Dxd: Ink and Summoning

95 – The morning star

Everything is ready, it took longer than expected but now im confident in dealing with whatever will come or way. I opened a door towards the Star Court and walked towards the seat of Libra and to my surprise someone else was here before me sitting in the Leo seat. Artoria. 


The Leo seat takes after her Lancer class Armor. Silver white in color as the base with a design resembling a lion, royal blue fabric with gold details and some golden fur here and there. 


It's rare for me to see her nowadays since she's been mostly moving around with Mordred helping with Arthur and Le fay who are mostly just messing around the supernatural to hone their skills. She seems prepared, wearing her armor and her sword is resting beside her.


Seeing my confusion Artoria didn't wait to explain why she is here “Scathach told me you may need a hand here. I was quite surprised, she isn't one to ask for this kind of thing.” 


Yeah, I can see her doing something like that and Artoria is without a doubt the second best option, right after her. “Of course she did…” I whispered, already missing her but I shook the feeling out of my head, that's also the reason why she needs to be away. I need to focus on what's in front of me “Leaving her aside… How are you doing? I haven't seen you around the house”  


She answered with a troubled look on her face. “It's true that I've been occupied lately… ” Artoria seems to be quite close with Scathach, she probably noticed that Artoria was stressing herself out. “Maybe I also needed something like this, a break.” 


Now I can't say that I'm not curious about what she's been doing. I know quite well how much Artoria wants to do everything herself from talking with Mordred and the rest that usually follow her around. “A lot going on? Is Mordred still giving you trouble? “


Artoria looked at me in a way as if trying to tell me something. “For once, Mordred isn't the source of my worries. “


Yeah, I'm definitely missing something. Not able to come up with something I had no choice but to ask her “Then who?” The only answer she gave me was a teasing smile as her gaze deepened. 


What did I do to her? the only thing I can think of is… the way I summoned her? “The memories? you had some trouble with them? “ I can imagine how that much information can trouble her. 


I want to pay more attention to her after this, even if Artoria does not consider it that way it doesnt change the fact that this happened because of something I did. 


She answered me while looking at Excalibur at her side. “I wouldn't call them a problem, I'm simply… overwhelmed. Those memories… They represent what I am, what I could be and what I can become. Of course they'd be nothing but worrisome, I'm simply unsure if I will make the right choices.“ 


I feel the need to reassure her but most importantly, remind her that she can ask for help. I will call the Knights from Camelot if she asks me. “You really should go easier on yourself. We will be there if something happens, Mordred charging headfirst even if she doesn't know what the problem is or how to solve it. " Those words meant a lot for Artoria even if I didn't realize.


"But I imagine you don't want to get rid of them regardless of how troublesome they are, right? “ I asked just to be sure that she wants to keep them but knowing her personality the chances of her getting rid of them is almost zero, they are the key for her to overcome herself. 


“Correct. As troubling as they are, they also open a lot of doors for us, they help me understand a lot of things. For that I'm grateful. “ To no one's surprise she rejected having the memories taken away with a voice filled with determination to surpass herself.


“You're welcome… I guess?” 


Does that mean she owes me one?


Sadly for me she shot down the idea straight away, but with a more gentle and relaxed smile. “That still doesn't excuse you of all the trouble you caused me” 


“I owe you one then?” 


I will take her silence and that wider smile as a yes… 


After a moment of silence between us, I decided to finally say the words we both were expecting since coming here. “Should we get started?”


Artoria gave me a nod and got serious, hearing from Scathach how random this summoning process is and its potential dangers. 


I used the chance to do the same while taking a deep breath to calm myself. I may have played the feeling I got as nothing important but this is the first time something like this happens which talks a lot of said person i'm about to summon. 


My confidence in dealing with whatever comes our way is that we are in my domain and the bodies that they are using are made by me making it almost impossible to go against me unless I let them do so and that without the fact that I can just yeet them out of here… 


After making sure everything is in place, the energy stored including the one we got from Cirilla started to flow towards the center and core of this place. The special energy coming from her Elden Blood is simply too suited for this type of thing.


