DxD: Transfer Student!

Chapter 99: World’s Secrets! Nodoka Resentment

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"Y... I haven't said anything yet. What kind of ability is this?"

"It's not an ability."

Badr didn't bother explaining how he figured it out. "Mai already saw through it a long time ago. Well, it's more accurate to say that I understood the situation thanks to Mai's hints."

Nodoka Toyohama's composure faltered.

"You're so annoying! What devil? What magic? Why is someone like you helping my sister?! So, it's because of you that my sister made a comeback, isn't it?!"

Listening to Nodoka's agitated outburst, Badr had a realization.

"I see. So, Mai's comeback caused the rift between you and your mother?"

After all, Mai's comeback had been underway for a while now. She had filmed several commercials and taken on roles in a few TV dramas. Almost every day, whether on TV or walking down the street, one would see Mai Sakurajima at least once...

It had to be said, her presence was truly overwhelming. One could imagine the immense pressure Nodoka's mother must be feeling...

So, Mai's mother's move was truly clever.

It was all thanks to Mai Sakurajima's talent...

Even Badr couldn't help but feel impressed.

"Although I played a part in encouraging her, Mai chose to make a comeback because she loves acting. Even without my influence, she would have eventually returned."

Badr continued calmly, "But if you just want to vent your frustrations, feel free to say whatever you want."

Perhaps because Badr had accurately pinpointed her feelings, Nodoka fell silent.

She had been under a lot of pressure lately. The rehearsals for her commercial were grueling, and she couldn't keep up with Mai's pace. The constant pressure from her mother had become the trigger for everything.

Badr pondered inwardly.

In that case, perhaps that method would work...

He needed to find a way to help Nodoka build her own confidence and break free from her mother's influence...

If he started from this angle, perhaps he could quickly resolve the issue.

With a plan gradually forming in his mind, Badr and Nodoka returned to Mai's house in silence. Soon, Badr received a phone call.

It was the phone number that originally belonged to Nodoka, the one Badr had saved that morning. It was Mai Sakurajima calling.

"How did it go today?"

Mai's breathing seemed a bit rushed. It seemed she had just finished her dance practice and immediately called him.

"Things were fine at school."

"That's good. You spent the whole day with her?" Mai asked.


"You're very responsible."

Mai's tone was calm, but Badr detected a hint of something else.

He couldn't help but smile. "Mai, are you jealous?"

"You should be spending this time with me."

Her answer was practically an admission.

"You're not wrong," Badr chuckled and shook his head. "But there's nothing I can do about it."

Mai quickly regained her composure.

"Did you discover anything?"

"Pretty much what you guessed."


"So, I'm preparing the appropriate solution."

Badr glanced at Nodoka sitting in the living room and said into the phone, "But this situation will probably continue for a while."

Although Mai felt a bit anxious, she didn't show it. She simply replied, "Understood. Please take care of Nodoka for me."

"I can't be with her every day. She's not my girlfriend."

Hearing him say that seemed to improve Mai's mood.

"Heh, at least she looks like your girlfriend right now, doesn't she?"

Badr laughed softly.

"Well, for Mai's sake, I'll make time. But not tomorrow. I have another client I need to maintain contact with. I have some ideas. We can put them into action in a few days when your commercial shoot starts."

"Is that so? Alright. I need to get back to dance practice. Goodbye."

Mai hung up after that. Despite her usual decisiveness, her tone revealed a hint of concern.

In truth, Mai also longed to return to her own body so she could enjoy quality time with her boyfriend.

Badr raised an eyebrow as he looked at the disconnected phone.

Jealous Mai was so cute...

He stood up and said lazily to Nodoka, "I'm leaving. Make your own dinner."

"Eh? Aren't you staying for dinner...?"

"If I stay, where will I sleep tonight?" Badr rolled his eyes, a rare hint of resentment in his voice. "I should be sleeping with Mai, but she's in your body now. Am I supposed to sleep with you?"

Nodoka's face flushed crimson. "Y-Y... Go to hell!"

"You're the one who wants to go to hell, aren't you? But I advise you not to," Badr said calmly, his words laced with meaning, before turning and leaving through a teleportation spell.

His words stunned Nodoka, leaving her with the feeling that Badr had seen right through her. She stared blankly at the spot where he had vanished, lost in thought.

H-How did he know?

