something about it. I wonder if the Sephirot Grail can do something about it? Making her a new body is simple if we can find her soul, but that's for later.


Next thing is… Devils.


As for Devils, I have a good relationship with numerous houses including Belial, Gregory and Sitri, and two of the Satans, Sirzech and Serafall. Without counting that they are the ones that want this treaty the most.


Next is the Yokai Faction, a mutual benefits relationship with Yasaka and Naruhyon, helping them cleanse the mouse in the ki to help them train faster is more than enough to start something bigger with them and Kuroka and Shirone are close to them, especially Kunou whom I saved before earning  my a few points from Yasaka opening a door to contact the Shinto faction.

And finally the Fallen angel thanks to Vali Lucifer and the Cut Dog himself, not that my relationship with Azazel is negative and he also wants this treaty, if we include that Baraqiel is getting closer with his Daughter Akeno then the deal is sealed. 


It was funny hearing from Rias that Akeno is all grumpy and sounds pretty much against being with her father yet she still accepts every time she can when Baraquiel asks her to go out with him for some Father daughter time.


And finally The alliance will be solid with the inclusion of Heaven, their Heaven System is something that we will need if the invasion from the other world happens in the future since it clearly has an effect in controlling both Devils and Fallens. I'm pretty sure that the thing about Angels not falling while staying in Heaven is a measure the old man placed there during the war. That kind of stress could drive angels to fall and that's something you don't want while the war is still ragging.


Angels are made in a way where a domino effect is actually possible, one falls and another close to him or her follows especially if they are related. 


Still, I would like to have a couple more factions in it if possible.



Regardless, right now I'm calling Jeanne and Jalter.


I told Jeanne that I prepared a gift for her to help her stand out at the Church and it's time to give it to her. Jalter is included since… well, sisters stuff.


I walked to the center of my Mindscape where two eggs were resting, one white and the other black. They are my most perfect attempt to create something as powerful as possible even going beyond what I thought possible and safe since I intend for whatever comes out to stick with them for a long time.


They are not perfect by any means but I made sure that they can learn and adapt giving them endless growth. Also, outside of not really having a soul they are pretty much alive resembling what human-like robots are for humans, I'm quite happy with the result knowing how even normal items can gain 'life' in some novels like spirit swords and the likes so I'm waiting for something similar to happen.


They may even be passed down to protect our daughter in the future… 


I grabbed both of them and smiled, feeling the strength I felt from them, their desire to fulfill the role for which they were created, so I sent a message to both girls telling them about the gift. It was left waiting for them after making sure that everything was working correctly.

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