DxD: Transfer Student!

Chapter 118: Test Results and a Gift

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The school had posted the exam results earlier that day, but the quintuplets had agreed to wait for Badr before comparing scores to see who had come out on top.

Miku Nakano looked at her own results. Without a doubt, it was the highest score she’d ever received on an exam.

She’d done it...

She was number one among the five sisters...

If she got the highest score, she would confess to Badr. That was the resolution Miku had firmly made.

However, Miku didn't notice the subtle shift in Ichika Nakano's expression...

Badr teleported directly to the quintuplets' school. According to Miku, Yotsuba was still at club activities.

At that moment, Yotsuba Nakano stood before her basketball club members, a troubled expression on her face, unsure of how to broach a difficult subject.

"Um, Club President... I..."

"What is it, Yotsuba? You were amazing today! We really couldn't do without you in the club!"

The Club President cheerfully patted Yotsuba's shoulder, her words leaving Yotsuba speechless.

She wanted to quit the club, but fearing she wouldn't know how to refuse, she couldn't bring herself to tell the other members.

Especially when faced with their expectant gazes, it became even harder to utter the words of refusal.

"Haha, Yotsuba, let's continue practice! We have even stronger opponents to defeat tomorrow!"

"Hee hee, no problem! With our ace Yotsuba, we'll definitely crush them in no time!"

Their enthusiastic words left Yotsuba at a loss for words.

As she wrestled with her dilemma, Yotsuba suddenly heard a familiar voice.


"Huh? Badr? W-what are you doing at our school...?"

Yotsuba was startled to see Badr. The other club members also looked surprised.

"A student from another school? Strange, how did you get past the security guard...?"

Badr smiled gently at Yotsuba and addressed the other club members, "I'm here to take Yotsuba home."

"Eh? But Yotsuba still has club activities."

"It's just club activities. It's alright if she skips it. Her studies are more important right now."

"Huh? We have a really important match tomorrow! Seriously, studying can wait!" one club member exclaimed.

Caught in the middle, Yotsuba felt lost. Just as she was about to speak, Badr said coldly, "Your priorities seem to be misplaced. If a student doesn't prioritize their studies, can they even be called a student?"

His expression remained calm, but his words carried an unspoken pressure that made the girls flinch.

Badr's current aura was Enhanced through intense battles, honed through life-or-death experiences. These ordinary girls were intimidated by a single glance.

So scary...

He's so domineering...

These thoughts ran through their minds, but none dared to speak in Badr's presence.

Badr had no desire to bully these girls. He wasn't that petty. He simply said to Yotsuba, "It's settled then. Take care of the withdrawal procedures and come home quickly."

"Uh, o-okay..."

Yotsuba couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and exasperation. The issue she had struggled with for so long was resolved by Badr in just a few words?

She walked towards the club members, offering an apologetic smile. "Sorry, everyone. I really do want to withdraw from the club. I want to use the extra time to focus on my studies..."

Badr, standing a short distance away, smiled faintly. Yotsuba had finally learned to refuse others directly.

He just needed to give her a little push.

Outside the school, Badr hailed a taxi and said to Yotsuba, "You take the taxi home first. I still need to pick up Nino. We'll meet at your place."

"Okay! Hee hee, my scores this time will definitely surprise you!" Yotsuba said excitedly.

"I look forward to it," Badr chuckled. After watching the taxi drive away, he teleported to Nino's location.

Nino Nakano stood inside a gift shop, a slightly troubled expression on her face.

"What should I get him...?"

The middle-aged woman who owned the shop simply smiled, saying nothing.

She had seen countless young people like this come in to buy gifts.

When Badr arrived, guided by his senses, Nino was still browsing, lost in thought.



Nino turned around to see Badr entering the gift shop. She was startled.

"H-how did you find me...?"

"It wasn't difficult," Badr replied vaguely. He glanced at the items in the shop and asked, "What are you buying? Have you chosen yet?"

"Uh, don't rush me... I'm still looking."

Nino tried to maintain her composure, but she felt nervous inside.

Why did he suddenly show up? She had been planning to surprise him...

