DxD: Transfer Student!

Chapter 111: Peace Conference Under Siege

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This explained the unusual reaction from the King Sword and Shield earlier. Badr quickly connected the dots and pieced together the series of events.

By now, the dimensional turbulence seemed to have subsided. Badr and the others had been transported to a different dimension.

He observed the desolate landscape outside. The sky appeared to lack even an atmosphere, offering a direct view of the cosmos.

"What a crude dimension" Badr commented calmly. "A battlefield thrown together after learning about the meeting between the three factions."

The leaders present narrowed their eyes at Badr's words.

None of them were fools. They understood the implication.

There was a traitor among them.

Yes, that was the only logical explanation. The traitor had leaked information about the meeting, allowing the enemy to pinpoint their secret location...

Was their goal to prevent the peace treaty?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosions rocked the protective barrier as someone outside attacked it.

Everyone turned towards the window. Numerous figures were teleporting into the dimension.

They were clad in black robes, resembling mages, relentlessly bombarding the barrier with magic attacks.

Azazel approached the window, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he observed the figures outside.

"Those appear to be the so-called magic users, wouldn't you say? Those tricks they call magic are a unique school of thought derived from the legendary mage, Merlin Ambrosius, who interpreted and restructured the demonic power system."

"They're not weak. Based on their attack intensity, each one possesses the power level of a mid-class devil."

Michael's words caused Rias and the others' expressions to change.

Currently, Koneko Toujou, Asia Argento, and the others were only at the mid-class devil level in terms of demonic power. Only Akeno Himejima, Rias, and Sona Sitri possessed the power of high-class devils.

Of course, Badr and Xenovia's strength surpassed their demonic power rankings.

And now, their enemies continued to pour in, their numbers exceeding three hundred!

"They're certainly sparing no expense."

Azazel chuckled and with a flick of his wrist, unleashed a volley of light spears.

Instantly, a large swathe of magic users in the distance fell, their bodies obliterated by the light spears, scattering blood and gore in a sickening display.

Despite the sudden loss of over a hundred enemies, the sky above the dimension continued to shimmer with teleportation magic. It seemed like an endless wave of magic users, relentlessly teleporting into the dimension.

The concentration of demonic power in the atmosphere steadily increased.

"Prolonging this could become problematic. They're clearly planning to destroy this dimension and amplify the destructive power by continuously pouring in demonic energy. Even Maous wouldn't be able to withstand that," Sirzechs said with a smile, surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.

However, with Badr present, this tactic was easily countered.

Suspecting a traitor among them, Badr remained silent, calmly observing the magic users' frantic assault on the barrier.

After all, it was a barrier maintained by two Maous, a Governor General of the Fallen Angels, and a Seraph. There was no need to worry about it being breached by these mid-class devil level magic users.

The mastermind behind this would surely realize that and reveal themselves soon.

Compared to his earlier vigilance, Badr felt more relaxed now.

Hidden enemies were the most concerning. Now that they had shown themselves, he no longer needed to be constantly on guard.

Whatever their next move, he would be ready to counter it.


As time ticked by, the magic users continued to channel energy into the dimension.

A massive magic circle gradually formed in the previously empty sky, pulsating with terrifying power.

"Heh, the legendary Extinction Magic, said to rival the power of a God with a full-powered attack, combined with the destructive force of dimensional collapse. They're truly pulling out all the stops to deal with us," Azazel said, gazing at the magic circle in the sky, recognizing its origin.

"We can't play into their hands. We need to take the initiative," Michael said calmly.

"Let's find a way to disrupt their teleportation circle first. Otherwise, we'll never be able to eliminate these endless hordes of small fry."

Sirzechs and Michael simultaneously reinforced the protective barrier, their expressions grim as they observed the ominous Extinction Magic circle in the sky.

"If Michael and I combine our powers, we should be able to withstand that attack and protect everyone," Sirzechs stated seriously.

He was incredibly powerful, but the enemy's plan was clearly targeted.

With Rias and the others present, Sirzechs had to protect his younger sister. In this situation, self-preservation was easy, but protecting the weaker members was a challenge.

"Alright, we'll leave the protection to you two. I'll go deal with the mastermind," Azazel declared with a confident grin, his fearless demeanor exuding authority.

"Lucifer-sama, please allow me to handle the teleportation circle," Rias stepped forward, volunteering for the task.

"Heh, that's just like you. Go then. I'll have Grayfia clear a path for you."


Rias accepted the order, and Akeno Himejima, Badr, and the other peerage members all stepped forward.

As Rias servants, her will was their guiding principle. They would naturally follow her lead.

Grayfia stepped forward calmly, approaching the edge of the protective barrier. An immense surge of demonic power emanated from her.

Her aura seemed to rival even Sirzechs's!