...Was his perception that sharp?

It was almost frightening...


Finally having some free time, Badr teleported to the ground floor of the Nakano apartment building.

Judging by the time, the five sisters should be heading home soon. It was best to wait for them here.

He didn't have to wait long. After about five minutes, a black limousine pulled up. The doors opened, and the five identical sisters stepped out one by one.

"Eh? It's Badr!"

Itsuki Nakano was the first to spot Badr waiting there, pointing at him with a surprised expression.

Upon hearing her exclamation, the other four sisters looked over. Ichika, Nino, and Miku's faces all lit up with delight.

"Where have you been these past few days? You haven't shown up all week..."

Yotsuba Nakano approached, her curiosity evident.

"I ran into some trouble, so I was delayed."

"Honestly, you didn't even answer our calls..." Yotsuba grumbled. "We were worried sick!"

Badr's gaze swept over them. "Worried about me?"

"...Yes." Yotsuba was taken aback for a moment, then her cheeks flushed as she quickly added, "D-Don't get the wrong idea! It's just concern from friends!"

"I see. Well, thank you for your concern," Badr nodded.

His reaction seemed a bit indifferent.

But the five sisters knew that was just Badr's personality, so they didn't mind.

"Let's talk inside," Ichika said with a smile, stepping forward.

Badr followed them into the elevator and up to their apartment. Once inside, Ichika asked playfully, "You seem to have been very busy these past few days. Could it be that you were off chasing girls?"

She nudged him with her shoulder, teasing him with a mischievous grin.

"Of course not," Badr explained with a light chuckle. "There was just a crazy Fallen Angel who wanted to destroy the city and start a war between angels and devils. I was off fighting."

The five sisters stared at him, their mouths agape.

"Eh?! That's so exciting!!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"D-Destroy the city?" Ichika stammered.

They had assumed Badr was simply busy with ordinary matters, but the situation had escalated to city-level destruction! It was truly shocking.

Badr shrugged. His sword strike had obliterated over a dozen mountain peaks outside the city. The commotion had been audible throughout the entire area.

But apparently, the three factions had intervened, using their power to alter common sense and erase the impact of the battle from public knowledge.

Now, all three factions were aware of Badr's name. After all, he had single-handedly defeated a ten-winged Fallen Angel in that battle!

As for ordinary people like the quintuplets, they had been affected by large-scale magic cast by either the angels or devils, leaving them completely unaware of what had transpired. They simply believed those mountain peaks had never existed...

The five sisters, now aware of the truth, were covered in cold sweat.

"Is this world... that terrifying?"

"We unknowingly walked past the gates of hell?"

Badr calmly reassured them, "Don't worry, I'm here. If something truly unstoppable happens, I'll be there immediately to get you out."

"Ugh... how can we not worry..." Nino said, exasperated. "You shouldn't have told us about this! What else can we do besides worry now that we know?"

"...Didn't you ask?" Badr countered innocently.

Everyone: "..."

Did he have to be so blunt...

Seeing their fear, Badr coughed lightly. "Alright, it's my fault. Don't worry, something like this shouldn't happen again. This was just a special case."

He quickly comforted them, and they gradually relaxed.

Badr then changed the subject.

"It's been almost a week. How are your studies coming along?"

"With your magic, it's impossible to forget the things you taught us," Yotsuba said with a smile.

Badr's expression remained neutral. "So, that means the new material you learned these past few days..."


The five sisters fell silent, avoiding his gaze.

Badr sighed softly and said calmly, "I remember the midterms are approaching. It should be about time."

Ichika forced a smile. "It's next Monday."

Badr nodded. It was already Friday evening. Taking away the time for rest and sleep, they had, at most, one full day left for make-up lessons?

"Let's not waste any time. We'll cram tonight. After all, we have five days' worth of lessons to cover," Badr said calmly, causing the five sisters to sigh in resignation.

It seemed like this weekend would be hell...

They gathered around the table in the living room. Badr explained the past few days' lessons as simply as possible, but it still gave the sisters headaches.

Fortunately, the common sense alteration didn't discriminate. It directly imprinted the knowledge Badr conveyed into their memories. Except for the math concepts that required deep understanding, everything else was relatively straightforward.

Honestly, if it weren't for the common sense alteration's ability to manipulate memories, Badr didn't know how he would have completed this task quickly...


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