But then again, he didn't know she was picking out a gift for him, right?

"What are you planning to get? Is it a gift for someone?" Badr asked casually.

"Y-yes, it is. Do Y... do you see anything you like?" Nino asked nervously.

"That wouldn't be appropriate. What I like might not be what they like," Badr declined.

He didn't know who Nino was buying the gift for, but it definitely wasn't for him. It wouldn't be right for him to choose.

"Don't be so difficult! Just pick something!"

Nino's face flushed as she spoke.

"Alright, alright. Is the recipient male or female?"


Badr asked directly, "Do you like him?"

"...Y-yes! What about it? Do you have a problem with that?" Nino said, feigning composure.

"I'm just looking out for you."

Badr smiled faintly, scanning the items before pointing to a men's belt and a watch. "These two are quite nice."

"...If it were you, which one would you choose?" Nino asked tentatively, praising herself inwardly for her cleverness.

What better way to find out than to ask the recipient directly?

"The belt," Badr replied with a smile.

"Why not the watch?"

Badr grinned, showing off the limited-edition men's watch on his wrist, a gift from Mai Sakurajima. "Most girls give guys watches as gifts. The guy you like might already have received one."

Nino Nakano: "..."


Badr had been genuinely trying to help Nino, offering thoughtful advice.

However, he hadn't anticipated that his answer would deflate Nino like a punctured balloon.

Staring at the watch on Badr's wrist, Nino felt lost.

Had someone already given Badr a watch?

Who gave it to him...?

Damn it, someone beat her to it...

With mixed feelings, Nino purchased the belt, carefully placing it in her bag.

Regardless, she wasn't ready to give up. Badr hadn't said he had someone he liked, which meant she still had a chance.

Nino was the type to persevere once she set her mind to something...

"Let's go back. Everyone's waiting," Badr said, turning to Nino. "Shall I fly you back?"

"Eh? Really? Like you did with Ichika last time?"

Nino's eyes lit up. After Badr had flown Ichika home, she had told her sisters about it, making them envious.

They all wanted to experience it but were too embarrassed to ask...

Badr smiled. "What did Ichika tell you?"

"That it was thrilling." Nino's words belied the true sentiment shared among the sisters; they all thought being carried through the sky was incredibly romantic.

"Then I'll let you experience it properly."

Badr smiled, bending down and scooping Nino up into his arms in a princess carry.

Since Nino, like ordinary humans, lacked demonic power, she couldn't pass through his magic circles. This was the only way he could take her flying.

As expected, the princess carry delighted Nino, and she couldn't suppress the wide smile that spread across her face.

It really was a princess carry!

His arms were so strong...

Ever since she had touched Badr's arm and felt his firm physique, Nino had often fantasized about what it would be like to be held by him.

She never thought her dream would come true...

Uncontrollably smitten, Nino felt a strange pull towards Badr.

Perhaps it was his unique and distinct aura, the kind that made him stand out in a crowd.

Indeed, since becoming a devil and embracing his true self, Badr's free-spirited and confident demeanor had become more pronounced. Coupled with his calm nature, it was hard not to notice him.

Badr, oblivious to Nino's infatuation, assumed her excitement stemmed from the thrill of flying.

After all, he couldn't read minds, and a young girl's heart could be both easy to understand and incredibly difficult to decipher...

He carried Nino back to the quintuplets' apartment, where Yotsuba had already arrived.

Seeing Badr fly in through the window with Nino in his arms, Miku puffed out her cheeks in a fit of jealousy...

"What's the meaning of this...?"

Ichika's eye twitched as she witnessed the scene.

"What? It's just a faster way to get back. Why the fuss?"

Nino feigned nonchalance, but the upturned corners of her lips betrayed her smugness.

Badr settled onto the living room sofa, his gaze calm as he looked at the five sisters before him.

"Now that everyone's here, hand over your test papers."

The five sisters exchanged glances and solemnly retrieved their tests from their bags.

Badr also took the midterms seriously. It was a crucial point; if they passed, he would have essentially completed their request ahead of schedule.

After reviewing all five score sheets, a smile graced the faces of each quintuplet.


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