Soon the entire place lights up, now with a green hue to it thanks to Ciri. Seems like that color is going to stick to everything I make, it's either that or an Eldritch dark purple.


It didn't take long for the effect of the summon to appear and we both noticed two of the seats in front of us lighting up and coming to life, as well as their respective constellations up in the sky above us. 


I'm familiar with the first one since I saw it last time when summoning Ciri


I took a look at the one from Ciri while waiting for the second one to manifest. It has the form of an Eye and it was completely foreign to me, or at least to 'Earth' so it has to be from Ciri's world. I also seem to know the name of it, Ciri named it The Eye during one of the times she used it for directions


I also know that the more important constellations in her world are named the Seven Goats, the Jug, the Sickle, the Dragon and the Winter Maiden. I'm Guessing that this knowledge has something to do with being considered the 'Judge' of this place.

 But… what I didn't expect is the second star finishing in making a connection with someone, deciding to be…


The name tied to this particular star made me understand that I need to trust my guts more from now on. The knowledge from the Libra seat made it worse as two names intently came up from somewhere unknown. 


I asked Artoria to confirm it. “Artoria… that star is… “


She was already standing with sword in hand when I turned most likely due to her honed instincts telling her something. The calm and welcome aura she gave to me changed into a regal one, the one she always has before an important battle


“The Morning Star, yes” 


She clearly feels something that I don't as I rarely see her giving this aura, last time she was scolding Mordred and the Pendragon siblings when they got in trouble while exploring outside. 


Ciri appeared on her set but she also seems to sense that something is happening. It was hard not to as our second guest made its presence known even before its body could form here.


As if opposing Artoria, our guest seat took the central spot, raised high enough to match Artoria's one in height. Filled with dark red stone but a very modern looking throne with a body made of gold, it looks intimidating with its spiked edges and deep red color on the fabric. 


At its side, a small table with a bottle and a glass served with wine, the color of the wine really matches the parts from the throne.


I felt that I knew this throne from somewhere but its owner didn't give me time to think from where as a red portal appeared and a wave of Demonic Power washed over us, way more purer, stronger and thicker than what I usually felt from Serafall or even Sirzech. 


As soon as I saw the Devil, no, Demon walking out of the portal, all I could think of was a dumb fact about the morning star due to how surprised I was with her beauty. 


The Morning Star is also known as the light from the planet Venus, the same Venus that is mainly associated with beauty in Mythology. I simply had no other way to describe how much that star fitted her. 

She wears a black suit with a red collared shirt underneath, complete with white gloves, a black tie and her Sigil on her lapel. 


Surprised, I couldn't help but to blurt out her name as soon as I saw her walking out of that portal "Lucifer"


She is a short demon girl with pale skin, red irises, a black arrow-tipped tail, and a silvery-white hair. Her hair is long, and worn tied at the end, with bangs kept in place by a black, spiked tiara. Her horns are white and jagged, the former trait showing her incredibly old age. She has narrow eyes and a mole underneath her left eye. 


I could see that she was surprised by being recognized but she was mostly amused like someone who found a new and interesting game to play with.  "Oh? So you do know me. " 


Unlike Ciri who appeared from her portal unconscious during her first summon, she was walking out of the portal without the care or visible wariness you would expect from someone that is being summoned into an unknown place. 

The first thing she did was look around, getting attracted to the cup of wine at the side of her throne. Again, with a surprising lack of wariness she picked the glass and took a sip, the contents seem to have earnest a smile from her. 


I should start preparing some pancakes, it may come in handy. I think I remember the chocolate pancake recipe.


“To think someone would have the guts to summon me." Her attention now turned towards her surroundings, trying to learn as much as she can from this place and us and the smile on her face is a tell that she found something that interests her. 


She followed while doing her iconic pose, her cup raised and one hand folded and her face suddenly took a more seductive and tempting turn “Pledge your soul to me and i'll make you my most treasured slave” Her devilish voice to lure me in, like a spider laying a net and waiting or its prey.  


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