Grayfia spoke softly to Rias and Badr, as if she had just accomplished a trivial task.

"Let's go."

Rias took the lead, charging out with determination.

Badr and the other peerage members followed closely behind, swiftly advancing along the path Grayfia had created.

However, they were quickly surrounded by magic users.

"Annihilate them all!"

Rias commanded, taking the initiative. Her body was enveloped in a crimson aura of demonic power as she unleashed a torrent of flames.

"Stop them!"

A magic user shouted, and dozens of mages fearlessly charged towards Rias and her group, launching their attacks.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Magic blasts collided with Rias flames, resulting in devastating explosions.

Rias flames held the upper hand, incinerating the magic blasts and engulfing two magic users in their residual heat, reducing them to ashes.

However, her attack had expended its energy. The remaining magic users ignored the stray flames and retaliated against Rias.

Before the incoming magic blasts could reach her, streaks of lightning flashed, obliterating them.

Akeno Himejima hovered in mid-air, manipulating golden lightning serpents that she hurled into the enemy ranks. The magic users screamed in agony as the electricity coursed through them, filling the air with a nauseating burnt smell.

Meanwhile, Badr had plunged into the heart of the enemy formation. A golden holy sword materialized in his hand, Ascalon. With a sweeping motion, he unleashed a devastating attack.

Golden light blazed as the blade carved through the air, leaving a trail of golden radiance that expanded in a fan shape.

Wherever the arc of light passed, the magic users, who relied on demonic power, were sliced in half at the waist. Blood gushed from their severed bodies.

"That's..." Xenovia stared at the Dragon Slayer holy sword in Badr's hand in astonishment. "Is that Ascalon?"

"It seems to be a holy sword..." Koneko Toujou was also surprised.

Badr deflected incoming magic blasts with his sword, channeling his holy demonic power into Ascalon. The golden blade became adorned with purplish-red demonic patterns.

"It's become a Holy-Demonic Sword..." Koneko muttered.

"Where's the original King Sword?" Asia Argento asked curiously.

"These magic users utilize demonic power. This sword is more effective against them," Badr explained casually.

Of course, it wasn't that King Sword was weak. It was part of the King Sword and Shield set, a Sacred Gear not primarily focused on offense. Since he had a holy sword specifically effective against devils, it was naturally more efficient to use it...

Seeing Badr wreaking havoc with the holy sword, Xenovia, the original Holy Sword user, was speechless.

"I'm supposed to be the Holy Sword user. You're such a freak."

"He's become even stronger," Koneko Toujou said, a hint of melancholy in her voice. Badr's growth was truly astonishing, putting pressure even on her as his comrade.

"It's not like you just found out I'm strong. What's the big deal? Holy Sword user, I'll leave that direction to you."

Badr boasted without a hint of modesty.

Ascalon unleashed terrifying power in his hands. The magic users were no match for him.

With Rias, Akeno Himejima, and Badr leading the charge, they tore through the enemy ranks, swiftly reaching the core of the teleportation circle.

The magic users guarding the core were enraged when they saw Badr and the others break through.

"You useless fools! How could you let them get this far? Kill them!"

The apparent leader shouted furiously, and the surrounding magic users converged on them.

Their numbers were staggering, at least two hundred!

Moreover, the teleportation circles scattered throughout the dimension continued to transport more magic users. It was impossible to tell how many there were in total.

Badr sighed inwardly. The enemy could mass-produce such a large number of magic users, each comparable to a mid-class devil. This force was likely far more powerful than the devil faction. Their strength was beyond imagination.

No wonder the leaders of the three factions were so concerned. The future remained uncertain...


The massive magic circle core continued to pour out energy, fueling the numerous teleportation circles throughout the dimension, bringing in wave after wave of magic users.

Their sheer numbers were overwhelming. Even high-class devils like Rias and her peerage would eventually be exhausted. Their demonic power would inevitably run out.


Knowing they couldn't afford to delay any longer, Rias issued the order, leading her peerage in a desperate charge towards the magic circle core.

"Stop them!!"

The magic users surged forward fearlessly, their wands crackling with demonic power as they launched a deadly assault on Badr and the others.

"Asia, stay close to me." Xenovia swung Durandal, protecting Asia from the attacks while leading her forward.

She now understood Asia's predicament and had become close friends with her.

Badr plunged into the enemy ranks. The magic users, mostly armed with wands, were no match for him in close combat. They were helpless against the might of Ascalon.

A flurry of blood splattered as Badr's sword danced. Each swing claimed the life of another magic user.

"Damn it..."

Seeing the ferocity of Badr and the others, the leader panicked and shouted to his subordinates,

"Gather your demonic power! Let's unleash the Blood Magic and wipe them out!" 


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