DxD: Milking System

Chapter 137: Spar with Arthur Pendragon [1]

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Jin stayed inside and talked with Kuroka's friends in a friendly manner.

They were all great people and weren't as arrogant as Cao Cao, thankfully. It was like he gained new friends too. Then when he mentioned in his story that Cao Cao had approached him, Arthur narrowed his eyes.

"Be careful of that guy, Jin. It's good that you said you would think about his offer. If you outright reject it, I bet he will kill you at that time and place."

That only confirmed Jin's suspicion about the blue-haired boy he met in that park. He was also glad that he moved swiftly. Issei was in danger without him even knowing about it.

"He said he would meet me in later days. I guess I should prepare for the worst, huh?"

"Yes." Arthur nodded. "Cao Cao isn't someone who will take no for an answer. I know you plan to reject his offer to join his faction, and I advise you to prepare yourself for a fight."

"Hmm, it seems you know a lot about Cao Cao," Jin said, looking at Arthur. The blonde man only smiled softly at him.

"I have history, let's just say that. Anyway, do you want information about him?"

"Sure. That would help a lot."

Arthur began to explain what he knew about Cao Cao. He explained to Jin a detailed structure of the Hero Faction and what its members looked like.

The most important thing about their members was that they were all humans and either had Sacred Gears, Holy Swords, or Demon Swords.

Their motto was stupid. Who would make the motto of their faction something like fight and defeat evil beings? Only madmen and people with wild imaginations would do that.

Once again, those evil beings weren't limited to beings that actually brought evil to the world. Those evil beings they mentioned were Devils, Fallen Angels, and Dragons. Not all of them, but they generalized them too much.

Some of their members willingly cooperated, but there were also some who were abducted and brainwashed to think that the Hero Faction did something great.

"I was a former member too, but I left and joined Vali's team." He smiled and ended his explanation by looking at Vali, who scoffed.

"That Cao Cao is strong. You better not get killed before we can have our serious spar, Jin." Hakuryuukou warned with a smirk. Even when he gave a warning, there was no worry in his tone. He was confident that Jin would survive even the most serious fight with Cao Cao.

It was just a pure warning, which Jin appreciated.

"Don't worry. I won't die that easily."

"That's good." He nodded. "By the way, Arthur. Explain to him about our little group too."

"Should I?"

"Yeah. This guy isn't someone who will blabber about secrets to anyone. I even think he holds a lot more secrets from other factions that we don't know about." Vali smirked and glanced at Jin. "He will definitely be a powerful ally. You can also have a swordmanship spar with him."

"That would be great to have another swordsman as my friend," Arthur said, smiling.

That offer was also enticing for Jin. After getting new skills from Xenovia, the one he got from Irina seemed to be useless. He wondered why he gained similar EXP from them even though Xenovia was clearly stronger with her skills.

Jin concluded that it was the difference in the actual battle. Irina was more versatile than Xenovia, which focused her skill on swordsmanship.

Returning to the topic. Jin looked at Arthur. The blonde man had an expression that told him he couldn't wait to have a swordsmanship spar against him. They could exchange blows and teach each other about their weaknesses if their level of skill was similar.

"Brother is going to have a spar with Jin-sama? That would be interesting!" Le Fay exclaimed with a loud voice as she put her hands on her cheek. She was really expressive and cheerful.

"You're going to fight, Jin? I will root for you from the side nya! Show them your power nya!" Kuroka hugged Jin tightly and buried his arm between her breasts.

"W-Wh-What are you doing, Kuroka-sama! Y-Y-Your b-breast! You pushed them against Jin-sama's arm!" Le Fay stuttered a lot as she hid her eyes with her hands. But that attempt failed as she still peeked through the gap of her fingers.

"Fufufu, La Fey nya! Jin is my lover, so it's normal nya! Or something like this!" The black Nekoshou kissed Jin's cheek, causing Le Fay to blush.

"T-That's not normal at all! Keep your lover's stuff in private!" The young magician shouted as Kuroka continued teasing her.

Seeing them, Jin chuckled. They were a really energetic bunch, except for the black-haired girl that looked really dangerous sitting on a couch just near him.

"That would be interesting. What do you think will win between them, Vali?" Bikou asked Vali while glancing up at him. He was expecting Vali to answer Arthur would win, as the blonde man was famous for being the strongest Holy Sword User and was the descendant of King Arthur.

However, Vali's answer wasn't that. The silver-haired man shook his head with crossed arms.

"I don't know."

It was just a simple answer, but it made Bikou smirk. That meant Vali had recognized Jin's strength not to fall too far from Arthur.

Jin himself analyzed their reactions calmly.

From their reactions, it was clear that Arthur was strong. He also knew about it, as the blonde man could seemingly summon the Excalibur Fragment from nowhere. And from his skill, he could vaguely analyze other people's movements.

Since he was teleported to this room by Kuroka, Arthur was ready to move anytime. That guy always put his guard up and looked at him even though he looked calm.

Besides, it would be good to have a spar in a safe environment like this instead of plunging himself into a serious fight without trying his new skills.

So he accepted.

"Let's have a spar." He said with a smile.

"Great." Arthur nodded. "I am looking forward to it."

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